Vitamin B complex

复合维生素 B
  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is an insidious disease that is often asymptomatic during the early stages but which can have a significant impact on quality of life at later stages when nerve damage occurs. There is currently no guidance on the use of neurotropic B vitamins (B1, B6, and B12) for the management of asymptomatic and symptomatic PN.
    OBJECTIVE: To provide guidance to primary care physicians on an integrated approach to managing PN with neurotropic B vitamins (B1, B6, and B12).
    METHODS: A multidisciplinary panel of eight experts participated in an iterative quasi-anonymous Delphi survey consisting of two rounds of questions and a virtual meeting. A literature review formed the basis of the survey questions. The first round included multiple select, qualitative, and Likert Scale questions; the subsequent round consisted of 2-point scale (agree or disagree) questions that sought to develop consensus-based statements refined from the first round and recommendations derived from discussions during the virtual expert panel meeting.
    RESULTS: Clinical recommendations for the use of neurotropic B vitamins (B1, B6, and B12) have been developed for the prevention of PN progression or to delay onset in patients at high risk of developing PN. Recommendations have also been provided for the assessment of PN etiology and considerations for the use of loading dose (high dose) and maintenance dose (lower dose) of these neurotropic B vitamins (B1, B6, and B12).
    CONCLUSIONS: These clinical recommendations provide an initial step towards formulating comprehensive guidelines for the early and long-term management of PN with neurotropic B vitamins (B1, B6, and B12) and move beyond addressing only neuropathic pain associated with the late stages of PN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this article, we discuss a problem in the most recent American Heart Association guideline on secondary stroke prevention that apparently arose from the rules of evidence imposed on the guideline panel. We are told by the cochair of the panel that American Heart Association rules about guidelines for secondary prevention prohibited consideration of primary prevention studies and secondary analyses of secondary prevention studies. However, evidence-based medicine should consider all the best external evidence available and also clinical judgement. The most important problem in the guideline was the recommendation that B vitamins to lower homocysteine do not prevent recurrent stroke. When considering all the best external evidence, it is clear that B vitamins do prevent stroke, but in the early secondary stroke prevention studies, the benefit of B vitamins in participants with good renal function was apparently offset by harm from cyanocobalamin among participants with renal failure (level B-R evidence). We review the evidence that B vitamins should be used to prevent stroke, both in primary and secondary stroke prevention (class 2a recommendation). We also review issues in folate metabolism that require further study, with regard to the form of folate to be used for stroke prevention. We recommend that the guideline be revised to say that B vitamins to lower homocysteine prevent stroke and that methylcobalamin or hydroxycobalamin should be used instead of cyanocobalamin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Older adults (≥65 years) are the fastest growing population group. Thus, ensuring nutritional well-being of the \'over-65s\' to optimise health is critically important. Older adults represent a diverse population - some are fit and healthy, others are frail and many live with chronic conditions. Up to 78% of older Irish adults living independently are overweight or obese. The present paper describes how these issues were accommodated into the development of food-based dietary guidelines for older adults living independently in Ireland. Food-based dietary guidelines previously established for the general adult population served as the basis for developing more specific recommendations appropriate for older adults. Published international reports were used to update nutrient intake goals for older adults, and available Irish data on dietary intakes and nutritional status biomarkers were explored from a population-based study (the National Adult Nutrition Survey; NANS) and two longitudinal cohorts: the Trinity-Ulster and Department of Agriculture (TUDA) and the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) studies. Nutrients of public health concern were identified for further examination. While most nutrient intake goals were similar to those for the general adult population, other aspects were identified where nutritional concerns of ageing require more specific food-based dietary guidelines. These include, a more protein-dense diet using high-quality protein foods to preserve muscle mass; weight maintenance in overweight or obese older adults with no health issues and, where weight-loss is required, that lean tissue is preserved; the promotion of fortified foods, particularly as a bioavailable source of B vitamins and the need for vitamin D supplementation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Classic homocystinuria is due to deficiency of cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS), a pyridoxine-dependent enzyme that, depending on the molecular variants, may be co-factor responsive. Elevated methionine is often used as the primary analyte to detect CBS deficiency (CBSD) on newborn screening (NBS), but is limited by increased detection of other biochemical disorders with less clear clinical significance such as methionine aminotransferase (MAT) I/III heterozygotes. Our state has implemented a two-tier NBS algorithm for CBSD that successfully reduced the number of MATI/III heterozygotes, yet effectively detected a mild, co-factor responsive form of CBSD. After initial diagnosis, newborns with CBSD often undergo a pyridoxine challenge with high-dose pyridoxine to determine responsiveness. Here we describe our NBS-identified patient with a mild form of pyridoxine responsive CBSD who developed respiratory failure and rhabdomyolysis consistent with pyridoxine toxicity during a pyridoxine challenge. This case highlights the need for weight-based dosing and duration recommendations for pyridoxine challenge in neonates.