
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, the health impacts of improving access to treatment with axicabtagene ciloleucel (axi-cel) was assessed in patients with relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma after ≥2 lines of therapy in Spain. A partitioned survival mixture cure model was used to estimate the lifetime accumulated life years gained (LYG) and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) per patient treated with axi-cel versus chemotherapy. Efficacy data were extracted from the ZUMA-1 trial for axi-cel and from the SCHOLAR-1 study for chemotherapy. In the base case, the incremental outcomes of axi-cel versus chemotherapy were evaluated in a cohort of 187 patients treated with CAR T-cell therapies, as reported by the \"Spanish National Health System Plan for Advanced Therapies\", and in the alternative scenario in the full eligible population based on epidemiological estimates (n = 490). Taking those currently treated with axi-cel, compared with chemotherapy, axi-cel provided an additional 1341 LYGs and 1053 QALYs. However, when all eligible patients (n = 490) were treated, axi-cel provided an additional 3515 LYs and 2759 QALYs. Therefore, if all eligible patients were treated with axi-cel rather than those currently treated as per the registry (n = 187), there would have been an additional 303 patients treated, resulting in an additional 2173 LYGs and 1706 QALYs in total. The lack of access in Spain has led to a loss of a substantial number of LYGs and QALYs, and efforts should be made to improve access for all eligible patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Enucleation is a surgical technique to resect peripheral nerve schwannomas. The procedure has a low risk for postoperative deficit, but a small chance for recurrence, because tumor cells may remain inside the pseudocapsule that is left after resection. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are frequently performed after surgery to investigate potential residual tumor, but currently there is little information in the literature on the value of follow-up with MRI.
    METHODS: All patients who underwent enucleation of a peripheral nerve schwannoma between October 2013 and June 2022 were included. Postoperative MRI scans (gadolinium-enhanced) made at different time points after the surgery were re-examined for residual enhancement. Patients with residual enhancement were contacted to inform whether symptoms had recurred.
    RESULTS: A total of 75 schwannoma enucleations in 74 patients were included. The first postoperative MRI scan, performed 3 months after the surgery, showed no residual enhancement in 50 patients. In the remaining 24 patients, another MRI scan was made 1 year after the surgery, which still showed a possible remnant in 11 patients. On the third MRI scan, performed 2 years after enucleation, there were 7 suspected cases (9%). None of these patients had clinical symptoms at a mean postoperative follow-up of 5 years.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that the value of postoperative MRI scans after enucleation of peripheral nerve schwannomas is limited, because residual enhancement in the beginning can be non-specific and the small percentage of patients, that persistently had a potential remnant, were all asymptomatic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is a standard tool for evaluating health programs and informing decisions about resource allocation and prioritization. Most CEAs evaluating health interventions in low- and middle-income countries adopt a health sector perspective, accounting for resources funded by international donors and country governments, while often excluding out-of-pocket expenditures and time costs borne by program beneficiaries. Even when patients\' costs are included, a companion analysis focused on the patient perspective is rarely performed. We view this as a missed opportunity.
    METHODS: We developed methods for assessing intervention affordability and evaluating whether optimal interventions from the health sector perspective also represent efficient and affordable options for patients. We mapped the five different patterns that a comparison of the perspective results can yield into a practical framework, and we provided guidance for researchers and decision-makers on how to use results from multiple perspectives. To illustrate the methodology, we conducted a CEA of six HIV treatment delivery models in Mozambique. We conducted a Monte Carlo microsimulation with probabilistic sensitivity analysis from both patient and health sector perspectives, generating incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for the treatment approaches. We also calculated annualized patient costs for the treatment approaches, comparing the costs with an affordability threshold. We then compared the cost-effectiveness and affordability results from the two perspectives using the framework we developed.
    RESULTS: In this case, the two perspectives did not produce a shared optimal approach for HIV treatment at the willingness-to-pay threshold of 0.3 × Mozambique\'s annual GDP per capita per DALY averted. However, the clinical 6-month antiretroviral drug distribution strategy, which is optimal from the health sector perspective, is efficient and affordable from the patient perspective. All treatment approaches, except clinical 1-month distributions of antiretroviral drugs which were standard before Covid-19, had an annual cost to patients less than the country\'s annual average for out-of-pocket health expenditures.
    CONCLUSIONS: Including a patient perspective in CEAs and explicitly considering affordability offers decision-makers additional insights either by confirming that the optimal strategy from the health sector perspective is also efficient and affordable from the patient perspective or by identifying incongruencies in value or affordability that could affect patient participation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Healthcare organisations are often described as less innovative than other organisations, since organisational culture works against innovations. In this paper, the authors ask whether it has to be that way or whether is possible to nurture an innovative culture in a healthcare organisation. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyse nurturing an innovative culture within a healthcare organisation and how culture can support innovations in such a healthcare organisation.
