
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mechanism that regulates sperm release at spermiation is unknown. Herein, we used an animal model wherein rats were treated with adjudin, 1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-1H-indazole-3-carbohydrazide, via oral gavage to induce premature release of elongating/elongated spermatids, followed by round spermatids and spermatocytes. Spermatid release mimicking spermiation occurred within 6 to 12 hours following adjudin treatment and, by 96 hours, virtually all tubules were devoid of elongating/elongated spermatids. Using this model, we tracked the organization of F-actin and microtubules (MTs) by immunofluorescence microscopy, and the association of actin or MT regulatory proteins that either promote or demolish cytoskeletal integrity through changes in the organization of actin microfilaments or MTs by coimmunoprecipitation. Adjudin treatment induced an increase in the association of (1) epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8 (an actin barbed-end capping and bundling protein) or formin 1 (an actin nucleator) with actin and (2) end-binding protein 1 (an MT stabilizing protein) with MT shortly after adjudin exposure (at 6 hours), in an attempt to maintain spermatid adhesion to the Sertoli cell at the apical ectoplasmic specialization (ES). However, this was followed by a considerable decline of their steady-state protein levels, replacing with an increase in association of (1) actin-related protein 3 (a branched actin nucleator that converts actin filaments into a branched/unbundled network) with actin and (2) MT affinity-regulating kinase 4 (an MT destabilizing protein kinase) with MTs by 12 hours after adjudin treatment. These latter changes thus promoted actin and MT disorganization, leading to apical ES disruption and the release of elongating/elongated spermatids, mimicking spermiation. In summary, spermiation is a cytoskeletal-dependent event, involving regulatory proteins that modify cytoskeletal organization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Testis development and ultrastructural features of spermatogenesis in Acrossocheilus fasciatus (Cypriniformes, Barbinae), a commercial stream fish, were studied using light and electron microscopy. The reproduction cycle in A. fasciatus testes is classified into six successive stages from Stage I to Stage VI. Based on an analysis of previous results, May to July can be confirmed as the best breeding season for A. fasciatus males. During this time, the A. fasciatus testes are in Stage V and the sperm in males is most abundant. In the first reproductive cycle, sexually mature male testes return to Stage III in October, subsequently overwintering at this stage. In the lobular-type testes of A. fasciatus, cystic type spermatogenesis occurs with restricted spermatogonia. All spermatogenic cells at different stages are distributed along the seminiferous lobules, which contain spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa. At the end of spermatogenesis, spermatogenic cysts open to release spermatozoa into the lobule lumen. Ultrastructural observation of A. fasciatus spermiogenesis reveals that electron-dense substances appear at the different stages of germ cells, from primary spermatogonia to secondary spermatocytes. We have termed these dense substances as \"nuage\" when free in the cytoplasm or adjacent to the nuclear envelope, while those close to the mitochondria are called inter-mitochondrial cement. The spermatozoa in A. fasciatus can be classified as type I due to the presence of nuclear rotation. Although the nuclear chromatin in the head of sperm was highly condensed, no acrosome was formed. The cytoplasmic canal, a common ultrastructural feature of Teleostei spermatozoa, was also present in the midpiece. In addition, numerous fused mitochondria were observed. The distal centriole and proximal centriole constituting the centriolar complex were oriented incompletely perpendicular to each other. The flagellum showed a typical 9+2 arrangement pattern. Conversely, our study on A. fasciatus yielded no information concerning the lateral fins although an enlarged saclike area was present at the end of some flagella.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to investigate the spermatogenesis in ksr2(-/-) mice. Spermatogenesis in 12-15 week-old C57BL/6 wt and ksr2(-/-) mice was observed in testicular tissue and epididymal sperm by light and transmission electron microscopy. The reproductive capacity of male ksr2(-/-) mice was strongly impaired. Concentration, morphology and motility of epididymal spermatozoa were altered in ksr2(-/-) mice. In seminiferous tubules from ksr2(-/-) mice, all stages of spermatogenetic process were represented; spermatids displayed defects concerning nuclear and acrosomal shape and periaxonemal structures of the tail; detached head and spermatozoa with an altered head-tail connection were observed; the interstitial tissue was severely disorganized, the Leydig cells have lost their connections. TEM analysis of epididymal spermatozoa confirmed the presence of such kind of alterations. We reported, for the first time, an ultrastructural study of ksr2(-/-) mice spermatogenesis. Remarkable findings regard the altered spermiogenetic process concomitant with a severe disorganization of interstitial tissue. Further studies are needed to assess the ksr2(-/-) mice hormonal status, focussing on testosterone levels since the interstitial tissue, where the Leydig cells reside, was compromised.