Temporomandibular Joint Disc

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of unilateral open disc repositioning surgery (ODRS) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on the internal derangement (ID) of the contralateral joint.
    METHODS: Patients with bilateral ID of TMJ who underwent unilateral ODRS were enrolled and followed-up for one year. They were divided into two groups based on the contralateral disease: the anterior disc displacement with reduction (ADDWR) and without reduction (ADDWoR). Postoperative evaluation included clinical and MRI evaluation. Indices measured were unilateral intermaxillary distance (UID), visual analogue scale (VAS), disc length (DL), condylar height (CH), and disc-condyle angle (DCA). Paired t tests were used to compare the clinical and MRI indices between different time points.
    RESULTS: Ninety-six patients were enrolled, including 47 in the ADDWR group and 49 in the ADDWoR group. One-year post-surgery, ODRS led to significant increases in MMO, DL, and CH, and decrease in VAS and DCA on the operated side (P < 0.05). In ADDWR group, UID, DL, and CH increased significantly, and VAS decreased (P < 0.05), with no significant change in DCA (P > 0.05). In ADDWoR group, clinical and MRI variables worsened slightly, except for UID, which remained unchanged (P > 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: ODRS is a promising method for correcting TMJ ID and may improve condition of ADDWR and decrease progress of ADDWoR at the contralateral joint. Preoperative bilateral TMJ evaluation is essential for better outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: ODRS can effectively treat TMJ ID and produce adaptive changes in the contralateral ID, for which continuous monitoring of the contralateral joint is essential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: to compare the combined effect of Prolotherapy and Deep Dry Needling (DDN) versus DDN effect on relieving the symptoms of Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) anterior disc displacement.
    METHODS: The clinical trial randomly allocated forty patients. The (control group) patients received four intraarticular and masseteric DDN sessions, while the (study group) patients were subjected to the exact technique followed by Prolosolution injection. The baseline preoperative measurements included Maximal interincisal opening (MIO), auscultation of the presence of clicking, and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), which were repeated for postoperative measurements after one, two, five, and eight months.
    RESULTS: By the end of the study, all patients expressed apparent improvement in pain MIO and clicking. The inter- and intragroup comparison revealed that the pain score values of the control group after five and eight months were significantly higher than those of the study group. The study group demonstrated more significant MIO calibration than the control group, with insignificant differences between both groups regarding the presence of clicking at any time interval. The associations between clicking and VAS values, between clicking and MIO, and between VAS values and increased MIO were positive in the test group and negative in the control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Dextrose Prolotherapy and DDN were beneficial. However, Prolotherapy demonstrated more significant, sustained, and correlated long-term alleviation of symptoms and increased MIO.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study assesses the sole effect of dextrose prolotherapy on relieving the signs of TMJ anterior disc displacement apart from the impact of the penetrating needle.
    BACKGROUND: The study was registered on www.
    RESULTS: gov (#: NCT05821985) by Ahmed Nagi Alghandour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anterior displacement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc is a disorder in which the articular disc is dislocated from its correct position relative to the mandibular condyle and mandibular fossa. Traditionally, the initial treatment of disc displacements involves various conservative measures, including the use of a stabilizing interocclusal splint. However, in cases where there is associated limited mouth opening, as in the case of anterior disc displacement with reduction and intermittent block (ADDwRIB), and anterior disc displacement without reduction (ADDw/oR), arthrocentesis has been suggested as another modality of initial treatment due to its faster effect in preventing disease progression to a more advanced stage, as well as reducing the chances of pain chronification and central sensitization.
    This study aimed to analyze whether there is a preponderance in efficacy between treatments with a stabilizing interocclusal splint or arthrocentesis in these patients.
    A randomized, prospective, longitudinal clinical trial was conducted. The sample was obtained by convenience, between June 2021 and January 2023. Twenty-four patients with diagnoses of ADDwRIB and ADDw/oR were included. The diagnosis and clinical evaluations followed the DC/TMD criteria, and TMJ MRI was performed. Patients were randomly allocated to 2 treatment groups. Group 1 (n = 13): stabilizing interocclusal splint. Group 2 (n = 11): arthrocentesis. Patients were evaluated after 1, 2, 3, and 6 months for clinical parameters of pain, functionality, and psychosocial status.
    Both treatments were effective in reducing pain levels, with no statistically significant differences. Group 1 showed significantly greater mouth-opening levels compared to Group 2 (P = .041).
    Both groups showed significant improvements in various parameters evaluated throughout the study, indicating they are equally effective in pain control and most functional and quality of life parameters. However, the stabilizing interocclusal splint treatment was superior in restoring mouth opening.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anterior displacement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc is the most typical pathological condition of TMJ disorders. Structures attached to the articular disc may support the disc in various directions and contribute to stabilizing the TMJ. However, the relationship between the articular disc, capsule, and masticatory muscles remains unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to clarify the relationship between the masticatory muscles, related masticatory fascia, articular disc, and capsule.
