Second Trimester

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Retroperitoneal liposarcoma during pregnancy is rare and poses significant diagnostic challenges, even for experienced specialists. We present a case report of a 27-year-old female patient, 15 weeks pregnant, who was admitted to the hospital due to a massive retroperitoneal liposarcoma. The patient underwent surgical resection of the tumor. Postoperative pathology confirmed a diagnosis of well-differentiated liposarcoma. Although liposarcoma during pregnancy is rare and challenging to diagnose, CT or MRI plays a crucial role in its detection. The recurrence rate depends on the pathological stage, histological grade, and ability to resect the tumor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fertility-preserving surgery (FPS) in advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) is extremely rare and consequently, information about the pregnancies of these patients is anecdotal. Therefore, management of the pregnancy after AOC is challenging, especially if an unexpected situation arises. A 31-year-old nulliparous woman was admitted to our tertiary hospital in the 18th week of twin pregnancy with sudden severe abdominal pain. Her medical history included a low-grade AOC stage IIIc diagnosed 2 years before pregnancy and treated by debulking FPS and systemic therapy with carboplatin/paclitaxel and bevacizumab. Clinical examination described normal vital signs and peritoneal irritation without any vaginal discharge. Sonography revealed free fluid in the pouch of Douglas and intact twin pregnancy. Laboratory work showed elevated leukocytes with neutrophilia. To evaluate appendicitis magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen was indicated. This revealed a uterine rupture with the now extra-cavitary position of the twins. Simultaneously, the patient\'s symptoms deteriorated, and emergency surgery was necessary where hemoperitoneum with avital fetuses were present. Despite excessive blood loss the uterus could be repaired and preserved. Previous resection of the uterine serosa during her debulking FPS, administration of bevacizumab affecting smooth muscles, and overstretching the uterus in the twin pregnancy were considered as possible risk factors for the presenting uterine rupture. Pregnancy after AOC is possible but should be monitored closely, especially due to the hidden long-term consequences of its therapy. In the differential diagnosis of sudden abdominal pain during pregnancy uterine rupture should be considered even in patients with an unscared uterus.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Uterine perforation and bowel injury are rare but potentially life-threatening complications of surgical abortion. Early diagnosis results in easier management and better prognosis. We report here a case of a 39-year-old presented with peritonitis secondary to traumatic bowel perforation after second-trimester surgical abortion.
    METHODS: A 39-year-old Gravida 3 Para 2 presented with acute abdominal pain two days after second trimester induced abortion. On physical examination, the patient was febrile and hypotensive with diffuse abdominal tenderness. Emergency abdomino-pelvic-CT showed generalized peritonitis with pneumoperitoneum. The patient underwent an emergency laparotomy. Per operative exploration revealed a perforation of the fundus of the uterus and the sigmoid portion of the large intestine, resulting in stercoral peritonitis. We proceeded with thorough cleansing of the abdominal cavity with physiological serum, followed by partial colectomy including the perforated sigmoid and a Hartmann\'s procedure. The patient was admitted to the post-operative intensive care unit for 18 days and discharged on day 27 after the surgery. Intestinal continuity restoration was performed six months after the surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: Given the severity of second trimester pregnancy termination complications, efforts should be made to promote contraception and medical first-trimester pregnancy termination. Any unusual symptom after surgical induced abortion should lead to suspect uterine perforation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Uterine perforation during induced abortion is usually asymptomatic and can generally be managed conservatively. However, bowel injury may result in peritonitis, requiring immediate laparotomy and resection of perforated bowel. CT-scans can help diagnose this rare complication.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Metastatic choriocarcinoma during viable pregnancy is rare worldwide, and neonate survival following pregnancy termination in the second trimester is uncommon. Here, we report the successful delivery of a pregnancy by a patient with metastatic choriocarcinoma, who received three courses of etoposide, methotrexate, actinomycin D, cyclophosphamide, and vincristine (EMA-CO) chemotherapy in the second trimester. After multidisciplinary discussions, she was administered paclitaxel and carboplatin (TC) chemotherapy. Regular contractions occurred during her first paclitaxel infusion, and a healthy infant was delivered by cesarean section at 26+4 gestational weeks. Choriocarcinoma was not detected in the placenta. Following delivery of the pregnancy, the patient underwent total treatment comprising one cycle of TC, seven cycles of EMA-CO, and five courses of etoposide, cisplatin, methotrexate, and