Umbilical Veins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A lower nutrient supply from Holstein (HOL) dams to beef fetuses than HOL fetuses has been demonstrated, but the underlying factors remain unclear. We investigated maternal, umbilical vein, and calf blood glucose and amino acid concentrations at calving, along with placental development at term, in HOL dams with similar fetuses (HOL-HOL, n = 12), F1 crosses (HOL × Japanese Black [JB]; HOL-F1, n = 4), JB fetuses (HOL-JB, n = 7), and JB dams with similar fetuses (JB-JB, n = 11). Calf birth weight, total cotyledonary weight, and surface area were greater in HOL-HOL compared to JB-JB or HOL-JB (P < 0.05), whereas those of HOL-F1 were similar. Blood amino acid concentrations in the umbilical veins and calves were similar among HOL-HOL, HOL-F1, and HOL-JB. Calf blood glucose concentrations were lower in HOL-F1 than HOL-HOL (P < 0.05), despite similar maternal blood glucose levels. HOL-JB exhibited higher maternal, umbilical vein, and calf blood glucose concentrations than JB-JB (P < 0.05). Therefore, the glucose supply to the fetus may be inhibited in HOL-F1 due to maternal-fetal breed differences. Higher maternal blood glucose concentrations in HOL-JB may result in elevated fetal glucose exposure, potentially affecting postnatal growth and metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methyl-eugenol (ME) and eugenol (EUG) are phenylpropanoids with vasodilatory effects. While EUG\'s vasorelaxant effect in human umbilical artery (HUA) is known, their action in veins is unclear. This study aimed to evaluate ME and EUG in human umbilical vein (HUV). Isolated HUV underwent tension recordings. ME and EUG caused 100 % relaxation in HUV, with EC50 values corresponding to: 174.3 ± 7.3 and 217.3 ± 6.2 µM for ME and EUG respectively in presence of K+; 362.3 ± 5.4 and 227.7 ± 4.9 µM for ME and EUG respectively and in presence of serotonin (5-HT). It was observed that in presence of BaCl2 and CaCl2 evoked contractions, ME (800 and 1000 µM) and EUG (1000 and 1400 µM) prevent the contractions. In presence of K+ channel blockers it was observed that ME promoted relaxation compared to its control, except in presence of 4-AP, suggesting a possible Ca2+-dependent K+ channel activation for this molecule; EUG increased all EC50 in presence of the K+ blockers except in presence of TEA 1 mM. Greater pharmacological potency was observed for ME. This study highlights natural substances\' effects on HUV contractile parameters, suggesting ME and EUG as potential vasodilators in maintaining fetal oxygenation and venous flow during gestational hypertensive syndromes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Neonatal resuscitation may require urgent umbilical venous catheter (UVC) placement. Complications can be observed with umbilical venous catheterization, especially in a stressful context. Inspired by the aeronautic environment, medical routine checklists, also called \"cognitive aids,\" secure the equipment and environment for the patients once they are admitted to the operating room. We hypothesized that reading a cognitive aid for UVC placement in the delivery room during neonatal resuscitation simulation scenarios can (a) improve the performance in reducing catheterization duration and (b) can limit complications.
    METHODS: This was a prospective single-center randomized study. A total of 23 dyads for a simulation scenario were included: 12 in the control group and 11 in the cognitive aid group. In the cognitive aid group, the cognitive aid was read by the same facilitator for every scenario.
    RESULTS: No significant difference concerning the duration of the procedure was identified between the cognitive aid and control groups: 412 s [342; 420] vs. 374 s [338;402], respectively (p = 0.781). Nevertheless, there were significantly fewer deviations from hygiene guidelines and improved prevention of air embolism in the cognitive aid group compared with the control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: The UVC insertion time was similar between the control and cognitive aid groups. Moreover, cognitive aid can limit infectious complications or air embolism by allowing caregivers to follow UVC placement standards.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    BACKGROUND: Umbilical venous catheters (UVCs) are often used in preterm infants. Their use is associated with complications (infections, clot formation, organ injury). Very preterm infants with acquired bloodstream infection are at a higher risk for death and important morbidities (e.g., adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes). It is standard clinical practice to remove UVCs in the first days of life. Replacement of intravenous access is often performed using percutaneously inserted central catheters (PICCs). It is unclear whether serial central line use affects the rates of catheter-related complications.
