
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wildlife tourism is commonly argued to positively contribute to nature conservation by providing humans with educational and meaningful first-hand experiences with animals. However, concern for the sustainability of nature due to the negative impacts of wildlife tourism on animals and the environment invites alternative virtual opportunities for close encounters. Participant Observation framed by an Animal Studies perspective is employed to interpret two contemporary Australian family entertainments, Shark Dive and Hologram Zoo, centred on providing people with wild animal interactions but without real animals present. Shark Dive is a theatrical puppetry production replicating a real shark dive, and Hologram Zoo is an augmented reality experience that displays a variety of animals in 3D. The content of both is examined to understand how the animals are imagined, experienced, and given significance to determine whether they offer viable alternatives or complementary additions to in situ wildlife tourism. Findings reveal both hold potential for virtual wildlife tourism. Shark Dive provides a positive representation of marine life, generating awareness about conservation and encouraging self-reflection. Hologram Zoo\'s depiction of wild animals is impressive, but to more closely align with contemporary wildlife tourism ideals, the experience could enhance its conservation messaging and positive human-animal interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) is a bottom-dwelling elasmobranch that represents the most discarded catch in terms of biomass in the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean). Potential impacts affecting its population and food safety implications have been assessed in three localities along the Catalan coast. Distinct indicators were integrated, such as biological data, ingested anthropogenic items (plastic and cellulose-like items), parasitological indices, trace metal concentrations and histopathology using liver as target organ. Although high ingestion rates of fibres and levels of some heavy metals, they do not seem negatively affected by any major pathology nor by the current levels of pollutants. Small-scale differences among localities and depths were found and discussed. No zoonotic parasites were found. Encysted larvae of Grillotia adenoplusia and, above all, the levels of Hg found in the musculature, that are well over the European Commission limits, rise concerns regarding human consumption of S. canicula in this region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Apristurus ovicorrugatus, a new species of deepwater catshark, is described from northwestern Australia. Unique egg cases belonging to an unknown species of Apristurus prompted a more detailed investigation of Apristurus specimens off northwestern Australia. One specimen previously identified as A. sinensis collected off Dampier Archipelago was found gravid with a single egg case. Removal of this egg case confirmed that this species was responsible for producing the unique egg cases previously recorded. The egg cases of this species have strong T-shaped longitudinal ridges on the dorsal and ventral surfaces which are unique in the genus Apristurus. The ridges most closely resemble those present in Bythaelurus canescens from South America, but are larger and always T-shaped. The holotype is closest morphologically to A. sinensis but differs in having a medium brown buccal cavity (vs. jet black), ridged egg cases (vs. smooth egg cases), fewer intestinal spiral valve turns and larger pectoral fins. The holotype is also similar, and closest on a molecular level, to A. nakayai with which it shares a unique synapomorphic character, the white shiny iris (apomorphic within the genus). A late-term embryo removed from an egg case superficially resembled the holotype except in having two parallel rows of enlarged dermal denticles on the dorsolateral predorsal surface. Recent nomenclatural changes to the genera Apristurus and Pentanchus are discussed and challenged. This study highlights the important contribution that egg case morphology has on oviparous elasmobranch taxonomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) are charismatic cartilaginous fish, popular in public aquaria. Almost 200 shark and ray species are listed as threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), demonstrating the importance of captive breeding and research programmes. Limited studies investigate diseases of elasmobranchs in captive and free-living environments, and among available literature neoplasia is rarely reported, with even fewer cases of lymphoid neoplasia documented. This article outlines the first reports of lymphoid neoplasia in three elasmobranch species in which haematopoietic neoplasms have not been reported to date. It summarizes signalment, history and histopathologic findings in an undulate ray, Raja undulata (Lacepede), a common smooth-hound, Mustelus mustelus (Linnaeus) and a bat ray, Myliobatis californica (Gill). Lesions were confirmed in a wide range of tissues and evidence of lymphoid leukaemia was seen in two cases. This small-scale review demonstrates that lymphoid neoplasia should be considered as a differential diagnosis in elasmobranchs presenting with lethargy and anorexia and highlights the challenges of immunohistochemical work up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oviparous elasmobranch embryos (Chondrichthyes) have been the focus of several embryological studies; they are useful models for studying early ontogeny in vertebrates, as can help explore the existence of common developmental patterns among species. Skates (Rajiformes) are the most speciose order of oviparous elasmobranchs, however, few studies are focused on embryo development and only based on one skate family: Rajidae. Here, we extended the study of embryo development to other skate family, Arhynchobatidae, which represent about 1/3 of all skate species. Three adult female bignose fanskates (Sympterygia acuta) were held in captivity in order to provide the first complete embryonic development timeline for any species within the Arhynchobatidae family. Our results allowed further comparisons at the embryonic scale of different