dactinomycin chemotherapy; her serum level of beta-human chorionic gonadotropin gradually fell after chemotherapy. Uterine and pulmonary metastases shrank, and no distant metastasis or recurrence were found until the eighth course of maintenance treatment with immunotherapy. The patient received periodic chemotherapy for recurrence at the time of publishing this case report. The child was disease-free 15+ months after delivery. Despite serious metastases and complications, metastatic choriocarcinoma diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy can be successfully treated with minimal delay by multidisciplinary medical and nursing management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Spontaneous uterine rupture before the onset of labour is rare in pregnancy especially before the third trimester. It is life threatening with devastating consequences to the mother and fetus. We report a case of spontaneous second trimester uterine rupture in a multipara with a previous uterine scar with the aim of creating awareness and sharing the challenges in diagnosis and management of this unusual complication of pregnancy. A 34-year-old woman with two previous deliveries presented at 16 weeks gestation with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding of one day duration. At presentation, she was pale and in shock. There was generalized abdominal tenderness with guarding and rebound tenderness. At laparotomy, there was uterine rupture involving the lower segment with right lateral upward extension which was repaired. She remained stable at the follow up visit. In conclusion, Spontaneous uterine rupture of a previous caesarean section scar in the second trimester is rare. The diagnosis should be considered in a woman with previous caesarean section who experience an acute abdomen in the second trimester of pregnancy.
    La rupture utérine spontanée avant le début du travail est rare pendant la grossesse, surtout avant le troisième trimestre. Elle met la vie en danger et entraîne des conséquences dévastatrices pour la mère et le fœtus. Nous rapportons un cas de rupture utérine spontanée au deuxième trimestre chez une multipare présentant une cicatrice utérine antérieure dans le but de sensibiliser et de partager les défis du diagnostic et de la prise en charge de cette complication inhabituelle de la grossesse. Une femme de 34 ans ayant déjà accouché deux fois s\'est présentée à 16 semaines de gestation avec des douleurs abdominales et des saignements vaginaux d\'une durée d\'un jour. Lors de la présentation, elle était pâle et sous le choc. Il y avait une sensibilité abdominale généralisée avec une sensibilité de garde et de rebond. Lors de la laparotomie, il y a eu une rupture utérine impliquant le segment inférieur avec extension latérale droite vers le haut qui a été réparée. Elle est restée stable lors de la visite de suivi. En conclusion, la rupture utérine spontanée d’une cicatrice de césarienne antérieure au deuxième trimestre est rare. Le diagnostic doit être envisagé chez une femme ayant déjà subi une césarienne et présentant un abdomen aigu au cours du deuxième trimestre de la grossesse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) is a major cause of spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB), one of the greatest challenges facing obstetrics with complicated pathogenesis. This case-cohort study investigated the association between vaginal bacteriome of singleton pregnant females in the early second trimester and PPROM. The study included 35,255 and 180 pregnant females with PPROM as cases and term-birth without prelabor rupture of membranes (TWPROM) and term prelabor rupture of membranes (TPROM) pregnant females as controls, respectively. Using 16S rRNA sequencing, the vaginal microbiome traits were analyzed. Females with PPROM had higher alpha and beta diversity (P < 0.05) than TWPROM and TPROM. The presence of L. mulieris was associated with a decreased risk of PPROM (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 0.35; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.17-0.72) compared with TWPROM. Meanwhile, the presence of Megasphaera genus (aOR = 2.27; 95% CI: 1.09-4.70), Faecalibacterium genus (aOR = 3.29; 95% CI: 1.52-7.13), Bifidobacterium genus (aOR = 3.26; 95% CI: 1.47-7.24), Xanthomonadales genus (aOR = 2.76; 95% CI: 1.27-6.01), Gammaproteobacteria class (aOR = 2.36; 95% CI: 1.09-5.14), and Alphaproteobacteria class (aOR = 2.45; 95% CI: 1.14-5.26) was associated with an increased risk of PPROM compared with TWPROM. Our results indicated that the risk of PPROM can decrease with vaginal L. mulieris but increase with high alpha or beta diversity, and several vaginal bacteria in pregnant females may be involved in the occurrence of PPROM.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Uterine rupture mostly occurs in the third trimester. However, it may occur at an earlier time with the same catastrophic consequences. The authors present a case report of uterine rupture occurring in the second trimester at 18 weeks gestation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Large cystic masses are rare in pregnancy. Corpus luteum cysts and theca lutein cysts are common are most common among all. Ovarian masses are usually discovered as an incidental finding during routine obstetric ultrasonography. Management depends upon the size of the mass, and the symptoms produced by the mass.