    METHODS: A multicenter randomized controlled trial (random group assignment) was performed in 562 very premature (gestational age < 30 weeks) and/or very low birth weight infants (< 1250 g) requiring an UVC for administration of parenteral nutrition and/or drugs. Group allocation was random.
    OBJECTIVE: A UVC dwell time of 6-10 days (281 infants) is not associated with an increased rate of central venous catheter (UVC, PICC)-related complications compared to 1-5 days (281 infants), and a longer UVC dwell time will significantly reduce the number of painful, invasive procedures associated with the need for vascular access as well as radiation exposure, use of antibiotics, and medical costs.
    UNASSIGNED: The number of catheter-related bloodstream infections and/or catheter-related thromboses and/or catheter-associated organ injuries related to the use of UVC/PICC was the primary outcome.
    CONCLUSIONS: Extending the UVC dwell time may significantly reduce the number of painful invasive procedures, with the potential to positively impact not only long-term pain perception but also important social competencies (attention, learning, and behavior). Thus, the \"UVC-You Will See\" study has the potential to substantially change current neonatal intensive care practice.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Nabelvenenkatheter (NVK) werden bei Frühgeborenen zur künstlichen Ernährung und Medikamentengabe verwendet. Sie sind allerdings mit Komplikationen verbunden (Infektionen, Blutgerinnsel, Organverletzungen). Sehr unreife Frühgeborene mit erworbenen Infektionen der Blutbahn weisen ein höheres Risiko für Tod und wesentliche Morbidität auf (z. B. ungünstige neurologische Entwicklung). Es ist daher gängige klinische Praxis, NVK bereits in den ersten Lebenstagen zu entfernen. In der Regel werden daran anschließend peripher eingeführte zentralvenöse Katheter verwendet (PICC). Dies bedeutet einen weiteren schmerzhaften und möglicherweise mit Komplikationen einhergehenden Eingriff. Bis heute ist der ideale Zeitpunkt für die NVK-Entfernung nicht geklärt.
    METHODS: Es handelt sich um eine multizentrische Studie mit 562 sehr unreifen Frühgeborenen (Gestationsalter < 30 Schwangerschaftswochen) und/oder einem Geburtsgewicht < 1250 g, bei denen ein NVK zur Gabe von parenteraler Ernährung und/oder Medikamenten notwendig war. Die Gruppenzuteilung erfolgt nach dem Zufallsprinzip.
    UNASSIGNED: Eine NVK-Liegedauer von 6–10 Tagen (281 Frühgeborene) verglichen mit einer von 1–5 Tagen (Frühgeborene) ist nicht mit einer erhöhten Rate an katheterassoziierten (NVK, PICC) Infektionen, Blutgerinnseln oder Organverletzungen verbunden. Eine verlängerte NVK-Liegedauer führt zu weniger schmerzhaften Anlagen von Gefäßzugängen, zu einer verringerten Strahlenbelastung (Röntgenuntersuchungen), zu einem verminderten Gebrauch von Antibiotika sowie zu einer Kostenreduktion. PRIMäRE ZIELVARIABLE: Primär untersucht wurden Unterschiede bzgl. der Anzahl der durch zentralvenöse Katheter (NVK/PICC) bedingten Komplikationen.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Verlängerung der NVK-Liegedauer führt möglicherweise zu einer deutlichen (signifikanten) Verringerung der schmerzhaften Eingriffe, Strahlenbelastung, Verwendung von Antibiotika sowie Kostenreduktion ohne Erhöhung von Komplikationen. Dies kann sich nicht nur auf die langfristige Schmerzwahrnehmung auswirken, sondern hat auch einen positiven Effekt auf die Gesamtentwicklung, z. B. soziale Kompetenzen (Aufmerksamkeit, Lernen, Verhalten). Die Studie „UVC—You Will See“ hat das Potenzial, die Behandlung von sehr/extrem unreifen Frühgeborenen nachhaltig zu verändern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Citral is a low-toxicity monoterpene that has a vasodilator effect on various smooth muscles, and The present study aimed to evaluate its vasorelaxant effect on umbilical vessels of normotensive parturients (NTP) and with preeclampsia parturients (PEP).
