Reflex, Abnormal

  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    CAPOS (cerebellar ataxia, areflexia, pes cavus, optic atrophy, and sensorineural hearing loss) syndrome is a rare genetic disorder caused by the heterozygous mutation, c.2452G > A, in the ATP1A3 gene. CAPOS syndrome involves a characteristic episode in which neuropathy develops after a fever in childhood, and here, we describe the case of a patient with CAPOS syndrome. The patient had repeated episodes of a fever around 74 months of age. Although he could speak at 23 months of age, he presented with hearing difficulty after the fever. Pure-tone audiometry revealed moderate-to-severe bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, and auditory brainstem response (ABR) showed poor response in the both ears. Auditory stead-state response (ASSR) produced relatively consistent results compared to pure-tone audiometry. A mutation in the ATP1A3 gene was detected through genetic testing. In CAPOS syndrome, a genetic mutation leads to desynchronization during neural firing. We believe that this desynchronization in neural firing is responsible for the lack of response in the ABR and the presence of a response in the ASSR. In this patient, we attribute the response detection in ASSR to its greater tolerance for errors in the timing of neural firing compared to ABR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spasticity is a complex and multidimensional disorder that impacts nearly 75% of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) and currently lacks adequate treatment options. This sensorimotor condition is burdensome as hyperexcitability of reflex pathways result in exacerbated reflex responses, co-contractions of antagonistic muscles, and involuntary movements. Transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (tSCS) has become a popular tool in the human SCI research field. The likeliness for this intervention to be successful as a noninvasive anti-spastic therapy after SCI is suggested by a mild and transitory improvement in spastic symptoms following a single stimulation session, but it remains to be determined if repeated tSCS over the course of weeks can produce more profound effects. Despite its popularity, the neuroplasticity induced by tSCS also remains widely unexplored, particularly due to the lack of suitable animal models to investigate this intervention. Thus, the basis of this work was to use tSCS over multiple sessions (multi-session tSCS) in a rat model to target spasticity after SCI and identify the long-term physiological improvements and anatomical neuroplasticity occurring in the spinal cord. Here, we show that multi-session tSCS in rats with an incomplete (severe T9 contusion) SCI (1) decreases hyperreflexia, (2) increases the low frequency-dependent modulation of the H-reflex, (3) prevents potassium-chloride cotransporter isoform 2 (KCC2) membrane downregulation in lumbar motoneurons, and (4) generally augments motor output, i.e., EMG amplitude in response to single pulses of tSCS, particularly in extensor muscles. Together, this work displays that multi-session tSCS can target and diminish spasticity after SCI as an alternative to pharmacological interventions and begins to highlight the underlying neuroplasticity contributing to its success in improving functional recovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Video-Audio Media
    Jaw clonus refers to involuntary, rhythmic jaw contractions induced by a hyperactive trigeminal nerve stretch reflex; however, the movements, when triggered without a stretch, can be confused with a tremor.
    This video demonstrates a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis presenting with rapid rhythmic jaw movements seen at rest, alongside a power spectrum analysis revealing a narrow high-frequency peak of 10 Hz.
    Rhythmic jaw movements are seen in many disorders such as Parkinson\'s disease, essential tremor, tardive syndromes, and cranial myorhythmias; however, a high-frequency movement, regardless of clonus or tremor, can indicate amyotrophic lateral sclerosis when accompanied by typical upper and lower motor neuron signs.
    The presented video abstract shows a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with rhythmic jaw movements seen at rest. A power spectrum analysis of the rhythmic movements revealed a 10 Hz peak, a frequency higher than those seen in patients with Parkinson\'s disease, essential tremor, myorhythmia, and tardive syndromes.






  • 文章类型: Video-Audio Media
    Roussy-Lévy syndrome (RLS) is characterized by postural hand tremor seen in patients with familial autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathy.
    This video demonstrates irregular, jerky bilateral kinetic, postural, rest tremor affecting the right > left hand, along with pes cavus and gait ataxia in a patient with CMT disease.
    Pes cavus, tendon areflexia, sensory ataxia, and upper limb tremor should prompt consideration of CMT neuropathy.
    This video abstract depicts a bilateral hand tremor characteristic of Roussy-Lévy syndrome seen in patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease neuropathy. The significance of the abstract lies in the phenomenology and the physiology of the tremor seen in patients with genetically confirmed duplication of PMP22 gene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the prevalence of intraspinal pathology in children who toe walk, but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be part of the diagnostic workup. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of MRI for children who toe walk with a focus on the rate of positive findings and associated neurosurgical interventions performed for children with said MRI findings.
    METHODS: A single-center tertiary hospital database was queried to identify a cohort of 118 subjects with a diagnosis of toe walking who underwent spinal MRI during a 5-year period. Patient and MRI characteristics were summarized and compared between subjects with a major abnormality, minor abnormality, or no abnormality on MRI using multivariable logistic regression. Major MRI abnormalities included those with a clear spinal etiology, such as fatty filum, tethered cord, syrinx, and Chiari malformation, while minor abnormalities had unclear associations with toe walking.