    UNASSIGNED: Our case describes an incidental finding of a large ovarian cyst during the second trimester, in a 24-year-old female patient. Per abdominal examination revealed a huge mass in the epigastrium, left hypogastrium, and left lumbar region, along with 20 weeks sized uterus. Ultrasonography revealed a cystic mass of 11.9 cm × 11.7 cm X 15.9 cm, with multiple septations and cystic areas. After other baseline investigations, she was planned for surgical removal of the mass. Upon histopathologic examination after surgical excision, the mass was found to be mucinous cystadenoma.
    UNASSIGNED: Large ovarian masses are uncommon during pregnancy. The most common complications of ovarian masses in pregnancy are torsion, rupture, infection, or malpresentation of the fetus. Surgical management can be done if the mass presents with acute symptoms like torsion, or if the size of the mass is greater than 5 cm. Non-obstetric surgery for cyst removal can be done electively during the second trimester, or irrespective of the period of gestation if there are acute symptoms.
    UNASSIGNED: Large ovarian masses are usually rare during pregnancy. It is necessary to properly evaluate the case of ovarian masses during pregnancy, to decide the appropriate line of management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Uterine rupture is a rare life-threatening complication. It can occur in all 3 trimesters with the first and the second being a rarity. It mainly occurs in the third trimester or during labor in a previously scarred uterus. It is rare in an unscarred uterus. The risk fold is further enhanced by the induction and augmentation with prostaglandins and oxytocin. The clinical diagnosis at this early gestation can be a dilemma to the attending physician as in this case. (1) The patient was a holidaymaker with no documented evidence of a dating scan to suggest any evidence of an ovarian/placental pathology at that stage. (2) The ultrasound findings in our department did suggest a viable intrauterine pregnancy with free fluid within both the adnexa. A 6 cm solid homogenous mass in the midline/right adnexa suggested an ovarian torsion or bowel pathology. The differentials in this particular case were that of a ruptured hemorrhagic cyst, ovarian torsion and even a heterotrophic pregnancy as there had been a few documented cases in the department. Ultrasound diagnosis of an intrauterine pregnancy together with a fluid collection does not suggest by any means that the uterus is intact or there is no ectopic pregnancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Under some circumstances, individuals choose to undergo pregnancy termination for foetal anomalies in the second half of pregnancy. This report provides objective information on the clinical management of such cases and a systematic review of the literature on labour induction outcomes for third-trimester abortion using mifepristone-misoprostol.
    UNASSIGNED: The study is a case series describing outcomes for labour induction abortion for foetal anomalies, at gestational age 24 weeks and beyond. A systematic review was performed, searching PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane databases. Two independent authors reviewed and quality assessed the data from the articles.
    UNASSIGNED: During a two-year period, 15 patients met inclusion criteria. Fourteen patients received mifepristone and misoprostol, and one received oxytocin. All delivered vaginally. Thirteen patients delivered within 24 hours of the first misoprostol dose, and half delivered within 12 hours. The average interval from misoprostol initiation to foetal expulsion was 15.5 hours in our series. The systematic review identified nine articles for inclusion, all retrospective studies. Labour induction protocols for mifepristone-misoprostol, reporting of gestational age, and key comparisons varied greatly.
    UNASSIGNED: The case series illustrates successful termination of pregnancy primarily using combined mifepristone-misoprostol. Certainty of current evidence is low, based on the GRADE framework. Future research is necessary on third-trimester outcomes with mifepristone-misoprostol.





