Programming Languages

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The analysis of almost holistic food profiles has developed considerably over the last years. This has also led to larger amounts of data and the ability to obtain more information about health-beneficial and adverse constituents in food than ever before. Especially in the field of proteomics, software is used for evaluation, and these do not provide specific approaches for unique monitoring questions. An additional and more comprehensive way of evaluation can be done with the programming language Python. It offers broad possibilities by a large ecosystem for mass spectrometric data analysis, but needs to be tailored for specific sets of features, the research questions behind. It also offers the applicability of various machine-learning approaches. The aim of the present study was to develop an algorithm for selecting and identifying potential marker peptides from mass spectrometric data. The workflow is divided into three steps: (I) feature engineering, (II) chemometric data analysis, and (III) feature identification. The first step is the transformation of the mass spectrometric data into a structure, which enables the application of existing data analysis packages in Python. The second step is the data analysis for selecting single features. These features are further processed in the third step, which is the feature identification. The data used exemplarily in this proof-of-principle approach was from a study on the influence of a heat treatment on the milk proteome/peptidome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Continual technological advances associated with the recent automation revolution have tremendously increased the impact of computer technology in the industry. Software development and testing are time-consuming processes, and the current market faces a lack of specialized experts. Introducing automation to this field could, therefore, improve software engineers\' common workflow and decrease the time to market. Even though many code-generating algorithms have been proposed in textual-based programming languages, to the best of the authors\' knowledge, none of the studies deals with the implementation of such algorithms in graphical programming environments, especially LabVIEW. Due to this fact, the main goal of this study is to conduct a proof-of-concept for a requirement-based automated code-developing system within the graphical programming environment LabVIEW. The proposed framework was evaluated on four basic benchmark problems, encompassing a string model, a numeric model, a boolean model and a mixed-type problem model, which covers fundamental programming scenarios. In all tested cases, the algorithm demonstrated an ability to create satisfying functional and errorless solutions that met all user-defined requirements. Even though the generated programs were burdened with redundant objects and were much more complex compared to programmer-developed codes, this fact has no effect on the code\'s execution speed or accuracy. Based on the achieved results, we can conclude that this pilot study not only proved the feasibility and viability of the proposed concept, but also showed promising results in solving linear and binary programming tasks. Furthermore, the results revealed that with further research, this poorly explored field could become a powerful tool not only for application developers but also for non-programmers and low-skilled users.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In recent years, data science approaches have entered health-care systems such as radiology, pathology, and radiation oncology. In our pilot study, we developed an automated data mining approach to extract data from a treatment planning system (TPS) with high speed, maximum accuracy, and little human interaction. We compared the amount of time required for manual data extraction versus the automated data mining technique.
    UNASSIGNED: A Python programming script was created to extract specified parameters and features pertaining to patients and treatment (a total of 25 features) from TPS. We successfully implemented automation in data mining, utilizing the application programming interface environment provided by the external beam radiation therapy equipment provider for the whole group of patients who were accepted for treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: This in-house Python-based script extracted selected features for 427 patients in 0.28 ± 0.03 min with 100% accuracy at an astonishing rate of 0.04 s/plan. Comparatively, manual extraction of 25 parameters took an average of 4.5 ± 0.33 min/plan, along with associated transcriptional and transpositional errors and missing data information. This new approach turned out to be 6850 times faster than the conventional approach. Manual feature extraction time increased by a factor of nearly 2.5 if we doubled the number of features extracted, whereas for the Python script, it increased by a factor of just 1.15.
