Procedures and Techniques Utilization

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Routine measurement of gastric residual volume to guide feeding is widespread in neonatal units but not supported by high-quality evidence. Outcome selection is critical to trial design.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine optimal outcome measures for a trial of not routinely measuring gastric residual volume in neonatal care.
    METHODS: A focused literature review, parent interviews, modified two-round Delphi survey and stakeholder consensus meeting.
    METHODS: Sixty-one neonatal healthcare professionals participated in an eDelphi survey; 17 parents were interviewed. 19 parents and neonatal healthcare professionals took part in the consensus meeting.
    RESULTS: Literature review generated 14 outcomes, and parent interviews contributed eight additional outcomes; these 22 outcomes were then ranked by 74 healthcare professionals in the first Delphi round where four further outcomes were proposed; 26 outcomes were ranked in the second round by 61 healthcare professionals. Five outcomes were categorised as \'consensus in\', and no outcomes were voted \'consensus out\'. \'No consensus\' outcomes were discussed and voted on in a face-to-face meeting by 19 participants, where four were voted \'consensus in\'. The final nine consensus outcomes were: mortality, necrotising enterocolitis, time to full enteral feeds, duration of parenteral nutrition, time feeds stopped per 24 hours, healthcare-associated infection; catheter-associated bloodstream infection, change in weight between birth and neonatal discharge and pneumonia due to milk aspiration.
    CONCLUSIONS: We have identified outcomes for a trial of no routine measurement of gastric residual volume to guide feeding in neonatal care. This outcome set will ensure outcomes are important to healthcare professionals and parents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurately diagnosing gastroparesis relies upon gastric emptying scintigraphy (GES) being performed correctly. Jointly published protocol guidelines have long been available; however, the extent to which practitioners adhere to these guidelines is unknown.
    This study aimed to assess national compliance with established GES protocol guidelines.
    We developed a questionnaire addressing the key protocol measures outlined in the Consensus Recommendations for Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy. Survey questions addressed patient information collection (15), patient preparation and procedure protocol (16), meal content and preparation (7), imaging (3), interpretation (4), reporting (7), and institutional demographic data (7). The anonymous questionnaire was distributed electronically to members of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging (SNMMI) and non-member recipients of the SNMMI daily email newsletter. One response per medical institution was permitted.
    A total of 121 out of 872 potential medical institutions (MI) responded (13.9%); 49 (40.4%) were academic/teaching medical centers. The annual number (mean) of GES procedures was 199.9 (range 5-2000 GES/year). On average, MI performed 33.5/52 (64%) of protocol measures according to guidelines while academic medical centers performed 31.5/52 (61%) of protocol measures according to guidelines. Only 4 out of 88 MI (4.5%) performed GES while adhering to three critical measures: validated study duration; controlled blood glucose levels; and proper restriction of medications.
    Low compliance with GES protocol guidelines, even among academic medical centers, raises the likely possibility of misdiagnosis and improper management of upper gastrointestinal symptoms. These results highlight a need for increased awareness of protocol guidelines for gastric scintigraphy.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    To evaluate whether differences in pediatric tonsillectomy use by race/ethnicity and type of insurance were impacted by the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery\'s 2011 tonsillectomy clinical practice guidelines.
    We included children aged <15 years from Florida or South Carolina who underwent tonsillectomy in 2004-2017. Annual tonsillectomy rates within groups defined by race/ethnicity and type of health insurance were calculated using US Census data, and interrupted time series analyses were used to compare the guidelines\' impact on utilization across groups.
