
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) is the most common cause of end-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD), conditioning these patients to a worse renal prognosis and higher cardiovascular mortality and/or requirement for renal replacement therapy. The use of novel information and communication technologies (ICTs) focused on the field of health, may facilitates a better quality of life and disease control in these patients. Our objective is to evaluate the effect of monitoring DKD patients using NORA-app.
    Prospective feasibility/validation study of NORA-app in patients with DKD stage G3bA3 or higher, followed in outpatient clinics of a tertiary care hospital. NORA-app is an application for smartphones designed to control risk factors, share educational medical information, communicate via chat with health professionals, increase treatment compliance (Morisky-Green), and collect patient reported outcomes such as anxiety and depression using HADs scale. Clinical-laboratory variables were collected at 3 months and compared to control patients who declined using NORA-app.
    From 01/01/2021 to 03/03/2022 the use of NORA-app was offered to 118 patients, 82 accepted and 36 declined (controls). After a mean follow-up period of 6,04 months and at the time of data extraction 71 (86.6%) NORA-app patients remain active users, 2 have completed the follow-up at one year and 9 are inactive (3 due to death and 6 due to non-locatable). There were no differences in baseline characteristics including Creatinine [2.1 (1.6-2.4) vs. 1.9 (1.5-2.5)] mg/dL and alb/creat [962 (475-1784) vs. 1036 (560-2183)] mg/gr between Nora and control patients respectively. The therapeutic compliance rate in the NORA-app group was 77%, improving at 90 days to 91%. Patients in the NORA-group showed significantly lower levels of alb/creat than controls (768(411-1971) mg/g Vs 2039 (974-3214) p = 0.047) at 90-day follow-up.
    In patients with DKD the use of NORA-app was maintained in the long-term, leading to high levels of treatment compliance, and achieving a better disease control. Our study suggests that the generalized use of ICTs may help in the personalized monitoring of these patients to delay the progression of kidney disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: There is growing interest in the potential of telemedicine (TM) as an alternative to physical consultation. Although numerous studies prove the benefits of TM in rheumatology, there are no recommendations on its implementation in Spain. The aim of this study was to analyze the application of TM in rheumatology consultations in Spain.
    METHODS: Qualitative, cross-sectional, multicenter study with Delphi methodology in two rounds of queries. A structured ad hoc questionnaire was designed that included statements on teleconsultation, nursing teleconsultation, telecare, telerehabilitation, teleradiology, telehealth tele-education, main barriers, advantages and disadvantages of telehealth tele-education and TM in rheumatoid arthritis. The participants were rheumatology specialists practicing in Spain.
    RESULTS: The participating rheumatologists (N = 80) had a mean age of 42.4 (±9.0) years, with 12.6 (±8.4) years of experience. Some of the aspects of TM that obtained the greatest consensus were: TM is useful for follow-up of some patients, to help determine if a face-to-face consultation is necessary, or to assist patients with rheumatoid arthritis if they present low activity or in remission; certain patients, such as those in their first consultation or those who present digital barriers or cognitive deterioration, should be seen face-to-face; TM presents some technical and patient access barriers; TM can be useful in nursing and in continued medical education.
    CONCLUSIONS: TM can be beneficial for the treatment and follow-up of patients with rheumatic diseases, as well as for alleviating the face-to-face care burden in rheumatology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Innovation in internet connectivity and the Covid 19 pandemic have caused a dramatic change in the management of patients in the medical field, boosting the use of telemedicine. A comparison of clinical outcomes and satisfaction between conventional face-to-face and telemedicine follow-up in general surgery, an economic evaluation is mandatory. The aim of the present study was to compare the differences in economic costs between these two outpatient approaches in a designed randomized controlled trial (RCT).
    METHODS: A RCT was conducted enrolling 200 patients to compare conventional in-person vs. digital health follow-up using telemedicine in the outpatient clinics in patients of General Surgery Department after their planned discharge. After a demonstration that no differences were found in clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction, we analyzed the medical costs, including staff wages, initial investment, patent\'s transportation and impact on social costs.
    RESULTS: After an initial investment of 7527.53€, the costs for the Medical institution of in-person conventional follow-up were higher (8180.4€) than those using telemedicine (4630.06€). In relation to social costs, loss of productivity was also increased in the conventional follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of digital Health telemedicine is a cost-effective approach compared to conventional face-to-face follow-up in patients of General Surgery after hospital discharge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical, quality of life, and healthcare quality outcomes obtained in a series of patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA), who were empowered and monitored using the AVIP application. These results will be compared with a control group followed through a standard protocol.
