
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensory experiences and learning induce long-lasting changes in both excitatory and inhibitory synapses, thereby providing a crucial substrate for memory. However, the co-tuning of excitatory long-term potentiation (eLTP) or depression (eLTD) with the simultaneous changes at inhibitory synapses (iLTP/iLTD) remains unclear. Herein, we investigated the co-expression of NMDA-induced synaptic plasticity at excitatory and inhibitory synapses in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells (PCs) using a combination of electrophysiological, optogenetic, and pharmacological approaches. We found that inhibitory inputs from somatostatin (SST) and parvalbumin (PV)-positive interneurons onto CA1 PCs display input-specific long-term plastic changes following transient NMDA receptor activation. Notably, synapses from SST-positive interneurons consistently exhibited iLTP, irrespective of the direction of excitatory plasticity, whereas synapses from PV-positive interneurons predominantly showed iLTP concurrent with eLTP, rather than eLTD. As neuroplasticity is known to depend on the extracellular matrix, we tested the impact of metalloproteinases (MMP) inhibition. MMP3 blockade interfered with GABAergic plasticity for all inhibitory inputs, whereas MMP9 inhibition selectively blocked eLTP and iLTP in SST-CA1PC synapses co-occurring with eLTP but not eLTD. These findings demonstrate the dissociation of excitatory and inhibitory plasticity co-expression. We propose that these mechanisms of plasticity co-expression may be involved in maintaining excitation-inhibition balance and modulating neuronal integration modes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Current guidelines lack clarity about the optimal duration of octreotide therapy for patients with esophageal variceal hemorrhage (EVH). To address this lack of evidence, we conducted a randomized clinical trial (RCT) of 24-hours versus 72-hours continuous infusion of octreotide for patients with EVH.
    METHODS: This multi-center, prospective RCT (NCT03624517), randomized patients with EVH to 24-hour versus 72-hour infusion of octreotide. Patients were required to undergo esophageal variceal band ligation prior to enrollment. The primary endpoint was rebleeding rate at 72 hours. The study was terminated early due to an inability to recruit during and after the COVID-19 epidemic.
    RESULTS: For patients randomized to 72-hours (n = 19) of octreotide vs 24-hours (n = 15), there were no differences in the need for transfusion, average pRBC units transfused per patient (3 units vs 2 units), infection (5% vs 0%), mechanical ventilation (11% vs 7%), or the need for vasopressors (5% vs 3%), respectively (none of these differences were statistically significantly different). There were 2 re-bleeding events in the 72-hour group (11%), and no re-bleeding events in the 24-hour group (p = 0.49). 8/15 of patients receiving 24 hours of octreotide were discharged at or before hospital day 3 while none in the 72-hour group was discharged before day 3 (p < 0.001). There was one death (in the 72-hour group) within 30 days.
    CONCLUSIONS: A 24-hour infusion is non-inferior to a 72-hour infusion of octreotide for prevention of re-bleeding in patients with EVH. We propose that shortened octreotide duration may help reduce hospital stay and related costs in these patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The resistance of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) has increased in recent years, prompting a trend in the research and development of new drugs. In our study, three derivatives (JF-1, JF-2, and JF-3) were synthesized using 6-gingerol as the main component, while JF-4, containing both 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol as the main components, was extracted from dried ginger. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), determined using the ratio dilution method, were 80 μg/mL for JF-1, 40 μg/mL for JF-2, 30 μg/mL for JF-3, 40 μg/mL for JF-4, 60 μg/mL for 6-gingerol standard (SS), and 0.03 μg/mL for amoxicillin (AMX). After treating H. pylori-infected mice, the inflammation of the gastric mucosa was suppressed. The eradication rate of H. pylori was 16.7% of JF-3 low-dose treatment (LDT), 25.0% of JF-3 high-dose treatment (HDT), 16.7% of JF-4 LDT, 16.7% of JF-4 HDT, 30% of SS LDT, 50% of SS HDT, and 36.4% of the positive control group (PCG). The levels of gastrin, somatostatin (SST), IFN-γ, IL-4, and IL-8 were significantly recovered in the JF-3 and JF-4 administration groups, but the effect was stronger in the high-dose group. These results demonstrate that 6-gingerol and its derivatives have significant anti-Helicobacter pylori effects and are promising potential treatments for H. pylori infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many patients with bipolar disorder (BD) do not respond to or have difficulties tolerating lithium and/or other mood stabilizing agents. There is a need for personalized treatments based on biomarkers in guiding treatment options. The calcium voltage-gated channel CACNA1C is a promising candidate for developing personalized treatments. CACNA1C is implicated in BD by genome-wide association studies and several lines of evidence suggest that targeting L-type calcium channels could be an effective treatment strategy. However, before such individualized treatments can be pursued, biomarkers predicting treatment response need to be developed.