    The average annual tonsillectomy rate was greater among non-Hispanic white children (66 procedures per 10 000 children) than non-Hispanic black (38 procedures per 10 000 children) or Hispanic children (41 procedures per 10 000 children) (P < .001). From the year before to the year after the guidelines\' release, tonsillectomy use decreased among non-Hispanic white children (-11.1 procedures per 10 000 children), but not among non-Hispanic black (-0.9 procedures per 10 000 children) or Hispanic children (+3.9 procedures per 10 000 children) (P < .05). Use was greater among publicly than privately insured children (75 vs 52 procedures per 10 000 children, P < .001). The guidelines were associated with a reversal of the upward trend in use seen in 2004-2010 among publicly insured children (-5.5 procedures per 10 000 children per year, P < .001).
    Tonsillectomy use is greatest among white and publicly insured children. However, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery\'s 2011 clinical practice guideline statement was associated with an immediate decrease and change in use trends in these groups, narrowing differences in utilization by race/ethnicity and type of insurance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To understand how treatment of patients with urinary stones by shockwave lithotripsy (SWL) aligns with current published practice guidelines.
    We used the Michigan Urologic Surgery Improvement Collaborative Reducing Operative Complications for Kidney Stones registry to understand SWL use in the state of Michigan. This prospectively maintained clinical registry includes data from community and academic urology practices and contains clinical and operative data for patients undergoing SWL and ureteroscopy (URS). We identified patients undergoing SWL from 2016 to 2019. In accordance with AUA guidelines, we evaluated practice patterns in relation to recommendations for treatment selection for SWL as well as clinical implications of guideline nonadherence.
    Four thousand, two hundred and nine SWL procedures performed across 34 practices were analyzed. Perioperative antibiotics were administered to 61.3% of patients undergoing SWL. A ureteral stent was placed at the time of SWL in 2.7% of patients. For lower pole renal stones >1 cm or large (>2 cm) renal stones in the registry, 32.2% and 58.9% of patients, respectively, underwent SWL, while the remainder were treated with URS. In these instances, SWL was associated with inferior stone-free rate (SFR) relative to URS. In patients with residual stones after SWL, 34.6% were treated with repeat SWL with lower SFR than those treated with subsequent URS. Postoperatively, 42.1% of patients were prescribed alpha-blockers with no benefit seen in terms of SFR.
    Substantial variation exists among urology practices with regard to SWL use. These data serve to inform quality improvement efforts regarding appropriateness criteria for SWL in Michigan.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    International guidelines recommend that for NSTEMI, the timing of invasive strategy (IS) is a function of patient\'s baseline risk. The extent to which this is delivered across and within healthcare systems is unknown.
    Data were derived from 137,265 patients admitted with an NSTEMI diagnosis between 2010 and 2015 in England and Wales. Patients were stratified into low, intermediate and high-risk in keeping with international guidelines. Time to IS was categorised into early (24 h), intermediate (25-72 h) and late (>72 h). Multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify independent predictors of guidelines recommended receipt of IS.
    There were 3608 (2.6%) low, 5037 (3.7%) intermediate and 128,621 (93.7%) high-risk patients. Guidelines recommended use of IS was significantly lower in high-risk (16.4%) compared to intermediate (64.7%) and low-risk (62.5%) groups. Both men and women in the low-risk category were almost twice as likely to receive early IS compared to high-risk men (28.9% vs 17%, p < 0.001) and women (26.9% vs 15%, p < 0.001). Women (OR 0.91 95%CI 0.88-0.94), troponin elevation (OR 0.39 95%CI 0.36-0.43) and acute heart failure on admission (OR 0.65 95%CI 0.61-0.70) were strong negative predictors of receiving IS within recommended time in the high-risk group.
    Our study shows that IS for management of NSTEMI is not delivered according to international guidelines recommendations. Specifically, the disconnect between baseline risk and utility of IS increases with increasing risk and women achieve slower access than men to IS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transbronchial cryobiopsy (TBC) is increasingly recognized as a potential alternative to surgical lung biopsy (SLB) for the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease (ILD). The goal of this analysis was to examine the literature on TBC as it relates to diagnostic utility and safety to provide evidence-based and expert guidance to clinicians.