    Segments of human umbilical artery (HUA) and vein (HUV) of NTP or PEP were mounted in a bath to record the force of contraction, under tension of 3.0 gf and contracted with the contracting agents: K+ (60 mM), 5 -HT (10 μM) and Ba2+ (1-30 mM). Next, the effect of citral (1-3000 μM) on these contractions and on basal tone was evaluated.
    In HUA and HUV, citral (1-1000 μM), in NTP condition, inhibited contractions evoked by K+ (IC50 of 413.5 and 271.3, respectively) and by 5-HT (IC50 of 164.8 and 574.3). In the PEP condition, in HUA and HUV, citral also inhibited the contractions evoked by K+ (IC50 of 363.3 and 218.3, respectively) and 5-HT (IC50 of 432.1 and 520.4). At a concentration of 1000 μM, citral completely or almost completely (>90 %) inhibited all contractions. At a concentration of 100-1000 μM, citral, in general, was already able to reduce the contraction induced by 1-3 mM Ba2+ in both AUH and VUH, under NTP and PEP conditions.
    Citral has been shown to be an effective HUA and HUV vasodilator in NTP and PEP. As its toxicity is low, it suggests that this substance can be considered a potential therapeutic agent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the association between arterial and venous Doppler ultrasound parameters and the risk of secondary cesarean delivery for intrapartum fetal compromise (IFC) and neonatal acidosis in small-for-gestational-age (SGA) fetuses.
    METHODS: This single-center, prospective, blinded, cohort study included singleton pregnancies with an estimated fetal weight (EFW) < 10th centile above 36 gestational weeks. Upon study inclusion, all women underwent Doppler ultrasound, including umbilical artery (UA) pulsatility index (PI), middle cerebral artery (MCA) PI, fetal aortic isthmus (AoI) PI, umbilical vein blood flow (UVBF), and modified myocardial performance index (mod-MPI). Primary outcome was defined as secondary cesarean section due to IFC.
    RESULTS: In total, 87 SGA pregnancies were included, 16% of which required a cesarean section for IFC. Those fetuses revealed lower UVBF corrected for abdominal circumference (AC) (5.2 (4.5-6.3) vs 7.2 (5.5-8.3), p = 0.001). There was no difference when comparing AoI PI, UA PI, ACM PI, or mod-MPI. No association was found for neonatal acidosis. After multivariate logistic regression, UVBF/AC remained independently associated with cesarean section due to IFC (aOR 0.61 [0.37; 0.91], p = 0.03) and yielded an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.78 (95% CI, 0.67-0.89). A cut-off value set at the 50th centile of UVBF/AC reached a sensitivity of 86% and specificity of 58% for the occurrence of cesarean section due to IFC (OR 8.1; 95% CI, 1.7-37.8, p = 0.003).
    CONCLUSIONS: Low levels of umbilical vein blood flow (UVBF/AC) were associated with an increased risk among SGA fetuses to be delivered by cesarean section for IFC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the maternal and fetal hemodynamic effects of treatment with a nitric oxide donor and oral fluid in pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction.
    30 normotensive participants with early fetal growth restriction were enrolled. 15 participants were treated until delivery with transdermal glyceryl trinitrate and oral fluid intake (Treated group), and 15 comprised the untreated group. All women underwent non-invasive assessment of fetal and maternal hemodynamics and repeat evaluation 2 weeks later.
    In the treated group, maternal hemodynamics improved significantly after two weeks of therapy compared to untreated participants. Fetal hemodynamics in the treated group showed an increase in umbilical vein diameter by 18.87 % (p < 0.01), in umbilical vein blood flow by 48.16 % (p < 0.01) and in umbilical vein blood flow corrected for estimated fetal weight by 30.03 % (p < 0.01). In the untreated group, the characteristics of the umbilical vein were unchanged compared to baseline. At the same time, the cerebro-placental ratio increased in the treated group, while it was reduced in the untreated group, compared to baseline values. The treated group showed a higher birthweight centile (p = 0.03) and a lower preeclampsia rate (p = 0.04) compared to the untreated group.