oviparous elasmobranch families, providing an updated cross-species overview of the early ontogeny. Incubation in S. acuta lasted 97 ± 1.4 days at 11-21.7 °C, and hatching size was 93.2 ± 0.2 mm in total length and 49.2 ± 0.3 mm in disc width. Early embryos of S. acuta were anatomically similar to other oviparous elasmobranch embryos, with several structures appearing at the same time, but late embryonic development was comparatively delayed. The late resorption of both the external yolk sac and the external gill filaments, and also the delay in the slit opening could indicate a low metabolic demand in S. acuta, which would probably be coupled with its seasonal reproductive cycle. Some structures such as external gill filaments and claspers appeared at a similar time in some species of Rajidae and also in Arhynchobatidae, but at different times in species of the same family, showing an inconsistency also found within shark families. Although the sequential scheme remained relatively constant, small heterochronies would be present within skates, within sharks, and also between skates and sharks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metal contamination has never been assessed in Ampullae of Lorenzini. This study employed Rhizoprionodon lalandii, as an ecotoxicological model to investigate potential metal accumulation in Ampullae of Lorenzini jelly. No differences between sexes were observed regarding jelly metal concentrations at Rio das Ostras (RJ) or Santos (SP). Statistically significant correlations were noted between total lengths (TL) and condition factors and several metals at both sampling sites, demonstrating the potential for Chondrichthyan sensory capacity disruption and possible effects on foraging success. Maternal metal transfer to Ampullae jelly was confirmed. Rhizoprionodon lalandii is thus, a good model to assess Ampullae of Lorenzini contamination, as this electrosensory organ seems to be highly vulnerable to metal contamination.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Shark attacks are rare unique pathological processes. Some of them represent devastating injuries with a high morbidity and significant mortality. Related published articles are limited. The increased human interaction within the environment of sharks is the cause of rising incidence of such attacks. This study reported a case of level 4 shark injuries (shark-induced trauma scale) in a 33-year-old male patient, who presented with an extensive injury of the right lower limb with the characteristic features of shark bite. At admission the patient was in a state of shock with profuse bleeding that was controlled by tourniquet. The patient was resuscitated according to the advanced trauma life support. Clinical examination showed hard signs of vascular injury with absent pedal pulse, associated neurological deficits and severance at the knee joint. Prompt vascular intervention after resuscitation was performed to manage the major vascular injuries, together with proper washout and debridement of all the necrotic tissues under strong antibiotic coverage to prevent infection. After that, the patient underwent sequenced plastic, orthopedic, and neurological interventions. Strict follow-up was conducted, which showed that the patient was saved and achieved a functioning limb. This study aims to highlight the management of level 4 shark injuries, which are considered serious and challenging with a high fatality rate and a great risk of amputation due to the associated major vascular injuries. Immediate well organized management plan is crucial. Prompt resuscitation and surgical intervention by a highly-skilled medical team are required to improve the chance of patient survival and limb salvage.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shark fishing, driven by the fin trade, is the primary cause of global shark population declines. Here, we present a case study that exemplifies how industrial fisheries are likely depleting shark populations in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. In August 2017, the vessel Fu Yuan Yu Leng 999, of Chinese flag, was detained while crossing through the Galápagos Marine Reserve without authorization. This vessel contained 7639 sharks, representing one of the largest seizures recorded to date. Based on a sample of 929 individuals (12%), we found 12 shark species: 9 considered as Vulnerable or higher risk by the IUCN and 8 listed in CITES. Four species showed a higher proportion of immature than mature individuals, whereas size-distribution hints that at least some of the fishing ships associated with the operation may have been using purse-seine gear fishing equipment, which, for some species, goes against international conventions. Our data expose the magnitude of the threat that fishing industries and illegal trade represent to sharks in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Main biological features were assessed for the first time in the deep-water shark Etmopterus spinax from Hellenic waters by examining 150 individuals caught incidentally in the bottom-trawl commercial fishery off Skyros island. Females outnumbered males and the overall sex ratio was 1.38:1. Females ranged from 122 to 311 mm in total length (LT ) and males from 129 to 270 mm LT , both exhibiting positive allometric growth. Total length-total mass relationships and frequency distributions did not show significant differences between females and males. Sexual dimorphism was not either found by analysing 56 different morphological characteristics. The effect of sex and season was more prominent on the gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices compared to the relative condition factor. Most of the individuals were sexually immature, with two specimens classified as mature, one gravid female reaching 311 mm LT with undeveloped gonads and enlarged uteri with embryos, and one male reaching 270 mm LT with enlarged gonads and rigid claspers with hooks. The present study highlights the importance of the sampling location as a breeding and nursery ground for E. spinax in the eastern Mediterranean Sea that should be taken into account for the species\' conservation considering its intrinsic characteristics, which make it vulnerable to fishing pressure.





