Pulp necrosis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this mixed-case study is to explore the incidence of pulp necrosis of vital teeth after surgical treatment of adjacent lesions of the jaws.
    METHODS: The records of 341 biopsies submitted to the institute\'s histopathology laboratory were reviewed to include cases that met the inclusion criteria. About 84 biopsies collected from patients during surgical enucleation of lesions in proximity to healthy vital teeth were included of which 22 patients were recalled. Adjacent teeth were examined clinically and radiographically to assess their pulpal and periapical status after at least 8 months of follow-up.
    RESULTS: There were 7 different pathological lesions diagnosed histologically. The follow-up period ranged between 8 and 72 months; 12 cases (54.6%) have developed pulpal necrosis for at least one tooth after surgical enucleation of the lesion. The other 10 cases (45.4%) showed normal responses to sensibility testing for all the teeth adjacent to the lesion. Ten out of the 12 cases (83%) that underwent pulpal necrosis were associated with odontogenic cysts, whereas the remaining 2 were associated with periapical granuloma and fibrous dysplasia.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pulp necrosis is high in vital teeth associated with lesions without pulpal involvement. These teeth may benefit from root canal treatment prior to surgical enucleation of the lesion, which may prevent impaired healing or recurrence of infection.
    CONCLUSIONS: Careful treatment planning and thorough discussion should take place between the surgeons, endodontists, and patients prior to executing the treatment. The patient should be aware that there is a possibility that they may need root canal treatment as a preventative measure to enhance the chances of healing following the surgical procedures and in case the patients opted not to perform root canal treatment beforehand, close follow-up in the future should take place to monitor the vitality of the teeth in the follow-up visits.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: External inflammatory root resorption (EIRR) in immature permanent teeth is a common complication after severe dental trauma. The management of this condition requires thorough disinfection of the root canal in order to arrest the resorptive process. However, current guidelines regarding the recommended treatment of EIRR following traumatic dental injuries vary, mainly in regard to the type of intracanal medication and its retention time in the root canal system. The objective of this case series was to present both the apical barrier technique (MTA plug) and revitalization procedures as valid treatment options in immature teeth with EIRR.
    METHODS: Four cases of post-traumatic immature teeth diagnosed with pulp necrosis and EIRR, with or without apical periodontitis, were treated either by an MTA plug (two teeth) or revitalization (two teeth). Cases were followed between 12 and 24 months.
    RESULTS: Both treatment methods were efficient in arresting EIRR and enabled bone healing. After revitalization, partial root maturation was observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Whereas the key to achieve periodontal healing in cases of EIRR is thorough disinfection of the root canal, both a subsequent MTA plug as well as revitalization may represent adequate treatment methods. An additional benefit lies in the potential of revitalization to promote further root maturation through hard tissue apposition.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Traumatic dental injuries usually involve the dentoalveolar region, and they readily affect the teeth and their surrounding soft and hard tissues. The common sequelae of traumatic dental injuries lead to pulpal necrosis and apical periodontitis along with cystic changes. The current case report describes the surgical management of a radicular cyst in the periapical region of maxillary incisors and highlights the efficacy of natural platelet concentrate [platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)] used for postoperative healing. A 38-year-old male patient presented to the department with pain and mild swelling in the upper front tooth region. On radiographic examination, a radiolucent periapical lesion was evident in relation to the right maxillary central and lateral incisor. In the maxillary anterior region, root canal therapy was performed, followed by periapical surgery and retrograde filling with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), and PRF was placed in the surgical site to initiate the healing at a faster rate. The patient was recalled for follow-ups after 12 weeks, 24 weeks, and 36 weeks; he was found to be asymptomatic, and significant periapical healing was observed in the radiograph with almost adequate bone formation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The current case report documents the clinical approach adopted for a traumatized immature necrotic permanent upper left central incisor after a bike accident. The treatment involved regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs) using \"High Plasticity Mineral Trioxide Aggregate\" (MTA Repair HP) as a cervical barrier over blood clot. The preservation included three years of follow-up appointments of clinical evaluations and periapical digital radiographs. Cone beam computer tomography (CBCT) was taken at six and thirty-six months for the evaluation of root development.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This study reports the endodontic treatment performed in a patient who presented with spontaneous bone exposure in the mandible while using intravenous bisphosphonate medication (Zometa , Novartis Pharmaceuticals Co., Basel, Switzerland). A 63-year-old female patient was referred to a private dental clinic at Fortaleza, Brazil. The patient reported that one year before, she had undergone chemotherapy for the treatment of lung cancer and associated bone metastasis. Among the medications administered was the zolendronic acid, with dosage of 4 mg every 21 days. In the oral exam, the presence of extensive bone exposure was observed in the lingual region near tooth 37. The patient reported severe pain on palpation in the region; in the pulpal sensitivity test with cold stimulus, there was an absence of pain, characteristic of pulp necrosis. Radiographically, no periapical lesion was observed. Thus, endodontic treatment was performed, and instrumentation with Reciproc R25 files in the mesial root canals and R40 in the distal canal was done, alongside with abundant 2.5% sodium hypochlorite irrigation. Interappointment medication with calcium hydroxide was maintained for 15 days. In the second session, there was the spontaneous detachment of the exposed cortical bone fragment. The root canals were filled with gutta-percha and Endosequence BC Sealer cement. After two years, complete tissue repair was observed, and the patient presented with normal periapical tissues and the tooth in masticatory function. It may be concluded that a possible relationship between pulp and periapical infections and osteonecrosis exists in patients who use bisphosphonates.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In a general dental practice and in dental institution, traumatic emergency cases report for dental and orofacial injuries in children. This case report discusses a trauma case involving luxation of maxillary incisor tooth, treatment has been done and review of literature in regard to this.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Stem cells are the pluripotent cells that have the capacity to differentiate into other specialized cells. Recently, many experiments have been conducted to study the potentiality of stem cells in the tissue regeneration. We report two cases treated utilizing stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) in the management of periapical lesions in permanent teeth. Two normal human deciduous teeth from children, 7‒8 years of age, were collected to isolate stem cells. Two patients, one with periapical pathology alone and the other with periapical lesion along with an open apex in young permanent teeth, were selected for the study. After initial debridement of the root canals, homing of SHED was carried out and the access cavity was sealed using glass-ionomer cement. Clinical examination after 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, 180 days and 365 days revealed no symptoms. Closure of open apex and periapical tissue healing were observed radiographically at one-month review and maintained until 365-day review. Positive response to electric pulp testing was recorded for the treated teeth from the 3- to 12-month follow-ups. The treated cases demonstrated complete resolution of periapical radiolucency in a span of 30 days, which was faster than the conventional methods. SHED could be considred effective in treating the periapical lesions and open apex in permanent teeth.





