• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The current radiobiological model employed for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) treatment planning, which relies on microdosimetry, fails to provide an accurate representation the biological effects of BNCT. The precision in calculating the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) and compound biological effectiveness (CBE) plays a pivotal role in determining the therapeutic efficacy of BNCT. Therefore, this study focuses on how to improve the accuracy of the biological effects of BNCT.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to propose new radiation biology models based on nanodosimetry to accurately assess RBE and CBE for BNCT.
    METHODS: Nanodosimetry, rooted in ionization cluster size distributions (ICSD), introduces a novel approach to characterize radiation quality by effectively delineating RBE through the ion track structure at the nanoscale. In the context of prior research, this study presents a computational model for the nanoscale assessment of RBE and CBE. We establish a simplified model of DNA chromatin fiber using the Monte Carlo code TOPAS-nBio to evaluate the applicability of ICSD to BNCT and compute nanodosimetric parameters.
    RESULTS: Our investigation reveals that both homogeneous and heterogeneous nanodosimetric parameters, as well as the corresponding biological model coefficients α and β, along with RBE values, exhibit variations in response to varying intracellular 10B concentrations. Notably, the nanodosimetric parameter M 1 C 2 $M_1^{{{\\mathrm{C}}}_2}$ effectively captures the fluctuations in model coefficients α and RBE.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our model facilitates a nanoscale analysis of BNCT, enabling predictions of nanodosimetric quantities for secondary ions as well as RBE, CBE, and other essential biological metrics related to the distribution of boron. This contribution significantly enhances the precision of RBE calculations and holds substantial promise for future applications in treatment planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objectives. (1) To examine to what extent the cell- and exposure- specific information neglected in the phenomenological proton relative biological effectiveness (RBE) models could influence the computed RBE in proton therapy. (2) To explore similarities and differences in the formalism and the results between the linear energy transfer (LET)-based phenomenological proton RBE models and the microdosimetry-based Mayo Clinic Florida microdosimetric kinetic model (MCF MKM). (3) To investigate how the relationship between the RBE and the dose-mean proton LET is affected by the proton energy spectrum and the secondary fragments.Approach. We systematically compared six selected phenomenological proton RBE models with the MCF MKM in track-segment simulations, monoenergetic proton beams in a water phantom, and two spread-out Bragg peaks. A representative comparison within vitrodata for human glioblastoma cells (U87 cell line) is also included.Main results. Marked differences were observed between the results of the phenomenological proton RBE models, as reported in previous studies. The dispersion of these models\' results was found to be comparable to the spread in the MCF MKM results obtained by varying the cell-specific parameters neglected in the phenomenological models. Furthermore, while single cell-specific correlation between RBE and the dose-mean proton LET seems reasonable above 2 keVμm-1, caution is necessary at lower LET values due to the relevant contribution of secondary fragments. The comparison within vitrodata demonstrates comparable agreement between the MCF MKM predictions and the results of the phenomenological models.Significance. The study highlights the importance of considering cell-specific characteristics and detailed radiation quality information for accurate RBE calculations in proton therapy. Furthermore, these results provide confidence in the use of the MCF MKM for clonogenic survival RBE calculations in proton therapy, offering a more mechanistic approach compared to phenomenological models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective.To investigate biological effectiveness of252Cf brachytherapy source using Monte Carlo-calculated microdosimetric distributions.Approach.252Cf source capsule was placed at the center of the spherical water phantom and phase-space data were scored as a function of radial distance in water (R= 1-5 cm) using TOPAS Monte Carlo code. The phase-space data were used to calculate microdosimetric distributions at 1μm site size. Using these distributions, Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE), mean quality factor (Q̅) and Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER) were calculated as a function ofR.Main results.The overall shapes of the microdosimetric distributions are comparable at all the radial distances in water. However, slight variation in the bin-wise yield is observed withR. RBE,Q̅and OER are insensitive to R over the range 1-5 cm. Microdosimetric kinetic model based RBE values are about 2.3 and 2.8 for HSG tumour cells and V79 cells, respectively, whereas biological weighting function-based RBE is about 2.8. ICRP 60 and ICRU 40 recommendation-basedQ̅values are about 14.5 and 16, respectively. Theory of dual radiation action based RBE is 11.4. The calculated value of OER is 1.6.Significance.This study demonstrates the relative insensitivity of RBE,Q̅and OER radially away from the252Cf source along the distances of 1-5 cm in water.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A neutron beam for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) of deep-seated tumours is designed to maintain a high flux of epithermal neutrons, while keeping the thermal and fast neutron component as low as possible. These neutrons (thermal and fast) have a high relative biological effectiveness in comparison with high energy photon beams used for conventional X-ray radiotherapy. In the past, neutrons for the purpose of BNCT were generated using nuclear reactors. However, there are various challenges that arise when installing a reactor in a hospital environment. From 2006, the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, in collaboration with Sumitomo Heavy Industries, began the development of an accelerator-based neutron source for clinical BNCT in a bid to overcome the shortcomings of a nuclear reactor-based neutron source. Following installation and beam performance testing, in vitro studies were performed to assess the biological effect of the neutron beam. Four different cell lines were prepared and irradiated using the accelerator-based neutron source. Following neutron and gamma ray irradiation, the survival curve for each cell line was calculated. The biological end point to determine the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) was set to 10% cell survival, and the D10 for each cell line was determined. The RBE of the accelerator-based neutron beam was evaluated to be 2.62.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The need to determine a reliable relative biological effectiveness (RBE) value for alpha exposures has become important as reports remain controversial. Although a radiation-weighting factor of 20 has been designated for alpha particles, uncertainty exists on realistic value of the RBE of alpha radiation. The aim of this study was to estimate RBE values for radon using chromosome aberrations as the endpoint in respect to various dose rates of gamma radiation.
    METHODS: Human blood samples were exposed ex vivo to different doses of radon ranging from 0.0011-0.008 Gy. Blood samples were also exposed to gamma radiation with dose rates of 1, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 Gy/min. Chromosome aberrations in giemsa-stained first division metaphase preparations were scored.
    RESULTS: Dose response curves for dicentric chromosomal aberration yields were generated for both radon and gamma rays. Radon dose rates were compared with gamma dose rates to deduce RBE values. The values obtained were 16, 25, 29 and 38 for reference gamma dose-rates of 1, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 Gy/min, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study indicates that an RBE value of radon can range between 16 and 38, if one were to consider chromosome aberrations as an effective biomarker of risk due to ionizing radiation.