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mercury is ubiquitous in the environment; it is an occupational pollutant and a potential toxicant. We investigated the effects of exposure of rat testes to mercury vapor (Hg(0)). Twelve male rats were divided into two groups of six: the rats of the Hg(0) group were exposed to mercury (1 mg/m(3)/day) in a chamber for six weeks; the control group rats were housed under the same conditions without exposure to Hg(0). After the experimental period, the testes were removed, sections of testis were evaluated histopathologically after hematoxylin and eosin staining, and stereologically using the Cavalieri principle and optical fractionator methods. We found significant decreases in the total volume of testis, diameters of seminiferous tubules and total volume of seminiferous tubules. Significant decreases were detected in the numbers of Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids of the Hg(0) group compared to the control group. In the Hg(0) exposed group, spermatogenic cells were degenerated and seminiferous tubules were atrophied.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents the process of spermatogenesis in the leech Hirudo troctina Johnson, 1816 using light, fluorescent and transmission electron microscopy. At the onset of spermatogenesis in testes, the pear-shaped spermatogonia divide mitotically without full cytokinesis and as a result isogenic groups are formed (clusters, clones) with 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 spermatogonia and, finally, 256 primary spermatocytes occur. The final meiotic divisions of spermatocytes give rise to clones with 1024 spermatids. There are hundreds of developing germ-line clones in each testis. In each clone, the male germ cells divide in full synchrony and they are in the same phase of spermatogenesis. During complex spermiogenesis each spermatid becomes a filiform spermatozoon with a helicoid nucleus, which is characterized by the presence of a long acrosome with two regions - anterior and posterior, which are followed by a helicoid nucleus, a midpiece with only one mitochondrion and a long flagellum. Our results were compared to those on other clitellate annelids that have been studied to date, especially to sperm formation in Hirudo medicinalis Linnaeus, 1785. Only minor differences were found in the length and the diameter of different organelles and the number of spermatids in germ-line clones.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mouse mutants that show effects on sperm head shape, the sperm tail (flagellum), and motility were analysed in a systematic way. This was achieved by grouping mutations in the following classes: manchette, acrosome, Sertoli cell contact, chromatin remodelling, and mutations involved in complex regulations such as protein (de)phosphorylation and RNA stability, and flagellum/motility mutations. For all mutant phenotypes, flagellum function (motility) was affected. Head shape, including the nucleus, was also affected in spermatozoa of most mouse models, though with considerable variation. For the mutants that were categorized in the flagellum/motility group, generally normal head shapes were found, even when the flagellum did not develop or only poorly so. Most mutants are sterile, an occasional one semi-sterile. For completeness, the influence of the sex chromosomes on sperm phenotype is included. Functionally, the genes involved can be categorized as regulators of spermiogenesis. When extrapolating these data to human sperm samples, in vivo selection for motility would be the tool for weeding out the products of suboptimal spermiogenesis and epididymal sperm maturation. The striking dependency of motility on proper sperm head development is not easy to understand, but likely is of evolutionary benefit. Also, sperm competition after mating can never act against the long-term multi-generation interest of genetic integrity. Hence, it is plausible to suggest that short-term haplophase fitness i.e., motility, is developmentally integrated with proper nucleus maturation, including genetic integrity to protect multi-generation fitness. We hypothesize that, when the prime defect is in flagellum formation, apparently a feedback loop was not necessary as head morphogenesis in these mutants is mostly normal. Extrapolating to human-assisted reproductive techniques practice, this analysis would supply the arguments for the development of tools to select for motility as a continuous (non-discrete) parameter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We aimed to test whether testis rigidity (hardness) measured using a newly-designed device we previously introduced would offer more reliable assessment of histologic damage in undescended testes than conventional methods (consistency feel at palpation, volume measurement).
    METHODS: Forty-five 18-d-old Lewis rats underwent surgical inhibition of descent of left testes and were followed to 40 (n = 16), 63 (n = 14), or 90 days (n = 15). Another 45 18-d-old Lewis rats were sham operated (left side) and followed likewise (n = 14, n = 15, and n = 16). At the designated time points, testes were exposed bilaterally, rigidity was measured, and consistency at palpation was scored; testes were removed and subjected to length, width, weight measurements, volume calculation, and histomorphometry (mean Johnsen score [MJS], mean tubular diameter [MTD], and mean capsule width [MCW]). Testes of experimental group were compared with ipsilateral testes of sham-operated rats.
