Ventral Striatum

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Empirical findings suggest reduced cortico-striatal structural connectivity in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). However, the relationship between the abnormal structural covariance and one-year outcome of first-episode drug-naive patients has not been evaluated. This longitudinal study aimed to identify specific changes of ventral striatum-related brain structural covariance and grey matter volume in forty-two first-episode patients with major depression disorder compared with thirty-seven healthy controls at the baseline and the one-year follow-up conditions. At the baseline, patients showed decreased structural covariance between the left ventral striatum and the bilateral superior frontal gyrus (SFG), bilateral middle frontal gyrus (MFG), right supplementary motor area (SMA) and left precentral gyrus and increased grey matter volume at the left fusiform and left parahippocampus. At the one-year follow-up, patients showed decreased structural covariance between the left ventral striatum and the right SFG, right MFG, left precentral gyrus and left postcentral gyrus, and increased structural covariance between the right ventral striatum and the right amygdala, right hippocampus, right parahippocampus, right superior temporal pole, right insula and right olfactory bulb and decreased volume at the left SMA compared with controls. These findings suggest that specific ventral striatum connectivity changes contribute to the early brain development of the MDD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Bariatric surgery reduces sweet-liking, but mechanisms remain unclear. We examined related brain responses.
    METHODS: A total of 24 nondiabetic bariatric surgery and 21 control participants with normal weight to overweight were recruited for an observational controlled cohort study. They underwent sucrose taste testing outside the scanner followed by stimulation with 0.40M and 0.10M sucrose compared with water during functional magnetic resonance imaging. A total of 21 bariatric participants repeated these procedures after surgery.
    RESULTS: Perceived sweet intensity was not different among the control, presurgery, or postsurgery groups. Bariatric participants\' preferred sweet concentration decreased after surgery (0.52M to 0.29M; p = 0.008). Brain reward system (ventral tegmental area, ventral striatum, and orbitofrontal cortex) region of interest analysis showed that 0.40M sucrose activation  (but not 0.10M) decreased after surgery. Sensory region (primary somatosensory and primary taste cortex) 0.40M sucrose activation was unchanged by surgery and did not differ between control and bariatric participants. Primary taste cortex activation to 0.10M sucrose solution was greater in postsurgical bariatric participants compared with control participants.
    CONCLUSIONS: Bariatric surgery reduces the reward system response to sweet taste in women with obesity without affecting activity in sensory regions, which is consistent with reduced drive to consume sweet foods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mindfulness has garnered attention for its potential in alleviating cigarette cravings; however, the neural mechanisms underlying its efficacy remain inadequately understood. This study (N=46, all men) aims to examine the impact of a mindfulness strategy on regulating cue-induced craving and associated brain activity. Twenty-three smokers, consuming over 10 cigarettes daily for at least 2 years, were compared to twenty-three non-smokers. During a regulation of craving task, participants were asked to practice mindfulness during smoking cue-exposure or passively view smoking cues while fMRI scans were completed. A 2 (condition: mindfulness-cigarette and look-cigarette) × 2 (phase: early, late of whole smoking cue-exposure period) repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant interaction of the craving scores between condition and phase, indicating that the mindfulness strategy dampened late-phase craving. Additionally, within the smoker group, the fMRI analyses revealed a significant main effect of mindfulness condition and its interaction with time in several brain networks involving reward, emotion, and interoception. Specifically, the bilateral insula, ventral striatum, and amygdala showed lower activation in the mindfulness condition, whereas the activation of right orbitofrontal cortex mirrored the strategy-time interaction effect of the craving change. This study illuminates the dynamic interplay between mindfulness, smoking cue-induced craving, and neural activity, offering insights into how mindfulness may effectively regulate cigarette cravings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Depression is a significant public health concern. Identifying biopsychosocial risk factors for depression is important for developing targeted prevention. Studies have demonstrated that blunted striatal activation during reward processing is a risk factor for depression; however, few have prospectively examined whether adolescent reward-related resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) predicts depression symptoms in adulthood and how this relates to known risk factors (e.g., childhood trauma).
