
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is known that certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes are associated with autoimmune central nervous system (CNS) diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), but their exact role in disease susceptibility and etiopathogenesis remains unclear. The best studied HLA-associated autoimmune CNS disease is MS, and thus will be the primary focus of this review. Other HLA-associated autoimmune CNS diseases, such as autoimmune encephalitis and neuromyelitis optica will be discussed. The lack of animal models to accurately capture the complex human autoimmune response remains a major challenge. HLA transgenic (tg) mice provide researchers with powerful tools to investigate the underlying mechanisms promoting susceptibility and progression of HLA-associated autoimmune CNS diseases, as well as for elucidating the myelin epitopes potentially targeted by T cells in autoimmune disease patients. We will discuss the potential role(s) of autoimmune disease-associated HLA alleles in autoimmune CNS diseases and highlight information provided by studies using HLA tg mice to investigate the underlying pathological mechanisms and opportunities to use these models for development of novel therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mosquito Aedes aegypti is an important vector of diseases including dengue, Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever. Olfaction is a critical modality for mosquitoes enabling them to locate hosts, sources of nectar, and sites for oviposition. GABA is an essential neurotransmitter in olfactory processing in the insect brain, including the primary olfactory center, the antennal lobe. Previous work with Ae. aegypti has suggested that antennal lobe inhibition via GABA may be involved in the processing of odors. However, little is known about GABA receptor expression in the mosquito brain, or how they may be involved in odor attraction. In this context, generating mutants that target the mosquito\'s olfactory responses, and particularly the GABAergic system, is essential to achieve a better understanding of these diverse processes and olfactory coding in these disease vectors. Here we demonstrate the potential of a transgenic line using the QF2 transcription factor, GABA-B1QF2-ECFP, as a new neurogenetic tool to investigate the neural basis of olfaction in Ae. aegypti. Our results show that the gene insertion has a moderate impact on mosquito fitness. Moreover, the line presented here was crossed with a QUAS reporter line expressing the green fluorescent protein and used to determine the location of the metabotropic GABA-B1 receptor expression. We find high receptor expression in the antennal lobes, especially the cell bodies surrounding the antennal lobes. In the mushroom bodies, receptor expression was high in the Kenyon cells, but had low expression in the mushroom body lobes. Behavioral experiments testing the fruit odor attractants showed that the mutants lost their behavioral attraction. Together, these results show that the GABA-B1QF2-ECFP line provides a new tool to characterize GABAergic systems in the mosquito nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Development of transgenic rice overexpressing transcription factors involved in drought response has been previously reported to confer drought tolerance and therefore represents a means of crop improvement. We transformed lowland rice IR64 with OsTZF5, encoding a CCCH-tandem zinc finger protein, under the control of the rice LIP9 stress-inducible promoter and compared the drought response of transgenic lines and nulls to IR64 in successive screenhouse paddy and field trials up to the T6 generation.
    RESULTS: Compared to the well-watered conditions, the level of drought stress across experiments varied from a minimum of - 25 to - 75 kPa at a soil depth of 30 cm which reduced biomass by 30-55% and grain yield by 1-92%, presenting a range of drought severities. OsTZF5 transgenic lines showed high yield advantage under drought over IR64 in early generations, which was related to shorter time to flowering, lower shoot biomass and higher harvest index. However, the increases in values for yield and related traits in the transgenics became smaller over successive generations despite continued detection of drought-induced transgene expression as conferred by the LIP9 promoter. The decreased advantage of the transgenics over generations tended to coincide with increased levels of homozygosity. Background cleaning of the transgenic lines as well as introgression of the transgene into an IR64 line containing major-effect drought yield QTLs, which were evaluated starting at the BC3F1 and BC2F3 generation, respectively, did not result in consistently increased yield under drought as compared to the respective checks.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although we cannot conclusively explain the genetic factors behind the loss of yield advantage of the transgenics under drought across generations, our results help in distinguishing among potential drought tolerance mechanisms related to effectiveness of the transgenics, since early flowering and harvest index most closely reflected the levels of yield advantage in the transgenics across generations while reduced biomass did not.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Autologous bone is considered the gold standard for grafting, yet it suffers from a tendency to undergo resorption over time. While the exact mechanisms of this resorption remain elusive, osteocytes have been shown to play an important role in stimulating osteoclastic activity through their expression of receptor activator of NF-κB (RANK) ligand (RANKL). The aim of this study was to assess the function of osteocyte-derived RANKL in bone graft remodeling.