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    Hyperammonaemia in children can lead to grave consequences in the form of cerebral oedema, severe neurological impairment and even death. In infants and children, common causes of hyperammonaemia include urea cycle disorders or organic acidaemias. Few studies have assessed the role of extracorporeal therapies in the management of hyperammonaemia in neonates and children. Moreover, consensus guidelines are lacking for the use of non-kidney replacement therapy (NKRT) and kidney replacement therapies (KRTs, including peritoneal dialysis, continuous KRT, haemodialysis and hybrid therapy) to manage hyperammonaemia in neonates and children. Prompt treatment with KRT and/or NKRT, the choice of which depends on the ammonia concentrations and presenting symptoms of the patient, is crucial. This expert Consensus Statement presents recommendations for the management of hyperammonaemia requiring KRT in paediatric populations. Additional studies are required to strengthen these recommendations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Identification of modifiable risk factors provides a crucial approach to the prevention of dementia. Nutritional or nutrient-dependent risk factors are especially important because dietary modifications or use of dietary supplements may lower the risk factor level. One such risk factor is a raised concentration of the biomarker plasma total homocysteine, which reflects the functional status of three B vitamins (folate, vitamins B12, B6). A group of experts reviewed literature evidence from the last 20 years. We here present a Consensus Statement, based on the Bradford Hill criteria, and conclude that elevated plasma total homocysteine is a modifiable risk factor for development of cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer\'s disease in older persons. In a variety of clinical studies, the relative risk of dementia in elderly people for moderately raised homocysteine (within the normal range) ranges from 1.15 to 2.5, and the Population Attributable risk ranges from 4.3 to 31%. Intervention trials in elderly with cognitive impairment show that homocysteine-lowering treatment with B vitamins markedly slows the rate of whole and regional brain atrophy and also slows cognitive decline. The findings are consistent with moderately raised plasma total homocysteine (>11 μmol/L), which is common in the elderly, being one of the causes of age-related cognitive decline and dementia. Thus, the public health significance of raised tHcy in the elderly should not be underestimated, since it is easy, inexpensive, and safe to treat with B vitamins. Further trials are needed to see whether B vitamin treatment will slow, or prevent, conversion to dementia in people at risk of cognitive decline or dementia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    In recent years, interest has been focused to the study of the two major inositol stereoisomers: myo-inositol (MI) and d-chiro-inositol (DCI), because of their involvement, as second messengers of insulin, in several insulin-dependent processes, such as metabolic syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome. Although these molecules have different functions, very often their roles have been confused, while the meaning of several observations still needs to be interpreted under a more rigorous physiological framework. With the aim of clarifying this issue, the 2013 International Consensus Conference on MI and DCI in Obstetrics and Gynecology identified opinion leaders in all fields related to this area of research. They examined seminal experimental papers and randomized clinical trials reporting the role and the use of inositol(s) in clinical practice. The main topics were the relation between inositol(s) and metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome (with a focus on both metabolic and reproductive aspects), congenital anomalies, gestational diabetes. Clinical trials demonstrated that inositol(s) supplementation could fruitfully affect different pathophysiological aspects of disorders pertaining Obstetrics and Gynecology. The treatment of PCOS women as well as the prevention of GDM seem those clinical conditions which take more advantages from MI supplementation, when used at a dose of 2g twice/day. The clinical experience with MI is largely superior to the one with DCI. However, the existence of tissue-specific ratios, namely in the ovary, has prompted researchers to recently develop a treatment based on both molecules in the proportion of 40 (MI) to 1 (DCI).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Strong evidence that folic acid (FA) prevents the majority of cases of neural tube defects (NTDs) has led to national organisations developing guidelines for women concerning periconceptional supplementation. In Europe, there is evidence of national variations in the incidence of NTDs, with a recent Irish study reporting an increase in the rate. This review compares the periconceptional FA supplementation guidelines between the different countries in Europe. An online search of country-specific guidelines produced before 2015 concerning periconceptional FA supplementation was conducted. If an English version was not available directly, the EUROCAT register was searched for the English version of the recommendations. We identified national guidelines from 20 European countries. Over half recommended that FA supplements be taken by women planning a pregnancy, but three recommended that they should be taken by all women of child-bearing age. Four guidelines recommended starting FA at least 4 weeks preconceptionally, but no country recommended starting FA at least 12 weeks preconceptionally as suggested by recently published studies. There is a need for further consideration of the duration of preconceptional FA supplementation specifically. The latest scientific evidence in this area should inform the development of European guidelines on FA, as there is wide variation in current recommendations. Overall, the wide variation in national guidelines concerning periconceptional FA supplementation may in part explain the differences in national rates of NTDs reported by EUROCAT. National guidelines on FA supplementation should be standardised across European countries.





