
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this article is to provide guidance regarding the cleaning and disinfection of transvaginal ultrasound probes. These recommendations are also applicable to transrectal probes.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    BACKGROUND: The aims of this pilot trial were to (i) test the hypothesis that modifying patterns of painful lumbo-pelvic movement using motion-sensor biofeedback in people with low back pain would lead to reduced pain and activity limitation compared with guidelines-based care, and (ii) facilitate sample size calculations for a fully powered trial.
    METHODS: A multicentre (8 clinics), cluster-randomised, placebo-controlled pilot trial compared two groups of patients seeking medical or physiotherapy primary care for sub-acute and chronic back pain. It was powered for longitudinal analysis, but not for adjusted single-time point comparisons. The intervention group (n = 58) received modification of movement patterns augmented by motion-sensor movement biofeedback (ViMove, plus guidelines-based medical or physiotherapy care. The control group (n = 54) received a placebo (wearing the motion-sensors without biofeedback) plus guidelines-based medical or physiotherapy care. Primary outcomes were self-reported pain intensity (VAS) and activity limitation (Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ), Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS)), all on 0-100 scales. Both groups received 6-8 treatment sessions. Outcomes were measured seven times during 10-weeks of treatment and at 12, 26 and 52 week follow-up, with 17.0 % dropout. Patients were not informed of group allocation or the study hypothesis.
    RESULTS: Across one-year, there were significant between-group differences favouring the intervention group [generalized linear model coefficient (95 % CI): group effect RMDQ -7.1 (95 % CI-12.6;-1.6), PSFS -10.3 (-16.6; -3.9), QVAS -7.7 (-13.0; -2.4); and group by time effect differences (per 100 days) RMDQ -3.5 (-5.2; -2.2), PSFS -4.7 (-7.0; -2.5), QVAS -4.8 (-6.1; -3.5)], all p < 0.001. Risk ratios between groups of probability of improving by >30 % at 12-months = RMDQ 2.4 (95 % CI 1.5; 4.1), PSFS 2.5 (1.5; 4.0), QVAS 3.3 (1.8; 5.9). The only device-related side-effects involved transient skin irritation from tape used to mount motion sensors.
    CONCLUSIONS: Individualised movement retraining using motion-sensor biofeedback resulted in significant and sustained improvements in pain and activity limitation that persisted after treatment finished. This pilot trial also refined the procedures and sample size requirements for a fully powered RCT. This trial (Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry NCT01572779) was equally funded by dorsaVi P/L and the Victorian State Government.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to review current knowledge regarding implantation of the Vibrant Soundbridge floating mass transducer (FMT) at the round window (round window vibroplasty) as well as to form a consensus on steps for a reliable, stable surgical procedure.
    METHODS: Review of the literature and experimental observations by the authors.
    CONCLUSIONS: Round window (RW) vibroplasty has been established as a reliable procedure that produces good and stable results for patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss. The experience gained over the past few years of the authors\' more than 200 implantations has led to consensus on several key points: (1) a wide and bloodless access to the middle ear with facial nerve monitoring, (2) the careful and correct identification and exposure of the round window membrane, (3) a good setup for efficient energy transition of the FMT, namely, perpendicular placement of the FMT with no contact to bone and the placement of cartilage behind the FMT to create a preloaded \"spring\" function, and (4) 4 points of FMT fixation: a rim of the round window bony overhang left intact both anterior and posterior to the FMT, conductor link stabilization, and cartilage behind the FMT. In addition, the FMT should be covered with soft tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Characterizing fetal wellbeing with a Doppler ultrasound device requires computation of a score based on fetal parameters. In order to analyze the parameters derived from the fetal heart rate correctly, an accuracy of 0.25 beats per minute is needed. Simultaneously with the lowest false negative rate and the highest sensitivity, we investigated whether various Doppler techniques ensure this accuracy. We found that the accuracy was ensured if directional Doppler signals and autocorrelation estimation were used. Our best estimator provided sensitivity of 95.5%, corresponding to an improvement of 14% compared to the standard estimator.