    RESULTS: At all time points, undescended testes had decreased rigidity, MJS, and MTD, increased MCW, decreased volume and weight; contralateral testes remained unaffected. Rigidity was associated only with MJS and MTD, and most strongly with MJS (multiple stepwise linear regression, F = 694.44, P < 0.0005). MJS could be precisely predicted from rigidity: MJS = 0.699 × testis rigidity (F = 1358.82, P < 0.0005). This model showed good fit between predicted and actual MJS values (R(2) = 0.94), low error, nonsignificant bias, sensitivity 75% and specificity 90%. Model validation showed low prediction error and nonsignificant bias, indicating generalizability. Testis volume and palpation proved imprecise MJS predictors.
    CONCLUSIONS: Testis rigidity is an effective predictor of histologic damage in rat undescended testes, with diagnostic value superior to testis palpation scoring and volume measurement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spermiogenesis, in particular the head differentiation of Diplometopon zarudnyi, was studied at the ultrastructural level by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The process includes acrosomal vesicle development, nuclear elongation, chromatin condensation and exclusion of excess cytoplasm. In stage I, the proacrosomal vesicle occurs next to a shallow fossa of the nucleus, and a dense acrosomal granule forms beneath it. This step commences with an acrosome vesicle forming from Golgi transport vesicles; simultaneously, the nucleus begins to move eccentrically. In stage II, the round proacrosomal vesicle is flattened by projection of the nuclear fossa, and the dense acrosomal granule diffuses into the vesicle as the fibrous layer forms the subacrosomal cone. Circular manchettes surrounded by mitochondria develop around the nucleus, and the chromatin coagulates into small granules. The movement of the nucleus causes rearrangement of the cytoplasm. The nucleus has uniform diffuse chromatin with small indices of heterochromatin. The subacrosome space develops early, enlarges during elongation, and accumulates a thick layer of dark staining granules. In stage III, the front of the elongating nucleus protrudes out of the spermatid and is covered by the flat acrosome; coarse granules replace the small ones within the nucleus. One endonuclear canal is present where the perforatorium resides. In stage IV, the chromatin concentrates to dense homogeneous phase. The circular manchette is reorganized longitudinally. The Sertoli process covers the acrosome and the residues of the cytoplasmic lobes are removed. In stage V, the sperm head matures.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The specific identification and systematic of triatomines have been based fundamentally on morphological observations. These organisms are classified into complexes and specific subcomplexes, principally for morphological parameters and geographical disposition. The use of cytogenetic analyzes has been represented as a tool in systematic and taxonomy of triatomines. Thus, the present work, through the analysis of spermiogenesis, aims to characterize this stage of spermatogenesis in triatomines little studied, and especially to compare it among the species Triatoma lenti and T. sherlocki, to assist in the diagnosis of differentiation of these insects. The presence of the heteropyknotic corpuscle is shown as a diagnostic tool to differentiate T. sherlocki and T. lenti, since it is absent in T. lenti. The analysis of the spermiogenesis in T. sherlocki also allowed us to address morphological differences between elongating cells, which were relatively smaller and more filamentous when compared to T lenti. Furthermore, the flagellum was observed in all stages of cell differentiation and elongation. This structure, which helps in the locomotion of the sperm, is hardly observed in cytogenetic analysis, especially throughout spermiogenesis. Thus, although other comparative approaches should be taken, this paper allowed emphasizing the analysis of spermiogenesis as an important cytotaxonomic tool that assists in the differentiation of morphologically related species, such as T. lenti and T. sherlocki.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The organization and the histological characteristics of Leptodactylus chaquensis testis throughout the reproductive cycle were analyzed in the presented study. Gonads of adult males, processed with routine techniques for optical microscopy, revealed that during the reproductive period the seminiferous tubules were characterized by presentation of a large number of cysts, germ cells at the same maturation stage supported by Sertoli cells. All the germ line cells were also present in the postreproductive period and maintained their morphological characteristics. Primary spermatogonia were large-sized cells found isolated or in small groups. The rest of the cells of the germ line formed cysts. Secondary spermatogonia showed morphological characteristics similar to their predecessors, although they were smaller. Primary and secondary spermatocytes showed images of the different stages of the first and second meiotic division respectively. One finding was the presence of intercytoplasmic bridges between the secondary spermatocytes. Primary spermatids were rounded cells with an acrosomal vesicle associated with the nucleus and had cysts that were characterized by large intercellular spaces. Secondary spermatids were elongated cells with a well defined acrosome, which in the spermatozoa had the shape of an arrowhead. Another peculiar characteristic of this species was the fusion of the walls of the seminiferous tubule with the efferent duct that formed a path for spermatozoa during spermiation. The presence in the seminiferous tubules of all stages of the spermatogenic line during the two periods of the cycle studied indicated that Leptodactylus chaquensis had a potentially continuous reproductive cycle.





