
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study performs an exploratory analysis of current-future sustainability challenges for ocean planning for the regional seas of Catalonia located in the Western Mediterranean (Spain).
    UNASSIGNED: To address the challenges we develop an Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)-oriented geodatabase of maritime activities and deploy three spatial models: 1) an analysis of regional contribution to the 30% protection commitment with Biodiversity Strategy 2030; 2) a spatial Maritime Use Conflict (MUC) analysis to address current and future maritime activities interactions and 3) the StressorGenerator QGIS application to locate current and anticipate future sea areas of highest anthropogenic stress.
    UNASSIGNED: Results show that the i) study area is one of the most protected sea areas in the Mediterranean (44-51% of sea space protected); ii) anthropogenic stressors are highest in 1-4 nautical miles coastal areas, where maritime activities agglomerate, in the Gulf of Roses and Gulf of Saint Jordi. iii) According to the available datasets commercial fishery is causing highest conflict score inside protected areas. Potential new aquaculture sites are causing highest conflict in Internal Waters and the high potential areas for energy cause comparably low to negligible spatial conflicts with other uses. We discuss the added value of performing regional MSP exercises and define five challenges for regional ocean sustainability, namely: Marine protection beyond percentage, offshore wind energy: a new space demand, crowded coastal areas, multi-level governance of the regional sea and MSP knowledge gaps.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Researchers have documented multiple stressors and mental health problems along the journey of refugees as they are displaced to seek refuge in nearby and remote host countries. This article examines published research on Syrian refugees to propose a framework to conceptualize Syrian refugees\' pre- and post-stressors and their collective impact on their mental health. The proposed framework provides a comprehensive understanding of the interconnected pathways between pre-displacement stressors, post-displacement stressors, and mental health outcomes for Syrian refugees. Pre-displacement stressors are best captured by the concept of trauma centrality and emotional suppression. Post-displacement stressors, categorized under financial, political, and social themes, have a direct impact on the mental health of the refugees, but could also play a partial mediating role on the impact of pre-displacement stressors on mental health. The framework suggests a direct pathway between the experience of war-related traumatic events and mental health and introduces the country of residence as a potential moderator of the severity of mental health. The latter is primarily influenced by local policies and the host communities\' acceptance of refugees. We believe that the proposed framework can guide the work of researchers, policymakers, and practitioners concerned with the mental health and well-being of Syrian refugees. Additionally, although based on the experience of Syrian refugees, it presents a holistic perspective that could be adapted in other refugee settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the relationship between coping strategies used by adolescent refugees in the Palestinian refugees\' Shatila camp in Lebanon and posttraumatic growth. Moreover, the study explored and predicted the impact of coping strategies utilized by adolescent Palestinians in Shatila camp, Lebanon on their personal growth and psychological well-being. Data were collected using two questionnaires and a checklist: (a) LEC-5 checklist as an assessment tool to make sure that all the participants have faced or experienced stressful events, (b) questionnaires including the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ) to find out the style of coping refugees used, and (c) Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) to identify the factors of growth refugees developed as a result of using different coping strategies. Sixty adolescent refugees at one of the centers in the camp (31 females and 29 males) who benefited from counseling services participated in the study. Adolescent refugees\' performance on the checklist and questionnaires revealed the prevalence of stressors among the refugees. The coping strategies mostly utilized were problem-focused coping strategies, as there was a correlation between its factors and some coping strategies, and there were coping strategies used that predict the development of growth among. Finally, as for the counseling and training programs and services, interventions and guidance services seem to better prepare refugees to handle and cope with the stress that they encounter to develop personal growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developmental researchers face considerable challenges regarding maximizing data collection and reducing participant attrition. In this article, we use our experiences implementing our study on the effects of timing of prenatal stress on maternal and infant outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic as a framework to discuss the difficulties and solutions for these challenges, including the development of two types of virtual assessments. Specific information regarding use of virtual platforms, confidentiality, engaging children during video conferencing, and modifying the major assessments of our research are discussed. Feasibility data are presented, and data analytic challenges regarding statistical inference are outlined. Finally, we conclude with some of the unintended positive consequences for our research that resulted from making these modifications to our original methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this article is to determine whether there are differences in the coping strategies of parents of children with disabilities (autism spectrum disorder or other disabilities) and children without disabilities, in reference to the most stressful situation they have experienced with their child in the last year.