    METHODS: We examined 10 halves from adult Japanese cadavers, with five halves macroscopically analyzed and the remaining five histologically analyzed. The TMJ was dissected from the lateral aspect for gross anatomical analysis. For histological analysis, the relationship between the temporal and masseteric fasciae and the articular capsule was observed in the coronal section. Additionally, we evaluated relationships among the disc, capsule, temporal fascia, and masseteric fascia in 10 living and healthy volunteers using magnetic resonance imaging.
    RESULTS: The articular disc was attached to the capsule without a clear border. The capsule continued into the masseteric and temporal fasciae. Consequently, the articular disc, capsule, masseteric, and temporal fasciae were considered a single complex.
    CONCLUSIONS: The single complex of the temporalis, masseter, capsule, masticatory fascia, and disc may antagonize the force in the posterolateral direction through the fascia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting disc perforations in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and to establish diagnostic criteria for this purpose. The retrospective analysis included patients who had undergone preoperative MRI and TMJ arthroscopy at the same hospital. Direct and indirect signs of disc abnormalities on MRI were compared with arthroscopic findings of disc perforation. Out of 355 joints evaluated in 185 patients, arthroscopy confirmed disc perforations in 14.7% of cases. Several MRI findings were significantly associated with disc perforation, including anterior disc displacement without reduction (ADDwoR), signal alterations in the mid-disc area, disc deformity (SAMD), retrocondylar disc fragments, osteophytes, condylar bone marrow degeneration (CBMD), and joint effusion in both joint spaces (ESJS-EIJS). Regression analysis revealed that SAMD, osteophytes, and CBDM were strongly associated with disc perforation. The ROC curve showed that MRI had an AUC = 0.791, with a sensitivity of 88.5% and a specificity of 61.5%. Two diagnostic methods, one based on three findings (osteophytes, ADDwoR, and SAMD) and one based on two direct signs (ADDwoR and SAMD), yielded high sensitivity and specificity values of 80.4% and 69.8%, and 84.3% and 62.5%, respectively. In conclusion, MRI demonstrated acceptable accuracy in the detection of TMJ disc perforations, with specific diagnostic criteria offering high sensitivity and specificity. Significant MRI indicators of disc perforation included SAMD, osteophytes, and CBDM. This study provides valuable information on the use of MRI as a diagnostic tool for TMJ disc perforations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between types of disc displacement (DD) diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and the risk (presence or absence) and severity of condylar erosion (CE) graded using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in adult Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) patients.
    METHODS: A total of 353 TMD patients (283 females, 70 males) underwent MRI scans to categorise DD as normal (NA), anterior displacement with reduction (ADDR), or anterior displacement without reduction (ADDNR). CE severity was graded on a scale of 0-3 (absence, mild, moderate or severe) using CBCT. To establish the plausibility and cut-off points for CE diagnosis, the severity of CE was then further divided into three classifications: Grade 0 versus 1 + 2 + 3; Grades 0 + 1 versus 2 + 3; Grades 0 + 1 + 2 versus 3. Logistic regression analysis was performed, adjusting for age, gender and joint correlation.
    RESULTS: ADDNR significantly increased the risk of CE compared with NA (OR = 10.04, 95% CI: [6.41, 15.73]) and showed a significant increase in CE severity across all classifications (ORs = 10.04-18.95). The effects of ADDNR were significant in both genders (p < .001) and had a greater impact in females. ADDR was predominantly associated with mild CE.
    CONCLUSIONS: ADDNR significantly increased the risk and severity of CE independent of gender when compared to NA, whereas ADDR was mainly associated with mild CE. Slight cortical discontinuity may represent a subclinical diagnosis requiring further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The relationship between joint effusion and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation among joint effusion, clinical features and MRI imaging features of TMD.
    METHODS: A total of 1532 temporomandibular joints (TMJs) from 766 patients (605 females and 161 males) with the mean age of 31.68 ± 13.71 years from January 2022 to June 2023 were included in the study. Clinical and MRI features were collected and analyzed. Chi-Square test, Spearman correlation coefficient and binary logistic regression analysis were performed.
