
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have synthesized 10 analogs of oxylipins, which are nitrogen signaling factors (NSFs) that mediate cell-to-cell communication in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and evaluated their structure-activity relationships with the aim of developing molecular probes for NSFs. We found that the OH or OAc group at C10 could be replaced with a compact amide (17) or carbamate (19). Introducing an alkyne as a detection tag at C10 led to decreased, though still sufficient, activity. Introducing an alkyne at the C18 position showed a similar trend, suggesting tolerance is relatively low even for compact functional groups such as alkynes. Although introduction of a diazirine moiety as a photoreactive group at the C5 position decreased the activity, we found that introducing diazirine at the C13 position was acceptable, and compound 38 exhibited potent NSF activity. These findings will be helpful in the development of molecular probes for NSFs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytokinesis of animal and fungi cells depends crucially on the anillin scaffold proteins. Fission yeast anillin-related Mid1 anchors cytokinetic ring precursor nodes to the membrane. However, it is unclear if both of its Pleckstrin Homology (PH) and C2 C-terminal domains bind to the membrane as monomers or dimers, and if one domain plays a dominant role. We studied Mid1 membrane binding with all-atom molecular dynamics near a membrane with yeast-like lipid composition. In simulations with the full C terminal region started away from the membrane, Mid1 binds through the disordered L3 loop of C2 in a vertical orientation, with the PH away from the membrane. However, a configuration with both C2 and PH initially bound to the membrane remains associated with the membrane. Simulations of C2-PH dimers show extensive asymmetric membrane contacts. These multiple modes of binding may reflect Mid1\'s multiple interactions with membranes, node proteins, and ability to sustain mechanical forces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial populations in cells are maintained by cycles of fission and fusion events. Perturbation of this balance has been observed in several diseases such as cancer and neurodegeneration. In fission yeast cells, the association of mitochondria with microtubules inhibits mitochondrial fission [Mehta et al., J. Biol. Chem., 2019, 294, 3385], illustrating the intricate coupling between mitochondria and the dynamic population of microtubules within the cell. In order to understand this coupling, we carried out kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations to predict the evolution of mitochondrial size distributions for different cases; wild-type cells, cells with short and long microtubules, and cells without microtubules. Comparisons are made with mitochondrial distributions reported in experiments with fission yeast cells. Using experimentally determined mitochondrial fission and fusion frequencies, simulations implemented without the coupling of microtubule dynamics predicted an increase in the mean number of mitochondria, equilibrating within 50 s. The mitochondrial length distribution in these models also showed a higher occurrence of shorter mitochondria, implying a greater tendency for fission, similar to the scenario observed in the absence of microtubules and cells with short microtubules. Interestingly, this resulted in overestimating the mean number of mitochondria and underestimating mitochondrial lengths in cells with wild-type and long microtubules. However, coupling mitochondria\'s fission and fusion events to the microtubule dynamics effectively captured the mitochondrial number and size distributions in wild-type and cells with long microtubules. Thus, the model provides greater physical insight into the temporal evolution of mitochondrial populations in different microtubule environments, allowing one to study both the short-time evolution as observed in the experiments (<5 minutes) as well as their transition towards a steady-state (>15 minutes). Our study illustrates the critical role of microtubules in mitochondrial dynamics and coupling microtubule growth and shrinkage dynamics is critical to predicting the evolution of mitochondrial populations within the cell.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fission yeast-Schizosaccharomyces pombe-has emerged as a powerful tractable system for studying DNA damage repair. Over the last few decades, several powerful in vivo genetic assays have been developed to study outcomes of mitotic recombination, the major repair mechanism of DNA double strand breaks and stalled or collapsed DNA replication forks. These assays have significantly increased our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the DNA damage response pathways. Here, we review the assays that have been developed in fission yeast to study mitotic recombination.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, an ascomycete fungus, is an established model organism for studying eukaryotic molecular and cellular events such as the cell cycle due to its powerful genetics, a sequenced genome, and the ease of molecular manipulation (Wood et al., Nature 415:871-880, 2002; Hoffman et al., Genetics 201:403-423, 2015). This chapter describes genetic and cytological methods to study endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) function during the cell cycle in fission yeast. These include tetrad analysis to allow the creation of double mutants to test for genetic interactions by synthetic phenotype characterization, such as cellular growth and the analysis of division septa by calcofluor-white staining.