    Approved panelists developed key questions regarding the diagnostic utility and safety of TBC for the evaluation of ILD using the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome) format. MEDLINE (via PubMed) and the Cochrane Library were systematically searched for relevant literature, which was supplemented by manual searches. References were screened for inclusion, and vetted evaluation tools were used to assess the quality of included studies, to extract data, and to grade the level of evidence supporting each recommendation or statement. Graded recommendations and ungraded consensus-based statements were drafted and voted on using a modified Delphi technique to achieve consensus.
    The systematic review and critical analysis of the literature based on four PICO questions resulted in six statements: two evidence-based graded recommendations and four ungraded consensus-based statements.
    Evidence of the utility and safety of TBC for the diagnosis of ILD is limited but suggests TBC is safer than SLB, and its contribution to the diagnosis obtained via multidisciplinary discussion is comparable to that of SLB, although the histological diagnostic yield appears higher with SLB (approximately 80% for TBC vs 95% for SLB). Additional research is needed to enhance knowledge regarding utility and safety of TBC, its role in the diagnostic algorithm of ILD, and the impact of technical aspects of the procedure on diagnostic yield and safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Infections account for 15% of neonatal deaths and one-tenth of maternal mortality globally. Evidence-based practices to prevent and control infection are essential to reduce newborn and maternal mortality.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the barriers and opportunities experienced by staff when implementing infection prevention and control (IPC) guidelines in maternity wards and delivery units in six health centres in two states in Nigeria.
    METHODS: A structured survey was undertaken in the maternity ward and delivery unit of six healthcare facilities to assess critical infrastructure and equipment. A survey was completed with the matron to assess staff practices and quality assurance procedures. Data were triangulated with qualitative data from interviews with facility staff.
    RESULTS: Usable handwashing facilities - with water, functioning taps and soap available - were present in the delivery units of all six facilities, but were present in only one postnatal ward. All facilities were visibly clean, and staff demonstrated a strong will to comply with protocol. Areas of concern included effectiveness of training, inadequate availability of personal protective equipment, inadequate hand hygiene practices, and outdated procedures to reprocess re-usable medical equipment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Safe childbirth and postnatal care require comprehensive adherence to hand hygiene protocols and the use of disposable personal protective equipment. Financial, equipment and human resource constraints are obstacles to effective implementation of IPC in labour and delivery wards in the centres included in this study. Recommended interim measures include the introduction of champions to systematize step-down training and to monitor and provide feedback at facility level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: While voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) is a widely-accepted test, it is invasive and associated with radiation exposure. Most cases of primary vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) are low-grade and unlikely to be associated with acquired renal scarring. To select patients at greatest risk, in 2011 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published guidelines for evaluation of children ages 2 - 24 months with urinary tract infections (UTIs). Similarly, in 2010 the Society for Fetal Urology (SFU) published guidelines for patients with hydronephrosis. Herein a prospectively-collected database was queried through the Institute of Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES), exploring trends in VCUG ordering within the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP), which guarantees universal access to care.
    METHODS: A dedicated ICES analyst extracted data on all patients younger than 18 years in Ontario, Canada, with billing codes for VCUG and ICD-9 codes for VUR, from 2004-2014. The baseline characteristics included patient age, gender, geographic region, specialty of ordering provider and previous diagnoses of UTI and/or antenatal hydronephrosis to determine the indication for ordering the test. Of these, patients were subsequently incurred OHIP procedure codes for endoscopic injection or ureteral reimplantation. Patients who had a VCUG in the setting of urethral trauma, posterior urethral valves, and neurogenic bladder were excluded.
    CONCLUSIONS: Trend analysis demonstrated that the total number of VCUGs ordered in the province has decreased over a decade (Figure 1), with a concurrent decrease in VUR diagnosis. On multivariate regression analysis, the decrease in VCUG ordering could not be explained by changes in population demographics or other baseline patient variables. Most VCUGs obtained per year were ordered by pediatricians or family physicians (mean 2,022+523.8), compared with urologists and nephrologists (mean 616+358.3). Interestingly, while the rate of VCUG requests decreased, the annual number of surgeries performed for VUR (endoscopic or open) did not show a significant reduction over time.
