Sympatric speciation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last years, the interest in evolutionary divergence at small spatial scales has increased and so did the study of speciation caused by ecologically based divergent natural selection. The evolutionary interplay between gene flow and local adaptation can lead to low-dispersal locally adapted specialists. When this occurs, the evolutionary interplay between gene flow and local adaptation could eventually lead to speciation. The L. saxatilis system consists of two ecotypes displaying a microhabitat-associated intraspecific dimorphism along the wave-exposed rocky shores of Galicia. Despite being a well-known system, the dynamics of the ecotype formation remain unclear and cannot be studied from empirical evidence alone. In this study, individual-based simulations were used to incorporate relevant ecological, spatial, and genetic information, to check different evolutionary scenarios that could evolve non-random mating preferences and finally may facilitate speciation. As main results, we observed the evolution of intermediate values of choice which matches the estimates from empirical data of L. saxatilis in Galician shores and coincides with previous theoretical outcomes. Also, the use of the mating correlation as a proxy for assortative mating led to spuriously inferring greater reproductive isolation in the middle habitat than in the others, which does not happen when directly considering the choice values from the simulations. We also corroborate the well-known fact that the occurrence of speciation is influenced by the strength of selection. Taken together, this means, also according to other L. saxatilis systems, that speciation is not an immediate consequence of local divergent selection and mating preferences, but a fine tuning among several factors including the ecological conditions in the shore levels, the selection strength, the mate choice stringency, and cost to choosiness. The L. saxatilis system could correspond to a case of incomplete reproductive isolation, where the choice intensity is intermediate and local adaptation within the habitat is strong. These results support previous interpretations of the L. saxatilis model system and indicate that further empirical studies would be interesting to test whether the mate choice mechanism functions as a similarity-like mechanism as has been shown in other littorinids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphological similarities of many parasites and their hosts have led to speculation that some groups of plant, animal, fungal, and algal parasites may have evolved directly from their hosts. These parasites, which have been termed adelphoparasites in the botanical literature, and more recently, agastoparasites in the insect literature, may evolve monophyletically from one host and radiate secondarily to other hosts or, these parasites may arise polyphyletically, each arising from its own host. In this study we compare the internal transcribed spacer regions of the nuclear ribosomal repeats of species and formae specialis (host races) included in the red algal parasite genus Asterocolax with its hosts, which all belong to the Phycodrys group of the Delesseriaceae and with closely related nonhost taxa of the Delesseriaceae. These analyses reveal that species of Asterocolax have evolved polyphyletically. Asterocolax erythroglossi from the North Atlantic host Erythroglossum laciniatum appears to have evolved from its host, whereas taxa included in the north Pacific species Asterocolax gardneri have had two independent origins. Asterocolax gardneri from the host Polyneura latissima probably arose directly from this host. In contrast, all other A. gardneri formae specialis appear to have originated from either Phycodrys setchellii or P. isabelliae and radiated secondarily onto other closely related taxa of the Phycodrys group, including Nienburgia andersoniana and Anisocladella pacifica. Gamete crossing experiments confirm that A. gardneri from each host is genetically isolated from both its host, and from other A. gardneri and their hosts. Cross-infection experiments reveal that A. gardneri develops normally only on its natural host, although some abberrant growth may occur on alternate hosts. The ability of red algal parasites to radiate secondarily to other red algal taxa, where they may become isolated genetically and speciate, suggests that this process of speciation is not a \"genetic dead end\" but one that may give rise to related clusters of parasite species.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The noctuid moth Spodoptera frugiperda (the fall armyworm) is endemic to the Western Hemisphere and appears to be undergoing sympatric speciation to produce two subpopulations that differ in their choice of host plants. The \'rice strain\' and \'corn strain\' are morphologically indistinguishable, requiring the use of genetic markers for identification. Because fall armyworm is a major pest of corn and several other agricultural crops, characterizing the strains has important economic consequences. In this study, comparisons were made of the intron sequences from the triose-phosphate isomerase (Tpi) gene isolated from 85 fall armyworm specimens collected from two host plants. Sixteen new strain-specific haplotypes based on intron polymorphisms are described that can facilitate the characterization of fall armyworm populations associated with different host plants. Comparisons of genetic diversity within and between the strains provides evidence that the corn strain is undergoing active selection and supports the proposal of directional interstrain mating occurring in the wild. Comparisons of the polymorphisms indicate that each intron undergoes different patterns of mutation that in some cases corresponds to host plant preferences. The results confirm that intron sequence comparisons are an effective approach to study fall armyworm population genetics.





