
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessing the co-occurrence of multiple health risk factors in coastal ecosystems is challenging due to the complexity of multi-factor interactions and limited availability of simultaneously collected data. Understanding co-occurrence is particularly important for risk factors that may be associated with, or occur in similar environmental conditions. In marine ecosystems, the co-occurrence of harmful algal bloom toxins and bacterial pathogens within the genus Vibrio may impact both ecosystem and human health. This study examined the co-occurrence of Vibrio spp. and domoic acid (DA) produced by the harmful algae Pseudo-nitzschia by (1) analyzing existing California Department of Public Health monitoring data for V. parahaemolyticus and DA in oysters; and (2) conducting a 1-year seasonal monitoring of these risk factors across two Southern California embayments. Existing public health monitoring efforts in the state were robust for individual risk factors; however, it was difficult to evaluate the co-occurrence of these risk factors in oysters due to low number of co-monitoring instances between 2015 and 2020. Seasonal co-monitoring of DA and Vibrio spp. (V. vulnificus or V. parahaemolyticus) at two embayments revealed the co-occurrence of these health risk factors in 35% of sampled oysters in most seasons. Interestingly, both the overall detection frequency and co-occurrence of these risk factors were considerably less frequent in water samples. These findings may in part suggest the slow depuration of Vibrio spp. and DA in oysters as residual levels may be retained. This study expanded our understanding of the simultaneous presence of DA and Vibrio spp. in bivalves and demonstrates the feasibility of co-monitoring different risk factors from the same sample. Individual programs monitoring for different risk factors from the same sample matrix may consider combining efforts to reduce cost, streamline the process, and better understand the prevalence of co-occurring health risk factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biomonitoring of marine life has been enhanced in recent years by the integration of innovative DNA-based approaches, which offer advantages over more laborious techniques (e.g. microscopy). However, trade-offs between throughput, sensitivity and quantitative measurements must be made when choosing between the prevailing molecular methodologies (i.e. metabarcoding or qPCR/dPCR). Thus, the aim of the present study was to demonstrate the utility of a microfluidic-enabled high-throughput quantitative PCR platform (HTqPCR) for the rapid and cost-effective development and validation of a DNA-based multi-species biomonitoring toolkit, using larvae of 23 commercially targeted bivalve and crustacean species as a case study. The workflow was divided into three main phases: definition of (off-) target taxa and establishment of reference databases (PHASE 1); selection/development and assessment of molecular assays (PHASE 2); and protocol optimization and field validation (PHASE 3). 42 assays were eventually chosen and validated. Genetic signal not only showed good correlation with direct visual counts by microscopy but also showed the ability to provide quantitative data at the highest taxonomic resolution (species level) in a time- and cost-effective fashion. This study developed a biomonitoring toolkit, demonstrating the considerable advantages of this state-of-the-art technology in boosting the developmental testing and application of panels of molecular assays for the monitoring and management of natural resources. Once developed, this approach provides a cost and time-effective alternative compared to other multi-species approaches (e.g. metabarcoding). In addition, it is transferable to a wide range of species and will aid future monitoring programmes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have been a pervasive challenge across coastal communities of the U.S. West Coast in recent years negatively affecting local economies and livelihoods. We focus on the effects of HABs to the Quinault Indian Nation (QIN) triggered by Pseudo-nitzschia that produce the toxin domoic acid (DA). This toxin accumulates in filter feeders and poses threats to human health via shellfish consumption. Consumption of razor clams with high levels of DA and Dungeness crab that prey on them can cause amnesic shellfish poisoning in humans and therefore requires closure of commercial, recreational and subsistence fisheries, postponing or limiting harvesting seasons. These disruptions result in significant losses in revenues along with negative effects to sociocultural dimensions of key importance to coastal communities. Livelihoods and wellbeing of tribal communities are affected disproportionately due to higher vulnerability and reliance on these marine resources for subsistence. We assess these effects at multiple levels for the QIN and discuss and reflect, through a tribal lens, upon advances and opportunities for impact mitigation and adaptation in the face of HABs, along with persisting challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study quantified the rate and relative contribution of each sedimentary organic carbon (OC) mineralization pathway in the Yantai coastal area. The results showed that scallop farming activities with raft-breeding facilities led to increased accumulation of OC and reactive Fe(III), which in turn promoted OC aerobic mineralization, Fe reduction, and competitively inhibited sulfate reduction. In the scallop farming area (SFA), O2 reduction, dissimilatory Fe reduction, and