    METHODS: As a first step in testing the hypothesis that CACNA1C genotype is associated with serum levels of CACNA1C, we conducted ELISA measures on serum samples from 100 subjects with BD and 100 control subjects.
    RESULTS: We observed significantly higher CACNA1C (p < 0.01) protein levels in subjects with BD. The risk single nucleotide polymorpshism (SNP) (rs11062170) showed functional significance as subjects homozygous for the risk allele (CC) had significantly greater CACNA1C protein levels compared to subjects with one (p = 0.013) or no copies (p = 0.009). We observed higher somatostatin (SST) (p < 0.003) protein levels and lower levels of the clock protein aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like (ARTNL) (p < 0.03) and stress signaling factor corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) (p < 0.001) in BD. SST and period 2 (PER2) protein levels were associated with both alcohol dependence and lithium response.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings represent the first evidence for increased serum levels of CACNA1C in BD. Along with altered levels of SST, ARNTL, and CRH our findings suggest CACNA1C is associated with circadian rhythm and stress response disturbances in BD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resistance to first-generation somatostatin receptor ligand (fgSRL) treatment in acromegaly is common, making the identification of biomarkers that predict fgSRL response a desired goal. We conducted a retrospective analysis on 21 patients with acromegaly who underwent surgery and subsequent pharmacological treatment. Through immunohistochemistry (IHC), we assessed the expression of the somatostatin receptor subtypes SSTR2 and SSTR5, E-Cadherin, and cytokeratin granulation pattern (sparsely or densely). Patients were divided into responders and non-responders based on their biochemical response to fgSRL and/or the newer agent, Pasireotide, or the GH-blocker, Pegvisomant. Patients resistant to fgSRL (n = 12) exhibited lower SSTR2 and E-Cadherin expressions. Sparsely granulated tumors were more frequent in the non-responder group. SSTR2 (p = 0.024, r = 0.49) and E-Cadherin (p = 0.009, r = 0.64) positively correlated with the Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) decrease after fgSRL, while SSTR5 (p = 0.107, r = -0.37) showed a trend towards negative correlation. SSTR5 positivity seemed to be associated with Pasireotide response, albeit the number of treated patients was too low (n = 4). No IHC markers correlated with Pegvisomant response. Our findings suggest that densely granulated tumors, with positive SSTR2 and E-Cadherin seem to be associated with favorable fgSRL responses. The strongest predictive value of the studied markers was found for E-Cadherin, which seems to surpass even SSTR2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maladaptive plasticity is linked to the chronification of diseases such as pain, but the transition from acute to chronic pain is not well understood mechanistically. Neuroplasticity in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) has emerged as a mechanism for sensory and emotional-affective aspects of injury-induced pain, although evidence comes from studies conducted almost exclusively in acute pain conditions and agnostic to cell type specificity. Here, we report time-dependent changes in genetically distinct and projection-specific CeA neurons in neuropathic pain. Hyperexcitability of CRF projection neurons and synaptic plasticity of parabrachial (PB) input at the acute stage shifted to hyperexcitability without synaptic plasticity in non-CRF neurons at the chronic phase. Accordingly, chemogenetic inhibition of the PB→CeA pathway mitigated pain-related behaviors in acute, but not chronic, neuropathic pain. Cell-type-specific temporal changes in neuroplasticity provide neurobiological evidence for the clinical observation that chronic pain is not simply the prolonged persistence of acute pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging-related biochemical changes in nerve cells lead to dysfunctional synapses and disrupted neuronal circuits, ultimately affecting vital processes such as brain plasticity, learning, and memory. The imbalance between excitation and inhibition in synaptic function during aging contributes to cognitive impairment, emphasizing the importance of compensatory mechanisms. Fear conditioning-related plasticity of the somatosensory barrel cortex, relying on the proper functioning and extensive up regulation of the GABAergic system, in particular interneurons containing somatostatin, is compromised in aging (one-year-old) mice. The present research explores two potential interventions, taurine supplementation, and environmental enrichment, revealing their effectiveness in supporting learning-induced plasticity in the aging mouse brain. They do not act through a mechanism normalizing the Glutamate/GABA