
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is a pleural effusion that is caused by a malignant tumor originating in the pleura or by a metastatic malignant tumor from another site that has invaded the pleura. MPE is associated with poor prognosis. Members of the Pleural and Mediastinal Diseases Working Group (preparatory) of Chinese Thoracic Society and some external experts selected clinical issues related to the management of MPE and conducted rigorous evidence retrieval and evaluation. After several meetings and revisions of the manuscript, recommendations were made. This consensus applies to patients aged≥18 years old with MPE caused by various malignancies except for pleural mesothelioma. It included four chapters: pathogenesis of MPE, prognostic evaluation of MPE, local thoracic treatment, and systemic anticancer therapy for MPE.The main recommendations of this consensus are as follows:1. Prognosis evaluation of MPE was valuable in formulating treatment options. It is suggested to comprehensively evaluate the patient\'s prognosis by combining the patient\'s performance status, tumor type, and laboratory examination.2. It is recommended that in patients with symptomatic MPE, therapeutic thoracentesis could be used as the initial therapeutic option. Evaluate whether the lung is expandable after thoracentesis and drainage, and then develop a therapeutic regimen.3. In patients with MPE and known expandable or nonexpandable lung, an indwelling pleural catheter (IPC) is recommended as a first-line pleural management. Daily IPC drainages are recommended. In patients with MPE and expandable lung, talc pleurodesis by talc poudrage or talc slurry is recommended if the drug is accessible. Other pleurodesis agents include povidone iodine, bleomycin, and doxycycline.4. After drainage, it is suggested to consider the option of intrapleural use of recombinant human endostatin or bevacizumab alone or in combination with intrapleural chemotherapy. Intrapleural intervention including electrocautery, argon knife, cryotherapy, laser and radiofrequency ablation, is recommended for use in patients who have undergone rigorous evaluation in eligible hospitals. The use of intrapleural urokinase or streptokinase via pleural catheter is recommended for patients with symptomatic MPE and loculated effusion.5. For patients with good performance status and metastatic malignancies, systemic anti-cancer treatment is recommended as standard of care.
    恶性胸腔积液(Malignant pleural effusion,MPE)是指胸膜原发恶性肿瘤或其他部位的恶性肿瘤转移至胸膜引起的胸腔积液,MPE患者的预后差。中华医学会呼吸病学分会胸膜与纵隔疾病学组(筹)组织相关领域专家,归纳遴选MPE治疗的临床问题,进行证据检索和评价,并结合我国临床实践,经过多次会议讨论和修订,形成推荐意见。本共识适用对象为年龄≥18周岁,除恶性胸膜间皮瘤以外的各种恶性肿瘤导致的MPE。共识分为四章:MPE的发病机制、MPE的预后评估、胸腔局部治疗、针对MPE的全身抗肿瘤治疗。本共识主要推荐意见如下:1. MPE的预后评估对治疗方案的制定有参考价值,建议结合患者的体力状态评分、肿瘤类型和实验室指标来综合评估患者预后。2. 对有症状的MPE,推荐尽早进行胸腔局部治疗,治疗性胸腔穿刺术可作为初始的治疗措施;穿刺排液后评估肺是否可复张,并据此制定后续的治疗措施。3. 无论肺是否可复张,推荐将胸腔置管引流作为MPE的一线治疗方法,置管后尽量每日引流。对肺可复张的MPE,在有条件的单位,推荐行滑石粉胸膜固定术,经胸腔镜滑石粉微粒喷洒或经胸腔置管滑石粉匀浆灌注均可;不具备条件的单位,可选择聚维酮碘、博来霉素、多西环素等胸膜硬化剂。4. 胸腔置管引流后建议酌情注入铂类药物行胸腔内化疗,或注入抗血管生成药物(重组人血管内皮抑制素或贝伐珠单抗)单药或联合胸腔化疗。胸腔介入治疗(电刀、氩气刀、冷冻、激光、射频消融等)能使部分MPE患者获益,但缺乏高质量的证据,建议有条件的单位,根据患者的具体情况酌情开展,或开展严格的临床研究。对于有症状的分隔性MPE,建议胸腔内注射纤维蛋白溶解剂(如链激酶、尿激酶)来促进积液排出。5. 对不同恶性肿瘤继发的MPE,若患者体力状态评分良好,推荐针对原发肿瘤进行全身抗肿瘤治疗。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cosmetic talc has been suggested to cause mesothelioma. To assess a potential causal relationship between cosmetic talc and mesothelioma, a quantitative weight of evidence analysis was performed in accordance with Hill\'s nine original guidelines for causal inference using a published empirical model to weight each respective guideline. Various epidemiological, toxicological, and exposure studies related to cosmetic talc and risk of mesothelioma were included in an evaluation of each of Hill\'s guidelines. Probabilities that the guidelines were true were assigned based