
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic impacted how people accessed health services and likely how they managed chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes (T2D). Social media forums present a source of qualitative data to understand how adaptation might have occurred from the perspective of the patient.
    OBJECTIVE: Our objective is to understand how the care-seeking behaviors and attitudes of people living with T2D were impacted during the early part of the pandemic by conducting a scoping literature review. A secondary objective is to compare the findings of the scoping review to those presented on a popular social media platform Reddit.
    METHODS: A scoping review was conducted in 2021. Inclusion criteria were population with T2D, studies are patient-centered, and study objectives are centered around health behaviors, disease management, or mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Exclusion criteria were populations with other noncommunicable diseases, examining COVID-19 as a comorbidity to T2D, clinical treatments for COVID-19 among people living with T2D, genetic expressions of COVID-19 among people living with T2D, gray literature, or studies not published in English. Bias was mitigated by reviewing uncertainties with other authors. Data extracted from the studies were classified into thematic categories. These categories reflect the findings of this study as per our objective. Data from the Reddit forums related to T2D from March 2020 to early March 2021 were downloaded, and support vector machines were used to classify if a post was published in the context of the pandemic. Latent Dirichlet allocation topic modeling was performed to gather topics of discussion specific to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    RESULTS: A total of 26 studies conducted between February and September 2020, consisting of 13,673 participants, were included in this scoping literature review. The studies were qualitative and relied mostly on qualitative data from surveys or questionnaires. Themes found from the literature review were \"poorer glycemic control,\" \"increased consumption of unhealthy foods,\" \"decreased physical activity,\" \"inability to access medical appointments,\" and \"increased stress and anxiety.\" Findings from latent Dirichlet allocation topic modeling of Reddit forums were \"Coping With Poor Mental Health,\" \"Accessing Doctor & Medications and Controlling Blood Glucose,\" \"Changing Food Habits During Pandemic,\" \"Impact of Stress on Blood Glucose Levels,\" \"Changing Status of Employment & Insurance,\" and \"Risk of COVID Complications.\"
    CONCLUSIONS: Topics of discussion gauged from the Reddit forums provide a holistic perspective of the impact of the pandemic on people living with T2D, which were found to be comparable to the findings of the literature review. The study was limited by only having 1 reviewer for the literature review, but biases were mitigated by consulting authors when there were uncertainties. Qualitative analysis of Reddit forms can supplement traditional qualitative studies of the behaviors of people living with T2D.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In the United States, caregivers of people living with Alzheimer disease and Alzheimer disease-related dementias (AD/ADRD) provide >16 billion hours of unpaid care annually. These caregivers experience high levels of stress and burden related to the challenges associated with providing care. Social media is an emerging space for individuals to seek various forms of support.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to explore the primary topics of conversation on the social media site Reddit related to AD/ADRD. We then aimed to explore these topics in depth, specifically examining elements of social support and behavioral symptomology discussed by users.
    METHODS: We first generated an unsupervised topic model from 6563 posts made to 2 dementia-specific subreddit forums (r/Alzheimers and r/dementia). Then, we conducted a manual qualitative content analysis of a random subset of these data to further explore salient themes in the corpus.
    RESULTS: The topic model with the highest overall coherence score (0.38) included 10 topics, including caregiver burden, anxiety, support-seeking, and AD/ADRD behavioral symptomology. Qualitative analyses provided added context, wherein users sought emotional and informational support for many aspects of the care experience, including assistance in making key care-related decisions. Users expressed challenging and complex emotions on Reddit, which may be taboo to express in person.
