Premenstrual Syndrome

  • 文章类型: Review

    Objective: Despite the documented success of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs (GnRHa) for the treatment of treatment-resistant premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), many patients struggle to find providers who have sufficient knowledge of PMDD and its evidence-based treatments and/or who are comfortable treating PMDD after first-line treatment options have failed. Here, we discuss the barriers to initiating GnRHa for treatment-resistant premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and offer practical solutions to address these barriers for providers who encounter patients with treatment-resistant PMDD but may not have the necessary expertise or comfort with providing evidence-based treatments (ie, gynecologists, general psychiatrists). We have included supplementary materials including patient and provider handouts, screening tools, and treatment algorithms with the hope that this review may serve as a primer on PMDD and the use of GnRHa with hormonal addback as a treatment, as well as a guideline for clinicians delivering this treatment to patients in need.
    Options: In addition to offering practical treatment guidelines for first and second lines of treatment for PMDD, this review offers an in-depth discussion of GnRHa for treatment-resistant PMDD.
    Outcomes: The burden of illness in PMDD is estimated to be similar to that of other mood disorders, and those suffering from PMDD are at a high risk for suicide.
    Evidence: We present a selective review of relevant clinical trials evidence supporting the use of GnRHa with addback hormones in treatment-resistant PMDD (the most recent evidence cited was published in 2021), highlighting the rationale for addback hormones and presenting the different possible hormonal addback approaches.
    Values: The PMDD community has and continues to suffer from debilitating symptoms despite the known interventions. This article provides guidance for implementing GnRHa into practice among a broader scope of clinicians including general psychiatrists.
    Benefits, Harms, and Costs: The primary benefit of implementing this guideline is that a broad range of clinicians beyond reproductive psychiatrists who encounter patients with PMDD will have a template for assessing and treating PMDD and implementing GnRHa treatment when first-line treatments fail. Harms are expected to be minimal; however, some patients may have side effects or adverse reactions to the treatment or may not respond as they had hoped. Costs of GnRHa can be high depending on insurance coverage. We provide information within the guideline to help navigate this barrier.
    Recommendations: (1) Prospective symptom rating in evaluating for PMDD is necessary for diagnosis and evaluating treatment response. (2) SSRIs and oral contraceptives should be trialed as the first- and second-line treatments for PMDD. (3) When first- and second-line treatments have failed to yield symptom relief, the use of GnRHa with hormone addback should be considered. Risks and benefits of GnRHa should be weighed among clinicians and patients, and potential barriers to access should be discussed.
    Validation: This article adds to the available systematic reviews on the effectiveness of GnRHa in the treatment of PMDD and Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology\'s guidelines on the treatment of PMDD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The French Headache Society proposes updated French guidelines for the management of migraine. This article presents the second part of the guidelines, which is focused on the pharmacological treatment of migraine, including both the acute treatment of attacks and the prophylaxis of episodic migraine as well as chronic migraine with and without medication overuse. The specific situations that can be encountered in women with migraine are also discussed, including pregnancy, menstrual migraine, contraception and hormonal replacement therapy.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    Premenstrual disorders (PMD) can affect women throughout their entire reproductive years. In 2016, an interdisciplinary expert meeting of general gynecologists, gynecological endocrinologists, psychiatrists and psychologists from Switzerland was held to provide an interdisciplinary algorithm on PMD management taking reproductive stages into account. The Swiss PMD algorithm differentiates between primary and secondary PMD care providers incorporating different levels of diagnostic and treatment. Treatment options include cognitive behavioral therapy, alternative therapy, antidepressants, ovulation suppression and diuretics. Treatment choice depends on prevalent PMD symptoms, (reproductive) age, family planning, cardiovascular risk factors, comorbidities, comedication and the woman\'s preference. Regular follow-ups are mandatory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whilst professional bodies such as the Royal College and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have well-established standards for audit of management for most gynaecology disorders, such standards for premenstrual disorders (PMDs) have yet to be developed. The International Society of Premenstrual Disorders (ISPMD) has already published three consensus papers on PMDs covering areas that include definition, classification/quantification, clinical trial design and management (American College Obstetricians and Gynecologists 2011; Brown et al. in Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2:CD001396, 2009; Dickerson et al. in Am Fam Physician 67(8):1743-1752, 2003). In this fourth consensus of ISPMD, we aim to create a set of auditable standards for the clinical management of PMDs. All members of the original ISPMD consensus group were invited to submit one or more auditable standards to be eligible in the inclusion of the consensus. Ninety-five percent of members (18/19) responded with at least one auditable standard. A total of 66 auditable standards were received, which were returned to all group members who then ranked the standards in order of priority, before the results were collated. Proposed standards related to the diagnosis of PMDs identified the importance of obtaining an accurate history, that a symptom