    METHODS: At baseline, 66 adolescents (mean age = 14.7, SD = 1.4, 68 % female) underwent rsFC magnetic resonance imaging and completed the Children\'s Depression Inventory (CDI). At follow-up (mean time between adolescent scan and adult follow-up = 10.1 years, SD = 1.6, mean adult age = 24.8 years, SD = 1.7), participants completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) and Beck Depression Inventory- Second Edition (BDI-2). Average rsFC was calculated between nodes in mesocorticolimbic reward circuitry: ventral striatum (VS), rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC), medial orbitofrontal cortex, and ventral tegmental area. Linear regressions assessed associations between rsFC, BDI-2, and CTQ, controlling for adolescent CDI, sex assigned at birth, and scan age (Bonferroni corrected).
    RESULTS: Greater childhood trauma was associated with higher adulthood depression symptoms. Stronger VS-rACC rsFC during adolescence was associated with greater depression symptoms in adulthood and greater childhood trauma.
    CONCLUSIONS: The small sample size, limited depression severity, and seed-based approach are limitations.
    CONCLUSIONS: The associations between adolescent striatal-cingulate rsFC and childhood trauma and adult depression symptoms suggest this connectivity may be an early neurobiological risk factor for depression and that early life experience plays an important role. Increased VS-rACC connectivity may represent an over-regulatory response on the striatum, commonly reported in depression, and warrants further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the subprocesses of risky decision making is a prerequisite for understanding (dys-)functional decisions. For the present fMRI study, we designed a novel variant of the balloon-analog-risk task (BART) that measures three phases: decision making, reward anticipation, and feedback processing. Twenty-nine healthy young adults completed the BART. We analyzed neural activity and functional connectivity. Parametric modulation allowed assessing changes in brain functioning depending on the riskiness of the decision. Our results confirm involvement of nucleus accumbens, insula, anterior cingulate cortex, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in all subprocesses of risky decision-making. In addition, subprocesses were differentiated by the strength of activation in these regions, as well as by changes in activity and nucleus accumbens-connectivity by the riskiness of the decision. The presented fMRI-BART variant allows distinguishing activity and connectivity during the subprocesses of risky decision making and shows how activation and connectivity patterns relate to the riskiness of the decision. Hence, it is a useful tool for unraveling impairments in subprocesses of risky decision making in people with high risk behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insula damage results in substantial impairments in facial emotion recognition. In particular, left hemispheric damage appears to be associated with poorer recognition of aversively rated facial expressions. Functional imaging can provide information on differences in the processing of these stimuli in patients with insula lesions when compared to healthy matched controls (HCs). We therefore investigated 17 patients with insula lesions in the chronic stage following stroke and 13 HCs using a passive-viewing task with pictures of facial expressions testing the blood oxygenation dependent (BOLD) effect in predefined regions of interest (ROIs). We expected a decrease in functional activation in an area modulating emotional response (left ventral striatum) but not in the facial recognition areas in the left inferior fusiform gyrus. Quantification of BOLD-response in ROIs but also voxel-based statistics confirmed this hypothesis. The voxel-based analysis demonstrated that the decrease in BOLD in the left ventral striatum was driven by left hemispheric damaged patients (n = 10). In our patient group, insula activation was strongly associated with the intensity rating of facial expressions. In conclusion, the combination of performance testing and functional imaging in patients following circumscribed brain damage is a challenging method for understanding emotion processing in the human brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Impaired behavioural flexibility is a core feature of neuropsychiatric disorders and is associated with underlying dysfunction of fronto-striatal circuitry. Reduced dosage of Cyfip1 is a risk factor for neuropsychiatric disorder, as evidenced by its involvement in the 15q11.2 (BP1-BP2) copy number variant: deletion carriers are haploinsufficient for CYFIP1 and exhibit a two- to four-fold increased risk of schizophrenia, autism and/or intellectual disability. Here, we model the contributions of Cyfip1 to behavioural flexibility and related fronto-striatal neural network function using a recently developed haploinsufficient, heterozygous knockout rat line. Using multi-site local field potential (LFP) recordings during resting state, we show that Cyfip1 heterozygous rats (Cyfip1+/-) harbor disrupted network activity spanning medial prefrontal cortex, hippocampal CA1 and ventral striatum. In particular, Cyfip1+/- rats showed reduced influence of nucleus accumbens and increased dominance of prefrontal and hippocampal inputs, compared to wildtype controls. Adult Cyfip1+/- rats were able to learn a single cue-response association, yet unable to learn a conditional discrimination task that engages fronto-striatal interactions during flexible pairing of different levers and cue combinations. Together, these results implicate Cyfip1 in development or maintenance of cortico-limbic-striatal network integrity, further supporting the hypothesis that alterations in this circuitry contribute to behavioural inflexibility observed in neuropsychiatric diseases including schizophrenia and autism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Low self-esteem is a frequent symptom in major depressive disorder (MDD). This functional magnetic resonance imaging study investigated whether MDD patients with low self-esteem show a distinct neural pathophysiology. Previous studies linked low self-esteem to reduced task-induced deactivation of the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (pgACC) as a part of the default mode network, and to reduced connectivity between pgACC and reward system. Goya-Maldonado et al. identified an MDD subtype with pgACC and ventral striatal overactivations during reward processing. We hypothesized that this subtype might be characterized by low self-esteem.
    METHODS: Eighty-three MDD patients performed the desire-reason dilemma task and completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Brain activity during bottom-up reward processing was regressed upon the RSES scores, controlling for depression severity measured by the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale. To corroborate the findings, we compared self-esteem scores between patient subgroups with impaired task-induced deactivation (n = 31) and with preserved task-induced deactivation (n = 31) of the pgACC.
    RESULTS: Consistent with our a priori hypothesis, activity in a bilateral fronto-striatal network including pgACC and ventral striatum correlated negatively with RSES scores, also when controlling for depression severity. In the additional analysis, patients with impaired task-induced pgACC deactivation showed lower self-esteem (t (52.82) = -2.27; p = .027, d = 0.58) compared to those with preserved task-induced pgACC deactivation.
    CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that low self-esteem in MDD patients is linked to a task-induced deactivation dysfunction of the pgACC. Our findings suggest that a previously described possible subtype of MDD with pgACC and ventral striatal overactivations during reward processing is clinically characterized by low self-esteem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Islamist group ISIS has been particularly successful at recruiting Westerners as terrorists. A hypothesized explanation is their simultaneous use of two types of propaganda: Heroic narratives, emphasizing individual glory, alongside Social narratives, which emphasize oppression against Islamic communities. In the current study, functional MRI was used to measure brain responses to short ISIS propaganda videos distributed online. Participants were shown 4 Heroic and 4 Social videos categorized as such by another independent group of subjects. Persuasiveness was measured using post-scan predictions of recruitment effectiveness. Inter-subject correlation (ISC) was used to measure commonality of brain activity time courses across individuals. ISCs in ventral striatum predicted rated persuasiveness for Heroic videos, while ISCs in mentalizing and default networks, especially in dmPFC, predicted rated persuasiveness for Social videos. This work builds on past findings that engagement of the reward circuit and of mentalizing brain regions predicts preferences and persuasion. The observed dissociation as a function of stimulus type is novel, as is the finding that intersubject synchrony in ventral striatum predicts rated persuasiveness. These exploratory results identify possible neural mechanisms by which political extremists successfully recruit prospective members and specifically support the hypothesized distinction between Heroic and Social narratives for ISIS propaganda.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Learning causal relationships relies on understanding how often one event precedes another. To investigate how dopamine neuron activity and neurotransmitter release change when a retrospective relationship is degraded for a specific pair of events, we used outcome-selective Pavlovian contingency degradation in rats. Conditioned responding was attenuated for the cue-reward contingency that was degraded, as was dopamine neuron activity in the midbrain and dopamine release in the ventral striatum in response to the cue and subsequent reward. Contingency degradation also abolished the trial-by-trial history dependence of the dopamine responses at the time of trial outcome. This profile of changes in cue- and reward-evoked responding is not easily explained by a standard reinforcement learning model. An alternative model based on learning causal relationships was better able to capture dopamine responses during contingency degradation, as well as conditioned behavior following optogenetic manipulations of dopamine during noncontingent rewards. Our results suggest that mesostriatal dopamine encodes the contingencies between meaningful events during learning.