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective measurement of real-world fall events by using body-worn sensor devices can improve the understanding of falls in older people and enable new technology to prevent, predict, and automatically recognize falls. However, these events are rare and hence challenging to capture. The FARSEEING (FAll Repository for the design of Smart and sElf-adapaive Environments prolonging INdependent livinG) consortium and associated partners strongly argue that a sufficient dataset of real-world falls can only be acquired through a collaboration of many research groups. Therefore, the major aim of the FARSEEING project is to build a meta-database of real-world falls. To establish this meta-database, standardization of data is necessary to make it possible to combine different sources for analysis and to guarantee data quality. A consensus process was started in January 2012 to propose a standard fall data format, involving 40 experts from different countries and different disciplines working in the field of fall recording and fall prevention. During a web-based Delphi process, possible variables to describe participants, falls, and fall signals were collected and rated by the experts. The summarized results were presented and finally discussed during a workshop at the 20th Conference of the International Society of Posture and Gait Research 2012, in Trondheim, Norway. The consensus includes recommendations for a fall definition, fall reporting (including fall reporting frequency, and fall reporting variables), a minimum clinical dataset, a sensor configuration, and variables to describe the signal characteristics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper is concerned with the problem of filter design for target tracking over sensor networks. Different from most existing works on sensor networks, we consider the heterogeneous sensor networks with two types of sensors different on processing abilities (denoted as type-I and type-II sensors, respectively). However, questions of how to deal with the heterogeneity of sensors and how to design a filter for target tracking over such kind of networks remain largely unexplored.We propose in this paper a novel distributed consensus filter to solve the target tracking problem. Two criteria, namely, unbiasedness and optimality, are imposed for the filter design. The so-called sequential design scheme is then presented to tackle the heterogeneity of sensors. The minimum principle of Pontryagin is adopted for type-I sensors to optimize the estimation errors. As for type-II sensors, the Lagrange multiplier method coupled with the generalized inverse of matrices is then used for filter optimization. Furthermore, it is proven that convergence property is guaranteed for the proposed consensus filter in the presence of process and measurement noise. Simulation results have validated the performance of the proposed filter. It is also demonstrated that the heterogeneous sensor networks with the proposed filter outperform the homogenous counterparts in light of reduction in the network cost, with slight degradation of estimation performance.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    The technical part of these Guidelines and Recommendations, produced under the auspices of EFSUMB, provides an introduction to the physical principles and technology on which all forms of current commercially available ultrasound elastography are based. A difference in shear modulus is the common underlying physical mechanism that provides tissue contrast in all elastograms. The relationship between the alternative technologies is considered in terms of the method used to take advantage of this. The practical advantages and disadvantages associated with each of the techniques are described, and guidance is provided on optimisation of scanning technique, image display, image interpretation and some of the known image artefacts.






  • 文章类型: Comment







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this work is to provide guidelines for the routine use of portal dosimetry and in vivo diode measurements to verify intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) treatments. To achieve tolerance levels that are sensitive enough to intercept problems, both the portal dosimetry and the in vivo procedure must be optimised. Portal dosimetry was improved by the introduction of an optimised two-dimensional (2D) profile correction, which also accounted for the effect of backscatter from the R-arm. The scaled score, indicating the fraction of points not meeting the desired gamma evaluation criteria within the field opening, was determined as the parameter of interest. Using gamma criteria of a 3% dose difference and 3 mm distance to agreement, a \"scaled score\" threshold value of 1.5% was chosen to indicate excessive tongue and groove and other problems. The pre-treatment portal dosimetry quality assurance (QA) does not encompass verification of the patient dose calculation or position, and so it is complemented by in vivo diode measurements. Diode positioning is crucial in IMRT, and so we describe a method for diode positioning at any suitable point. We achieved 95% of IMRT field measurements within ±5% and 99% within ±8%, with improved accuracy being achieved over time owing to better positioning. Although the careful preparation and setup of the diode measurements can be time-consuming, this is compensated for by the time efficiency of the optimised procedure. Both methods are now easily absorbed into the routine work of the department.