    METHODS: Based on a qualitative case study of a healthcare unit that changed, within a few years, from having no innovations to repeatedly generating innovations, the authors describe important aspects of how innovative culture can be nurtured in healthcare. Data were analysed using inductive and deductive analysis steps.
    RESULTS: The study shows that it is possible to nurture an innovative culture in a healthcare organisation. Relationships and competences beyond healthcare, empowering structures and signalling the importance of innovation work with resources all proved to be important. All are aspects that a manager can influence. In this case, the manager\'s role in nurturing innovative culture was very important.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights that an innovative culture can be nurtured in healthcare organisations and that managers can play a key role in such a process.
    CONCLUSIONS: The paper describes and analyses an innovative culture in a healthcare unit and identifies important conditions and strategies for nurturing innovative culture in healthcare organisations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reusable laryngoscopes have been reported to be superior to disposable laryngoscopes with plastic blades during emergent intubations. Surprisingly, at our institution a quality reporting system revealed a high number of equipment failures with reusable laryngoscopes in an emergency out-of-OR (operating room) setting. As recent studies indicated an improved quality of disposable laryngoscopes, we hypothesized that a thoroughly evaluated disposable laryngoscope would result in less equipment failure in an emergency out-of-OR setting.
    To perform a more standardized and time efficient analysis, four distinct disposable laryngoscope blade/handle configurations were trialed during standard intubations (n = 4 × 30) in the OR by experienced anesthesia providers who completed a 6-question, Likert-scale/open-ended survey for product evaluation. The \'best\' disposable blade was implemented in an emergency out-of-OR setting and equipment failure rates were monitored over a 3-year period.
    Different disposable laryngoscopes were equal regarding sturdiness, illumination and airway visualization. The laryngoscope with the highest overall score was significantly higher scored than the laryngoscope with the lowest overall score. All disposable laryngoscopes were more cost effective than the reusable ones, and the top scored laryngoscope demonstrated the highest 5-year cost-saving ($210 K). Implementation of the top scored disposable laryngoscope into an emergency out-of-OR setting reduced the equipment failure incidence from high 20s to 0.
    Disposable laryngoscopes are cost effective and superior to reusable laryngoscopes in an emergency out-of-OR setting. We demonstrate that the implementation of a disposable laryngoscope in the emergency out-of-OR setting resulted in a near elimination of equipment related quality submissions which ultimately enhances patient safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Community health workers (CHW) have grown in prominence within the healthcare sector, yet there is no clear consensus regarding a CHW\'s role, purpose, and value within health systems. This lack of consensus has the potential to affect how CHWs are perceived, utilized, and ultimately integrated within the healthcare sector. This research examines clinical care teams that currently employ CHWs to (1) understand how members of the care team perceive CHWs\' purpose and value, and (2) consider how perceptions of CHWs are related to CHW integration within health care teams.
    METHODS: Researchers conducted a qualitative descriptive multiple embedded case study at the University of Illinois at Chicago\'s Hospital and Health Science System (UI Health). The embedded subunits of analysis were teams within UI Health that are currently employing CHWs to assist with the provision of clinical care or services to patients. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews and document review.
    RESULTS: In total, 6 sub-units were enrolled to participate, and 17 interviews were conducted with CHWs (n = 9), and administrators or health care providers (n = 8). Reported perceptions of CHWs were inconsistent across respondents. CHWs roles were not always understood, and the CHW\'s purpose and value was perceived differently by different members of the care team. Moreover, evaluation metrics did not always capture CHWs\' value to the health care system. In some cases, care teams were more aligned around a shared understanding of the CHW\'s roles and purpose within the care team. When perceptions regarding CHWs were both positive and aligned, respondents reported higher levels of integration within the healthcare system.
    CONCLUSIONS: Alignment in a care team\'s perception of a CHW\'s role, purpose, and value within the health system could play an important role in the integration of CHWs within healthcare teams.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mental illnesses are common and highly heritable. Patients and their families want and benefit from receiving psychiatric genetic counseling (pGC). Though the pGC workforce is among the smallest of genetic counseling (GC) specialties, genetic counselors (GCs) want to practice in this area. A major barrier to the expansion of the pGC workforce is limited availability of advertised positions, but it remains unclear why this is the case. We used a qualitative approach to explore drivers for and barriers to the creation of GC positions (including pGC) at large centralized genetic centers in the United States and Canada that offer multiple specialty GC services. Individuals with responsibilities for making decisions about creating new clinical GC positions were interviewed using a semi-structured guide, and an interpretive description approach was used for inductive data analysis. From interviews with 12 participants, we developed a theoretical model describing how the process of creating new GC positions required institutional prioritization of funding, which was primarily allocated according to physician referral patterns, which in turn were largely driven by availability of genetic testing and clinical practice guidelines. Generating revenue for the institution, improving physician efficiency, and reinforcing institutional mission were all regarded as valued outcomes that bolstered prioritization of funding for new GC positions. Evidence of patient benefit arising from new GC positions (e.g., pGC) seemed to play a lesser role. These findings highlight the tension between how institutions value GC (generating revenue, reacting to genetic testing), and how the GC profession sees its value (providing patient benefit, focus on counseling).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Selection of a biosimilar development candidate requires detailed and careful analysis to ensure value creation.
