Sensory Aids

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An increasing movement in single case research is to employ statistical analyses as one form of data analysis. Researchers have proposed different statistical approaches. The purpose of this paper is to examine the utility and discriminant validity of two novel types of between-case standardized effect size analyses with two existing systematic reviews. The between-case analyses found greater effect sizes for the studies in the object play review and smaller effect sizes for studies of sensory intervention, which were consistent with the overall conclusions reached in the original systematic reviews. These findings provide evidence of discriminant validity, although concerns remain around the methods\' utility across different single case research designs. Future directions for research and development also are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Varying methods for evaluating the outcomes of single case research designs (SCD) are currently used in reviews and meta-analyses of interventions. Quantitative effect size measures are often presented alongside visual analysis conclusions. Six measures across two classes-overlap measures (percentage non-overlapping data, improvement rate difference, and Tau) and parametric within-case effect sizes (standardized mean difference and log response ratio [increasing and decreasing])-were compared to determine if choice of synthesis method within and across classes impacts conclusions regarding effectiveness. The effectiveness of sensory-based interventions (SBI), a commonly used class of treatments for young children, was evaluated. Separately from evaluations of rigor and quality, authors evaluated behavior change between baseline and SBI conditions. SBI were unlikely to result in positive behavior change across all measures except IRD. However, subgroup analyses resulted in variable conclusions, indicating that the choice of measures for SCD meta-analyses can impact conclusions. Suggestions for using the log response ratio in SCD meta-analyses and considerations for understanding variability in SCD meta-analysis conclusions are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tools for evaluating the quality and rigor of single case research designs (SCD) are often used when conducting SCD syntheses. Preferred components include evaluations of design features related to the internal validity of SCD to obtain quality and/or rigor ratings. Three tools for evaluating the quality and rigor of SCD (Council for Exceptional Children, What Works Clearinghouse, and Single-Case Analysis and Design Framework) were compared to determine if conclusions regarding the effectiveness of antecedent sensory-based interventions for young children changed based on choice of quality evaluation tool. Evaluation of SCD quality differed across tools, suggesting selection of quality evaluation tools impacts evaluation findings. Suggestions for selecting an appropriate quality and rigor assessment tool are provided and across-tool conclusions are drawn regarding the quality and rigor of studies. Finally, authors provide guidance for using quality evaluations in conjunction with outcome analyses when conducting syntheses of interventions evaluated in the context of SCD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The question of how the brain encodes letter position in written words has attracted increasing attention in recent years. A number of models have recently been proposed to accommodate the fact that transposed-letter stimuli like jugde or caniso are perceptually very close to their base words.
    METHODS: Here we examined how letter position coding is attained in the tactile modality via Braille reading. The idea is that Braille word recognition may provide more serial processing than the visual modality, and this may produce differences in the input coding schemes employed to encode letters in written words. To that end, we conducted a lexical decision experiment with adult Braille readers in which the pseudowords were created by transposing/replacing two letters.
    RESULTS: We found a word-frequency effect for words. In addition, unlike parallel experiments in the visual modality, we failed to find any clear signs of transposed-letter confusability effects. This dissociation highlights the differences between modalities.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present data argue against models of letter position coding that assume that transposed-letter effects (in the visual modality) occur at a relatively late, abstract locus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This survey aimed to evaluate how helpful parents and those working in the educational setting found written low vision assessment reports. A questionnaire survey was sent to 25 parents and to the corresponding and relevant member of the educational team for each of the 25 children. All were satisfied with the level of information contained in the report and agreed that the report was easy to understand and that the level of explanations given regarding visual function were clear. The main disparities between parents and teaching professionals were concerning the amount of medical terminology used in the report, with only 7% (n = 1) of those from the educational setting, but 30% (n = 6) of parents feeling there was too much. Adaptations were also more likely to have been implemented in the educational setting [82% (n = 11)] as compared with 62% (n = 16) in the home. Eighty-three per cent (n = 43) of respondents reported that low vision aids were used at either home or school on at least a weekly basis.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: An optimal strategy for treating psychogenic visual disturbances in adults has not been established. We report a patient with psychogenic visual disturbances who recovered his visual acuity and showed an improvement in his reading performance after undergoing training based on a reading performance assessment.
    METHODS: A 37-year-old man who had been diagnosed as having myopic macular degeneration was referred to our clinic. Three months after his initial diagnosis, no changes in his fundi were observed, but his visual acuity had significantly decreased and his peripheral field of vision had become severely restricted. In view of his tunnel vision, the discrepancy among the visual acuity results obtained by different test methods, the results of a reading assessment, objective eye examination data, and his behavioral patterns, we diagnosed a psychogenic visual disturbance in the patient and referred him to an ophthalmologist and a psychiatrist for follow-up care. In our low vision clinic, we assessed his visual function, including reading performance, and developed a training program including reading, writing, and computer skills. We also provided information to help the patient find a job. The training program included instructions on how to manipulate reading aids and how to select reading materials to maximize his vision; these instructions were effective. Nine months after his rapid decrease in visual acuity, the results of his visual function tests showed an improvement. The patient also became motivated to find a job.
    CONCLUSIONS: Reading assessments are a useful tool for diagnosing psychogenic visual disturbances in adults and for coping with functional vision impairment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article examines the various vision rehabilitation procedures that are available for early and late blindness. Depending on the pathology involved, several vision rehabilitation procedures exist, or are in development. Visual aids are available for low vision individuals, as are sensory aids for blind persons. Most noninvasive sensory substitution prostheses as well as implanted visual prostheses in development are reviewed. Issues dealing with vision rehabilitation are also discussed, such as problems of biocompatibility, electrical safety, psychosocial aspects, and ethics. Basic studies devoted to vision rehabilitation such as simulation in mathematical models and simulation of artificial vision are also presented. Finally, the importance of accurate rehabilitation assessment is addressed, and tentative market figures are given.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    A 34-year-old white male presented with a previous diagnosis of optic atrophy secondary to multiple sclerosis, seeking low vision rehabilitation. This case report is presented to illustrate the importance of prescribing both conventional optical low vision devices, as well as computer low vision aids in order to provide comprehensive low vision rehabilitation for a young visually impaired adult.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    During evaluation of an optical to tactile conversion device, the Tactile Vision Substitution System (TVSS), a training program was developed to teach blind subjects to perceive visual information via the tactile modality. Tactile training paradigms which compensate for the limited resolution of the skin sense were applied to visual training procedures in a case of visual restoration following long term deprivation. Visual training in the visual restoration case also included electro-oculography biofeedback to facilitate oculomotor control and visual evoked potential evaluation for the objective assessment of visual function. The development of functional vision over an 11 month training period of a young girl who was form deprived form 3 months to 12 years is discussed.






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    文章类型: Historical Article





