Wechsler Scales

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to determine the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in patients with self-limiting epilepsy with centrotemporal spike wave (SeLECTS), as well as the electroclinical features associated with this comorbid condition and the neurocognitive effects using psychometric tests. Additionally, we analysed the electrophysiological findings and neurocognitive status of patients with ADHD to estimate the prevalence of epilepsy and neurocognitive effects in the ADHD population and evaluate their clinical features.
    METHODS: The study included patients diagnosed with SeLECTS and ADHD who were matched for age and gender. Electrophysiological tests, psychometric tests, demographic and clinical characteristics of SeLECTS patients aged 7-13 years and ADHD patients of similar age were analysed. The study examined electrophysiological and psychometric tests, as well as demographic and clinical characteristics. Both groups underwent testing using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-R), Stroop Colour and Word Test (SCWT), and EEG (Electroencephalogram). The SeLECTS group also underwent the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test.
    RESULTS: No significant relationship was found between the SeLECTS and ADHD groups in terms of age and gender. The rate of epileptiform discharge in EEG findings without a diagnosis of epilepsy was 5.6 % (n = 2) in the ADHD group. The rate of ADHD in the SeLECTS group was 28 % (n = 11). Although all subsections of the WISCR test were higher in the ADHD patient group than in the SeLECTS patient group, only verbal IQ and total IQ showed a significant difference. No significant differences were found between the completion times, error rates, and correction averages of the SCWT sections in both groups. There was no significant correlation found between the performance IQ, verbal IQ, and total intelligence scores in either the isolated SeLECTS patient group or the SeLECTS + ADHD patient group (p > 0.05). However, it is worth noting that verbal IQ was below normal in both groups and slightly lower in the SeLECT + ADHD group. Additionally, the mean SCWT completion time was significantly longer in the SeLECT + ADHD group than in the isolated SeLECTS group. However, no significant difference was found in the Bender Gestalt Visual Motor Perception Test. In the psychometric analyses comparing the isolated SeLECTS, SeLECT + ADHD, and ADHD patient groups, the SCWT completion times were significantly longer in the SeLECT + ADHD group than in the other two groups. The verbal IQ score was significantly higher in the ADHD group than in the other two groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, although SeLECTS is commonly considered a benign form of epilepsy, our study found a high rate of comorbidity with ADHD. This condition has a negative impact on verbal intelligence and sustained attention, highlighting the importance of a complete neuropsychological evaluation at the stage of epilepsy diagnosis. It is crucial not to overlook the possibility of an ADHD diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The BUTTERFLY observational study aims to elucidate the natural trajectory of Dravet syndrome (DS) and associated comorbidities in order to establish a baseline for clinical therapies. We present the 12-month interim analysis of the study.
    METHODS: Patients with a genetically confirmed diagnosis of DS were enrolled in the study. Adaptive functioning and neurodevelopmental status were measured using the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale, Third Edition (Vineland-III), Bayley Scales of Infant Development, Third Edition (BSID-III), and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV). Executive function, ambulatory function and locomotor activities, and overall clinical status were measured using the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function - Preschool Version (BRIEF-P) scale, Gillette Functional Assessment Questionnaire (Gillette FAQ), and Clinician or Caregiver Global Impression of Change scales (CGI-C or CaGI-C) respectively.
    RESULTS: Overall, 36 patients were enrolled across three age groups, with 35 patients completing at least part or all of one post-baseline visit through Month 12. Significant improvements in receptive communication, as assessed by Vineland-III and BSID-III raw scores, and in verbal comprehension subtests, as assessed by WPPSI-IV raw scores, were observed in BUTTERFLY patients for the all-patient group. Many patients performed on the impaired end of the BRIEF-P Global Executive Composite scale at baseline suggesting difficulties in executive function, and no significant change was observed in BRIEF-P scores for the all-patient group. Most patients performed in the dynamic range of the Gillette FAQ at baseline, and no significant change was observed in Gillette FAQ scores for the all-patient group. Lastly, there was significant improvement observed in the CaGI-C scores for the all-patient group.
    CONCLUSIONS: This BUTTERFLY interim analysis shows small improvements in communication skills along with stability in other developmental abilities across patients with DS enrolled in the study from baseline to Month 12.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Swedish Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-IV) is commonly used for assessing young children belonging to the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland (Finland-Swedes), but there is no information about the generalizability of this test and its norms to this minority. Cross-cultural comparisons of WPPSI-IV are also scarce. We compared the performance of Finland-Swedish children to the Scandinavian norms of the Swedish WPPSI-IV and explored the relationship between sociodemographic factors (age, sex, parental education level, bilingualism) and the performance.