    METHODS: In Tnfsf11fl/fl ;Dmp1-Cre mice without osteocyte-specific RANKL as well as in Dmp1-Cre control mice, 2.6 mm calvarial bone disks were harvested and transplanted into mice with matching genetic backgrounds either subcutaneously or subperiosteally, creating 4 groups in total. Histology and micro-computed tomography of the grafts and the donor regions were performed 28 days after grafting.
    RESULTS: Histology revealed marked resorption of subcutaneous control Dmp1-Cre grafts and new bone formation around subperiosteal Dmp1-Cre grafts. In contrast, Tnfsf11fl/fl ;Dmp1-Cre grafts showed effectively neither signs of bone resorption nor formation. Quantitative micro-computed tomography revealed a significant difference in residual graft area between subcutaneous and subperiosteal Dmp1-Cre grafts (p < .01). This difference was not observed between subcutaneous and subperiosteal Tnfsf11fl/fl ;Dmp1-Cre grafts (p = .17). Residual graft volume (p = .08) and thickness (p = .13) did not differ significantly among the groups. Donor area regeneration was comparable between Tnfsf11fl/fl ;Dmp1-Cre and Dmp1-Cre mice and restricted to the defect margins.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest an active function of osteocyte-derived RANKL in bone graft remodeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    NF-κB signaling has broad effects on cell survival, tissue growth, and proliferation activities. It controls many genes that are involved in inflammation and thus is a key player in many inflammatory diseases. The elevation of NF-κB activators is associated with elevated mortality, especially in cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The zebrafish has emerged as an important model for whole-organism in vivo modeling in translational research. In vertebrates, in-vivo spatial resolution is limited due to normal opacification of skin and subdermal structure. For in vivo imaging, skin transparency by blocking the pigmentation via chemical inhibition is required and the maintenance of this transparency is vital. The Casper(roy-/-, nacre-/-) mutant of zebrafish maintains this transparency throughout its life and serves as an ideal combination of sensitivity and resolution for in vivo stem cell analyses and imaging. We developed an NF-kB:GFP/Casper transparent transgenic zebrafish cellular phenotype to study inflammatory processes in vivo. We outline the experimental setup to generate a transparent transgenic NF-kB/Casper strain of zebrafish through the cross-breeding of Casper and NF-kB transgenic adult fish and have generated F01 in the form of heterozygous progeny. The transgenic F01 progeny was further inbred to generate heterozygous progenies from F1 to F4 generations. Furthermore, it continued to successfully develop the homozygous strain Tg(6xNF-kB:EGFP); Casper(roy-/-, nacre-/-) in the F05 generation. This novel strain of F05 generation showed 100% homozygosity in the transgenic transparent progeny of Tg(6xNF-kB:EGFP); Casper(roy-/-, nacre-/-). The strain has been confirmed by generating the F06 generation of homozygous progeny and again verified and validated for its homogeneity in the F07 generation. The newly developed novel transparent transgenic strain of the NF-kB reporter line has been coined as \"Tg(6xNF-kB:EGFP); Casper(roy-/-, nacre-/-)gmc1\". We have established a newly generated phenotype of transparent transgenic zebrafish for time-lapse in vivo confocal microscopy to study the cellular phenotype and pathologies at the cellular level over time. This will allow for quantifying the changes in the NF-kB functional activities over time and allow the comparison of control and cardiac-oncology experimental therapeutics. We validated the newly developed Tg(6xNF-kB:EGFP); Casper(roy-/-, nacre-/-)gmc1 homozygous strain of zebrafish by studying the inflammatory response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure, tolerance, and the inhibitory role of a potential novel drug candidate against LPS-induced inflammation. The results establish the unique application of newly developed strains by identifying hit and lead drug candidates for experimental therapeutics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dry eye disease (DED) is one of the most common chronic multifactorial ocular surface diseases with high prevalence and complex pathogenesis. DED results in several ocular discomforts, vision fluctuation, and even potential damage of the ocular surface, bringing heavy burdens both on individuals and the society. The pathology of DED consists of tear film hyperosmolarity and immune responses on the ocular surface. Mice are widely used for developing models that simulate human DED features for investigating its pathogenesis and treatment. DED can be classified into aqueous-deficiency dry eye (ADDE) and evaporative dry eye (EDE). ADDE can be further divided into Sjögren syndrome dry eye (SSDE) and non-Sjögren syndrome dry eye (NSSDE). SSDE mouse models include natural strains, typified by non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, and genetically engineered ones, like Aire-/- and Id3 knockout mice. Intrinsic EDE mainly refers to meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). Eda-/- Tabby, Sod1-/-, Elovl1-/- are the most common transgenic MGD mouse models. Transgenic mouse models provide useful tools for studying the pathogenesis of DED and evaluating its novel therapies. This review compares the major transgenic dry eye mouse models and discusses their applications in DED research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many unanswered questions of physiology and medicine require in vivo studies of cellular processes in murine models. These processes commonly depend on intracellular Ca2+ and redox alterations. Fluorescent dyes have succeeded in real-time intracellular monitoring of Ca2+, redox and the different Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in single cells, but have seldomly been applied in vivo. The advance in Fluorescent Protein (FP) technology has created alternative tools for the same task, which can be delivered with viruses or genomic integration strategies into mice. With the availability of several color options for both Ca2+ and redox reporting FP, multiparameter measurements have also become feasible: measuring different species, and the same parameter at different locations using organelle-specific targeting sequences at the same time. We, here, focus on mice with genomic integration of Ca2+ and redox reporters, provide a list of the available models and summarize the strategies of their generation and utilization. We also describe a novel Calcium DoubleSpy mouse model that conditionally expresses both RCaMP in the cytoplasm and GEM-GECO1 in the mitochondrial matrix, allowing the study of mitochondrial Ca2+ related physiology and pathogenesis simultaneously in two distinct intracellular compartments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent decades have seen groundbreaking advances in cancer research. Genetically engineered animal models, mainly in mice, have contributed to a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms involved in cancer. However, mice are not ideal for translating basic research into studies closer to the clinic. There is a need for complementary information provided by non-rodent species. Pigs are well suited for translational biomedical research as they share many similarities with humans such as body and organ size, aspects of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology and can provide valuable means of developing and testing novel diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Porcine oncology is a new field, but it is clear that replication of key oncogenic mutation in pigs can usefully mimic several human cancers. This review briefly outlines the technology used to generate genetically modified pigs, provides an overview of existing cancer models, their applications and how the field may develop in the near future.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study was carried out to find the best treatments for enhancing the ration of insertion of a desired gene construct (pEGFP-N1) onto the sperm of buffalo as the first step for the production of transgenic buffalo using sperm mediated gene transfer (SMGT). The tested conditions were plasmid DNA concentration, sperm concentration, transfecting agent concentration: Dimethyle sulphoxide (DMSO) and time of transfection. The study proved that the best conditions for producing transgenic embryos were incubation sperm solution its concentration is 107/ml sperm with 3% DMSO: with 20 µg/ml from the linarized DNA, for 15 min at 4 °C are the best conditions to produce transgenic buffalo embryo using sperm mediated gene transfer.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transgenic mice have been extensively used to study the Alzheimer pathology. In order to reduce, refine and replace (3Rs) the number of animals, ex vivo cultures are used and optimized. Organotypic brain slices are the most potent ex vivo slice culture models, keeping the 3-dimensional structure of the brain and being closest to the in vivo situation. Organotypic brain slice cultures have been used for many decades but were mainly prepared from postnatal (day 8-10) old rats or mice. More recent work (including our lab) now aims to culture organotypic brain slices from adult mice including transgenic mice. Especially in Alzheimer´s disease research, brain slices from adult transgenic mice will be useful to study beta-amyloid plaques, tau pathology and glial activation. This review will summarize the studies using organotypic brain slice cultures from adult mice to mimic Alzheimer\'s disease and will highlight advantages and also pitfalls using this technique.