    To conduct the study, a purposive sample selection based on case-control characteristics was carried out, in which a total sample of 170 participants was recruited. Participants were assigned, according to their characteristics, to the group of parents of children without disabilities, with ASD or with other disabilities. An ad hoc sociodemographic questionnaire and the Coping Responses Inventory for adults were administered.
    The results obtained indicate that there are differences in the use of coping strategies between parents of children without disabilities and with disabilities but not between the two disability groups. Parents of children with disabilities have significantly higher scores on the four subscales defined as avoidance strategies, and on one subscale identified as an approach strategy.
    Parents of children with disabilities use avoidance strategies, to a greater extent, during the most stressful situations they have experienced in the last year with their child. In addition, they tend to use avoidance strategies regardless of the type of disability their child has.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 outbreak has raised questions about how vulnerable groups experience the pandemic. Research that focuses on the view of individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions is still limited, and so are cross-country comparative surveys. We gathered our sample of qualitative data during the first lockdown after governmental measures against the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus came into force in Austria, Czechia, Germany, and Slovakia. A total of n = 1690 psychotherapists from four middle European countries answered the question of how the COVID-19 pandemic was addressed in sessions by their patients during the early stage of unprecedented public health conditions. We employed a descriptive qualitative methodology to determine themes following levels of the social-ecological model (SEM) regarding how the COVID-19 pandemic affected patients. At the public policy level, stressful environmental conditions concerned the governmental mitigation efforts. At the level of community/society, reported key themes were employment, restricted access to educational and health facilities, socioeconomic consequences, and the pandemic itself. Key themes at the interpersonal level regarded forced proximity, the possibility of infection of loved ones, childcare, and homeschooling. Key themes at the individual level were the possibility of contracting COVID-19, having to stay at home/isolation, and a changing environment. Within the SEM framework, adaptive and maladaptive responses to these stressors were reported, with more similarities than differences between the countries. A quantification of word stems showed that the maladaptive reactions predominated.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM) is a cardiac condition that presents with features of acute myocardial infarction and transient systolic dysfunction without angiographic findings of obstructive coronary heart disease. Common presenting symptoms include acute substernal chest pain, dyspnea and syncope. It is usually triggered by recent emotional or physical stress such as head trauma, stroke, sepsis, overproduction of catecholamines such as pheochromocytoma or following Myasthenia crisis. We are here to report a case of TCM who does not have any identifiable emotional or physical stress prior to the event. The patient was a 76-year-old Caucasian female with a past medical history of hypertension who presented to the hospital with chest pain which initially was treated as non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) with aspirin, ticagrelor and heparin infusion. Cardiac catheterization later revealed non-obstructive coronary artery disease but showed akinesis of inferior, apical and anterior walls with hyperdynamic basal segments indicating TCM.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Neuropsychiatric events are often associated with viral pandemics. The unexpected turn of events the world over since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic may serve as stressors which can trigger or worsen mental disorders particularly psychosis. There is little or no reports about acute psychosis on the background of this current global pandemic particularly in the African context. The aim of this article describes a case series of acute schizophrenia-like disorder with COVID-19 related psychotic themes in the context of the current pandemic.
    METHODS: We present a case series of 2 patients with first episode psychotic illnesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both patients presented at the mental health outpatient clinic of the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
    RESULTS: Two patients with no previous history of mental illness presented with COVID-19 delusional themes and odd behaviours. Mental state examination revealed abnormalities in behaviour, thought system, perception and cognition. ICD10 diagnosis of Acute and Transient Psychotic disorder was made in both patients. There were no abnormal physical health findings and symptoms resolved with the use of antipsychotics.
    CONCLUSIONS: Information on the COVID-19 pandemic may influence the content of psychotic experiences among the general population. A high index of suspicion and acute services are important to ensure prompt intervention and promotion of community mental health. Clinicians need to be well informed to be able to identify what deviates from the norm, and to be able to provide prompt intervention.
    BACKGROUND: Les événements neuropsychiatriques sont souvent associés aux pandémies virales. La tournure inattendue des événements dans le monde depuis le début de la pandémie de coronavirus peut servir de facteurs de stress pouvant déclencher ou aggraver des troubles mentaux, en particulier la psychose. Il y a peu ou pas de rapports sur la psychose aiguë sur le fond de cette pandémie mondiale actuelle en particulier dans le contexte africain. Le but de cet article décrit une série de cas de troubles de type schizophrénique aigu avec des thèmes psychotiques liés au COVID-19 dans le contexte de la pandémie actuelle.
