
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: As part of a larger study, and in collaboration with rural primary health care teams, RaDAR (Rural Dementia Action Research) primary care memory clinics have evolved and continue to spread in communities across southeast Saskatchewan, Canada. This study focuses on the geographical areas of the four communities where RaDAR memory clinics were first developed and implemented and describes the services and supports available to older adults including memory clinic patients and families living in these areas. Our goal was to identify and describe existing programs and gaps, create inventories and maps, and explore the service experiences of family caregivers of people living with dementia in these rural areas.
    METHODS: Using a qualitative descriptive design, an environmental scan of services was conducted from December 2020 to April 2021 using focus groups (n = 4) with health care providers/managers (n = 12), a secondary source (e.g., program brochures) review, and a systematic internet search targeting four RaDAR memory clinic communities and surrounding areas via community websites, online resources, and the 211 Saskatchewan service database. Data were analyzed using content analysis; findings informed semi-structured interviews with caregivers (n = 5) conducted from March to July 2022, which were analyzed thematically. Geographic areas explored in this study covered an area of approximately 5666 km2.
    RESULTS: From the scan, 43 services were identified, categorized into 7 service types, and mapped by location. Seventeen services were dementia-related. Services included social/leisure activities (n = 14), general support/referrals (n = 13), transportation (n = 7), information/education (n = 4), respite (n = 2), in-home care (n = 2), and safety (n = 1). Service levels included local (n = 24), provincial (n = 17), and national (n = 2), and were offered in-person, remotely (or both) with 20 services across 4 service types offered remotely. In general, most services had no fees, involved self-referral, and providers had a range of education/training. Key interview themes reflected the need for locally available, accessible services that offer (i) individualized, flexible, needs-based approaches, (ii) in-home care and continuity of care, and (iii) both formal and informal supports. Key gaps were identified, including (i) locally accessible, available services and resources in general, (ii) dementia-related training and education for service providers, and (iii) awareness of available services. Benefits of services, consequences of gaps, and recommendations to address gaps were reported. In general, service providers and program participants were an even mix of females and males, and program content was gender neutral.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings highlight a range of available services, and a number of varied service-user experiences and perspectives, in these rural areas. Key service gaps were identified, and caregivers made some specific recommendations to address these gaps. Findings underscore multiple opportunities to inform service delivery and program participation for rural and remote people living with dementia and their families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Indigenous peoples, including Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NHPIs), experience significant cardiometabolic health disparities arising in large part from rapid changes to their diets and food systems. Innovative food sovereignty initiatives led by NHPIs are needed to address these disparities. This article describes a community-based participatory research study that incorporates social and biological measures to examine the impact of an Indigenous-led land-based food sovereignty youth leadership program on health disparities among NHPI youth in Hawai\'i. Grounded in the Indigenous knowledge that holistic health and wellbeing of people is inseparable from that of the environment and to counter rampant food insecurity in their community of Wai\'anae, O\'ahu, MA\'O Organic Farms developed a Youth Leadership Training (YLT) program that offers education, nutrition, physical activity, and access to health care. The program also engages YLT interns and their social networks in health education and research in the ongoing Mauli Ola study. Preliminary data from this study affirm the need to address the disproportionately high rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), and poor mental health conditions among young NHPIs in the Wai\'anae community, and how the YLT program may provide an effective approach to address this need. Our unique academic-community partnership underscores the importance of social and biomedical research to understand health disparities in the NHPI population, which present novel avenues to enable disease prevention. The outcomes of the Mauli Ola study may serve as a valuable model for health disparities research while leveraging ongoing social programs that support Indigenous food sovereignty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bullying is a growing and increasingly worrying phenomenon. In recent years, a number of different bullying prevention programs have been implemented to create a more positive school environment. This paper offers a description of these prevention programs, focussing on the three most commonly implemented in schools: TEI, KiVa and Mediation Teams. A qualitative, descriptive and comparative analysis was made using semi-structured interviews with tutors, coordinators and experts at nine schools, three schools for each of the programs. The results show that these bullying prevention programs help raise awareness of this problem within the entire school community, improving the school environment and reducing conflict and instances of bullying. Overall, participating schools reported being highly satisfied with the results of these programs and it is therefore important to consider the mandatory implementation of bullying prevention programs in all schools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) and infection prevention control (IPC) programs are proposed to address antimicrobial resistance. Nigeria\'s 5-years action plan for these programs is expiring by 2022. The objective of this study was to examine the perspectives, barriers and facilitators of these programs among health care managers and the current state of these programs in the three levels of healthcare facilities in Benin City, Nigeria.