sulfate reduction contributed 32.17 %, 27.77 %, and 30.18 % of the total OC mineralization, 1.6 times, 1.2 times, and 0.6 times those of the non-farming area, respectively. Nevertheless, scallop harvesting and resuspension by water currents will increase the short-term risk of dissolved inorganic carbon accumulation in the water column. The OC budget showed that the Yantai coastal area exhibited more OC mineralization than storage, with only 5.0-7.2 % of the net settled OC being permanently buried in the sediment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shellfish are a rich source of minerals, B-vitamins and omega-3 to the human diet. The global population is expected to reach 9.6 billion people by 2050 where there will be increased demand for shellfish and for sustained improvements in harvesting. The production of most consumed species of shellfish is sea-based and are thus susceptible to in situ environmental conditions and water quality. Population growth has contributed to expansion of urbanization and the generation of effluent and waste that reaches aquatic environments, potentially contaminating seafood by exposure to non-treated effluents or inappropriately discarded waste. Environmental contaminants as microplastics (MP), pharmaceuticals (PHAR) and potentially toxic contaminants (PTE) are being identified in all trophic levels and are a current threat to both shellfish and consumer safety. Immunotoxicity, genotoxicity, fertility reduction, mortality and bioaccumulation of PTE are representative examples of the variety of effects already established in contaminated shellfish. In humans, the consumption of contaminated shellfish can lead to neurological and developmental effects, reproductive and gastrointestinal disorders and in extreme cases, death. This timely review provides insights into the presence of MP, PHAR and PTE in shellfish, and estimate the daily intake and hazard quotient for consumption behaviours. Alternatives approaches for seafood depuration that encompass risk reduction are addressed, to reflect state of the art knowledge from a Republic of Ireland perspective. Review of best-published literature revealed that MP, PHAR and PTE contaminants were detected in commercialised species of shellfish, such as Crassostrea and Mytilus. The ability to accumulate these contaminants by shellfish due to feeding characteristics is attested by extensive in vitro studies. However, there is lack of knowledge surrounding the distribution of these contaminants in the aquatic environment their interactions with humans. Preventive approaches including risk assessment are necessary to safeguard the shellfish industry and the consumer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The seasonal pattern of microplastics (MPs) contamination of the French littoral area of the Pertuis Charentais, one of the main French shellfish production regions, was assessed for the first time, between May 2019 and May 2020 at four different sites. The reference site was located at \"Ile de Ré\" and the other sites were located in the estuaries of the Sèvre Niortaise, Charente and Seudre rivers. Both blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and Pacific oysters (Magallana gigas), that are considered sentinel species for the quality of the marine environment were analysed, along with sediment and seawater samples. MPs were extracted from each sample, counted, measured and sorted by colour and type. Micro-Raman spectroscopy was used to determine the proportion of confirmed MPs and the polymer types. The results showed that the contamination of mussels by fibres and fragments (1.9 ± 2.1 MPs/g ww) was significantly higher than for oysters (0.4 ± 0.4 MPs/g ww). Specifically, the contamination by fibres in both species was significantly greater than the contamination by fragments. Significant variations of MPs contamination were observed across the seasons and sites in bivalves, and depended on the species and the type of MPs (fibres or fragments). Mean concentrations of MPs measured in water and sediment were 0.007 MPs/L and 210 MPs/kg dw, respectively. Finally, blue was the dominant colour for fibres (79 %) and fragments (81 %). Blue fragments were mainly made of PS (70 %) followed by PC (18 %) and PP, PA or PLA (3 %) whereas blue fibres were mainly made of PA (80 %) followed by PET (13 %) or PP (7 %). This rare environmental case study of long-term chronic exposure of farming areas to MPs provides new knowledge on in situ variations of plastic fibres and fragments contamination throughout the seasons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have wide-ranging environmental impacts, including on aquatic species of social and commercial importance. In New Zealand (NZ), strategic growth of the aquaculture industry could be adversely affected by the occurrence of HABs. This review examines HAB species which are known to bloom both globally and in NZ and their effects on commercially important shellfish and fish species. Blooms of Karenia spp. have frequently been associated with mortalities of both fish and shellfish in NZ and the sub-lethal effects of other genera, notably Alexandrium spp., on shellfish (which includes paralysis, a lack of byssus production, and reduced growth) are also of concern. Climate change and anthropogenic impacts may alter HAB population structure and dynamics, as well as the physiological responses of fish and shellfish, potentially further compromising aquatic species. Those HAB species which have been detected in NZ and have the potential to bloom and harm marine life in the future are also discussed. The use of