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA polymerase II is a conserved multi-subunit enzyme made up of twelve different subunits. Two of these subunits, Rpb4 and Rpb7, have been shown to perform functions in both transcription as well as outside of transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, our knowledge about the roles of these subunits in Schizosaccharomyces pombe and higher eukaryotes is still limited. Moreover, both Rpb4 and Rpb7 are indispensable for viability of S. pombe and higher eukaryotes, in comparison to S. cerevisiae where deletion of only Rpb7 results in lethality. Therefore in this study, we used S. pombe strains expressing reduced levels of these subunits to determine their impact on the S. pombe proteome employing i-TRAQ based proteomics approach. Furthermore, proteomic profiling was carried out at two different time points to gain a temporal insight into the processes regulated by Rpb4 and Rpb7. The results showed that reduced levels of either Rpb4 or Rpb7 affected the expression of proteins involved in metabolism and ribosome biogenesis at both the time points. Our polysomal profiling experiments further revealed a role of these subunits in translation. Taken together, our results suggest a key role of Rpb4 and Rpb7 subunits in ribosome biogenesis and protein translation in S. pombe. SIGNIFICANCE: Rpb4 and Rpb7 subunits of RNA polymerase II are known for their diverse roles in regulating transcription, mRNA export, mRNA decay, stress response and translation in S. cerevisiae. However, their roles in other organisms are yet to be characterized in detail. Different lines of evidence also suggest that these subunits may function independently as well as a complex in budding yeast. Therefore, in the present study we employed a genome-wide quantitative proteomics-based approach to gain deeper insights into their cellular roles, and to examine if they regulate similar or different biological pathways in fission yeast. Our results provide evidence that they are both involved in primarily regulating metabolic pathways and ribosome biogenesis and also, play a role in protein translation in S. pombe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytokinesis is an essential cellular event that completes the cell division cycle. It begins with the assembly of an actomyosin contractile ring that undergoes constriction concomitant with the septum formation to divide the cell in two. Placement of the septum at the right position is important to ensure fidelity of the division process. In fission yeast, the medially placed nucleus is a major spatial cue to position the site of division. In this chapter, we describe a simple synthetic biology-based approach to displace the nucleus and study the consequence on division site positioning. We also describe how to perform fluorescence recovery after photobleaching to follow the dynamics of cytokinetic proteins at defined time points by live-cell microscopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most common way to produce red wine is through the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid bacteria for malolactic fermentation. This traditional winemaking methodology produces microbiologically stable red wines. However, under specific conditions off-flavours can occur, wine quality can suffer and human health problems are possible, especially after the second fermentation by the lactic acid bacteria. In warm countries, problems during the malolactic fermentation arise because of the high pH of the must, which makes it very difficult to properly control the process. Under such conditions, wines with high acetic acid and histamine concentrations are commonly produced. This study investigates a recent red wine-making technology that uses a combination of Lachancea thermotolerans and Schizosaccharomyces pombe as an alternative to the conventional malolactic fermentation. This work studies new parameters such as aroma compounds, amino acids, ethanol index and sensory evaluation. Schizosaccharomyces pombe totally consumes malic acid while Lachancea thermotolerans produces lactic acid, avoiding excessive deacidification of musts with low acidity in warm viticulture areas. This methodology also reduces the malolactic fermentation hazards in wines with low acidity. The main products are wines that contain less acetic acid, less biogenic amines and precursors and less ethyl carbamate precursors than the traditional wines produced via conventional fermentation techniques.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural and dynamical fingerprints of evolutionary optimization in biological networks are still unclear. Here we analyze the dynamics of genetic regulatory networks responsible for the regulation of cell cycle and cell differentiation in three organisms or cell types each, and show that they follow a version of Hebb\'s rule which we have termed coherence. More precisely, we find that simultaneously expressed genes with a common target are less likely to act antagonistically at the attractors of the regulatory dynamics. We then investigate the dependence of coherence on structural parameters, such as the mean number of inputs per node and the activatory/repressory interaction ratio, as well as on dynamically determined quantities, such as the basin size and the number of expressed genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Establishment of cell polarity is essential for processes such as growth and division. In fission yeast, as well as other species, polarity factors travel at the ends of microtubules to cortical sites where they associate with the membrane and subsequently maintain a polarized activity pattern despite their ability to diffuse in the membrane. In this chapter we present methods to establish an in vitro system that captures the essential features of this process. This bottom-up approach allows us to identify the minimal molecular requirements for microtubule-based cell polarity. We employ microfabrication techniques combined with surface functionalization to create rigid chambers with affinity for proteins, as well as microfluidic techniques to create and shape emulsion droplets with functionalized lipid boundaries. Preliminary results are shown demonstrating that a properly organized microtubule cytoskeleton can be confined to these confined spaces, and proteins traveling at the ends of growing microtubules can be delivered to their boundaries.