    CONCLUSIONS: Reddit users seek many different forms of support, including emotional and specific informational support, from others on the internet. Users expressed a variety of concerns, challenges, and behavioral symptoms to manage as part of the care experience. The unique (ie, anonymous and moderated) nature of the forum allowed for a safe space to express emotions free from documented caregiver stigma. Additional support structures are needed to assist caregivers of people living with AD/ADRD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stuttering poses challenges to social, occupational, and educational aspects of life. Traditional behavioral therapies can be helpful but effects are often limited. Pharmaceutical treatments have been explored but there are no FDA-approved treatments for stuttering. Interest has grown in the potential use of classic psychedelics, including psilocybin and LSD, which have shown effectiveness in treating disorders with similar symptoms (e.g., anxiety, depression, PTSD). The potential effects of psychedelics on stuttering have not been explored. We conducted a preliminary investigation of self-identified stutterers who report their experiences taking classic psychedelics on the online messaging forum, Reddit. We qualitatively analyzed 114 publicly available posts, extracting meaningful units and assigning descriptor codes inductively. We then deductively organized responses into an established framework of psychedelics which includes behavioral, emotional, cognitive, belief-based, and social effects. These effects were subsequently grouped under organizing themes (positive, negative, neutral). Descriptive statistics revealed that the majority of users (74.0%) reported positive overall short-term effects particularly related to behavioral and emotional change (e.g., reduced stuttering and anxiety), but negative (9.6%), mixed (positive and negative; 4.8%), and neutral overall experiences (11.6%) were also reported. The results support the possibility that psychedelics may impact stuttering, but caution must be applied in their interpretation given the entirely uncontrolled research setting and potential adverse health effects of psychedelics as reported elsewhere. While these results do not encourage the use of psychedelics by stutterers, they suggest that future work could examine the impact of psychedelics on stuttering under supervised and in clinically controlled settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Social support is essential to promoting optimal health outcomes for women with breast cancer. However, an estimated 12% of women with breast cancer simultaneously experience intimate partner violence (IPV; physical, psychological, or sexual abuse by an intimate partner). Women who experience IPV during breast cancer may lack traditional social support, and thus seek out alternative sources of support. Online community forums, such as Reddit, can provide accessible social connections within breast cancer-specific communities. However, it is largely unknown how women with breast cancer use Reddit to describe and seek support for experiences of IPV.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to explore how patients with breast cancer describe toxic relationships with their partners and immediate family members on Reddit.
    METHODS: This exploratory, cross-sectional, topic-modeling study analyzed textual data from 96 users in the r/breastcancer subreddit in February 2023. The meaning extraction method, inclusive of principal component analysis, was used to identify underlying components. Components were subjected to sentiment analysis and summative content analysis with emergent categorical development to articulate themes.
    RESULTS: Seven themes emerged related to toxic relationships: (1) contextualizing storytelling with lymph nodes, (2) toxic behavior and venting emotions, (3) abandonment and abuse following diagnosis, (4) toxic relationships and social-related fears, (5) inner strength and navigating breast cancer over time, (6) assessing social relationships and interactions, and (7) community advice and support. Toxic relationships were commonly characterized by isolation, abandonment, and emotional abuse, which had profound emotional consequences for patients. Reddit facilitated anonymous venting about toxic relationships that helped patients cope with intense feelings and stress. Exchanging advice and support about navigating toxic relationships during breast cancer were core functions of the r/breastcancer community.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings emphasized the value of Reddit as a source of social support for patients with breast cancer experiencing toxic relationships. Clinicians who understand that many patients with breast cancer experience toxic relationships and considerable psychological sequelae are better prepared to support their patients\' holistic well-being. Further investigation of Reddit as a possible resource for advice, information, and support has the potential to help inform clinical practice and subsequently, patient health outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Attitudes toward abortion have historically been characterized via dichotomized labels, yet research suggests that these labels do not appropriately encapsulate beliefs on abortion. Rather, contexts, circumstances, and lived experiences often shape views on abortion into more nuanced and complex perspectives. Qualitative data have also been shown to underpin belief systems regarding abortion. Social media, as a form of qualitative data, could reveal how attitudes toward abortion are communicated publicly in web-based spaces. Furthermore, in some cases, social media can also be leveraged to seek health information.
