
  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    OBJECTIVE: We conducted a systematic review to describe health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in rural cancer survivors (RCS), and compare HRQOL between RCS and urban cancer survivors (UCS).
    METHODS: We searched Medline, Embase, CINAHL Plus, and PsycINFO for studies with HRQOL in adult cancer survivors living in rural, regional, remote, and urban areas, who had completed definitive primary cancer treatment, without evidence of residual disease. Where available, we used normative and clinically important values to ascribe meaning to HRQOL data.
    RESULTS: Fifteen studies (16 papers) were included. Most were from the US (n = 8) and reported on breast cancer survivors (n = 9). Six HRQOL instruments, collecting data across 16 domains, were used. Three instruments were specific to the survivorship phase. Normative and clinical data were available for 12 studies. Compared with normative populations, RCS had clinically worse physical HRQOL (6/12 studies), better social/family (5/7), and functional (3/6) HRQOL, and there were no differences in emotional or/mental HRQOL (9/12). In six studies with rural-urban comparator groups and normative and clinically important data, RCS and UCS had clinically worse physical (3/6 and 2/6, respectively) and better social/family (3/4 and 2/4 studies, respectively) HRQOL than normative populations. Functional HRQOL was better in RCS (2/4 studies) than UCS and normative populations. In 3/6 studies, there were no clinical differences in emotional or/mental HRQOL between RCS, UCS, and normative populations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, HRQOL is not clearly better or worse in RCS than UCS. Future research should include different tumor types, rural residents, and survivorship-specific HRQOL instruments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To identify and describe differences in demographics, injury characteristics, and outcomes between rural and urban patients suffering brain injury.
    UNASSIGNED: CINAHL, Emcare, MEDLINE, and Scopus.
    UNASSIGNED: A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies comparing epidemiology and outcomes of rural and urban brain trauma was conducted in accordance with PRISMA and MOOSE guidelines.
    UNASSIGNED: 36 studies with ~ 2.5-million patients were included. Incidence of brain injury was higher in males, regardless of location. Rates of transport-related brain injuries, particularly involving motorized vehicles other than cars, were significantly higher in rural populations (OR:3.63, 95% CI[1.58,8.35], p = 0.002), whereas urban residents had more fall-induced brain trauma (OR:0.73, 95% CI[0.66,0.81], p < 0.00001). Rural patients were 28% more likely to suffer severe injury, indicated by Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)≤8 (OR:1.28, 95% CI[1.04,1.58], p = 0.02). There was no difference in mortality (OR:1.09, 95% CI[0.73,1.61], p = 0.067), however, urban patients were twice as likely to be discharged with a good outcome (OR:0.52, 95% CI[0.41,0.67], p < 0.00001).
    UNASSIGNED: Rurality is associated with greater severity and poorer outcomes of traumatic brain injury. Transport accidents disproportionally affect those traveling on rural roads. Future research recommendations include addition of prehospital data, adequate follow-up, standardized measures, and sub-group analyses of high-risk groups, e.g. Indigenous populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last decades, bee biodiversity has dropped sharply due to land use change, including urbanization. To contrast this, recent research has pointed to cities as a hotspot for bees. Because of this ambiguity, a scoping review has been conducted to examine the urban characteristics that impact bees and how bees are impacted. A total of 276 articles were analyzed against landscape and local habitat characteristics. The key findings include first that natural areas are more valuable for bees since biodiversity levels are higher. Second, urban areas generally score better than agricultural and rural areas. Third, plant biodiversity positively influences bee biodiversity. Fourth, the urban environment strongly affects some bee traits and the proportion of native bees. For making cities bee friendly and bee inclusive, we recommend to maintain natural areas, connect natural areas to urban ecosystems, encourage floral abundance and diversity and increasing the size of urban green areas overall.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Most forcibly displaced persons are hosted in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). There is a growing urbanization of forcibly displaced persons, whereby most refugees and nearly half of internally displaced persons live in urban areas. This scoping review assesses the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs, outcomes, and priorities among forcibly displaced persons living in urban LMIC.
    METHODS: Following The Joanna Briggs Institute scoping review methodology we searched eight databases for literature published between 1998 and 2023 on SRH needs among urban refugees in LMIC. SHR was operationalized as any dimension of sexual health (comprehensive sexuality education [CSE]; sexual and gender based violence [GBV]; HIV and STI prevention and control; sexual function and psychosexual counseling) and/or reproductive health (antental, intrapartum, and postnatal care; contraception; fertility care; safe abortion care). Searches included peer-reviewed and grey literature studies across quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods designs.
