Protein-Losing Enteropathies

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The population of people living with a Fontan circulation are highly heterogenous, including both children and adults, who have complex health issues and comorbidities associated with their unique physiology throughout life. Research focused on nutritional considerations and interventions in the Fontan population is extremely limited beyond childhood. This review article discusses the current literature examining nutritional considerations in the setting of Fontan physiology and provides an overview of the available evidence to support nutritional management strategies and future research directions. Protein-losing enteropathy, growth deficits, bone mineral loss, and malabsorption are well-recognised nutritional concerns within this population, but increased adiposity, altered glucose metabolism, and skeletal muscle deficiency are also more recently identified issues. Emergencing evidence suggets that abnormal body composition is associated with poor circulatory function and health outcomes. Many nutrition-related issues, including the impact of congenital heart disease on nutritional status, factors contributing to altered body composition and comorbidities, as well as the role of the microbiome and metabolomics, remain poodly understood.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use may cause diaphragm-like lesions in the bowel. Although NSAID-enteropathy is among the causes of protein-losing enteropathy (PLE), intractable hypoalbuminemia is rare.
    Here, we discuss a case of NSAID-enteropathy with a diaphragm-like disease that presented with Protein Losing Enteropathy (PLE) rather than obstruction. The hypoalbuminemia recovered immediately after resection of the obstructive segment, despite ongoing annular ulcerations in the early postoperative period. Thus, it was not clear whether obstructive mechanisms influenced resistant hypoalbuminemia besides the ulcers. We also reviewed the English-written literature for \"diaphragm-type lesion, NSAID-enteropathy, obstruction, and protein-losing enteropathy\". We noted that the role of obstruction in the pathophysiology of PLE was not clear.
    As our case and a couple of cases reported in literature, slow-onset obstructive pathology seems to contribute to well-known factors: inflammatory response, exudation, tight-junction dysfunction, and increase in permeability in the physiopathology of NSAID-induced PLE. Factors such as distention-induced low-flow ischemia and reperfusion, cholecystectomy-related continuous bile flow, bacterial overgrowth-related bile deconjugation and concomitant inflammation are among other potential influencers. The possible role of a slow-onset obstructive pathology in the physiopathology of NSAID-induced and other PLE needs to be further elucidated.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) with protein-losing enteropathy is a rare disorder and is difficult to treat medically. A 74-year-old female patient was referred to our hospital with a chief complaint of anorexia. Lower gastrointestinal endoscopy showed multiple adenomas from the ascending colon to the rectum and adenocarcinoma in the sigmoid colon and descending colon. Laboratory findings showed hypoalbuminemia (albumin 1.6 mg/dl). Protein leak scintigraphy using 99mTc-HSAD found a protein leak from the colon. Although hypercaloric infusion was administered, the nutritional status was not improved and albumin transfusion was required. The patient underwent laparoscopic total proctocolectomy, ileal pouch-anal anastomosis, and temporary ileostomy. She had a good postoperative course and the hypoalbuminemia normalized in a few weeks. The patient underwent temporary ileostomy reversal. Here we report a case of FAP with protein-losing enteropathy who underwent laparoscopic total proctocolectomy, which resulted in improvement of the protein leak as well as cancer treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia is an exceedingly rare disorder. Epidemiology is unknown. It usually presents with lower extremity swelling, diarrhea, ascites, and protein-losing enteropathy. Since the pathogenesis of edema is usually due to hypoalbuminemia; both extremities are typically involved. The edema can rarely be due to abnormal lymphatic circulation, causing lymphedema, which usually involves both extremities as well. Diagnosis is made by the constellation of clinical, biochemical, endoscopic, and histological findings. Treatment involves dietary modification, to reduce lymphatic dilation in response to dietary fat. Other pharmacologic (e.g., octreotide) and replacement measures may be indicated as well. The most serious long-term complication is intestinal lymphoma. Herein is a case of Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia presenting with unilateral lower limb swelling.
    METHODS: A 4-year-old boy presents with left foot swelling since the age of 4 months, in addition to intermittent diarrhea, and abdominal swelling. The foot swelling had been evaluated by different health care professionals in the past, and was mislabeled as either cellulitis, or congenital hemihyperplasia. Physical examination revealed mild ascites, and a non-pitting foot edema with a positive Stemmer\'s sign (lymphedema). Blood work revealed hypoalbuminemia (albumin 2 g/dl), and hypogammaglobulinemia. Endoscopy showed dilated lacteals throughout the duodenum. Histopathologic examination revealed massively dilated lamina propria lymphatics in the duodenal biopsies. The patient was diagnosed with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia. He was treated with high-protein and low-fat diet, and supplemental formula high in medium chain triglycerides. On follow-up, the patient\'s diarrhea completely resolved, and his ascites and edema improved significantly.