    UNASSIGNED: Nous présentons une série de cas de 2 patients présentant un premier épisode de maladie psychotique pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. Les deux patients se sont présentés à la clinique externe de santé mentale du complexe hospitalier universitaire Obafemi Awolowo, à Ile-Ife, au Nigéria.
    UNASSIGNED: Deux patients sans antécédents de maladie mentale ont présenté des thèmes délirants et des comportements étranges liés à la COVID-19. L\'examen de l\'état mental a révélé des anomalies dans le comportement, le système de pensée, la perception et la cognition. Le diagnostic ICD10 de trouble psychotique aigu et transitoire a été posé chez les deux patients. Il n\'y a eu aucun signe anormal de santé physique et aucun symptôme n\'a été résolu avec l\'utilisation d\'antipsychotiques.
    CONCLUSIONS: Les informations sur la pandémie de COVID-19 peuvent influencer le contenu des expériences psychotiques au sein de la population générale. Un indice élevé de suspicion et des services aigus sont importants pour assurer une intervention rapide et la promotion de la santé mentale communautaire. Les cliniciens doivent être bien informés pour pouvoir identifier ce qui s\'écarte de la norme et pouvoir intervenir rapidement.
    UNASSIGNED: COVID-19, psychose aiguë et transitoire, pandémie, premier épisode de psychose, facteurs de stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Daily stressors have a significant impact on students\' educational outcomes. However, research on students perceived and common contextual stressors in physical education (PE) lessons is limited. Purpose: To identify potential contextual stressors in PE contexts and what students perceive as stressors. Participants: Ninth-grade students (age 14-15) and their PE teachers recruited from three classes in one lower secondary school in Norway. Research Design: This qualitative case study used data generated from descriptive field notes from participant observations in PE lessons, formal interviews and informal conversations with PE teachers, focus group and individual interviews with students, and a supplementary survey using the TurningPoint student response system. Conversations were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2006; Tolmie et al., 2011; Braun et al., 2019) and the NVivo 12 Pro analysis software. The survey was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Findings: This study supports and expands previous research exploring students\' stressors in PE and highlights the volume and variety of potential stressors in PE contexts. The findings shed light on certain similarities and differences that may exist between students of different genders and grades and with different past physical activity experiences. In the present study, spectators, in addition to difficult tasks and low self-efficacy, seemed particularly stressful for girls. This article presents nuances revealed by various qualitative approaches and a supplementary survey. Conclusion: Students in this study experience a multitude of stressors during PE lessons. These include stressors in the teaching, physical, and social environments, as well as personal factors. The stressors experienced depend on the situation, the lesson content, the parties involved, students\' past experiences, and their appraisal of these stressors. In our sample, girls seemed to be more vulnerable to contextual stressors in PE than boys.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Severe adverse life events, such as traumatic experiences, are well-known stressors implicated in (youth) major depression (MD). However, to date, far less is known about the role of more common psychosocial stressors in the context of MD, which are part of everyday life during youth. In addition, it is not well-understood whether and how distinct stressors interact with protective factors in youths diagnosed with MD. Thus, the present study aimed at examining several specific psychosocial stressors implicated in a first-episode juvenile MD and addressed the question whether protective factors might moderate the relationship between stressors and a diagnosis of MD.
    METHODS: One-hundred male and female youths with MD and 101 typically developing (TD) controls (10-18 years) were included. A large number of qualitatively different psychosocial stressors occurring in various areas of life were assessed via self-report. Moreover, we also investigated sociodemographic and pre- and postnatal stressors, as well as the presence of familial affective disorders via parental-report. Social support and a positive family climate were conceptualized as protective factors and were assessed via self-report.
    RESULTS: Results showed that the proportion of youths experiencing specific psychosocial stressors was higher in the MD than in the TD group. In particular, the proportion of youths indicating changes at home or at school, experiences of violence, delinquent behavior, as well as the proportion of youths who were exposed to sociodemographic stressors was higher in the MD than in the TD group. Moreover, the percentage of youths with a family history of an affective disorder, or whose mothers experienced psychological burdens during/after pregnancy was elevated in the MD group. Youths with MD experienced less social support and a less positive family climate than their TD peers. These factors, however, did not buffer the influence of specific stressors on MD.
    CONCLUSIONS: We could show that next to more severe adverse life events, more common psychosocial stressors are linked to youth MD. Importantly, by identifying distinct stressors in youth MD, our results can increase treatment and prevention efforts aiming to improve the outcomes in youths affected by MD or in at-risk individuals.