    OBJECTIVE: This study applies natural language processing and social media mining to analyze Reddit (Reddit, Inc) forums specific to abortion, including r/Abortion (the largest subreddit about abortion) and r/AbortionDebate (a subreddit designed to discuss and debate worldviews on abortion). Our analytical pipeline intends to identify potential themes within the data and the affect from each post.
    METHODS: We applied a neural network-based topic modeling pipeline (BERTopic) to uncover themes in the r/Abortion (n=2151) and r/AbortionDebate (n=2815) subreddits. After deriving the optimal number of topics per subreddit using an iterative coherence score calculation, we performed a sentiment analysis using the Valence Aware Dictionary and Sentiment Reasoner to assess positive, neutral, and negative affect and an emotion analysis using the Text2Emotion lexicon to identify potential emotionality per post. Differences in affect and emotion by subreddit were compared.
    RESULTS: The iterative coherence score calculation revealed 10 topics for both r/Abortion (coherence=0.42) and r/AbortionDebate (coherence=0.35). Topics in the r/Abortion subreddit primarily centered on information sharing or offering a source of social support; in contrast, topics in the r/AbortionDebate subreddit centered on contextualizing shifting or evolving views on abortion across various ethical, moral, and legal domains. The average compound Valence Aware Dictionary and Sentiment Reasoner scores for the r/Abortion and r/AbortionDebate subreddits were 0.01 (SD 0.44) and -0.06 (SD 0.41), respectively. Emotionality scores were consistent across the r/Abortion and r/AbortionDebate subreddits; however, r/Abortion had a marginally higher average fear score of 0.36 (SD 0.39).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that people posting on abortion forums on Reddit are willing to share their beliefs, which manifested in diverse ways, such as sharing abortion stories including how their worldview changed, which critiques the value of dichotomized abortion identity labels, and information seeking. Notably, the style of discourse varied significantly by subreddit. r/Abortion was principally leveraged as an information and outreach source; r/AbortionDebate largely centered on debating across various legal, ethical, and moral abortion domains. Collectively, our findings suggest that abortion remains an opaque yet politically charged issue for people and that social media can be leveraged to understand views and circumstances surrounding abortion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Health technology innovation is increasingly supported by a bottom-up approach to priority setting, aiming to better reflect the concerns of its intended beneficiaries. Web-based forums provide parents with an outlet to share concerns, advice, and information related to parenting and the health and well-being of their children. They provide a rich source of data on parenting concerns and priorities that could inform future child health research and innovation.
    The aim of the study is to identify common concerns expressed on 2 major web-based forums and cluster these to identify potential family health concern topics as indicative priority areas for future research and innovation.
    We text-mined the r/Parenting subreddit (69,846 posts) and the parenting section of Mumsnet (99,848 posts) to create a large corpus of posts. A generative statistical model (latent Dirichlet allocation) was used to identify the most discussed topics in the corpus, and content analysis was applied to identify the parenting concerns found in a subset of posts.
    A model with 25 topics produced the highest coherence and a wide range of meaningful parenting concern topics. The most frequently expressed parenting concerns are related to their child\'s sleep, self-care, eating (and food), behavior, childcare context, and the parental context including parental conflict. Topics directly associated with infants, such as potty training and bottle feeding, were more common on Mumsnet, while parental context and screen time were more common on r/Parenting.