diary should be kept for 2 months prior to diagnosis and that symptom reporting demonstrates symptoms in the premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle and relieved by menstruation. Regarding treatment, the most important standards were the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) as a first line treatment, an evidence-based approach to treatment and that SSRI side effects are properly explained to patients. A set of comprehensive standards to be used in the diagnosis and treatment of PMD has been established, for which PMD management can be audited against for standardised and improved care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The second consensus meeting of the International Society for Premenstrual Disorders (ISPMD) took place in London during March 2011. The primary goal was to evaluate the published evidence and consider the expert opinions of the ISPMD members to reach a consensus on advice for the management of premenstrual disorders. Gynaecologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and pharmacologists each formally presented the evidence within their area of expertise; this was followed by an in-depth discussion leading to consensus recommendations. This article provides a comprehensive review of the outcomes from the meeting. The group discussed and agreed that careful diagnosis based on the recommendations and classification derived from the first ISPMD consensus conference is essential and should underlie the appropriate management strategy. Options for the management of premenstrual disorders fall under two broad categories, (a) those influencing central nervous activity, particularly the modulation of the neurotransmitter serotonin and (b) those that suppress ovulation. Psychotropic medication, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, probably acts by dampening the influence of sex steroids on the brain. Oral contraceptives, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, danazol and estradiol all most likely function by ovulation suppression. The role of oophorectomy was also considered in this respect. Alternative therapies are also addressed, with, e.g. cognitive behavioural therapy, calcium supplements and Vitex agnus castus warranting further exploration.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    Premenstrual disorders (PMD) are characterised by a cluster of somatic and psychological symptoms of varying severity that occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and resolve during menses (Freeman and Sondheimer, Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry 5:30-39, 2003; Halbreich, Gynecol Endocrinol 19:320-334, 2004). Although PMD have been widely recognised for many decades, their precise cause is still unknown and there are no definitive, universally accepted diagnostic criteria. To consider this issue, an international multidisciplinary group of experts met at a face-to-face consensus meeting to review current definitions and diagnostic criteria for PMD. This was followed by extensive correspondence. The consensus group formally became established as the International Society for Premenstrual Disorders (ISPMD). The inaugural meeting of the ISPMD was held in Montreal in September 2008. The primary aim was to provide a unified approach for the diagnostic criteria of PMD, their quantification and guidelines on clinical trial design. This report summarises their recommendations. It is hoped that the criteria proposed here will inform discussions of the next edition of the World Health Organisation\'s International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), and the American Psychiatric Association\'s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-V) criteria that are currently under consideration. It is also hoped that the proposed definitions and guidelines could be used by all clinicians and investigators to provide a consistent approach to the diagnosis and treatment of PMD and to aid scientific and clinical research in this field.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) encompasses a variety of symptoms appearing during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Although PMS is widely recognized, the etiology remains unclear and it lacks definitive, universally accepted diagnostic criteria. To address these issues an international multidisciplinary group of experts evaluated the current definitions and diagnostic criteria of PMS and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Following extensive correspondence, a consensus meeting was held with the aim of producing updated diagnostic criteria for PMS and guidelines for clinical and research applications. This report presents the conclusions and recommendations of the group. It is hoped that the criteria proposed by the group will become widely accepted and eventually be incorporated into the next edition of the World Health Organization\'s International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). It is also hoped that the proposed guidelines for quantification of criteria will be used by clinicians and investigators to facilitate diagnostic uniformity in the field as well as adequate treatment modalities when warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hallmark feature of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is the predictable, cyclic nature of symptoms or distinct on/offness that begins in the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and remits shortly after the onset of menstruation. PMDD is distinguished from PMS by the severity of symptoms, predominance of mood symptoms, and role dysfunction, particularly in personal relationships and marital/family domains. Several treatment modalities are beneficial in PMDD and severe PMS, but the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have emerged as first-line therapy. The SSRIs can be administered continuously throughout the entire month, intermittently from ovulation to the onset of menstruation, or semi-intermittently with dosage increases during the late luteal phase. These guidelines present practical treatment algorithms for the use of SSRIs in women with pure PMDD or severe PMS, PMDD and underlying subsyndromal clinical features of mood or anxiety, or premenstrual exacerbation of a mood/anxiety disorder.






