Visual plasticity

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Impairment of the geniculostriate pathway results in scotomas in the corresponding part of the visual field. Here, we present a case of patient IB with left eye microphthalmia and with lesions in most of the left geniculostriate pathway, including the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN). Despite the severe lesions, the patient has a very narrow scotoma in the peripheral part of the lower-right-hemifield only (beyond 15° of eccentricity) and complete visual field representation in the primary visual cortex. Population receptive field mapping (pRF) of the patient\'s visual field reveals orderly eccentricity maps together with contralateral activation in both hemispheres. With diffusion tractography, we revealed connections between superior colliculus (SC) and cortical structures in the hemisphere affected by the lesions, which could mediate the retinotopic reorganization at the cortical level. Our results indicate an astonishing case for the flexibility of the developing retinotopic maps where the contralateral thalamus receives fibers from both the nasal and temporal retinae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness with visual learning and memory deficits, and reduced long term potentiation (LTP) may underlie these impairments. Recent human fMRI and EEG studies have assessed visual plasticity that was induced with high frequency visual stimulation, which is thought to mimic an LTP-like phenomenon. This study investigated the differences in visual plasticity in participants with schizophrenia and healthy controls. An fMRI visual plasticity paradigm was implemented, and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy data were acquired to determine whether baseline resting levels of glutamatergic and GABA metabolites were related to visual plasticity response. Adults with schizophrenia did not demonstrate visual plasticity after family-wise error correction; whereas, the healthy control group did. There was a significant regional difference in visual plasticity in the left visual cortical area V2 when assessing group differences, and baseline GABA levels were associated with this specific ROI in the SZ group only. Overall, this study suggests that visual plasticity is altered in schizophrenia and related to basal GABA levels.