    METHODS: Randomized clinical trial with parallel groups involving patients with an indication for THA. Clinical variables were measured and compared using the WOMAC and mHHS, pain assessed by the VAS, quality of life with the SF-12 test. Walking capabilities were analyzed using the Functional Gait Assessment Scale, along with satisfaction levels assessed through the SUCE questionnaire, and perceived anxiety levels related to the process.
    RESULTS: A total of 68 patients were evaluated, with 31 patients in the AVIP group and 33 in the Control group completing the follow-up. Both groups demonstrated improvement in clinical outcomes based on the WOMAC and mHHS hip tests, a reduction in perceived pain, and an enhancement in quality of life according to the SF-12 test. Patients in the AVIP study group exhibited non-inferiority in clinical outcomes and satisfaction compared to the control group, as well as lower anxiety levels and improved walking capabilities after the first month of follow-up. Notably, 82.25% of the follow-up visits for this group were conducted remotely.
    CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of a mHealth application like AVIP can be safely offered to selected patients undergoing hip arthroplasty, enabling effective monitoring and providing continuous information and training.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unexpected boost to telemedicine. We analyse the impact of the pandemic on telemedicine applied in Spanish headache consultations, review the literature, and issue recommendations for the implementation of telemedicine in consultations.
    METHODS: The study comprised 3 phases: 1) review of the MEDLINE database since 1958 (first reported experience with telemedicine); 2) Google Forms survey sent to all members of the Spanish Society of Neurology\'s Headache Study Group (GECSEN); and 3) online consensus of GECSEN experts to issue recommendations for the implementation of telemedicine in Spain.
    RESULTS: COVID-19 has increased waiting times for face-to-face consultations, increasing the use of all telemedicine modalities: landline telephone (from 75% before April 2020 to 97% after), mobile telephone (from 9% to 27%), e-mail (from 30% to 36%), and video consultation (from 3% to 21%). Neurologists are aware of the need to expand the availability of video consultations, which are clearly growing, and other e-health and m-health tools.
    CONCLUSIONS: The GECSEN recommends and encourages all neurologists who assist patients with headaches to implement telemedicine resources, with the optimal objective of offering video consultation to patients under 60-65 years of age and telephone calls to older patients, although each case must be considered on an individual basis. Prior approval and advice must be sought from legal and IT services and the centre\'s management. Most patients with stable headache and/or neuralgia are eligible for telemedicine follow-up, after a first consultation that must always be held in person.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    To evaluate the perceptions and preferences of users and health professionals on teleconsultation in primary care.
    Cross-sectional study with a telephone survey of users and a face-to-face survey of professionals carried out at 2021.
    Urban primary health care.
    Random sample of users with teleconsultations in the last year, stratified by sex and age, and doctors and nurses from participating centres.
    Likert variables assessing teleconsultation according to consultation motives, preferences and related aspects. Descriptive analysis and comparison of proportions and means.
    Three hundred patients and 48 professionals answered the questionnaire. Both groups value positively the teleconsultation for the management of the electronic prescription (EP) (83% and 83%, respectively), sick leave (SL) (80% and 64%) and issues related to COVID-19 (71% and 58%). The positive assessment of teleconsultation decreases for the treatment of acute pathologies (47% and 25%) and chronic diseases (49% and 33%). Globally, people <70 years value teleconsultation more highly (P<.001), without differences between sexes. Users and professionals prefer face-to-face consultation for chronic diseases (82% and 83%) and acute pathologies (82% and 94%), and teleconsultation for EP (68.7% and 88.6%). 52% of users prefer face-to-face visits for SL compared to 29% of professionals (P<.05).
    Teleconsultation implementation has been well valued by both patients and professionals. The face-to-face visit is preferred for chronic and acute pathologies, especially in the elderly. It will be necessary to define in which cases teleconsultation is the best tool according to the characteristics of each population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Digital evolution represents an opportunity for ophthalmology to adapt to new care models. This study aimed to find out how the pandemic has modified the clinical practice and training activities of the ophthalmologist specialised in ocular surface, as well as to analyse emerging trends and needs.
    METHODS: This study was carried out through an online survey. A committee of 3 specialists developed a questionnaire of 25 questions structured in: 1) Participant profile; 2) Impact of the pandemic on patient management and professional activities; 3) Trends and needs.