    METHODS: Fourteen in-depth interviews were conducted among hospital manager across primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare facilities. The interviews were guided by semi-structured questionnaire. Responses were audio-taped and hand written. Data were analyzed by transcribing recorded tapes into major themes.
    RESULTS: Most of the participants viewed inappropriate prescribing as a problem both in the country and their facilities. None of the institutions have a formal AMS program, but participants believed that the presence of drug and therapeutic committee is a foundation for such programme. Majority of the participants acknowledged barriers to AMS to include lack of management backing, interprofessional rivalry, and poor laboratories. Only the tertiary institution has a formal IPC program. Some challenges to IPC across the healthcare institutions are inadequate waste disposal, lack of personal protective equipment and behavioral change among healthcare providers.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is no AMS program across all facilities studied, although some forms of IPC activities are present in all healthcare institutions, only the tertiary facility has a formal IPC program. Effort should be made to strengthen AMS and IPC in the study facilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) The majority of Canadian youth are not meeting physical activity guidelines, and more female than male youth are falling short of these recommendations. School programs and policies are a viable strategy to improve youth physical activity. However, they may differentially affect female and male activity. This study aimed to examine school-level differences in physical activity outcomes among male and female students and to explore how school programs and policies associate with school-level physical activity outcomes among females. (2) This study used data from 136 schools participating in year 7 (Y7 2018-2019) of the COMPASS study. Data on school programs and policies and on student physical activity were collected. School-level means and percentages for outcomes were calculated and compared between males and females and the impact of physical activity programs and policies on female physical activity outcomes were examined. (3) More males met the guidelines, achieved more strength training days and physical activity minutes compared to females. The number of female varsity sports, community partnerships and fitness ambassadors were all positively and significantly associated with female physical activity. (4) Supportive physical activity environments fostered by offering varsity sports, establishing community partnerships and positive role models may promote physical activity among female youth.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To provide a nationally representative description on the prevalences of policies, practices, programs, and supports relating to worksite wellness in US hospitals.
    Cross-sectional, self-report of hospitals participating in Workplace Health in America (WHA) survey from November 2016 through September 2017.
    Hospitals across the United States.
    Random sample of 338 eligible hospitals participating in the WHA survey.
    We used previous items from the 2004 National Worksite Health Promotion survey. Key measures included presence of Worksite Health Promotion programs, evidence-based strategies, health screenings, disease management programs, incentives, work-life policies, barriers to health promotion program implementation, and occupational safety and health.
    Independent variables included hospital characteristics (eg, size). Dependent characteristics included worksite health promotion components. Descriptive statistics and χ2 analyses were used.
    Eighty-two percent of hospitals offered a wellness programs during the previous year with larger hospitals more likely than smaller hospitals to offer programs (P < .01). Among hospitals with wellness programs, 69% offered nutrition programs, 74% offered physical activity (PA) programs, and 84% had a policy to restrict all tobacco use. Among those with cafeterias or vending machines, 40% had a policy for healthier foods. Only 47% and 25% of hospitals offered lactation support or healthy sleep programs, respectively.
    Most hospitals offer wellness programs. However, there remain hospitals that do not offer wellness programs. Among those that have wellness programs, most offer supports for nutrition, PA, and tobacco control. Few hospitals offered programs on healthy sleep or lactation support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parents play an important role in the lives of adolescents, and supporting and addressing the needs of families continue to be the focus of many researchers and policy makers. Mobile health interventions have great potential for supporting parents at a population level because of their broad reach and convenience. However, limited evidence exists for such interventions for parents of adolescents. This study reports on the formative work conducted with parents and/or primary caregivers to identify their needs and preferences for the development of MyTeen-an SMS text messaging program on promoting parental competence and mental health literacy for parents of adolescents (aged 10-15 years).
    The aim of this qualitative study was to explore parents and/or primary caregivers\' perspectives around youth well-being, parenting, and parenting support and their input on the development of MyTeen SMS text messaging parenting intervention.
    A total of 5 focus groups (n=45) were conducted with parents or primary caregivers of adolescents aged 10 to 15 years between October and December 2017 in New Zealand. A semistructured interview guideline and prompts were used. Data were audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed using inductive thematic analysis.