    UNASSIGNED: We applied the net present value (NPV) model for financial evaluation of biosimilar development candidates for the global market. Biosimilar development candidates from three categories were identified based on the global sales of their respective original biological products (OBPs): >$1 and ≤$4 billion, >$4 and ≤$7 billion and >$7 and ≤$10 billion. The standard NPV and risk-adjusted NPV (rNPV) were calculated under the base-case and various scenarios related to development costs, sales, selling, general and administrative expense, cost of goods sold, and discount rates.
    UNASSIGNED: A biosimilar to an OBP with sales of $1.6 billion has some financial risk. Biosimilars to OBPs with sales of $5.5 billion and $9.4 billion have very less financial risk under the base-case scenario of analysis. Sales of an OBP had impact on the financial valuation and attractiveness of a biosimilar. Sensitivity of rNPV to different parameters varied for three biosimilars. Discount rates, sales and development costs were important parameters affecting financial valuation of biosimilars.
    UNASSIGNED: Biosimilar development candidate selection requires a thorough financial evaluation considering product-, company- and market-specific aspects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the absence of field efficacy studies, estimating the real-world effectiveness of vaccines may consider immunogenicity from randomized controlled clinical trials and real-world adherence. Combining seroprotection rates (SPRs) with regimen completion rates gives an estimate of an effective vaccine protection rate (eVPR), which can be leveraged to evaluate real-world cost-effectiveness by linking it with vaccine costs to estimate the cost-per-protected patient (CPP).
    This study evaluated eVPR and CPP as estimates of vaccine clinical- and cost-effectiveness of two-dose (HepB-CpG) and three-dose (HepB-Alum) hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccines in the general adult population and a subpopulation with diabetes mellitus. eVPR was calculated from head-to-head SPR data from phase 3 clinical trials directly comparing HepB-CpG and HepB-Alum vaccine regimens and real-world head-to-head adherence data. CPP was calculated as the average cost of each regimen divided by eVPR.
    Higher eVPR in the adult population was achieved with HepB-CpG (68.0%) versus HepB-Alum (41.6%), reflecting the combination of higher SPR and vaccine regimen completion. The CPP for HepB-CpG ($331.31) was $45.67 (95% CI: $36.66, $55.19) less than HepB-Alum ($377.09). Greater savings were observed among persons with diabetes, with CPP $149.60 (95% CI: $80.29, $195.63) lower with HepB-CpG ($367.57) than HepB-Alum ($517.37).
    Metrics estimating vaccine real-world effectiveness and value may guide informed decisions in vaccine selection. For example, using eVPR and CPP, HepB-CpG represents a more effective, value-advantaged approach than HepB-Alum toward reducing HBV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Laboratory tests are among the most ordered tests and account for a large portion of wasted health-care spending. Meta-analyses suggest that the most promising interventions at improving health-care value and reducing cost are low investment strategies involving simple changes to ordering systems. The veterans affairs (VA) has a 2018-2024 strategic objective to reduce wasted spending through data- and performance-focused decision-making.
    UNASSIGNED: VA Palo Alto Healthcare System laboratory utilization data were obtained from multiple sources, including the VA Corporate Data Warehouse and utilization reports from reference laboratory. Ordering volume, test results, and follow-up clinical impact data were collected and evaluated in partnership with the treating physicians and hospital informatics in order to optimize ordering sets.
    UNASSIGNED: Dextromethorphan (Dext) and synthetic cannabinoid testing were identified as the lowest value tests based on a three-tier score of negativity rate, volume, and cost. In partnership with the ordering physicians and hospital informatics, reflexive testing was eliminated, resulting in persistent decreases in the volume of Dext (162-10 tests/month) and synthetic cannabinoid tests (155-19 tests/month) ordered. The proportion of unnecessary repeat tests also dropped from 71.5% to 5.5%, the test positivity rate increased from 0.87% to 3.49%, and the approximate monthly cost of both tests decreased ten-fold from $21,250 to $2087 for a yearly savings of $229,000 at a single VA.
    UNASSIGNED: Improved laboratory utilization is central to the VA\' strategic objective to reduce waste. A relatively simple intervention involving partnership with the treating physicians and hospital informatics in combination with data- and performance-focused decision-making can yield substantial reductions in health-care waste.