    RESULTS: 68 clinical ophthalmologists participated. There was a high degree of agreement (90%) that the pandemic has delayed ophthalmological follow-up visits and diagnosis. The participants agreed that the frequency of patients with dry eye disease (75%), stye/chalazion (62%) and blepharitis (60%) has increased. According to 28%, remote monitoring of pathologies such as dry eye, glaucoma, diabetes, conjunctivitis, hyposphagmas, styes, etc., will be common, especially in the young population. This will be especially relevant in chronic or mild pathologies of the ocular surface, and in the follow-up of patients after cataract and diabetic retinopathy interventions.
    CONCLUSIONS: During the pandemic, an increase in the incidence of certain ocular surface diseases has been perceived. The telematic follow-up of chronic or mild pathologies of the ocular surface entails the need to provide specific training for both the patient and the healthcare professional, in addition to screening and referral protocols that would optimise the flow of care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate the accuracy and validity of images with smartphone compared to the RetCam® system for the diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).
    METHODS: Observational, longitudinal and masked study carried out at the Dr. Elías Santana hospital. Infants with birth weight ≤1500 g, gestational age ≤30 weeks and/or patients exposed to risk factors or complications linked to ROP were included. These subjects were screened using images with smartphone or RetCam®, both compared to conventional fundoscopy. The ICROP classification was used for staging. The main results analyzed were sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values and kappa index.
    RESULTS: 915 images (n = 121) were obtained, distributed in smartphone group (50.4%) and RetCam® group (49.6%) between August 2020 and March 2021. Subjects with ROP had lower gestational age (30.2 sem ± 2.8), birth weight (1361 g ± 398), and greater exposure to oxygen therapy (12.8 days ± 11.3). The RetCam® group presented sensitivity = 80%, specificity = 78%, positive predictive value = 90% and kappa index = 0.70. The smartphone group presented sensitivity = 88%, specificity = 90%, positive predictive value = 93.75% and kappa index = 0.81.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both diagnostic methods were accurate to identify ROP. The smartphone group obtained superior results with excellent resolution, representing a cost-effective method to create a global impact on reducing preventable blindness in the pediatric population.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus limit face-to-face consultation to the minimum necessary, this was a change toward telephone activity.
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the experience of a neuropediatric consultation, INRPC, and satisfaction survey with the telephone consultation during COVID-19 crisis.
    METHODS: Observational, cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study of healthcare activity, as well as user satisfaction, during the State of Alarm in a neuropediatric consultation in a regional referral hospital. To measure satisfaction, a survey is conducted with parents and guardians.
    RESULTS: 416 children were attended by telephone. Most frequent diagnoses: neurodevelopmental disorder (27.8%), isolated ADD/ADHD (26.8%), and epilepsy (9.2%). 32.2% responded to the survey: 66.6% prior satisfaction. Global satisfaction with telephone consultation 59.9%; 77% would return to make the telephone consultation.
    CONCLUSIONS: User satisfaction with the telephone consultation, in a crisis situation, is similar to that perceived with the face-to-face consultation. 32% respond to the survey, and 60% are satisfied.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    Members of the working groups on hypertension or cardiovascular disease of the Spanish Societies of Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) [SEMERGEN], Family and Community Medicine [semFYC] and General and Family Physicians [SEMG], conducted a Delphi study to validate with a panel of PCPs with expertise in hypertension several recommendations to optimize teleconsultation in hypertensive patients.
    Delphi study based on an online questionnaire with 59 recommendations based on the available evidence and the clinical experience of the authors.
    118 PCPs participated in two rounds of the questionnaire (98.3% of the invited physicians), reaching consensus in 53/62 statements (85%). The Primary Care team must proactively select the hypertensive patients suitable for telematic consultation and contact them to set up an appointment. Telematic consultation must begin explaining the reason and aims pursued, continuing with anamnesis, which must explore signs and symptoms of disease worsening, current treatments and level of adherence. In patients with a home blood pressure measurement (HBPM) ≤135/85mmHg, it is recommended to schedule a new telematic appointment in 3-6months. On the contrary, asymptomatic patients with a HBPM ≥135/85mmHg should undergo ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, treatment modification or, in case of warning signs or symptoms, referral to a face-to-face visit or to emergency department.
    Teleconsultation can complement face-to-face consultation, constituting an additional tool for the appropriate follow-up of hypertensive patients.





