• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phaeohyphomycosis comprises a variety of infections caused by pigmented fungi. Solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients are particularly at risk of invasive infections due to their prolonged immunosuppression. Here, we describe three cases of phaeohyphomycosis in SOT recipients who were successfully treated with surgical excision and/or antifungal therapy. We additionally carried out a narrative review of the literature on phaeohyphomycosis in 94 SOT recipients from 66 published studies describing 40 different species of fungi. The most reported fungus was Alternaria (21%). The median time from transplant to diagnosis was 18 months (IQR 8.25-48), and kidney transplants were the most reported. Antifungal regimens were not homogeneous, though there was a prevalence of itraconazole- and voriconazole-based treatments. Clinical outcomes included recovery in 81% and death in 5% of infected SOT recipients. Susceptibility testing was done in 26.6% of the cases, with heterogeneous results due to the variety of species isolated. While the wide diversity of dematiaceous fungi and their host range make it difficult to offer a uniform approach for phaeohyphomycosis, an early diagnosis and therapy are critical in preventing the dissemination of disease in the immunocompromised host.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nocardia is primarily considered an opportunistic pathogen and affects patients with impaired immune systems, solid-organ transplant recipients (SOTRs), and patients with haematologic malignancies. We present the cases of six patients diagnosed with nocardiosis at our center in the last two years, describing the various predisposing conditions alongside the clinical manifestation, the diagnostic workup, and the treatment course. Moreover, we propose a brief literature review on Nocardia infections in the immunocompromised host, focusing on SOTRs and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients and highlighting risk factors, clinical presentations, the diagnostic tools available, and current treatment and prophylaxis guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Squamous odontogenic tumors (SOT) are rare, benign, odontogenic neoplasms of the jaws. The sporadically reported cases with multifocal SOTs seem to have a marked predilection for younger African American patients. In this case report a 14-year-old Caucasian male presented with swelling of the vestibular alveolar process, slight tooth divergence, and mobility. A multifocal squamous odontogenic tumor was diagnosed and subsequently treated twice with surgical enucleation. Two and a half years earlier his mother was diagnosed and treated for a similar multifocal SOT. Next-Generation-Sequencing targeted resequencing mutational analysis of the maternal surgical specimens was performed. No potential causal mutation could be identified. Postoperative follow-up of the patient showed no recurrence of the SOT after 2 years. This case report substantiates the possibility of a familial relationship in (multifocal) SOT, possibly changing current ideas concerning the etiology and treatment of these neoplasms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the longitudinal survival rate of the treatment of teeth affected with periodontally hopeless prognosis and secondary occlusal traumatism (SOT) using intentional replantation (IR) and periodontal prosthesis. We collected data from 17 individuals who received IR and participated in the study during 1995 to 2014. Of the 17 teeth affected by periodontally extreme conditions with deep angular bone defects, severe alveolar bone loss extending to or beyond the apex, and SOT, was recognized as having hopeless prognosis. Those teeth were treated sequentially using procedures that included basic periodontal therapy, therapeutic provisional prosthesis, IR, fixed dental prosthesis, crown and sleeve-coping telescopic dentures (CSCTDs), or fixed prosthesis and CSCTD combined. Longitudinal assessments of clinical parameters and radiographic bone change before and after IR were evaluated. Clinical results showed that the overall cumulative survival rate of assayed teeth after IR therapy (5-12 years) was 88.2%. The mean (±SD) estimated radiographic alveolar bone loss was 12.7 ± 2.1 mm (88.5% ± 13.3%) of the root length, initially, and estimated radiographic alveolar bone gain was 4.0 ± 2.2 mm ultimately, in 17 replanted teeth with SOT. Only one tooth (5.9%) exhibited root resorption. Ankylosis was not observed during the study. Periapical radiographs demonstrated that satisfactory periodontal healing of lamina dura and bone fills occurred in all replanted teeth with SOT. Generally, tooth mobility and SOT were significantly improved after therapy. Most treated teeth functioned well and remained stable clinically throughout the periods of study. The present study documented a promising outcome for autogenous IR and periprosthetic therapy of 17 periodontally hopeless teeth for 5-12 years. The present study revealed good bone gain and elimination of SOT and prominent occlusal function. We concluded that the application of IR, minocycline-HCL and periodontal prosthetic procedures later elevated the prognosis of these otherwise hopeless teeth with SOT, which are valuable options for retaining teeth with periodontally extreme situations.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an ascosporogenous yeast commonly used in the production of food, is an emerging infection in immunocompromised patients. We report the case of a 60-year-old man whose orthotopic liver transplant was complicated by S. cerevisiae fungemia and peritoneal abscess, successfully treated with caspofungin and drainage. We also review the literature of invasive saccharomycoses in recipients of hematologic and solid organ transplants.