    RESULTS: The review included 92 studies spanning 100 countries: 55 peer-reviewed publications and 37 grey literature reports. Most peer-reviewed articles (n = 38) discussed sexual health domains including: GBV (n = 23); HIV/STI (n = 19); and CSE (n = 12). Over one-third (n = 20) discussed reproductive health, including: antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care (n = 13); contraception (n = 13); fertility (n = 1); and safe abortion (n = 1). Eight included both reproductive and sexual health. Most grey literature (n = 29) examined GBV vulnerabilities. Themes across studies revealed social-ecological barriers to realizing optimal SRH and accessing SRH services, including factors spanning structural (e.g., livelihood loss), health institution (e.g., lack of health insurance), community (e.g., reduced social support), interpersonal (e.g., gender inequitable relationships), and intrapersonal (e.g., low literacy) levels.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review identified displacement processes, resource insecurities, and multiple forms of stigma as factors contributing to poor SRH outcomes, as well as producing SRH access barriers for forcibly displaced individuals in urban LMIC. Findings have implications for mobilizing innovative approaches such as self-care strategies for SRH (e.g., HIV self-testing) to address these gaps. Regions such as Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean are underrepresented in research in this review. Our findings can guide SRH providers, policymakers, and researchers to develop programming to address the diverse SRH needs of urban forcibly displaced persons in LMIC. Most forcibly displaced individuals live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), with a significant number residing in urban areas. This scoping review examines the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes of forcibly displaced individuals in urban LMICs. We searched eight databases for relevant literature published between 1998 and 2023. Inclusion criteria encompassed peer-reviewed articles and grey literature. SRH was defined to include various dimensions of sexual health (comprehensive sexuality education; sexual and gender-based violence; HIV/ STI prevention; sexual function, and psychosexual counseling) and reproductive health (antenatal, intrapartum, and postnatal care; contraception; fertility care; and safe abortion care). We included 90 documents (53 peer-reviewed articles, 37 grey literature reports) spanning 100 countries. Most peer-reviewed articles addressed sexual health and approximately one-third centered reproductive health. The grey literature primarily explored sexual and gender-based violence vulnerabilities. Identified SRH barriers encompassed challenges across structural (livelihood loss), health institution (lack of insurance), community (reduced social support), interpersonal (gender inequities), and individual (low literacy) levels. Findings underscore gaps in addressing SRH needs among urban refugees in LMICs specifically regarding sexual function, fertility care, and safe abortion, as well as regional knowledge gaps regarding urban refugees in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Self-care strategies for SRH (e.g., HIV self-testing, long-acting self-injectable contraception, abortion self-management) hold significant promise to address SRH barriers experienced by urban refugees and warrant further exploration with this population. Urgent research efforts are necessary to bridge these knowledge gaps and develop tailored interventions aimed at supporting urban refugees in LMICs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Naturalistic plantings, such as meadow-style plantings, can improve the quality of urban green spaces through aesthetic, biodiversity and low maintenance features. Species selection for, and maintenance of naturalistic plantings are key to their success. While herbaceous and grassy meadows can be mowed, naturalistic plantings with woody plants require more intense maintenance to remove biomass and promote resprouting. We aim to understand woody plant responses to diverse disturbance regimes to potentially inform the selection and management of woody species in urban plantings. We conducted a quantitative systematic literature review of 72 papers and investigated what main external (climate, disturbance regime) and internal (buds, life stage, storage reserves) factors influence the resprouting response of woody plants. We found resprouting literature is geographically widespread for woody plants, but studies are skewed towards Temperate climates in USA and Australia, with a focus on high severity and high frequency fire disturbance. Resprouting response was mostly defined as a continuous response to disturbance dependent on disturbance regime, climate and plant traits. Maintenance and management of naturalistic woody plantings, through hard pruning techniques such as coppicing, may be informed by analogous high severity and high frequency disturbance studies. However, the literature on woody plant resprouting has several knowledge gaps for lower severity and lower frequency disturbance regimes and in more arid climates. Future research should evaluate the response of naturalistic woody plantings to disturbance in specific urban contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Die atopische Dermatitis ist die häufigste chronisch-entzündliche Hauterkrankung im Kindesalter. Einige Studien kamen zu dem Ergebnis, das Risiko für diese Erkrankung sei im städtischen Raum höher als im ländlichen. Wir haben die verfügbaren Studien systematisch untersucht und eine Meta-Analyse durchgeführt, um Unterschiede im Risiko für atopische Dermatitis zwischen städtischem und ländlichem Raum zu erkennen. Die Suche in den Datenbanken Embase und MEDLINE wurde am 19. April 2021 durchgeführt. Einschlusskriterium war das Stichwort “Beobachtungsstudie”. Wir haben außerdem Subgruppenanalysen bezüglich Patientenalter, Publikationsjahr und Land durchgeführt. Insgesamt wurden bei der Datenbanksuche 2115 Studien aufgefunden, von denen letztlich 43 Studien mit insgesamt 1 728 855 Patienten in die Meta-Analyse eingeschlossen wurden. Ein Wohnsitz im städtischen Raum war mit einem erhöhten Risiko für atopische Dermatitis assoziiert; die Odds Ratio war 1,56 (95 %-Konfidenzintervall 1,43-1,71). Dieses signifikant erhöhte Risiko war nur bei Kindern zu beobachten (Odds Ratio 1,55, 95 %-Konfidenzintervall 1,39-1,73), nicht jedoch bei Erwachsenen. Hier betrug die Odds Ratio 1,29 (95 %-Konfidenzintervall 0,99-1,67). Das Risiko für atopische Dermatitis ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten angestiegen, wobei das Risiko in Entwicklungsländern mit einer Odds Ratio von 1,95 höher liegt als in Industrieländern (Odds Ratio 1,35). Unsere Studie bestätigt die Assoziation zwischen atopischer Dermatitis und dem Wohnsitz im städtischen gegenüber dem ländlichen Raum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atopic dermatitis is the most common chronic inflammatory skin disease affecting children. Some studies have reported a higher risk of atopic dermatitis in urban areas than in rural areas. We systematically reviewed and carried out a meta-analysis to investigate the differences in the development of atopic dermatitis between urban and rural areas. The search was performed on April 19, 2021, using Embase and MEDLINE databases. Eligible for inclusion were observational studies. Subgroup analyses were performed for age, publication year, and country. We identified 2,115 studies, and 43 studies with 1,728,855 subjects were finally included. Urban residency was associated with an increased risk of atopic dermatitis, with an odds ratio of 1.56 (95% confidence interval, 1.43-1.71). A significantly increased risk was observed only in children, with an odds ratio of 1.55 (95% confidence interval, 1.39-1.73), but not in adults, with an odds ratio of 1.29 (95% confidence interval, 0.99-1.67). The risk has increased in recent decades, with a higher risk in developing countries (odds ratio, 1.95) compared to developed countries (odds ratio, 1.35). Our study provides evidence of an association between atopic dermatitis and urban compared to rural living.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Global health will increasingly be determined by cities. Currently over half of the world\'s population, over 4 billion people, live in cities. This systematic scoping review has been conducted to understand what cities are doing to improve health and healthcare for their populations.