    The Swedish WPPSI-IV was administered to 79 typically developing 5-6-year-old Finland-Swedish children assessed for The FinSwed Study. Their performance was compared to the Scandinavian norms using MANOVA, t-test, and confidence interval comparisons. Associations with sociodemographic variables were explored using regression analyses.
    Finland-Swedish children performed, on average, 1/3 SD higher than the Scandinavian norms, a difference which was statistically significant with medium-sized effects. However, individual subtests and indexes did not differ significantly from the norms. Significant associations with sociodemographic factors were found for some but not all index scores.
    This study provides clinically important information for using the Swedish WPPSI-IV with the Finland-Swedish minority and demonstrates aspects that clinicians working with this minority should take into account. The results are presumably partly explained by characteristics of the present sample, and partly by cultural and linguistic differences between the Finland-Swedish population and the Scandinavian countries. The findings also illustrate that cross-cultural differences in cognitive performance may be present even between similar cultures with the same language.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-verbal cognitive ability predicts multiple important life outcomes, for example, school and job performance. It has been associated with parieto-frontal cortical anatomy in prior studies in adult and adolescent populations, while young children have received relatively little attention. We explored the associations between cortical anatomy and non-verbal cognitive ability in 165 5-year-old participants (mean scan age 5.40 years, SD 0.13; 90 males) from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort study. T1-weighted brain magnetic resonance images were processed using FreeSurfer. Non-verbal cognitive ability was measured using the Performance Intelligence Quotient (PIQ) estimated from the Block Design and Matrix Reasoning subtests from the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-III). In vertex-wise general linear models, PIQ scores associated positively with volumes in the left caudal middle frontal and right pericalcarine regions, as well as surface area in left the caudal middle frontal, left inferior temporal, and right lingual regions. There were no associations between PIQ and cortical thickness. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine structural correlates of non-verbal cognitive ability in a large sample of typically developing 5-year-olds. The findings are generally in line with prior findings from older age groups, with the important addition of the positive association between volume / surface area in the right medial occipital region and non-verbal cognitive ability. This finding adds to the literature by discovering a new brain region that should be considered in future studies exploring the role of cortical structure for cognitive development in young children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Children\'s language background relates to their neurocognitive development. Knowledge of this relationship is important as bilingualism is common. However, research regarding language background in relation to performance on cognitive tests such as the WPPSI-IV and NEPSY-II is scarce. The present study compared WPPSI-IV and NEPSY-II performances between 5- and 6-year-old Swedish-speaking monolingual (n = 45) and Swedish-Finnish-speaking simultaneous bilingual (n = 34) children in Finland. The participants were gathered by stratified sampling and were assessed with the Swedish versions of the tests. In profile analyses, a significant monolingual advantage was found in some WPPSI-IV subtests and indexes requiring expressive vocabulary (Vocabulary, Similarities, Picture Naming, and Vocabulary Acquisition Index) and visuospatial skills (Object Assembly and Visual Spatial Index). No group differences were found between mono- and bilingual children in receptive language, visual memory, or fluid intelligence. Additionally, no differences were found on the Full Scale IQ. The performance on the WPPSI-IV Similarities subtest improved in a subgroup of bilinguals when answers in both Swedish and Finnish were accounted for, instead of accepting only answers in Swedish. No significant differences were found between mono- and bilinguals on the language and memory tasks of NEPSY-II. These findings highlight the importance of considering the child\'s language background when assessing expressive language in young children, as well as the benefits of assessing bilinguals in both of their languages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The manifestation of performance at the top of a given talent distribution constitutes giftedness. While identifying talented youths based on IQ has been the focus of previous research, examining their cognitive profile is a new endeavor. The present study assessed the IQ and cognitive abilities of a sample of gifted Italian children and compared them to their parents using the Wechsler scales. Fifty-nine gifted children aged 6 to 14 years were administered the WISC-IV while their parents (N = 53 mothers and N = 55 fathers) took the WAIS-IV. The gifted children (IQ ≥ 120) obtained particularly high scores in verbal comprehension (VCI) and visual-perceptual reasoning (PRI). More than two-thirds of the mothers and over half of the fathers also achieved an IQ ≥ 120. The gifted children scored significantly higher than both mothers and fathers in VCI and PRI. The mothers were significantly higher than their children in the processing speed domain. Correlational analyses highlighted that children\'s IQ was positively related to that of their mothers. In keeping with the literature, the cognitive profile of gifted children was found to vary across cognitive abilities. It follows that the General Ability Index was the WISC-IV index that best matched the potential of gifted youths. Consistent with previous research, our study suggests that intellectual abilities, especially working memory and processing speed, are maintained and presumably passed on from one generation to the next.