    The combined therapeutic approach with nitric oxide donor and oral fluid intake in fetal growth restriction improves maternal hemodynamics, which becomes more hyperdynamic (volume-dominant). At the same time, in the fetal circuit, umbilical vein flow increased and fetal brain sparing improved. Although a modest sample size, there was less preeclampsia and a higher birthweight suggesting beneficial maternal and fetal characteristics of treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a common complication of pregnancy. We previously demonstrated that IUGR is associated with an impaired nitric oxide (NO)-induced relaxation in the human umbilical vein (HUV) of growth-restricted females compared to appropriate for gestational age (AGA) newborns. We found that phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibition improved NO-induced relaxation in HUV, suggesting that PDEs could represent promising targets for therapeutic intervention. This study aimed to investigate the effects of PDE inhibition on human umbilical arteries (HUAs) compared to HUV. Umbilical vessels were collected in IUGR and AGA term newborns. NO-induced relaxation was studied using isolated vessel tension experiments in the presence or absence of the nonspecific PDE inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). PDE1B, PDE1C, PDE3A, PDE4B, and PDE5A were investigated by Western blot. NO-induced vasodilation was similar between IUGR and AGA HUAs. In HUAs precontracted with serotonin, IBMX enhanced NO-induced relaxation only in IUGR females, whereas in HUV IBMX increased NO-induced relaxation in all groups except IUGR males. In umbilical vessels preconstricted with the thromboxane A2 analog U46619, IBMX improved NO-induced relaxation in all groups to a greater extent in HUV than HUAs. However, the PDE protein content was higher in HUAs than HUV in all study groups. Therefore, the effects of PDE inhibition depend on the presence of IUGR, fetal sex, vessel type, and vasoconstrictors implicated. Despite a higher PDE protein content, HUAs are less sensitive to IBMX than HUV, which could lead to adverse effects of PDE inhibition in vivo by impairment of the fetoplacental hemodynamics.NEW & NOTEWORTHY The effects of phosphodiesterase inhibition on the umbilical circulation depend on the presence of intrauterine growth restriction, the fetal sex, vessel type, and vasoconstrictors implicated. The human umbilical vascular tone regulation is complex and depends on the amount and activity of specific proteins but also probably on the subcellular organization mediating protein interactions. Therefore, therapeutic interventions using phosphodiesterase inhibitors to improve the placental-fetal circulation should consider fetal sex and both umbilical vein and artery reactivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein varix (FIUVV) can cause thrombosis, fetal growth restriction (FGR), and intrauterine fetal death (IUFD). However, its management and evaluation to avoid fetal risks have not been elucidated. The aim of this study was to develop a novel method to evaluate fetal risks, including FGR and fetal dysfunction via frequent ultrasound examinations.
    METHODS: A 28-year-old pregnant woman was diagnosed with FIUVV via ultrasound at 26 weeks of gestation and admitted to our hospital. Ultrasound examinations were performed two to three times weekly to evaluate size and shape of the FIUVV and umbilical vein blood flow at the inflow and outflow sites of the FIUVV.
    RESULTS: The outflow site of the FIUVV was constricted and collapsed, and the blood flow velocity at the inflow site of the FIUVV was decreased. At 32 weeks of gestation, spontaneous echo contrast (SEC), which indicates increased echogenicity, appeared. At 35 weeks of gestation, the patient noticed decreased fetal movement, and CTG showed non-reassuring fetal status. SEC in the FIUVV was remarkable. Fetal movement could not be confirmed at ultrasound. Cesarean section was performed and a 1,854-g healthy infant was delivered with an umbilical cord arterial pH of 7.266.
    CONCLUSIONS: The echographic changes, such as decreased umbilical vein blood flow and SEC, in FIUVV observed in this case could indicate thrombus formation, which can lead to fetal dysfunction. Frequent ultrasound examinations can help determine the timing of delivery and improve the neonatal prognosis.





