Radioisotope Dilution Technique

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: For the assessment of inflammatory status, we have developed a simple, reliable radioimmunoassay (RIA) of prostaglandin E-major urinary metabolite (PGE-MUM), which remains stable in urine after it is metabolized. Using this method, we conducted a screening study to compare standard values of PGE-MUM to serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in health check volunteers.
    METHODS: PGE-MUM (micrograms per gram creatinine) was measured in normal urine samples obtained from 797 samples in volunteers for health check, using a newly developed RIA, and analyzed in relation to age, gender, smoking, and drinking habits. Results were compared to serum CRP.
    RESULTS: PGE-MUM was significantly higher in males than in females. It was significantly higher in smoking males, compared to males who had never smoked (nonsmokers), particularly in those above 40 years of age. In nonsmokers, PGE-MUM declined in males with advancing age, while it rose in females. Although PGE-MUM reflected current smoking status, independent of smoking index (SI), serum CRP indicated both current and former smoking condition, rather dependent upon SI.
    CONCLUSIONS: PGE-MUM increases in smokers, as suggested by possible inflammatory injury of pulmonary tissue. This RIA method for PGE-MUM may be thus a sensitive and reliable biomarker for current inflammation, different from serum CRP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A selective and sensitive isotope dilution-high performance liquid chromatography-linear ion trap mass spectrometry (Isotope Dilution-HPLC-LIT-MS(3)) method was developed for the simultaneous determination of 19 triazine pesticides and their degradation products in processed cereal samples from Chinese total diet study (TDS). The method integrated the addition of isotope internal standards, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), clean-up with MCX solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges and HPLC-LIT-MS(3) analysis with selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode. Matrix-matched calibration curves showed good linearity (R(2)≥0.9940) verified by applying the Mandel\'s fitting test (p>0.087) performed at the 95% confidence level. Decision limits (CCαs) and detection capabilities (CCβs) of the 19 triazine pesticides and their degradation products fell in the ranges of 0.0020-0.4200 μg kg(-1) and 0.0024-0.4500 μg kg(-1), respectively. Recoveries ranged from 70.1% to 112.8%, with the relative standard deviations (RSDs) ranging from 1.5% to 13.5%. Furthermore, the proposed method was applied to analyzing the proposed cereal samples from the fourth Chinese TDS. Eleven triazines were detected in six cereal samples with the concentrations ranging from 0.013 to 0.987 μg kg(-1). This method can also be used for the further determination of the triazines in other food group composites, and ultimately served as a methodological foundation for assessing the triazines in the average Chinese diet in the general population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phosphorus (P) starved algae have a capacity to rapidly take up P when resupplied to P. This study was set-up to measure to what extent P starvation enhances the potential of algae to utilize organic P forms. The initial (<0.5 h) PO4 uptake rates of cells of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata increased up to 18-fold with increasing starvation. Algae from different levels of P starvation were subsequently exposed to different model organic P forms and carrier-free (33)PO4. Uptake (1h) of P from organic P-increased up to 5-fold with increasing P starvation. The bioavailability of organic P, relative to PO4, was calculated from uptake of (31)P and (33)P isotopes assuming no isotopic exchange with organic P-forms. This relative bioavailability ranged from 0 to 57% and remained generally unaffected by the extent of P-starvation. This result was found for cells that were either or not treated by a wash method to remove extracellular phosphatases. Short-term P uptake rate sharply increases with decreasing internal P content of the algal cells but the bioavailability of organic P, relative to PO4, is not enhanced. Such finding suggests that P-starvation enhances PO4 uptake capacity and organic P hydrolysis capacity to about the same extent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    O(6)-POB-dG (O(6)-[4-oxo-4-(3-pyridyl)but-1-yl]deoxyguanosine) are promutagenic nucleobase adducts that arise from DNA alkylation by metabolically activated tobacco-specific nitrosamines such as 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) and N-nitrosonicotine (NNN). If not repaired, O(6)-POB-dG adducts cause mispairing during DNA replication, leading to G → A and G → T mutations. A specialized DNA repair protein, O(6)-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (AGT), transfers the POB group from O(6)-POB-dG in DNA to a cysteine residue within the protein (Cys145), thus restoring normal guanine and preventing mutagenesis. The rates of AGT-mediated repair of O(6)-POB-dG may be affected by local DNA sequence context, potentially leading to adduct accumulation and increased mutagenesis at specific sites within the genome. In the present work, isotope dilution high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI(+)-MS/MS)-based methodology was developed to investigate the influence of DNA sequence on the kinetics of AGT-mediated repair of O(6)-POB-dG adducts. In our approach, synthetic DNA duplexes containing O(6)-POB-dG at a specified site are incubated with recombinant human AGT protein for defined periods of time. Following spiking with D(4)-O(6)-POB-dG internal standard and mild acid hydrolysis to release O(6)-POB-guanine (O(6)-POB-G) and D(4)-O(6)-POB-guanine (D(4)-O(6)-POB-G), samples are purified by solid phase extraction (SPE), and O(6)-POB-G adducts remaining in DNA are quantified by capillary HPLC-ESI(+)-MS/MS. The new method was validated by analyzing mixtures containing known amounts of O(6)-POB-G-containig DNA and the corresponding unmodified DNA duplexes and by examining the kinetics of alkyl transfer in the presence of increasing amounts of AGT protein. The disappearance of O(6)-POB-dG from DNA was accompanied by pyridyloxobutylation of AGT Cys-145 as determined by HPLC-ESI(+)-MS/MS of tryptic peptides. The applicability of the new approach was shown by determining the second order kinetics of AGT-mediated repair of O(6)-POB-dG adducts placed within a DNA duplex representing modified rat H-ras sequence (5\'-AATAGTATCT[O(6)-POB-G]GAGCC-3\') opposite either C or T. Faster rates of alkyl transfer were observed when O(6)-POB-dG was paired with T rather than with C (k = 1.74 × 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) vs 1.17 × 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain edema is suggested to be the principal mechanism underlying the symptoms in acute hyponatremia. Identification of the mechanisms responsible for global and regional cerebral water homeostasis during hyponatremia is, therefore, of utmost importance. To examine the osmotic behavior of different brain regions and muscles, in vivo-determined water content (WC) was related to plasma sodium concentration ([Na(+)]) and brain/muscle electrolyte content. Acute hyponatremia was induced with desmopressin acetate and infusion of a 2.5% glucose solution in anesthetized pigs. WC in different brain regions and skeletal muscle was estimated in vivo from T(1) maps determined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). WC, expressed in gram water per 100 g dry weight, increased significantly in slices of the whole brain [342(SD = 14) to 363(SD = 21)] (6%), thalamus [277(SD = 13) to 311(SD = 24)] (12%) and white matter [219(SD = 7) to 225(SD = 5)] (3%). However, the WC increase in the whole brain and white mater WC was less than expected from perfect osmotic behavior, whereas in the thalamus, the water increase was as expected. Brain sodium content was significantly reduced. Muscle WC changed passively with plasma [Na(+)]. WC determined with deuterium dilution and tissue lyophilzation correlated well with MRI-determined WC. In conclusion, acute hyponatremia induces brain and muscle edema. In the brain as a whole and in the thalamus, regulatory volume decrease (RVD) is unlikely to occur. However, RVD may, in part, explain the observed lower WC in white matter. This may play a potential role in osmotic demyelination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The goal of the present study was to investigate whether epidural analgesia exerts a protein-sparing effect after colorectal surgery in the presence of hypocaloric glucose supply initiated with surgical skin incision.
    METHODS: We randomly allocated 10 patients to receive general anesthesia combined with epidural anesthesia with bupivacaine, followed by epidural analgesia using bupivacaine/fentanyl, and 10 patients to receive general anesthesia, followed by patient-controlled analgesia with intravenous morphine. All patients received a 48-hour infusion of glucose 10% from surgical skin incision until the second day after surgery. The glucose infusion rate provided 50% of the patient\'s resting energy expenditure. Kinetics of protein and glucose metabolism were assessed by a stable-isotope tracer technique (L-[1-(13)C]leucine and [6,6-(2)H(2)]glucose).