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    The relational abilities index (RAI) has been shown to consistently correlate with standardized measures of intellectual aptitude, such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. However, the procedure has not been systematically studied and, when used with adults, it has problems in discriminating between medium and high-ability participants. Therefore, the aim of this experiment was to study participants\' performance at different levels of analysis and under different trial durations. Sixty-two participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups (30 s or 20 s). We used a version of the RAI involving 55 syllogistic premises (trials), each associated with a YES/NO question. Trials were dived into four blocks, each testing a different relational frame. Results showed that total scores were lower when trials were shortened. However, this reduction was evident only for lower-ability participants. RAI scores in the 20 s group approximated a normal distribution and trial difficulty increased when trial duration decreased. Trial difficulty increased as a function of trial sequence within a block in only half of the blocks. Nodal distance was predictive of trial difficulty. Based on these results, a list of proposed changes to the procedure is provided and discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Wechsler scales are among the most widely used tests in cognitive and neuropsychological assessments. When assessing children aged 6:0-7:7 years the clinician can choose between Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence - Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV) and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth Edition (WISC-V). Information about how the tests function and differ in this overlapping age range is limited. Using a between-subjects design, the present study compared the cognitive profiles of typically developing Swedish-speaking children in Finland in this overlapping age range (6:1 - 7:2 years), assessed with the Swedish versions of either WPPSI-IV (n = 38) or WISC-V (n = 24). Profile analyses and one-way ANCOVA were performed to investigate differences in the comparable subtests, indexes and Full Scale IQ. On the subtest level, children assessed with WISC-V had significantly lower scores on the subtests Vocabulary, Matrix Reasoning, and Bug/Symbol Search compared to children assessed with WPPSI-IV. On the index level, scores for the Verbal Comprehension Index and the Fluid Reasoning Index were significantly lower for children assessed with WISC-V. The Full Scale IQ was significantly lower on WISC-V. Taken together, the findings indicate that WPPSI-IV and WISC-V produce partly different cognitive profiles. These differences are important to recognize when choosing which test to use and when interpreting the results of clinical assessments of children in this age group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current knowledge regarding differences in verbal intelligence scores (VIQ) and performance intelligence scores (PIQ) in preterm born children is limited. As early motor performance may be essential for developing later visual-perceptual and visual-motor skills, early motor performance may be associated with PIQ.
    To evaluate whether in preterm born children motor performance at two years was associated with PIQ at eight years.
    Single-centre cohort study including 88 children born <30 weeks\' gestation between 2007 and 2011, who completed the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-III (BSID-III) at two years and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III-NL (WISC-III-NL) at eight years. Outcome measurements (mean (SD)) were gross and fine motor performance based on the BSID-III, and PIQ and VIQ based on the WISC-III-NL. Linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the association between motor performance at two years and PIQ at eight years.
    At two years, mean BSID-III gross motor scaled score was 9.0 (SD 3.0) and fine motor score was 11.5 (SD 2.3). At eight years, mean PIQ was 94.9 (SD 13.5) and mean VIQ 101.8 (SD 13.7). A one-point increase in fine motor scaled score was associated with 1.7 points (95% CI 0.5-2.8) increase in PIQ. Gross motor scaled score was not associated with PIQ.
    Fine motor performance in toddlerhood was related to PIQ at school age, with lower scores indicating a lower PIQ. Early assessment of fine motor performance may be beneficial in identifying children at risk for lower performance intelligence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Research has demonstrated that cognitive heterogeneity occurs with aging both within and between individuals. The purpose of this study was to explore whether the cognitive heterogeneity in aging was related to the subgroups of successful and usual aging.
    METHODS: Participants were a representative sample of normal older adults (n = 65, age range 70-89 years). All subjects had participated in the third phase of the Nord-Trøndelag Health Survey (HUNT3) and completed all subtests in the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-III) and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III). Successful aging was defined in four ways in the study: as (1) absence of disease, (2) high functioning, (3) active engagement with life, or (4) all three components combined. Five domains of memory and intelligence functions were investigated using linear regression analysis, with group membership (successful versus usual aging) as predictors and age, sex and education as correlates.
    RESULTS: Processing speed performance was correlated with the successful aging component absence of disease, younger age and being of the female sex, while working memory performance was correlated with the successful aging component absence of disease and more years of education. Performance in other domains (verbal, visuospatial, and episodic memory) were not related to any successful aging definition. Age had a consistent negative effect on the processing speed domain for all successful aging definitions. Education was positively linked to cognitive performance on the verbal and working memory domains. Being female was positively linked to processing speed and episodic memory.
    CONCLUSIONS: Processing speed and working memory were linked to successful aging when it was defined as absence of disease, but not by other components of successful aging, i.e. domain-specific. In contrast, other cognitive domains were not related to any components of successful aging.