    Participants were concerned about youth mental health (ie, stigma and increasing demand on adolescents), and a number of parenting challenges (ie, social expectations, time, impact of technology, changes in family communication pattern, and recognizing and talking about mental health issues) were noted. Importantly, participants reported the lack of services and support available for families, and many were not aware of services for parents themselves. A number of recommendations were given on the style, content, and frequency of developing the text messaging program.
    Findings from this qualitative work informed the development of MyTeen, an SMS text messaging program designed to increase parental competence and improve mental health literacy for parents of adolescents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the importance of considering both fidelity and adaptation in assessing the implementation of evidence-based programs.
    METHODS: The current study employs a multi-method strategy to understand two dimensions of implementation (fidelity and adaptation) in the Strong African American Families (SAAF) program. Data were video recordings of program delivery and pre-test and post-test interviews from the efficacy trial. Multilevel regression in Mplus was used to assess the impact of fidelity to the manual, coded by independent observers, on racial socialization outcomes. One activity on racial socialization, a core component of the program, was selected for an in-depth examination using conversation analysis (a qualitative method of analyzing talk in interactions).
    RESULTS: Results of the quantitative analyses demonstrated that fidelity of the selected activity was associated with increases in parent\'s use of racial socialization from pre-test to post-test, but only when participant attendance was included in the model. Results of the qualitative analyses demonstrated that facilitators were making adaptations to the session and that these adaptations appeared to be in line with cultural competence.
    CONCLUSIONS: The development of quantitative fidelity measures can be problematic, with many decision points to consider. The current study contributes to the evidence base to develop a quantitative measure of adaptation for family-based parenting programs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Many researchers examining implementation of evidence-based programs consider fidelity and adaptation to be polar ends of a single spectrum. This paper provides evidence for the importance of examining each independently.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Adolescence is characterized by low moderate- to vigorous- intensity physical activity (MVPA) levels. Targeting the school setting can increase MVPA among a large proportion of adolescents. However, school-based physical activity interventions for adolescents remain largely ineffective. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine how naturally-occurring changes to school physical activity policy, recreational programming, public health resources, and the physical environment, impact adolescent MVPA over a 1-year period.
    METHODS: Quasi-experimental longitudinal data from 18,777 grade 9-12 students (mean age = 15.1 ± 0.02 years), and 86 principals from 86 schools, participating in year 2 (2013-2014) and year 3 (2014-2015) of the COMPASS study (Ontario and Alberta, Canada) was used. Total MVPA over the previous week was self-reported at both time points using the COMPASS Student Questionnaire and average daily MVPA was calculated. Changes to physical activity policies, recreational programming, public health resources, and the physical environment were self-reported by school principals. Changes to the number and condition of physical activity facilities were objectively measured during school audits using the COMPASS School Environment Application. Multi-level modeling was used to examine change in student MVPA between schools that made changes and schools that did not. Models were adjusted for several student and school level confounders.
    RESULTS: Over the 1-year period, 61 of 86 schools made physical activity related changes. Of these, 9 significantly changed student MVPA. However, only 4 of 9 schools\' changes increased student MVPA, including opening the fitness centre at lunch (β = 17.2, 95% CI: 2.6-31.7), starting an outdoor club (β = 17.8, 95% CI:7.4-28.1), adding a bike rack (β-14.9, 95% CI:0.7-29.1), and adding weightlifting and run/walk clubs, archery, figure skating, increased access to the sports field, and improved condition of the outdoor basketball court (β = 15.5, 95% CI: 5.2-25.7).
    CONCLUSIONS: Changes such as adding or increasing access to facilities, and adding multiple recreational programs, seemed to be effective for increasing student MVPA over the 1-year period. However, given the specificity of results, a one-size fits all approach may not be effective for increasing MVPA. Instead, school principals need to consider the resources within and surrounding their school, and the interests of the students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Office for the Study of Aging (OSA) at the University of South Carolina was established in 1988 in conjunction with the founding of the South Carolina Alzheimer\'s Disease Registry. Over the last 25 years, the Office for the Study of Aging has furthered its purpose through the development of research and programs for all of South Carolina\'s aging population. Examples include the Placemat Strength Training Program, the Dementia Dialogues education program, and the South Carolina Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem program. The work of the office is sustained through a unique government-university-community partnership that supports innovative work and provides direct lines for dissemination, translation, and implementation of programs. The office\'s efforts have resulted in two state laws involving aging and older adults as well as recognition through awards and publications. The Office provides a partnership model that offers a dissemination and translation pipeline for programs to be developed, piloted, revised, and enacted into policy.