    RESULTS: The rate of appearance of leucine increased in the intravenous-analgesia group (112 +/- 29 to 130 +/- 25 micromol/kg/h) 2 days after surgery, and this increase was more pronounced than in the epidural analgesia group (preoperative 120 +/- 24, postoperative 123 +/- 22 micromol/kg/h, P < .05). Leucine oxidation rate increased in the intravenous analgesia group from 17 +/- 8 to 23 +/- 8 micromol/kg/h and in the epidural group from 17 +/- 6 to 19 +/- 7 micromol/kg/h without the difference between the groups reaching statistical significance (P = .067). Nonoxidative leucine disposal remained unaltered in both groups. No differences in glucose metabolism were seen between the groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Epidural analgesia inhibits the increase in whole-body protein breakdown in patients receiving perioperative hypocaloric glucose infusion initiated with surgical skin incision. However, oxidative protein loss, protein synthesis, and glucose metabolism are not affected by epidural analgesia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blood volume studies using the indicator dilution technique and radioactive tracers have been performed in nuclear medicine departments for over 50 y. A nuclear medicine study is the gold standard for blood volume measurement, but the classic dual-isotope blood volume study is time-consuming and can be prone to technical errors. Moreover, a lack of normal values and a rubric for interpretation made volume status measurement of limited interest to most clinicians other than some hematologists. A new semiautomated system for blood volume analysis is now available and provides highly accurate results for blood volume analysis within only 90 min. The availability of rapid, accurate blood volume analysis has brought about a surge of clinical interest in using blood volume data for clinical management. Blood volume analysis, long a low-volume nuclear medicine study all but abandoned in some laboratories, is poised to enter the clinical mainstream. This article will first present the fundamental principles of fluid balance and the clinical means of volume status assessment. We will then review the indicator dilution technique and how it is used in nuclear medicine blood volume studies. We will present an overview of the new semiautomated blood volume analysis technique, showing how the study is done, how it works, what results are provided, and how those results are interpreted. Finally, we will look at some of the emerging areas in which data from blood volume analysis can improve patient care. The reader will gain an understanding of the principles underlying blood volume assessment, know how current nuclear medicine blood volume analysis studies are performed, and appreciate their potential clinical impact.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To develop a method for determination of 20 indicator polycholorinated biphenyls in fish by GC-LRMS.
    METHODS: Fish sample was added 13C lablled internal standard and cleaned-up by a multilayer silica column and a alumina column. Sample was analyzed by HRGC-LRMS using SIM mode.
    RESULTS: Detection limits of 20 indicator polycholorinated biphenyls were 0.009 - 0.044 ng/g. Average recovery were 79.7% - 112.6%, RSD were 1% - 8% (n = 6).
    CONCLUSIONS: Results showed that the method was suitable for determination of indicator PCB in fish sample.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Using in vivo (13)C-NMR spectroscopy, the energy metabolism in rat brain has commonly been studied via infusion of (13)C-labeled substrates on a minute to hour time scale. In the present study, as a novel approach, (13)C-enriched animal chow was administered over several days and compared with a 2 h infusion of [U-(13)C(6)]-glucose. Rats received chow containing either [U-(13)C(6)]-glucose or [U-(13)C]-biomass (a mixture of proteins, lipids, DNA, and carbohydrates) during 3 to 5 days. During feeding with (13)C-labeled glucose and biomass, in vivo (13)C-NMR spectroscopy was carried out daily and revealed slow but successive label incorporation into a large number of metabolites. Lipids and proteins were not significantly (13)C-enriched during a 2 h infusion of (13)C-labeled glucose, but became the most prominent resonances in the (13)C feeding experiment. Likewise, feeding with (13)C-enriched biomass led to additional (13)C-label incorporation into creatine, urea carbons and glycogen. Finally, only the acetyl moiety of N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) became significantly enriched during the 2 h infusion experiment, whereas the aspartyl moiety remained at natural abundance levels. In the feeding experiments, however, label incorporation into all carbons of NAA could be observed. Moreover, isotopomer analysis of brain extracts revealed that the acetyl moiety of NAA in feeding experiments was always more strongly (13)C-enriched than its aspartyl moiety, suggesting that the turnover of the acetyl moiety is faster than that of the aspartyl moiety. The different enrichment kinetics of acetyl and aspartyl moiety could be explained by the existence of two different metabolic pathways reflecting the compartmentalised synthesis of NAA.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    The aim of this study was to develop a chitosan-poly(acrylic) acid based controlled drug release system for gastric antibiotic delivery. Different mixtures of amoxicillin (A), chitosan (CS), and poly(acrylic) acid (PAA) were employed to obtain these polyionic complexes. A non-invasive method was employed for determining the gastric residence time of the formulations. It was studied the swelling behavior and drug release from these complexes. Gastric emptying rate study was performed by means of the [13C]octanoic acid breath test. The gastric emptying rates of two different formulations (conventional and gastric retentive system) were studied. Swelling studies indicated that the extent of swelling was greater in the polyionic complexes than in the single chitosan formulations. The amoxicillin diffusion from the hydrogels was controlled by the polymer/drug interaction. The property of these complexes to control the solute diffusion depends on the network mesh size, which is a significant factor in the overall behavior of the hydrogels. The gastric half-emptying time of the polyionic complex was significantly delayed compared to the reference formulation, showing mean values of 164.32+/-26.72 and 65.06+/-11.50min, respectively (P<0.01). The results of this study suggest that, these polyionic complexes are good systems for specific gastric drug delivery.