    RESULTS: Patients with joint effusion were significantly older and had smaller value of MIO (p < 0.001). There were significant differences in the distribution of joint sounds (with or without), joint pain (with or without), disc morphology (biconcave, contracture, irregular and lengthened) and disc position between joint effusion group (JE) and non-joint effusion group (NA) (P < 0.05).The odds of having joint effusion were 1.726 higher in patients with joint sounds when compared to those without joint sounds. The odds of having joint effusion were 8.463 higher in patients with joint pain when compared to those without joint pain. The odds of having joint effusion were 2.277 higher in patients with contracture when compared to those with biconcave. The odds of having joint effusion were 1.740 higher in patients with anterior disc displacement with reduction (ADDWR) when compared to those with normal disc position. The prediction accuracy of this model is 74.9%, and the area under curve (AUC) is 79.5%, indicating that it can be used for the prediction and the judgment effect is average.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrated that joint sounds, joint pain, contracture, and ADDWR are high risk factors for joint effusion, especially joint pain.
    BACKGROUND: This study was retrospectively registered on 28/03/2022 and endorsed by the Ethics Committee of Affiliated Stomatology Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (LCYJ2022014).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this prospective study was to assess possible changes in the position and shape of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articular disc in patients treated with two protocols of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and face mask (FM) therapy.
    METHODS: A sample of 88 patients with Class III or Class III subdivision malocclusions, aged between 6 and 13 years, were consecutively selected and divided into three groups (G): G1-34 patients were treated with RME, followed by FM therapy; G2-34 patients were treated using RME according to modified alternate rapid maxillary expansion and constriction (ALT-RAMEC) protocol, followed by FM therapy. These treated groups were randomly (1:1 allocation ratio) distributed according to the two treatment protocols. G3 - Control Group - 20 untreated patients were followed. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) TMJs were obtained before (T1) and after (T2) a treatment period or follow-up. McNemar test, Fisher\'s exact test and intra- and inter-observer concordance (K) were performed (p ≤ .05).
    RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in the baseline cephalometric variables at T1 between the groups. There were statistically significant differences between the groups (p < .001) in relation to the disc shape in T1, since G1 (8 TMJs -11.76%) presented higher occurrences of altered forms in comparison with G2 (no changes). No significant differences were observed in disc position CM and OM (G1 - p > .999; G2 - p = .063; G3 - p = .500) and shape (G1 - p > 0.999; G2 - p = .250; G3 - not calculable), between T1 × T2, in any of the groups studied.
    CONCLUSIONS: The two treatment protocols did not have adverse effects on the position and shape of the TMJ disc, in a short-term evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this systematic review was to assess the efficacy of arthroscopy compared to arthrocentesis and to conservative treatments for temporomandibular joint disorders. Thirteen controlled studies on various patient outcomes were included after a systematic search in seven electronic databases. Meta-analyses were conducted separately for arthroscopic surgery (AS) and arthroscopic lysis and lavage (ALL), and short-term (<6 months), intermediate-term (6 months to 5 years), and long-term (≥5 years) follow-up periods were considered. No significant differences in pain reduction and complication rates were found between AS or ALL and arthrocentesis. Regarding improvement in maximum mouth opening (MMO), both AS at intermediate-term and ALL at short-term follow-up were equally efficient when compared to arthrocentesis. However, at intermediate-term follow-up, ALL was superior to arthrocentesis for MMO improvement (mean difference 4.9 mm, 95% confidence interval 2.7-7.1 mm). Trial sequential analysis supported the conclusion of the meta-analysis for MMO improvement for ALL versus arthrocentesis studies at intermediate-term follow-up, but not for the other meta-analyses. Insufficient evidence exists to draw conclusions regarding other patient outcomes or about comparisons between arthroscopy and conservative treatments. Due to the low quality of the primary studies, further research is warranted before final conclusions can be drawn regarding the management of temporomandibular joint disorders.