    CONCLUSIONS: We present a large population-based analysis in a universal access to care system, reporting a decreasing trend in the number of cystograms and differences by primary care versus specialist providers. While it is reassuring to see practice patterns favorably impacted by guidelines, it is also encouraging to note that the number of surgeries has remained stable. This suggests that patients at risk continue to be detected and offered surgical correction. These data confirm previous institution-based assessments and affirm changes in VCUG ordering independent of variables not relevant to the healthcare system, such as the insurance status.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Prostate cancer imaging rates appear to vary by health care setting. With the recent extension of the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act, the government has provided funds for veterans to seek care outside the Veterans Health Administration (VA). It is important to understand the difference in imaging rates and subsequent differences in patterns of care in the VA vs a traditional fee-for-service setting such as Medicare.
    To assess the association between prostate cancer imaging rates and a VA vs fee-for-service health care setting.
    This cohort study included data for men who received a diagnosis of prostate cancer from January 1, 2004, through March 31, 2008, that were collected from the VA Central Cancer Registry, linked to administrate claims and Medicare utilization records, and the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program database. Three distinct nationally representative cohorts were constructed (use of VA only, use of Medicare only, and dual use of VA and Medicare). Men older than 85 years at diagnosis and men without high-risk features but missing any tumor risk characteristic (prostate-specific antigen, Gleason grade, or clinical stage) were excluded. Analysis of the data was completed from March 2016 to February 2018.
    Patient utilization of different health care delivery systems.
    Rates of prostate cancer imaging were analyzed by health care setting (Medicare only, VA and Medicare, and VA only) among patients with low-risk prostate cancer and patients with high-risk prostate cancer.
    Of 98 867 men with prostate cancer (77.4% white; mean [SD] age, 70.26 [7.48] years) in the study cohort, 57.3% were in the Medicare-only group, 14.5% in the VA and Medicare group, and 28.1% in the VA-only group. Among men with low-risk prostate cancer, the Medicare-only group had the highest rate of guideline-discordant imaging (52.5%), followed by the VA and Medicare group (50.9%) and the VA-only group (45.9%) (P < .001). Imaging rates for men with high-risk prostate cancer were not significantly different among the 3 groups. Multivariable analysis showed that individuals in the VA and Medicare group (risk ratio [RR], 0.87; 95% CI, 0.76-0.98) and VA-only group (RR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.67-0.92) were less likely to receive guideline-discordant imaging than those in the Medicare-only group.
    The results of this study suggest that patients with prostate cancer who use Medicare rather than the VA for health care could experience more utilization of health care services without an improvement in the quality of care.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2012, revised criteria for diagnosing childhood coeliac disease were published by the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition and incorporated into the revised Swedish guidelines the same year. These made it possible, in certain cases, to diagnose coeliac disease without taking small bowel biopsies. This survey assessed the extent to which the new guidelines were implemented by Swedish paediatric clinics two years after their introduction.
    In October 2014, we distributed a paper questionnaire including five questions on diagnostic routines to the 40 paediatric clinics in university or regional hospitals in Sweden that perform small bowel biopsies.
    All 36 (90%) clinics that responded used anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies as the initial diagnostic test and some also used serological markers. Most clinics (81%) used endoscopy and took multiple duodenal biopsies, whereas only a few (19%) occasionally employed a suction capsule. Almost all clinics (86%) omitted taking small bowel biopsies in symptomatic children with repeatedly high coeliac serology and positive genotyping, thereby avoiding the need for invasive endoscopy under anaesthesia.
    The 2012 Swedish Paediatric Coeliac Disease Diagnostic Guidelines had been widely accepted and implemented in routine health care two years after their introduction.