balance that is disrupted in aging. Still, they allow for increased somatostatin levels, an effect observed in young animals after learning. These findings highlight the potential of lifestyle interventions and diet supplementation to mitigate age-related cognitive decline by promoting experience-dependent plasticity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Venomous animals have evolved diverse molecular mechanisms to incapacitate prey and defend against predators. Most venom components disrupt nervous, locomotor, and cardiovascular systems or cause tissue damage. The discovery that certain fish-hunting cone snails use weaponized insulins to induce hypoglycemic shock in prey highlights a unique example of toxins targeting glucose homeostasis. Here, we show that, in addition to insulins, the deadly fish hunter, Conus geographus, uses a selective somatostatin receptor 2 (SSTR2) agonist that blocks the release of the insulin-counteracting hormone glucagon, thereby exacerbating insulin-induced hypoglycemia in prey. The native toxin, Consomatin nG1, exists in several proteoforms with a minimized vertebrate somatostatin-like core motif connected to a heavily glycosylated N-terminal region. We demonstrate that the toxin\'s N-terminal tail closely mimics a glycosylated somatostatin from fish pancreas and is crucial for activating the fish SSTR2. Collectively, these findings provide a stunning example of chemical mimicry, highlight the combinatorial nature of venom components, and establish glucose homeostasis as an effective target for prey capture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Somatostatin (SST) is a peptide expressed in the peripheral and central nervous systems, as well as in endocrine and immune cells. The aim of the current study is to determine the percentage of SST immunoreactive (IR) neurons and their colocalization with choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), neuropeptide Y (NPY), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in the myenteric plexus (MP) and submucous plexus (SP) of the small intestine (SI) and large intestine (LI) of rats across different age groups from newborn to senescence using immunohistochemistry. In the MP of the SI and LI, the percentage of SST-IR neurons significantly increased during early postnatal development from 12 ± 2.4 (SI) and 13 ± 3.0 (LI) in newborn rats to 23 ± 1.5 (SI) and 18 ± 1.6 (LI) in 20-day-old animals, remaining stable until 60 days of age. The proportion of SST-IR cells then decreased in aged 2-year-old animals to 14 ± 2.0 (SI) and 10 ± 2.6 (LI). In the SP, the percentage of SST-IR neurons significantly rose from 22 ± 3.2 (SI) and 23 ± 1.7 (LI) in newborn rats to 42 ± 4.0 in 20-day-old animals (SI) and 32 ± 4.9 in 30-day-old animals (LI), before declining in aged 2-year-old animals to 21 ± 2.6 (SI) and 28 ± 7.4 (LI). Between birth and 60 days of age, 97-98% of SST-IR neurons in the MP and SP colocalized with ChAT in both plexuses of the SI and LI. The percentage of SST/ChAT neurons decreased in old rats to 85 ± 5.0 (SI) and 90 ± 3.8 (LI) in the MP and 89 ± 3.2 (SI) and 89 ± 1.6 (LI) in the SP. Conversely, in young rats, only a few SST-IR neurons colocalized with nNOS, but this percentage significantly increased in 2-year-old rats. The percentage of SST/NPY-IR neurons exhibited considerable variation throughout postnatal development, with no significant differences across different age groups in both the MP and SP of both intestines. No colocalization of SST with GFAP was observed in any of the studied animals. In conclusion, the expression of SST in enteric neurons increases in young rats and decreases in senescence, accompanied by changes in SST colocalization with ChAT and nNOS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptive regulation of feeding depends on linkage of internal states and food outcomes with contextual cues. Human brain imaging has identified dysregulation of a hippocampal-lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) network in binge eating, but mechanistic instantiation of underlying cell-types and circuitry is lacking. Here, we identify an evolutionary conserved and discrete Prodynorphin (Pdyn)-expressing subpopulation of Somatostatin (Sst)-expressing inhibitory neurons in the dorsolateral septum (DLS) that receives primarily dorsal, but not ventral, hippocampal inputs. DLS(Pdyn) neurons inhibit LHA GABAergic neurons and confer context- and internal state-dependent calibration of feeding. Viral deletion of Pdyn in the DLS mimicked effects seen with optogenetic silencing of DLS Pdyn INs, suggesting a potential role for DYNORPHIN-KAPPA OPIOID RECEPTOR signaling in contextual regulation of food-seeking. Together, our findings illustrate how the dorsal hippocampus has evolved to recruit an ancient LHA feeding circuit module through Pdyn DLS inhibitory neurons to link contextual information with regulation of food consumption.





