Xeroderma Pigmentosum

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a genetic photosensitive disorder in which patients are highly susceptibe to skin cancers on the sun-exposed body sites. In Japan, more than half of patients (30% worldwide) with XP show complications of idiopathic progressive, intractable neurological symptoms with poor prognoses. Therefore, this disease does not merely present with dermatological symptoms, such as photosensitivity, pigmentary change and skin cancers, but is \"an intractable neurological and dermatological disease\". For this reason, in March 2007, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare added XP to the neurocutaneous syndromes that are subject to government research initiatives for overcoming intractable diseases. XP is one of the extremely serious photosensitive disorders in which patients easily develop multiple skin cancers if they are not completely protected from ultraviolet radiation. XP patients thus need to be strictly shielded from sunlight throughout their lives, and they often experience idiopathic neurodegenerative complications that markedly reduce the quality of life for both the patients and their families. Hospitals in Japan often see cases of XP as severely photosensitive in children, and as advanced pigmentary disorders of the sun-exposed area with multiple skin cancers in adults (aged in their 20-40s), making XP an important disease to differentiate in everyday clinical practice. It was thus decided that there was a strong need for clinical practice guidelines dedicated to XP. This process led to the creation of new clinical practice guidelines for XP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The molecular basis of group A xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) was investigated, and 3 mutations located in a zinc finger consensus sequence (nucleotide 313-387) of the XP group A complementing (XPAC) gene were identified in 2 Caucasian patients GM2990 and GM2009 who had typical symptoms of group A XP. The first mutation was a C deletion at nucleotide 374. Patient GM2990 was a homozygote for this mutation. The second mutation was a 5-bp deletion (CTTAT) at nucleotides 349-353. The third mutation was a G to T transversion at nucleotide 323 that alters the Cys-108 codon (TGT) to a Phe codon (TTT). Patient GM2009 was a compound heterozygote for the 5-bp deletion and the missense mutation. Both deletions introduce frameshifts with premature translation terminations resulting in instability of the XPAC mRNA and disruption of the putative zinc finger domain of the XPAC protein. The missense mutation also predicts disruption of the zinc finger domain of the XPAC protein. The expression study showed that the missense mutation does indeed causes loss of repair activity of the XPAC protein. We conclude that these 3 mutations are responsible for group A XP.