    RESULTS: The most common primary indications for MRI were failure to improve with conservative treatment, severe contracture, and abnormal reflexes. The prevalence of major MRI abnormalities was 25% (30/118), minor MRI abnormalities was 19% (22/118), and normal MRI was 56% (66/118). Patients with delayed onset of toe walking were significantly more likely to have a major abnormality on MRI ( P =0.009). The presence of abnormal reflexes, severe contracture, back pain, bladder incontinence, and failure to improve with conservative treatment were not significantly associated with an increased likelihood of major abnormality on MRI. Twenty-nine (25%) subjects underwent tendon lengthening, and 5 (4%) underwent neurosurgical intervention, the most frequent of which was detethering and sectioning of fatty filum.
    CONCLUSIONS: Spinal MRI in patients who toe walk has a high rate of major positive findings, some of which require neurosurgical intervention. The most significant predictor of intraspinal pathology was the late onset of toe walking after the child had initiated walking. MRI of the spine should be considered by pediatric orthopedic surgeons in patients with toe walking who present late with an abnormal clinical course.
    METHODS: Level III Retrospective Comparative Study.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    CAPOS syndrome is an autosomal dominant neurological disorder caused by mutations in the ATP1A3 gene. Initial symptoms, often fever-induced, include recurrent acute ataxic encephalopathy in childhood, featuring cerebellar ataxia, optic atrophy, areflflexia, sensorineural hearing loss, and in some cases, pes cavus. This report details a case of CAPOS syndrome resulting from a maternal ATP1A3 gene mutation. Both the child and her mother exhibited symptoms post-febrile induction,including severe sensorineural hearing loss in both ears, ataxia, areflexia, and decreased vision. Additionally, the patient\'s mother presented with pes cavus. Genetic testing revealed a c. 2452G>A(Glu818Lys) heterozygous mutation in theATP1A3 gene in the patient . This article aims to enhance clinicians\' understanding of CAPOS syndrome, emphasizing the case\'s clinical characteristics, diagnostic process, treatment, and its correlation with genotypeic findings.
    摘要: CAPOS综合征是由ATP1A3基因引起的常染色体显性遗传的神经系统疾病,现报告1例母源性ATP1A3基因变异所致CAPOS综合征的病例,本例患儿及其母亲均表现为发热后诱发,双耳重度以上的神经性耳聋、共济失调、腱反射消失、视力下降,母亲高足弓。经全外显子测序及线粒体基因检测证实为ATP1A3c.2452G>A(Glu818Lys)杂合变异致病。本文通过阐述病例的临床特点、诊疗经过及其与基因型的相关性,提高临床医师对CAPOS综合征的认识。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spasticity, affecting ∼75% of patients with spinal cord injury (SCI), leads to hyperreflexia, muscle spasms, and cocontractions of antagonist muscles, greatly affecting their quality of life. Spasticity primarily stems from the hyperexcitability of motoneurons below the lesion, driven by an upregulation of the persistent sodium current and a downregulation of chloride extrusion. This imbalance results from the post-SCI activation of calpain1, which cleaves Nav1.6 channels and KCC2 cotransporters. Our study was focused on mitigating spasticity by specifically targeting calpain1 in spinal motoneurons. We successfully transduced lumbar motoneurons in adult rats with SCI using intrathecal administration of adeno-associated virus vector serotype 6, carrying a shRNA sequence against calpain1. This approach significantly reduced calpain1 expression in transduced motoneurons, leading to a noticeable decrease in spasticity symptoms, including hyperreflexia, muscle spasms, and cocontractions in hindlimb muscles, which are particularly evident in the second month post-SCI. In addition, this decrease, which prevented the escalation of spasticity to a severe grade, paralleled the restoration of KCC2 levels in transduced motoneurons, suggesting a reduced proteolytic activity of calpain1. These findings demonstrate that inhibiting calpain1 in motoneurons is a promising strategy for alleviating spasticity in SCI patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal cord injury often results in chronic loss of micturition control, which is featured by bladder hyperreflexia and detrusor sphincter dyssynergia. Previous studies showed that treatment of capsaicin reduces non-voiding bladder contractions in multiple animal injury models and human patients. However, its underlying neural mechanisms remain largely unknown. Here, by injecting a RetroAAV into the bladder wall, we specifically targeted TRPV1+, a capsaicin receptor, bladder afferent neurons. Morphometric analysis revealed borderline increase of the soma size and significant spinal axon sprouting of TRPV1+ bladder afferent neurons post a complete T8 spinal cord crush. We further demonstrated that chronic chemogenetic inhibition of these DRG neurons improved micturition recovery after SCI by increasing voiding efficiency and alleviating bladder hyperreflexia, along with reduced morphological changes caused by injury. Our study provided novel insights into the structural and functional changes of TRPV1+ bladder afferent post SCI and further supports the clinical use of capsaicin as an effective treatment to improve bladder functions in patients with SCI.