    UNASSIGNED: We conclude that our in-house developed Python script can extract plan data from TPS at a far higher speed (>6000 times) and with the best possible accuracy compared to manual data extraction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Smart contracts (SC) are software programs that reside and run over a blockchain. The code can be written in different languages with the common purpose of implementing various kinds of transactions onto the hosting blockchain. They are ruled by the blockchain infrastructure with the intent to automatically implement the typical conditions of traditional contracts. Programs must satisfy context-dependent constraints which are quite different from traditional software code. In particular, since the bytecode is uploaded in the hosting blockchain, the size, computational resources, interaction between different parts of the program are all limited. This is true even if the specific programming languages implement more or less the same constructs as that of traditional languages: there is not the same freedom as in normal software development. The working hypothesis used in this article is that Smart Contract specific constraints should be captured by specific software metrics (that may differ from traditional software metrics). We tested this hypothesis on 85K Smart Contracts written in Solidity and uploaded on the Ethereum blockchain. We analyzed Smart Contracts from two repositories \"Etherscan\" and \"Smart Corpus\" and we computed the statistics of a set of software metrics related to Smart Contracts and compared them to the metrics extracted from more traditional software projects. Our results show that generally, Smart Contract metrics have more restricted ranges than the corresponding metrics in traditional software systems. Some of the stylized facts, like power law in the tail of the distribution of some metrics, are only approximate but the lines of code follow a log-normal distribution which reminds us of the same behaviour already found in traditional software systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One should assume that in silico experiments in systems biology are less susceptible to reproducibility issues than their wet-lab counterparts, because they are free from natural biological variations and their environment can be fully controlled. However, recent studies show that only half of the published mathematical models of biological systems can be reproduced without substantial effort. In this article we examine the potential causes for failed or cumbersome reproductions in a case study of a one-dimensional mathematical model of the atrioventricular node, which took us four months to reproduce. The model demonstrates that even otherwise rigorous studies can be hard to reproduce due to missing information, errors in equations and parameters, a lack in available data files, non-executable code, missing or incomplete experiment protocols, and missing rationales behind equations. Many of these issues seem similar to problems that have been solved in software engineering using techniques such as unit testing, regression tests, continuous integration, version control, archival services, and a thorough modular design with extensive documentation. Applying these techniques, we reimplement the examined model using the modeling language Modelica. The resulting workflow is independent of the model and can be translated to SBML, CellML, and other languages. It guarantees methods reproducibility by executing automated tests in a virtual machine on a server that is physically separated from the development environment. Additionally, it facilitates results reproducibility, because the model is more understandable and because the complete model code, experiment protocols, and simulation data are published and can be accessed in the exact version that was used in this article. We found the additional design and documentation effort well justified, even just considering the immediate benefits during development such as easier and faster debugging, increased understandability of equations, and a reduced requirement for looking up details from the literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As one of the most essential technical components of the intensive care unit (ICU), continuous monitoring of patients\' vital parameters has significantly improved patient safety by alerting staff through an alarm when a parameter deviates from the normal range. However, the vast number of alarms regularly overwhelms staff and may induce alarm fatigue, a condition recently exacerbated by COVID-19 and potentially endangering patients.
    This study focused on providing a complete and repeatable analysis of the alarm data of an ICU\'s patient monitoring system. We aimed to develop do-it-yourself (DIY) instructions for technically versed ICU staff to analyze their monitoring data themselves, which is an essential element for developing efficient and effective alarm optimization strategies.
    This observational study was conducted using alarm log data extracted from the patient monitoring system of a 21-bed surgical ICU in 2019. DIY instructions were iteratively developed in informal interdisciplinary team meetings. The data analysis was grounded in a framework consisting of 5 dimensions, each with specific metrics: alarm load (eg, alarms per bed per day, alarm flood conditions, alarm per device and per criticality), avoidable alarms, (eg, the number of technical alarms), responsiveness and alarm handling (eg alarm duration), sensing (eg, usage of the alarm pause function), and exposure (eg, alarms per room type). Results were visualized using the R package ggplot2 to provide detailed insights into the ICU\'s alarm situation.
    We developed 6 DIY instructions that should be followed iteratively step by step. Alarm load metrics should be (re)defined before alarm log data are collected and analyzed. Intuitive visualizations of the alarm metrics should be created next and presented to staff in order to help identify patterns in the alarm data for designing and implementing effective alarm management interventions. We provide the script we used for the data preparation and an R-Markdown file to create comprehensive alarm reports. The alarm load in the respective ICU was quantified by 152.5 (SD 42.2) alarms per bed per day on average and alarm flood conditions with, on average, 69.55 (SD 31.12) per day that both occurred mostly in the morning shifts. Most alarms were issued by the ventilator, invasive blood pressure device, and electrocardiogram (ie, high and low blood pressure, high respiratory rate, low heart rate). The exposure to alarms per bed per day was higher in single rooms (26%, mean 172.9/137.2 alarms per day per bed).