environmental DNA (eDNA) and relevant bioassays are practical tools which enable early detection of novel, problem HAB species and rapid toxin/HAB screening, and new data from HAB monitoring of aquaculture production sites using eDNA are presented. As aquaculture grows to supply a sizable proportion of the world\'s protein, the effects of HABs in reducing productivity is of increasing significance. Research into the multiple stressor effects of climate change and HABs on cultured species and using local, recent, HAB strains is needed to accurately assess effects and inform stock management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seven cruises were carried out in a bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) farming area and its surrounding waters, North Yellow Sea, from March to November 2017 to study the dynamics of the carbonate system and its controlling factors. Results indicated that the studied parameters were highly variability over a range of spatiotemporal scales, comprehensively forced by various physical and biological processes. Mixing effect and scallop calcification played the most important role in the seasonal variation of total alkalinity (TAlk). For dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), in addition to mixing, air-sea exchange and microbial activity, e.g. photosynthesis and microbial respiration processes, had more important effects on its dynamics. Different from the former, the changes of water pHT, partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and aragonite saturation state (ΩA) were mainly controlled by the combining of the temperature, air-sea exchange, microbial activity and scallop metabolic activities. In addition, the results indicated that massive scallop farming can significantly increase the DIC/TAlk ratio by reducing the TAlk concentration in seawater, thereby reducing the buffering capacity of the carbonate system in seawater especially for ΩA. Preliminary calculated, ~75.7 and ~45.5 μmol kg-1 of TAlk were removed from the surface and bottom waters respectively in one scallop cultivating cycle. If these carbonates cannot be replenished in time, it is likely to accelerate the acidification process of coastal waters. This study highlighted the control mechanism of the carbonate system under the influence of bay scallop farming, and provided useful information for revealing the potential link between human activities (shelled-mollusc mariculture) and coastal acidification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sewage overflows (SOs) and Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) significantly contribute to the bacterial contamination of coastal waters, which is of especial concern for aquaculture, a growing industry worldwide. Hydrodynamic and water quality models were used to investigate impacts of CSO discharge frequency and duration, river discharge and tides on Escherichia coli levels at shellfish farming sites in the Dart Estuary (UK), being the employed methodology generally applicable. High E. coli contamination occurred during neap tides and high river discharges due to higher retention and lower bacterial decay. Synchronicity of CSO spills affected the duration of the pollution episodes rather than peak concentrations, more influenced by discharges of the neighbouring CSOs. During peak discharges, E. coli concentrations could be 10 times higher than during average flows. CSO spills were more frequent when rainfall was >20 mm. Model outputs combined with rainfall forecasts can indicate microbiological contamination risk in the aquaculture sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monophasic Salmonella 4,[5]:12:i:- are a major public health problem because they are one of the top five Salmonella serotypes isolated from clinical cases globally and because they can carry resistance to multiple antibiotics. A total of 811 Salmonella 4,[5]:12:i:- and S. Typhimurium whole genome sequences (WGS) were generated. The various genetic lesions causing the Salmonella 4,[5]:12:i:- genotype were identified and assessed with regards to their distribution in the population of 811 Salmonella 4,[5]:12:i:- and S. Typhimurium isolates, their geographical and temporal distribution, and their association with non-human sources. Several clades were identified in the population structure, and the largest two were associated almost exclusively with a short prophage insertion and insertion of a mobile element carrying loci encoding antibiotic and mercury resistance. IS26-mediated deletions and fljB point mutants appeared to spread clonally. \'Inconsistent\' Salmonella 4,[5]:12:i:- isolates associated with specific, single amino acid changes in fljA and hin were found in a single clade composed of water, shellfish, and avian isolates. Inclusion of isolates from different case clusters identified previously by PFGE validated some of the clusters and invalidated others. Some wgMLST clusters of clinical isolates composed of very closely related isolates contained an isolate(s) with a different genetic lesion, suggesting continuing mobility of the implicated element responsible. Such cases may need to be left out of epidemiological investigations until sufficient numbers of isolates are included that statistical significance of association with sources is not impaired. Non-human sources were frequently found in or near clinical case clusters. Prospective surveillance and WGS of non-human sources and retrospective analysis by WGS of isolates from existing culture collections provides data critical for epidemiological investigations of food- and waterborne outbreaks.