    We conducted a systematic search to identify literature on city-wide initiatives to improve health. The study was conducted in accordance with PRISMA and the protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42020166210).
    The search identified 42,137 original citations, yielding 1,614 papers across 227 cities meeting the inclusion criteria. The results show that the majority of initiatives were targeted at non-communicable diseases. City health departments are making an increasing contribution; however the role of mayors appears to be limited.
    The collective body of evidence identified in this review, built up over the last 130 years, has hitherto been poorly documented and characterised. Cities are a meta-system with population health dictated by multiple interactions and multidirectional feedback loops. Improving health in cities requires multiple actions, by multiple actors, at every level. The authors use the term \'The Vital 5\'. They are the five most important health risk factors; tobacco use; harmful alcohol use; physical-inactivity, unhealthy diet and planetary health. These \'Vital 5\' are most concentrated in deprived areas and show the greatest increase in low and middle income countries. Every city should develop a comprehensive strategy and action plan to address these \'Vital 5\'.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    Several studies have demonstrated an association between the risk asthma/allergic rhinitis and the environment. However, to date, no systematic review or meta-analysis has investigated these factors. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the association between urban/rural living and the risk of asthma and allergic rhinitis. We searched the Embase and Medline databases for relevant articles and included only cohort studies to observe the effects of time-lapse geographical differences. Papers containing information on rural/urban residence and respiratory allergic diseases were eligible for inclusion. We calculated the relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) using a 2 × 2 contingency table and used random effects to pool data. Our database search yielded 8388 records, of which 14 studies involving 50,100,913 participants were finally included. The risk of asthma was higher in urban areas compared to rural areas (RR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.12-1.44, p < 0.001), but not for the risk of allergic rhinitis (RR, 1.17; 95% CI, 0.87-1.59, p = 0.30). The risk of asthma in urban areas compared to rural areas was higher in the 0-6 years and 0-18 years age groups, with RRs of 1.21 (95% CI, 1.01-1.46, p = 0.04) and 1.35 (95% CI, 1.12-1.63, p = 0.002), respectively. However, there was no significant difference in the risk of asthma between urban and rural areas for children aged 0-2 years, with a RR of 3.10 (95% CI, 0.44-21.56, p = 0.25). Our study provides epidemiological evidence for an association between allergic respiratory diseases, especially asthma, and urban/rural living. Future research should focus on identifying the factors associated with asthma in children living in urban areas. The review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021249578).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Considering the time spent in enclosed environments, it is essential to study the relationship between pollutants and building ventilation systems to find whether the types and levels of pollutants and greenhouse gasses, which are expected to be exhaled through ventilation systems into the atmosphere, have been adequately evaluated. We propose the hypothesis that the exhaled air from residential buildings contains pollutants that may become another source of contamination affecting urban air quality and potentially contributing to climate drivers. Thus, the main goal of this article is to present a cross-review of the identification of pollutants expected to be exhaled through ventilation systems in residential buildings. This approach has created the concept of \"exhalation of buildings\" a new concept enclosed within the research project in which this article is included. We analyze the studies related to the most significant pollutants found in buildings and the studies about the relation of buildings\' ventilation systems with such pollutants. Our results show that, on the one hand, the increase in the use of mechanical ventilation systems in residential buildings has been demonstrated to enhance the ventilation rate and generally improve the indoor air quality conditions. But no knowledge could be extracted about the corresponding environmental cost of this improvement, as no systematic data were found about the total mass of contaminants exhaled by those ventilation systems. At the same time, no projects were found that showed a quantitative study on exhalation from buildings, contrary to the existence of studies on pollutants in indoor air.





