Visual cortex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation is a valuable tool for investigating inhibitory mechanisms in motor cortex. We recently demonstrated its use in measuring cortical inhibition in visual cortex, using an approach in which participants trace the size of phosphenes elicited by stimulation to occipital cortex. Here, we investigate age-related differences in primary visual cortical inhibition and the relationship between primary visual cortical inhibition and local GABA+ in the same region, estimated using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. GABA+ was estimated in 28 young (18 to 28 years) and 47 older adults (65 to 84 years); a subset (19 young, 18 older) also completed a paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation session, which assessed visual cortical inhibition. The paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation measure of inhibition was significantly lower in older adults. Uncorrected GABA+ in primary visual cortex was also significantly lower in older adults, while measures of GABA+ that were corrected for the tissue composition of the magnetic resonance spectroscopy voxel were unchanged with age. Furthermore, paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation-measured inhibition and magnetic resonance spectroscopy-measured tissue-corrected GABA+ were significantly positively correlated. These findings are consistent with an age-related decline in cortical inhibition in visual cortex and suggest paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation effects in visual cortex are driven by GABAergic mechanisms, as has been demonstrated in motor cortex.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the alterations of the optic nerve and visual cortex in dysthyroid optic neuropathy (DON), a subgroup of thyroid eye disease (TED).
    METHODS: Multiple orbital imaging biomarkers related to optic nerve compression and the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF) of the brain were obtained from 47 patients with DON, 56 TED patients without DON (nDON), and 37 healthy controls (HC). Correlation analyses and diagnostic tests were implemented.
    RESULTS: Compared with HC, the nDON group showed alterations in orbital imaging biomarkers related to optic nerve compression in posterior segments, as well as ALFF of the right inferior temporal gyrus and left fusiform gyrus. DON differed from nDON group mainly in the modified muscle index of the posterior segment of optic nerve, and ALFF of orbital part of right superior frontal gyrus, right hippocampus, and right superior temporal gyrus. Orbital and brain imaging biomarkers were significantly correlated with each other. Diagnostic models attained an area under a curve of 0.80 for the detection of DON.
    CONCLUSIONS: The combined orbital and brain imaging study revealed alterations of the visual pathway in patients with TED and DON as well as provided diagnostic value. The initiation of alterations in the visual cortex in TED may precede the onset of DON.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Defining the brain mechanisms underlying initial emotional evaluation is a key but unexplored clue to understanding affective processing. Event-related potentials (ERPs), especially suited for investigating this issue, were recorded in two experiments (n = 36 and n = 35). We presented emotionally negative (spiders) and neutral (wheels) silhouettes homogenized regarding their visual parameters. In Experiment 1, stimuli appeared at fixation or in the periphery (200 trials per condition and location), the former eliciting a N40 (39 milliseconds) and a P80 (or C1: 80 milliseconds) component, and the latter only a P80. In Experiment 2, stimuli were presented only at fixation (500 trials per condition). Again, an N40 (45 milliseconds) was observed, followed by a P100 (or P1: 105 milliseconds). Analyses revealed significantly greater N40-C1P1 peak-to-peak amplitudes for spiders in both experiments, and ANCOVAs showed that these effects were not explained by C1P1 alone, but that processes underlying N40 significantly contributed. Source analyses pointed to V1 as an N40 focus (more clearly in Experiment 2). Sources for C1P1 included V1 (P80) and V2/LOC (P80 and P100). These results and their timing point to low-order structures (such as visual thalamic nuclei or superior colliculi) or the visual cortex itself, as candidates for initial evaluation structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stimulus size modulation of neuronal firing activity is a fundamental property of the primary visual cortex. Numerous biological experiments have shown that stimulus size modulation is affected by multiple factors at different spatiotemporal scales, but the exact pathways and mechanisms remain incompletely understood. In this paper, we establish a large-scale neuronal network model of primary visual cortex with layer 2/3 to study how gamma oscillation properties are modulated by stimulus size and especially how long-range connections affect the modulation as realistic neuronal properties and spatial distributions of synaptic connections are considered. It is shown that long-range horizontal synaptic connections are sufficient to produce dimensional modulation of firing rates and gamma oscillations. In particular, with increasing grating stimulus size, the firing rate increases and then decreases, the peak frequency of gamma oscillations decreases and the spectral power increases. These are consistent with biological experimental observations. Furthermore, we explain in detail how the number and spatial distribution of long-range connections affect the size modulation of gamma oscillations by using the analysis of neuronal firing activity and synaptic current fluctuations. Our results provide a mechanism explanation for size modulation of gamma oscillations in the primary visual cortex and reveal the important and unique role played by long-range connections, which contributes to a deeper understanding of the cognitive function of gamma oscillations in visual cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Antipsychotic medications can impair vision in patients with schizophrenia. However, little is known regarding the pharmacodynamics of antipsychotics in the primary visual cortex. We aimed to study the pharmacodynamics of antipsychotics in the visual cortex in a murine model.
    UNASSIGNED: We used an adapted 2-photon imaging technique to observe changes in calcium dynamics induced by 4 antipsychotics (olanzapine, risperidone, aripiprazole, and amisulpride) in the primary visual cortex of healthy and schizophrenic C57BL/6 mice. Visual function was further assessed by using a novel object recognition test.
    UNASSIGNED: All 4 antipsychotics decreased calcium activity in the primary visual cortex and reduced visual recognition test scores in healthy and schizophrenic mice. The most potent drug was olanzapine, followed by risperidone, aripiprazole, and amisulpride. All drugs showed significant differences between groups.