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Objective: To investigate the correlation between the osseous structure of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and three different status of anterior disc location, so that it could guide the clinical diagnosis further. Methods: Fifty-two patients [46 females and 6 males, with an age of (27.8±8.3) years] who treated with MRI and cone beam CT, were recruited from the Temporomandibular Joint Specialist Clinic, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, between March 2018 to December 2021. According to the radiographic findings of the level of anterior disc displacement (ADD) in TMJ, patients were divided into three groups: normal articular disc position (NADP, n=28 TMJs), anterior disc displacement with reduction (ADDWR, n=28 TMJs), and anterior disc displacement without reduction (ADDWoR, n=28 TMJs). In the light of the reconstructed three-dimensional model, ten representative morphological parameters including condylar volume (CV), condylar superficial area (CSA), fossa volume (FV), fossa superficial area (FSA), the proportion of the condylar volume in the articular fossa (CV%), the proportion of the condylar superficial area in the articular fossa (CSA%), superior joint space (SJS), anterior joint space (AJS), posterior joint space (PJS), and medial joint space (MJS), were measured respectively under one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Kruskal-Wallis Htest and receiver operator characteristic curve(ROC curve) analyses. Results: CV and CSA values varied significantly in the pathological progression from normal location to irreversible anterior displacement in TMJ. For CV value, NADP group [(1 834.90±667.67) mm3]>ADDWR group [(1 747.34±369.42) mm3]>ADDWoR group [(1 256.29±418.27) mm3] [t=4.31, P(NADP-ADDWoR)<0.001; t=3.66, P(ADDWR-ADDWoR)<0.001], for CSA value, NADP group [(859.27±216.01) mm2]>ADDWR group [(838.23±118.82) mm2]>ADDWoR group [(669.14±150.26) mm2] [t=4.27, P(NADP-ADDWoR)<0.001; t=3.80, P(ADDWR-ADDWoR)<0.001]. The difference of SJS value in NADP group [(2.22±0.88) mm], ADDWR group [(1.94±0.64) mm] and ADDWoR group [(1.45±0.57) mm], was statistically significant [t=4.11, P(NADP-ADDWoR)<0.001; t=2.63, P(ADDWR-ADDWoR)=0.010]. The results of MJS in NADP group [(5.03±1.41) mm], ADDWR group [(3.86±1.32) mm], and ADDWoR group [(4.91±1.65) mm] were significantly different [t=3.00, P(NADP-ADDWR)=0.004; t=2.63, P(ADDWR-ADDWoR)=0.009]. As calculated by the ROC curve analysis, CV, CSA and SJS showed that (AUCCV=0.77, AUCCSA=0.76; AUCSJS=0.76) for the NADP and ADDWoR groups, and (AUCCV=0.80; AUCCSA=0.80; AUCSJS=0.72) for the ADDWR and ADDWoR groups. While the diagnostic accuracy of MJS for the comparison in NADP versus ADDWR and ADDWR versus ADDWoR was respectively AUC(NADP-ADDWR)=0.73, and AUC(ADDWR-ADDWoR)=0.69. Conclusions: CV, CSA, SJS, and MJS were significantly associated with the different disc displacement status, and the condyle in TMJ ADD exhibited three-dimensionally altered dimensions. They could be considered as promising biometric markers to diagnose the ADD status.
    目的: 本研究通过三维重建图像测量分析3种不同关节盘状态下,颞下颌关节(TMJ)相关骨性结构的改变情况,为临床诊断提供指导。 方法: 对2018年3月至2021年12月就诊于新疆医科大学第一附属医院颞下颌关节专病门诊同时行MRI与锥形束CT检查的52例患者,其中女性46例,男性6例,年龄(27.8±8.3)岁。根据MRI检查结果将纳入研究对象分为关节盘位置正常(NADP)组、可复性关节盘前移位(ADDWR)组及不可复性关节盘前移位(ADDWoR)组,每组各28侧TMJ。对各组锥形束CT资料进行三维重建,根据重建模型分别记录髁突体积(CV)、髁突表面积(CSA)、关节窝体积(FV)、关节窝表面积(FSA)、髁突在关节窝中体积占比(CV%)、髁突在关节窝中表面积占比(CSA%)、关节腔上间隙(SJS)、关节腔前间隙(AJS)、关节腔后间隙(PJS)以及关节腔内侧间隙(MJS)。采用单因素方差分析、Kruskal-Wallis H检验及受试者操作特征曲线(ROC曲线)分析各参数的改变情况。 结果: CV和CSA在关节盘正常至不可复性前移位的病理进展中均发生显著变化(F=10.79,P<0.001;F=10.95,P<0.001)。NADP组和ADDWR组的CV、CSA和SJS[分别为(1 834.90±667.67)和(1 747.34±369.42)mm3,(859.27±216.01)和(838.23±118.82)mm2,(2.22±0.88)和(1.94±0.64)mm]均显著大于ADDWoR组[分别为(1 256.29±418.27)mm3、(669.14±150.26)mm2、(1.45±0.57)mm](t=4.31,P<0.001;t=3.66,P<0.001;t=4.27,P<0.001;t=3.80,P<0.001;t=4.11,P<0.001;t=2.63,P=0.010)。NADP组MJS[(5.03±1.41)mm]显著高于ADDWR组[(3.86±1.32)mm](t=3.00,P=0.004),ADDWR组MJS显著高于ADDWoR组[(4.91±1.65)mm](t=2.63,P=0.009)。ROC曲线分析显示,CV、CSA、SJS对鉴别NADP与ADDWoR的曲线下面积(AUC)值分别为0.77、0.76、0.76,CV、CSA、SJS对鉴别ADDWR与ADDWoR效果的AUC值分别为0.80、0.80、0.72。MJS对鉴别NADP和ADDWR、ADDWR和ADDWoR的AUC值分别为0.73和0.69。 结论: 颞下颌关节盘移位患者的髁突在三维层面上改变明显,CV、CSA、SJS和MJS的变化与不同的关节盘状态显著相关,可作为评价颞下颌关节盘移位准确度较高的测量指标。.