  • 文章类型: Comment






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Guideline
    OBJECTIVE: Women constitute two-thirds of patients suffering from common depressive disorders. The treatment of depression in women is therefore a substantial public health concern. High-quality, empirical data on depressive disorders specific to women are limited. As a result, there are no comprehensive evidence-based practice guidelines on the best treatment approaches for these illnesses. We conducted a consensus survey of expert opinion on the treatment of 4 depressive conditions specific to women: premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), depression in pregnancy, postpartum depression in a mother choosing to breast-feed, and depression related to perimenopause/menopause.
    METHODS: After reviewing the literature and convening a work group of leading experts, we prepared a written survey covering a total of 858 treatment options in 117 specific clinical situations. Depression severity (mild to severe) was specified for most clinical situations. Treatment options included a broad range of pharmacological, psychosocial, and alternative medicine approaches. Most options were scored using a modified version of the RAND 9-point scale for rating appropriateness of medical decisions. We identified 40 national experts, 36 (90%) of whom completed the survey. Consensus on each option was defined as a non-random distribution of scores by chi-square \"goodness-of-fit\" test. We assigned a categorical rank (first line/preferred choice, second line/alternate choice, third line/usually inappropriate) to each option based on the 95% confidence interval around the mean rating. Guideline tables indicating preferred treatment strategies were then developed for key clinical situations.
    RESULTS: The expert panel reached consensus on 76% of the options, with greater consensus in situations involving severe symptoms. For women with severe symptoms in each of the 4 central disorder areas we asked about, the first-line recommendation was for antidepressant medication combined with other modalities (generally psychotherapy), paralleling existing guidelines for severe depression in general populations. For milder symptoms in each situation, the panel was less uniform in recommending antidepressants. For the initial treatment of milder symptoms, the panel either gave equal endorsement to other treatment modalities (e.g., nutritional or psychobehavioral approaches in PMDD; hormone replacement in perimenopause) or preferred psychotherapy over medication (in conception, pregnancy, or lactation). In all milder cases, however, antidepressants were recommended as at least second-line options. Among antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) as a class were recommended as first-line treatment in all situations. The specific SSRIs that were preferred depended on the particular clinical situation. Tricyclic antidepressants were highly rated alternatives to SSRIs in pregnancy and lactation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The experts reached a high level of consensus on the appropriateness of including both antidepressant medication, specifically SSRIs, and nonpharmacological modalities in treatment plans for severe depression in 4 key clinical situations unique to women. To evaluate many of the treatment options in this survey, the experts had to extrapolate beyond controlled data in comparing modalities with each other or in combination. Within the limits of expert opinion and with the expectation that future research data will take precedence, these guidelines provide some direction for addressing common clinical dilemmas in women. They can be used to inform clinicians and educate patients regarding the relative merits of a variety of interventions.