    Analyzing ICU alarm log data provides valuable insights into the current alarm situation. Our results call for alarm management interventions that effectively reduce the number of alarms in order to ensure patient safety and ICU staff\'s work satisfaction. We hope our DIY instructions encourage others to follow suit in analyzing and publishing their ICU alarm data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study is to analyze patient movement patterns between hospital departments to derive the underlying intra-hospital movement network, and to assess if movement patterns differ between patients at high or low risk of colonization. For that purpose, we analyzed patient electronic medical record data from five hospitals to extract information on risk stratification and patient intra-hospital movements. Movement patterns were visualized as networks, and network centrality measures were calculated. Next, using an agent-based model where agents represent patients and intra-hospital patient movements were explicitly modeled, we simulated the spread of multidrug resistant enterobacteriacae (MDR-E) inside a hospital. Risk stratification of patients according to certain ICD-10 codes revealed that length of stay, patient age, and mean number of movements per admission were higher in the high-risk groups. Movement networks in all hospitals displayed a high variability among departments concerning their network centrality and connectedness with a few highly connected departments and many weakly connected peripheral departments. Simulating the spread of a pathogen in one hospital network showed positive correlation between department prevalence and network centrality measures. This study highlights the importance of intra-hospital patient movements and their possible impact on pathogen spread. Targeting interventions to departments of higher (weighted) degree may help to control the spread of MDR-E. Moreover, when the colonization status of patients coming from different departments is unknown, a ranking system based on department centralities may be used to design more effective interventions that mitigate pathogen spread.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years new forms of syndromic surveillance that use data from the Internet have been proposed. These have been developed to assist the early prediction of epidemics in various cases and diseases. It has been found that these systems are accurate in monitoring and predicting outbreaks before these are observed in population and, therefore, they can be used as a complement to other methods. In this research, our aim is to examine a highly infectious disease, measles, as there is no extensive literature on forecasting measles using Internet data, METHODS: This research has been conducted with official data on measles for 5 years (2013-2018) from the competent authority of the European Union (European Center of Disease and Prevention - ECDC) and data obtained from Google Trends by using scripts coded in Python. We compared regression models forecasting the development of measles in the five countries.
    Results show that measles can be estimated and predicted through Google Trends in terms of time, volume and the overall spread. The combined results reveal a strong relationship of measles cases with the predicted cases (correlation coefficient R= 0.779 in two-tailed significance p< 0.01). The mean standard error was relatively low 45.2 (12.19%) for the combined results. However, major differences and deviations were observed for countries with a relatively low impact of measles, such as the United Kingdom and Spain. For these countries, alternative models were tested in an attempt to improve the results.
    The estimation of measles cases from Google Trends produces acceptable results and can help predict outbreaks in a robust and sound manner, at least 2 months in advance. Python scripts can be used individually or within the framework of an integrated Internet surveillance system for tracking epidemics as the one addressed here.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To establish the correlation model between Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) constitution and physical examination indexes by backpropagation neural network (BPNN) technology. A new method for the identification of TCM constitution in clinics is proposed, which is trying to solve the problem like shortage of TCM doctor, complicated process, low efficiency, and unfavorable application in the current TCM constitution identification methods.
    The corresponding effective samples were formed by sorting out and classifying the original data which were collected from physical examination indexes and TCM constitution types of 950 physical examinees, who were examined at the affiliated hospital of Chengdu University of TCM. The BPNN algorithm was implemented using the C# programming language and Google\'s AI library. Then, the training group and the test (validation) group of the effective samples were, respectively, input into the algorithm, to complete the construction and validation of the target model.
    For all the correlation models built in this paper, the accuracy of the training group and the test group of entire physical examination indexes-constitutional-type network model, respectively, was 88% and 53%, and the error was 0.001. For the other network models, the accuracy of the learning group and the test group and error, respectively, was as follows: liver function (31%, 42%, and 11.7), renal function (41%, 38%, and 6.7), blood routine (56%, 42%, and 2.4), and urine routine (60%, 40%, and 2.6).
    The more the physical examination indexes are used in training, the more accurate the network model is established to predict TCM constitution. The sample data used in this paper showed that there was a relatively strong correlation between TCM constitution and physical examination indexes. Construction of the correlation model between physical examination indexes and TCM constitution is a kind of study for the integration of Chinese and Western medicine, which provides a new approach for the identification of TCM constitution, and it may be expected to avoid the existing problem of TCM constitution identification at present.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Programming is one of the most crucial abilities for students in science and technology courses. Few studies on programming ability have considered the effect of students\' construal levels on their learning performance. Therefore, the effects of students\' construal level were explored in this study to fill this research gap and open a new avenue for the improvements in programming ability. The research participants were 110 seventh- and eighth-grade students with basic programming abilities taking an Arduino course. Data were collected from online questionnaires and analyzed using two-way analysis of variance and structural equation modeling to investigate the relationships among construal levels, programming ability, and learning satisfaction. The results revealed that students\' construal levels affect their learning satisfaction and programming ability. These findings indicate that teaching strategies could effectively improve the learning satisfaction and programming ability of junior high school students.