    CONCLUSIONS: The presence of unilateral lower limb edema should not preclude the diagnosis of systemic disorders, and a high index of suspicion is required in atypical presentations. A good knowledge about Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia manifestations, and physical examination skills to differentiate edema or lymphedema from tissue overgrowth can significantly aid in the diagnosis.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cow\'s milk is a key component of a child\'s diet. While the consumption of even trace amounts can result in allergy to its proteins and/or hypolactasia, excessive cow\'s milk consumption can result in numerous health complications, including iron deficiency, due to the diet being improperly balanced. Although the incidence of iron deficiency has declined, it remains the most widespread nutritional deficiency globally and the most common cause of anemia. One rare consequence of anemia caused by iron deficiency is protein-losing enteropathy; however, the mechanisms of its development are unclear. The following manuscript, based on a literature review, presents two rare cases of children, a 16-month-old boy and a 2.5-year-old girl, who developed severe microcytic anemia, enteropathy with hypoalbuminemia, and anasarca as a result of excessive cow\'s milk consumption. It highlights the possible relationship between excessive consumption of cow\'s milk in children and severe iron deficiency anemia with accompanying hypoalbuminemia; it may also result in serious clinical conditions, even in children that do not demonstrate food hypersensitivity.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL), first described in 1961, is a rare disorder of unknown etiology resulting in protein-losing enteropathy. The disease is characterized by dilatation and leakage of intestinal lymph vessels leading to hypoalbuminemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, and lymphopenia. Since the severity and location of lymph vessels being affected can vary considerably, the range of associated symptoms is wide from mild lower-limb edema to generalized edema, abdominal and/or pleural effusion, and recurrent diarrhea, among others. Although usually developing in early childhood, we present the case of a 34-year-old woman with PIL. Moreover, we performed a literature review systematically assessing clinical presentation, and provide a practical approach to facilitate diagnosis and therapy of PIL in adults.
    METHODS: Our patient presented with unspecific symptoms of abdominal discomfort, fatigue, nausea, and recurrent edema of the lower limbs. Interestingly, a striking collinearity of clinical symptoms with female hormone status was evident. Additionally, polyglobulia, hypoalbuminemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, and transient lymphocytopenia were evident. Due to suspicion of a bone marrow disease, an extensive diagnostic investigation was carried out excluding secondary causes of polyglobulinemia and hypoalbuminemia. The diagnosis of primary intestinal lymphangiectasia was established after 22 wk by histological analysis of biopsy samples obtained via enteroscopy. Consecutively, the patient was put on a high-protein and low-fat diet with medium-chain triglycerides supplementation leading to significant improvement of clinical symptoms until 2 years of follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: PIL can be the reason for cryptogenic hypoalbuminemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, and lymphopenia in adulthood. Due to difficulty in correct diagnosis, treatment initiation is often delayed despite being effective and well-tolerated. This leads to a significant disease burden in affected patients. PIL is increasingly been recognized in adults since the majority of case reports were published within the last 10 years, pointing towards an underestimation of the true prevalence. The association with female hormone status warrants further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report the case of a 63-year-old female patient with liver cirrhosis who presented with symptoms of severe hypoalbuminaemia and diarrhoea. After ruling out other causes of hypoalbuminaemia and confirmation of an elevated faecal α-1 antitrypsin clearance, the diagnosis of protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) could be established. Since PLE is a syndrome caused by various diseases, classified into erosive and non-erosive gastrointestinal diseases or lymphatic obstruction, an extensive work-up was necessary, establishing the final diagnosis of Crohn\'s disease.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The association between Sjögren\'s syndrome (SS) and protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) was scarcly reported. To analyze the clinical, therapeutic, and outcome characteristics of patients with SS and PLE and also to delineate the potential mechanisms and pathways connecting the gut to SS targeted organ\'s pathology. Systematic screening was conducted using PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, Web of Science, and Cochrane, dating 1980 to 2020. SS and PLE were the key words. Eighteen patients with SS and PLE were summarized. The patient\'s ages ranged between 20 and 88 years, and only 4 were males. Primary SS was observed in most cases. Anti-Ro was detected in 100% of the cases while anti-La was reported in 64% of them. The clinical manifestations were protein loss, edema of the lower limbs, pleural effusion, ascites, facial edema, anasarca, diarrhea, and weight loss. Among these clinical manifestations, edema of the lower limbs was the most severe. Albumin concentration was 0.9-3.4 g/dL which increased to 2.8-4.3 g/dL after treatment. Small bowel biopsy was performed in all of the cases. Concerning the therapy, all the patients received systemic glucocorticoids. All of them improved. The period of onset of improvement ranged from 3 weeks to 36 months (an average of 3 months). The early diagnosis and appropriate therapy of PLE in patients with anti-Ro positive SS and who present edema, anasarca, or hypoalbuminemia is vital for a beneficial outcome. An excellent clinical improvement in all the cases was observed when treated early enough by cortico-therapy, thus preventing patient\'s deterioration, complications, and reducing morbidity and potential mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent studies have shown that oral budesonide can be used to improve albumin level in patients with protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) following Fontan procedure. However, there has never been a systematic review and meta-analysis to confirm this finding. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to explore the therapeutic effect of budesonide in patients with PLE post-Fontan procedure.
    We searched the databases of MEDLINE and EMBASE from inception to January 2019. Included studies were published studies that evaluate albumin level before and after budesonide therapy in patients with PLE following Fontan procedure. Data from each study were combined using the random-effects model.
    Five studies with 36 post-Fontan operation patients with PLE were included. In random-effects model, there was a statistically significant difference in albumin level between before and after budesonide treatment (weighted mean difference = 1.28, 95% confidence interval: 0.76-1.79). No publication bias was observed on a funnel plot and Egger test with a P value of .676.
    The results of this systematic review and meta-analysis show that budesonide can be used to increase albumin level in patients with PLE following Fontan operation. Further studies may focus on the impact of outcome of budesonide in this population.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports





