Project ECHO

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Substance use and overdose deaths make up a substantial portion of injury-related deaths in the United States, with the state of Ohio leading the nation in rates of diagnosed substance use disorder (SUD). Ohio\'s growing epidemic has indicated a need to improve SUD care in a primary care setting through the engagement of multidisciplinary providers and the use of a comprehensive approach to care.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the ability of the Weitzman Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO): Comprehensive Substance Use Disorder Care program to both address and meet 7 series learning objectives and address substances by analyzing (1) the frequency of exposure to the learning objective topics and substance types during case discussions and (2) participants\' change in knowledge, self-efficacy, attitudes, and skills related to the treatment of SUDs pre- to postseries. The 7 series learning objective themes included harm reduction, team-based care, behavioral techniques, medication-assisted treatment, trauma-informed care, co-occurring conditions, and social determinants of health.
    METHODS: We used a mixed methods approach using a conceptual content analysis based on series learning objectives and substances and a 2-tailed paired-samples t test of participants\' self-reported learner outcomes. The content analysis gauged the frequency and dose of learning objective themes and illicit and nonillicit substances mentioned in participant case presentations and discussions, and the paired-samples t test compared participants\' knowledge, self-efficacy, attitudes, and skills associated with learning objectives and medication management of substances from pre- to postseries.
    RESULTS: The results of the content analysis indicated that 3 learning objective themes-team-based care, harm reduction, and social determinants of health-resulted in the highest frequencies and dose, appearing in 100% (n=22) of case presentations and discussions. Alcohol had the highest frequency and dose among the illicit and nonillicit substances, appearing in 81% (n=18) of case presentations and discussions. The results of the paired-samples t test indicated statistically significant increases in knowledge domain statements related to polysubstance use (P=.02), understanding the approach other disciplines use in SUD care (P=.02), and medication management strategies for nicotine (P=.03) and opioid use disorder (P=.003). Statistically significant increases were observed for 2 self-efficacy domain statements regarding medication management for nicotine (P=.002) and alcohol use disorder (P=.02). Further, 1 statistically significant increase in the skill domain was observed regarding using the stages of change theory in interventions (P=.03).
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that the ECHO program\'s content aligned with its stated learning objectives; met its learning objectives for the 3 themes where significant improvements were measured; and met its intent to address multiple substances in case presentations and discussions. These results demonstrate that Project ECHO is a potential tool to educate multidisciplinary providers in a comprehensive approach to SUD care.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Nursing homes were ill-equipped for the pandemic; though facilities are required to have infection control staff, only 3% have taken a basic infection control course. Little is known about the implementation of effective practices outside of the acute care setting. We proposed an intervention utilizing Project ECHO, to connect Penn State University experts with nursing home staff and administrators to explore how infection control guidelines can be implemented effectively.
    A stratified cluster randomized design was used to assign nursing homes to either AHRQ-funded COVID-19 ECHO or AHRQ-funded COVID-19 ECHO+.
    136 nursing homes participated. There were no significant differences in COVID-19 infection rate, hospitalization, deaths, or influenza, between ECHO or ECHO+.
    The ECHO model has significant strengths when compared to traditional training, as it allows for remote learning delivered by a multidisciplinary team of experts and utilizes case discussions that match the context of nursing homes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To examine how the COVID-19 Project ECHO program may have influenced the mental health of community health workers (CHWs) from South Texas. The program was designed around case-based learning and mentorship to provide support to CHWs and help them gain expertise to provide services to their communities.
    An explanatory sequential mixed methods pilot study.
    Fifteen CHWs who were enrolled in the program participated in this study.
    The Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) were used to measure the differences pre- and post-intervention. Qualitative description was used to explore the experiences of the participating CHWs.
    The PSS post-test mean (12.53) showed a statistically significant decrease from the pretest mean (17.01) (t (14 = 2.456, p = .028). The CHWs explained that the death of loved ones, feelings of isolation, and work-related concerns influenced their mental health. CHWs expressed that the program provided them with emotional support and resources for their clients.
    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on disadvantaged and medically underserved areas will be long-lasting; therefore, the need is greater than ever for CHWs to receive mental health support and be able to connect communities with vital resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The authors aimed to determine if Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO), a health-education model utilising teleconferencing technology, improves the capacity of clinicians in assessing and managing complex psychiatric patients.
    METHODS: Three pilot Project ECHO programs were evaluated as a prospective waitlist-controlled trial, focusing on Adult Eating Disorders, Adult Intellectual Disability Mental Health, and General Mental Health. Each program comprised 9-10 weekly teleconferencing group sessions. Participants and waitlist-controls completed pre- and post-program surveys. The primary outcomes were self-reported knowledge and confidence in assessing and managing complex patients relevant to each group. Linear mixed models were used to assess the group-by-time interaction, or change over time, as appropriate.
    RESULTS: Between July 2020 and June 2021, three series of the Adult Intellectual Disability Mental Health program, two series of the Adult Eating Disorders program, and two series of the General Mental Health program were delivered. Compared to waitlist-controls (n = 21), there were statistically significant improvements in self-reported knowledge and confidence for all topics amongst participants of the Adult Eating Disorders program (n = 44). In the Adult Intellectual Disability Mental Health program, there were significant improvements in self-reported knowledge and confidence amongst participants (n = 67) for most topics compared to controls (n = 21). There were no waitlist-controls for the General Mental Health program, but within-group analysis (n = 28) showed significant improvements in participants\' knowledge and confidence following program completion, compared to baseline.
    CONCLUSIONS: Project ECHO is a feasible and effective model to develop workforce capacity in managing complex psychiatric conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is an increasing global need for organisations to utilise high-quality telementoring models to support workforce development and mentorship. Project ECHO is a validated telementoring model that has been adopted by over 700 organisations globally across multiple sectors. To date there is no consolidated list of success indicators by which organisational teams can assess or benchmark their implementation of Project ECHO across sectors. An e-Delphi methodology was adopted to facilitate a comprehensive means of identifying indicators that could be used to assess the implementations of Project ECHO globally. This paper presents a consolidated framework of indicators that support teams to assess their implementation of Project ECHO. These indicators have been derived by an international panel of experts across the healthcare, education, and university sectors. The final framework identified 54 distinct indicators across four domains: (1) spoke participant engagement, (2) ECHO Hub/teleECHO Network design and operation, (3) ECHO Hub team engagement and (4) Local Impact. This paper highlights that Project ECHO implementation indicators can vary between being dynamic, static, and iterative, depending on the phase of implementation. These findings are significant because they are generalisable to any organisation/sector implementing Project ECHO or similar telementoring models.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s43477-022-00050-7.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After the COVID-19 pandemic reached Missouri, the Show-Me ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) project initiated COVID-19 ECHO virtual knowledge-sharing networking sessions. These live-interactive weekly sessions inform participants about up-to-date evidence-based recommendations and guidelines through expert didactic lectures followed by real-life case discussions. We conducted a qualitative analysis of pre-session surveys and questions asked during sessions to learn about information needs of community members during first months of public health emergency. This was a pilot project using qualitative analysis of registration questions regarding anticipated COVID-19 community information needs, and participants\' questions asked during sessions collected from March 23 until May 4, 2020. We also analyzed participants\' satisfaction surveys collected in December 2020. A total of 761 unique participants attended COVID-19 ECHO during the study period. Survey was completed by 692 respondents. Participants asked 315 questions resulting in 797 identified community information needs. Five thematic categories were recognized: patient care, information seeking, minimizing exposure, financial themes, and general comments. Most attendees rated content quality, logistics, and technical operations as good or excellent on a five-point Likert scale. The COVID-19 ECHO model was responsive to the needs of participants by sharing and discussing up-to-date recommendations and guidelines regarding COVID-19. Sessions were well-attended, and the didactic presenters were invited to deliver same or similar presentations at Boone County Medical Society (BCMS) weekly seminars, suggesting the value of the project to healthcare providers and other community members caring for or working with the most vulnerable populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders (i.e., concurrent disorders) have complex healthcare needs, which can be challenging for nurses to manage. Providing optimal care for this subpopulation requires nurses to develop high-level competencies despite limited resources at their disposal and the isolated settings in which many of them work. The Extension for Healthcare Community Outcomes (ECHO®) is a promising collaborative learning and capacity building model that uses videoconference technology to support and train healthcare professionals in the management of complex and chronic health conditions. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences and perceptions of nurses participating in a Canadian ECHO programme on concurrent disorders about the competencies they developed and used in their clinical practice, and which factors have influenced this process.
    METHODS: The study was qualitative, guided by an interpretive description approach. Individual semi-structured interviews were held with ten nurses who had participated in the programme between 2018 and 2020. A thematic analysis was conducted iteratively using an inductive approach to progressive data coding and organization.
    RESULTS: Four themes and eighteen sub-themes were identified. During their participation in ECHO, the nurses perceived as having further developed eight clinical nursing competencies. Nurses viewed ECHO as a unique opportunity to open themselves to their peers\' experiences and reflect on their own knowledge. Learning from experts in the field of concurrent disorders helped them to build their confidence in managing complex clinical situations. The nurses\' sense of belonging to a community further enhanced their engagement in the programme, and learning was facilitated through the programme\'s interprofessional environment. Nevertheless, the lack of contextualized educative content linked to local realities, the limited resources in concurrent disorders, and time constraints were experienced as factors limiting competency development.
    CONCLUSIONS: ECHO is a promising alternative to conventional, in-person continuing education programmes to improve the development of advanced competencies among nurses providing care to individuals with chronic and complex health conditions. These findings can inform clinicians, educators, researchers, and decision makers who are developing, implementing, evaluating, and escalating future educational interventions in the field of CDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nursing homes in the United States were devastated by COVID-19, with 710,000 cases and 138,000 deaths nationally through October 2021. Although facilities are required to have infection control staff, only 3% of designated infection preventionists have taken a basic infection control course prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most research has focused on infection control in the acute care setting. However, little is known about the implementation of infection control practices and effective interventions in nursing homes. This study utilizes Project ECHO (Extension for Community Health Outcomes), an evidence-based telementoring model, to connect Penn State University subject matter experts with nursing home staff and administrators to proactively support evidence-based infection control guideline implementation.
    OBJECTIVE: Our study seeks to answer the research question of how evidence-based infection control guidelines can be implemented effectively in nursing homes, including comparing the effectiveness of two ECHO-delivered training interventions on key patient-centered outcomes such as reducing the number of residents with a COVID-19 diagnosis.
    METHODS: A stratified cluster randomized design was utilized. Using a 1:1 ratio, we randomly assigned 136 nursing homes to ECHO or ECHO Plus arms. Randomization was stratified by geographic location, baseline COVID-19 infection rate, and facility capacity. The study had two phases. In phase one, completed in July 2021, nursing homes in both study arms received a 16-week infectious disease and quality improvement training intervention via real-time, interactive videoconferencing and the ECHO learning model. Phase one sessions were up to 90 minutes in duration. In phase two, completed in November 2021, the ECHO group was offered optional 60-minute office hours for 9 weeks and the ECHO Plus group received 9 weeks of 60-minute sessions on emerging topics and an additional 8-session refresher series on infection control.
    RESULTS: A total of 290 nursing home facilities were assessed for eligibility, with 136 nursing homes recruited and randomly assigned to ECHO or ECHO Plus. Guided by the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework, we will simultaneously evaluate the study\'s effectiveness and implementation outcomes at baseline (intervention start date), and at 4, 6, 12, and 18 months. The primary outcome is the COVID-19 infection rate in nursing homes. Secondary outcomes include COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths, flu-like illness, and quality of life. Surveys and interviews with participants will also provide data as to the adoption, implementation, and maintenance of best practices taught throughout ECHO sessions.
    CONCLUSIONS: A multipronged approach to improving infection control and emergency preparedness in nursing homes is important, given the toll that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken on residents and staff. The ECHO model has significant strengths when compared to traditional training, as it allows for remote learning delivered by a multidisciplinary team of experts, and utilizes case discussions that match the context and capacity of nursing homes.
    BACKGROUND: NCT04499391;






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Opioid overdose deaths occur in civilian and military populations and are the leading cause of accidental death in the USA.
    To determine whether ECHO Pain telementoring regarding best practices in pain management and safe opioid prescribing yielded significant declines in opioid prescribing.
    A 4-year observational cohort study at military medical treatment facilities worldwide.
    Patients included 54.6% females and 46.4% males whose primary care clinicians (PCCs) opted to participate in ECHO Pain; the comparison group included 39.9% females and 60.1% males whose PCCs opted not to participate in ECHO Pain.
    PCCs attended 2-h weekly Chronic Pain and Opioid Management TeleECHO Clinic (ECHO Pain), which included pain and addiction didactics, case-based learning, and evidence-based recommendations. ECHO Pain sessions were offered 46 weeks per year. Attendance ranged from 1 to 3 sessions (47.7%), 4-19 (32.1%, or > 20 (20.2%).
    This study assessed whether clinician participation in Army and Navy Chronic Pain and Opioid Management TeleECHO Clinic (ECHO Pain) resulted in decreased prescription rates of opioid analgesics and co-prescribing of opioids and benzodiazepines. Measures included opioid prescriptions, morphine milligram equivalents (MME), and days of opioid and benzodiazepine co-prescribing per patient per year.
    PCCs participating in ECHO Pain had greater percent declines than the comparison group in (a) annual opioid prescriptions per patient (- 23% vs. - 9%, P < 0.001), (b) average MME prescribed per patient/year (-28% vs. -7%, p < .02), (c) days of co-prescribed opioid and benzodiazepine per opioid user per year (-53% vs. -1%, p < .001), and (d) the number of opioid users (-20.2% vs. -8%, p < .001). Propensity scoring transformation-adjusted results were consistent with the opioid prescribing and MME results.
    Patients treated by PCCs who opted to participate in ECHO Pain had greater declines in opioid-related prescriptions than patients whose PCCs opted not to participate.