    Latent Dirichlet allocation topic modeling can be applied to gain a rapid, yet meaningful overview of parent concerns expressed on a large and diverse set of social media posts and used to complement traditional insight gathering methods. Parents framed their concerns in terms of children\'s everyday health concerns, generating topics that overlap significantly with established family health concern topics. We provide evidence of the range of family health concerns found at these sources and hope this can be used to generate material for use alongside traditional insight gathering methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This reflection focuses on the methodological and ethical challenges encountered during the recruitment stage in a focus group and interview study that sought to investigate how men (co-)construct (their) masculinity in the context of contraception and family planning. We critically engage with the comments sections of our social media recruitment announcements and draw lessons in regard to (i) the \'correct\' and socially acceptable terminology when trying to recruit men in an inclusive manner and (ii) the feasibility of our method more generally. We asked what we may learn about ourselves, our specific research project, and the conduct of research more generally when we view the ethical challenges arising during the recruitment stage as an integral part of reflexive research ethics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study aimed to understand Reddit users\' experience with helicopter parenting through first-hand accounts. Text mining and natural language processing techniques were employed to extract data from the subreddit r/helicopterparents. A total of 713 original posts were processed from unstructured texts to tidy formats. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a popular topic modeling method, was used to discover hidden themes within the corpus. The data revealed common environmental contexts of helicopter parenting (i.e., school, college, work, and home) and its implication on college decisions, privacy, and social relationships. These collectively suggested the importance of autonomy-supportive parenting and mindfulness interventions as viable solutions to the problems posed by helicopter parenting. In addition, findings lent support to past research that has identified more maternal than paternal models of helicopter parenting. Further research on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on helicopter parenting is warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endometriosis is a debilitating and difficult-to-diagnose gynecological disease. Owing to limited information and awareness, women often rely on social media platforms as a support system to engage in discussions regarding their disease-related concerns.
    This study aimed to apply computational techniques to social media posts to identify discussion topics about endometriosis and to identify themes that require more attention from health care professionals and researchers. We also aimed to explore whether, amid the challenging nature of the disease, there are themes within the endometriosis community that gather posts with positive sentiments.
    We retrospectively extracted posts from the subreddits r/Endo and r/endometriosis from January 2011 to April 2022. We analyzed 45,693 Reddit posts using sentiment analysis and topic modeling-based methods in machine learning.
    Since 2011, the number of posts and comments has increased steadily. The posts were categorized into 11 categories, and the highest number of posts were related to either asking for information (Question); sharing the experiences (Rant/Vent); or diagnosing and treating endometriosis, especially surgery (Surgery related). Sentiment analysis revealed that 92.09% (42,077/45,693) of posts were associated with negative sentiments, only 2.3% (1053/45,693) expressed positive feelings, and there were no categories with more positive than negative posts. Topic modeling revealed 27 major topics, and the most popular topics were Surgery, Questions/Advice, Diagnosis, and Pain. The Survey/Research topic, which brought together most research-related posts, was the last in terms of posts.
    Our study shows that posts on social media platforms can provide insights into the concerns of women with endometriosis symptoms. The analysis of the posts confirmed that women with endometriosis have to face negative emotions and pain daily. The large number of posts related to asking questions shows that women do not receive sufficient information from physicians and need community support to cope with the disease. Health care professionals should pay more attention to the symptoms and diagnosis of endometriosis, discuss these topics with patients to reduce their dissatisfaction with doctors, and contribute more to the overall well-being of women with endometriosis. Researchers should also become more involved in social media and share new science-based knowledge regarding endometriosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The purpose of this study was to use text-based social media content analysis from cancer-specific subreddits to evaluate depression and anxiety-loaded content. Natural language processing, automatic, and lexicon-based methods were employed to perform sentiment analysis and identify depression and anxiety-loaded content.
    UNASSIGNED: Data was collected from 187 Reddit users who had received a cancer diagnosis, were currently undergoing treatment, or had completed treatment. Participants were split according to survivorship status into short-term, transition, and long-term cancer survivors. A total of 72524 posts were analyzed across the three cancer survivor groups.
    UNASSIGNED: The results showed that short-term cancer survivors had significantly more depression-loaded posts and more anxiety-loaded words than long-term survivors, with no significant differences relative to the transition period. The topic analysis showed that long-term survivors, more than other stages of survivorship, have resources to share their experiences with suicidal ideation and mental health issues while providing support to their survivor community.
    UNASSIGNED: The results indicate that Reddit texts seem to be an indicator of when the stressor is active and mental health issues are triggered. This sets the stage for Reddit to become a platform for screening and first-hand intervention delivery. Special attention should be dedicated to short-term survivors.