    UNASSIGNED: Our pilot study demonstrated that antipsychotics impair visual cortical function. This finding underscores the importance of monitoring for visual adverse events in patients receiving antipsychotic medications to treat schizophrenia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) was used to assess visual cortical activity in patients with primary open angle (POAG) and primary angle closure (PACG) glaucomas. There was decreased activity in the visual cortex of glaucoma patients correlating with the severity of glaucoma.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate visual cortex activity using fNIRS in POAG and PACG compared with healthy controls.
    METHODS: A total of 30 POAGs, 31 PACGs, and 30 healthy aged-matched controls from a single centre were recruited in this cross-sectional observational pilot study with purposive sampling. The POAG and PACG groups were age-matched but were not matched for disease severity at recruitment. All participants underwent fNIRS testing using a multichannel continuous-wave near-infrared system NIRSport 8×7 device (NIRx Medizintechnik GmbH). The visual cortex activity was evaluated in terms of the maximum amplitude of change in oxyhemoglobin (OxyHb) concentration over 10 seconds, and a comparison was done among 3 groups. Both POAG and PACG groups were combined (termed as glaucoma group) to assess the relationship of visual cortical activity with disease severity (by visual field defect (mean deviation) and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness).
    RESULTS: All participants showed the characteristic response of increased OxyHb and decreased deoxyhemoglobin during stimulus presentation. The maximum amplitude of change in OxyHb concentration over 10 seconds was significantly lower in both POAG and PACG groups compared with control in the right and left middle occipital gyri ( P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between PACG and POAG. Importantly, there was a negative correlation between the visual cortex activity with the visual field defects (mean deviation; P < 0.05) and a positive correlation with retinal nerve fibre layer thickness in the glaucoma group ( P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: In patients with glaucoma, a reduction in visual cortical activity was observed, which may be indicative of neuronal degeneration occurring in the occipital cortex. Disease severity in glaucoma appears to be closely correlated with visual cortex activity. fNIRS can serve as a useful neuroimaging modality for assessing the hemodynamic and neurodegenerative changes in glaucoma.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Light-induced neural retinal insult leads to alterations in the visual cortex neurons. We examined light-induced neuronal alterations in the visual cortex layer 5 pyramidal neurons (V1-L5PNs) of adult male Wistar rats.
    A total of 24 rats were divided into the following groups (n=6 each): control (NC), blue (BL), white (WL), and yellow (YL). The exposure groups were subjected to light-emitting diodes (LED) exposure (450-500 lx) of differing wavelengths for 90 days (12:12 16 light-dark cycle). After LED exposure, the animals were sacrificed, and the brain tissues were removed and impregnated in freshly prepared Golgi-Cox stain for 21 days. Sholl\'s grading analysis was used to quantify the apical and basal dendritic branching points and intersections of the V1-L5PNs.
    There was a significant difference in the number of apical branching points among all groups (p<0.001), with a particularly notable difference between the BL and WL groups (p<0.001). A post hoc test revealed that all exposure groups (BL, WL, and YL) had fewer apical branching points (p<0.001) on an average of 3.6 µm and a significant reduction in the dendritic intersections (p<0.001) compared to the number of branching points extending from layer Va (V1) neurons.
    Chronic and cumulative exposure to blue and white LEDs led to the pruning of V1-L5PNs, which might impair visual processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to investigate changes in vision-related resting-state activity in patients with suprasellar tumors (ST) who experienced vision deterioration after surgery.
    METHODS: Twelve patients with ST and vision deterioration after surgery were included in the study. Resting-state functional connectivity (FC) was compared before and after surgery using a seed-based analysis with a priori specified regions of interest (ROIs) within the visual areas. The differences between the two groups were identified using a paired t-test.
    RESULTS: The data showed a decrease in FC within and between the dorsal and ventral pathways, as well as in the third pathway in ST patients. The middle temporal visual cortex (MT+) showed a decreased FC with more regions than other visual ROIs. The data also revealed an increase in FC between the visual ROIs and higher-order cortex. The superior frontal gyrus/BA8 showed an increased FC with more ROIs than other high-order regions, and the hOC4d was involved in an increased FC with more high-order regions than other ROIs.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study results indicate significant neural reorganization in the vision-related cortex of ST patients with postoperative vision damage. Most subareas within the visual cortex showed remarkable neural dysfunction, and some highe-order cortex may be primarily involved in top-down control of the subareas within the visual cortex. The hot zones may arise in the processing of \"top-down\" influence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: The mental load caused by simultaneous multitasking can affect visual information processing and reduce its ability. This study investigated the effect of mental load caused by cognitive tasks simultaneously with visual task on the number of active voxels in the visual cortex. Methods: This study recruited 22 individuals with a mean age of 24.72 ± 5.47 years. 3-Tesla functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to examine the functions of the visual cortex and amygdala region during three different task conditions: visual task alone, visual task with an auditory n-back task, and visual task with an arithmetic task. The visual stimuli consisted of Gabor patches with a contrast of 55% at spatial frequencies of 0.25, 4, and 9 cycles per degree (cpd). These were presented in three trials of eight blocks with a stimulation time of 12 sec and a rest time of 14 sec. Results: Activated brain voxels in the primary, secondary, and associated visual cortex areas were reduced in response to the mental load imposed by the n-back and arithmetic tasks. This reduction was greater for a spatial frequency of 0.25 cpd in the n-back task condition and spatial frequency of 9 cpd in the arithmetic task condition. In addition, the amygdala was stimulated in 2-back task and arithmetic task conditions. Conclusions: This study revealed a decline in the number of activated voxels of the visual cortex due to the mental load caused by simultaneous cognitive tasks, confirming the findings of previous psychophysical studies.