on expert judgment. We applied a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the variability of our probability estimates. The overall probability of causality for cosmetic talc and mesothelioma was approximately 1.29% (range: 0.73%-3.96%). This low probability of causality supports the conclusion that cosmetic talc is not related to the development of mesothelioma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This Guideline, a collaborative effort from the American Thoracic Society, Society of Thoracic Surgeons, and Society of Thoracic Radiology, aims to provide evidence-based recommendations to guide contemporary management of patients with a malignant pleural effusion (MPE).
    A multidisciplinary panel developed seven questions using the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcomes) format. The GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) approach and the Evidence to Decision framework was applied to each question. Recommendations were formulated, discussed, and approved by the entire panel.
    The panel made weak recommendations in favor of: 1) using ultrasound to guide pleural interventions; 2) not performing pleural interventions in asymptomatic patients with MPE; 3) using either an indwelling pleural catheter (IPC) or chemical pleurodesis in symptomatic patients with MPE and suspected expandable lung; 4) performing large-volume thoracentesis to assess symptomatic response and lung expansion; 5) using either talc poudrage or talc slurry for chemical pleurodesis; 6) using IPC instead of chemical pleurodesis in patients with nonexpandable lung or failed pleurodesis; and 7) treating IPC-associated infections with antibiotics and not removing the catheter.
    These recommendations, based on the best available evidence, can guide management of patients with MPE and improve patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    On 23-24 March 1998, the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Risk Science Institute convened a workshop entitled \"Relevance of the Rat Lung Response to Particle Overload for Human Risk Assessment.\" The workshop addressed the numerous study reports of lung tumors in rats resulting from chronic inhalation exposures to poorly soluble, nonfibrous particles of low acute toxicity and not directly genotoxic. These poorly soluble particles, indicated by the acronym PSPs (e.g., carbon black, coal dust, diesel soot, nonasbestiform talc, and titanium dioxide), elicit tumors in rats when deposition overwhelms the clearance mechanisms of the lung resulting in a condition referred to as \"overload.\" These PSPs have been shown not to induce tumors in mice and hamsters, and the available data in humans are consistently negative. The objectives were twofold: (1) to provide guidance for risk assessment on the interpretation of neoplastic and nonneoplastic responses of the rat lung to PSPs; and (2) to identify important data gaps in our understanding of the lung responses of rats and other species to PSPs. Utilizing the five critical reviews of relevant literature that follow herein and the combined expertise and experience of the 30 workshop participants, a number of questions were addressed. The consensus views of the workshop participants are presented in this report. Because it is still not known with certainty whether high lung burdens of PSPs can lead to lung cancer in humans via mechanisms similar to those of the rat, in the absence of mechanistic data to the contrary it must be assumed that the rat model can identify potential carcinogenic hazards to humans. Since the apparent responsiveness of the rat model at overload is dependent on coexistent chronic active inflammation and cell proliferation, at lower lung doses where chronic active inflammation and cell proliferation are not present, no lung cancer hazard is anticipated.





