
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Fetal death is defined as the spontaneous cessation of cardiac activity after fourteen weeks of amenorrhea. In France, the prevalence of fetal death after 22 weeks is between 3.2 and 4.4/1000 births. Regarding the prevention of fetal death in the general population, it is not recommended to counsel for rest and not to prescribe vitamin A, vitamin D nor micronutrient supplementation for the sole purpose of reducing the risk of fetal death (Weak recommendations; Low quality of evidence). It is not recommended to prescribe aspirin (Weak recommendation; Very low quality of evidence). It is recommended to offer vaccination against influenza in epidemic periods and against SARS-CoV-2 (Strong recommendations; Low quality of evidence). It is not recommended to systematically look for nuchal cord encirclements during prenatal screening ultrasounds (Strong Recommendation; Low Quality of Evidence) and not to perform systematic antepartum monitoring by cardiotocography (Weak Recommendation; Very Low Quality of Evidence). It is not recommended to ask women to perform an active fetal movement count to reduce the risk of fetal death (Strong Recommendation; High Quality of Evidence). Regarding evaluation in the event of fetal death, it is suggested that an external fetal examination be systematically offered (Expert opinion). It is recommended that a fetopathological and anatomopathological examination of the placenta be carried out to participate in cause identification (Strong Recommendation. Moderate quality of evidence). It is recommended that chromosomal analysis by microarray testing be performed rather than conventional karyotype, in order to be able to identify a potentially causal anomaly more frequently (Strong Recommendation, moderate quality of evidence); to this end, it is suggested that postnatal sampling of the placental fetal surface for genetic purposes be preferred (Expert Opinion). It is suggested to test for antiphospholipid antibodies and systematically perform a Kleihauer test and a test for irregular agglutinins (Expert opinion). It is suggested to offer a summary consultation, with the aim of assessing the physical and psychological status of the parents, reporting the results, discussing the cause and providing information on monitoring for a subsequent pregnancy (Expert opinion). Regarding announcement and support, it is suggested to announce fetal death without ambiguity, using simple words and adapting to each situation, and then to support couples with empathy in the various stages of their care (Expert opinion). Regarding management, it is suggested that, in the absence of a situation at risk of disseminated intravascular coagulation or maternal vitality, the patient\'s wishes should be taken into account when determining the time between the diagnosis of fetal death and induction of birth. Returning home is possible if it\'s the patient wish (Expert opinion). In all situations excluding maternal life-threatening emergencies, the preferred mode of delivery is vaginal delivery, regardless the history of cesarean section(s) history (Expert opinion). In the event of fetal death, it is recommended that mifepristone 200mg be prescribed at least 24hours before induction, to reduce the delay between induction and delivery (Low recommendation. Low quality of evidence). There are insufficient data in the literature to make a recommendation regarding the route of administration (vaginal or oral) of misoprostol, neither the type of prostaglandin to reduce induction-delivery time or maternal morbidity. It is suggested that perimedullary analgesia be introduced at the start of induction if the patient asks, regardless of gestational age. It is suggested to prescribe cabergoline immediately in the postpartum period in order to avoid lactation, whatever the gestational age, after discussing the side effects of the treatment with the patient (Expert opinion). The risk of recurrence of fetal death after unexplained fetal death does not appear to be increased in subsequent pregnancies, and data from the literature are insufficient to make a recommendation on the prescription of aspirin. In the event of a history of fetal death due to vascular issues, low-dose aspirin is recommended to reduce perinatal morbidity, and should not be combined with heparin therapy (Low recommendation, very low quality of evidence). It is suggested not to recommend an optimal delay before initiating another pregnancy just because of the history of fetal death. It is suggested that the woman and co-parent be informed of the possibility of psychological support. Fetal heart rate monitoring is not indicated solely because of a history of fetal death. It is suggested that delivery not be systematically induced. However, induction can be considered depending on the context and parental request. The gestational age will be discussed, taking into account the benefits and risks, especially before 39 weeks. If a cause of fetal death is identified, management will be adapted on a case-by-case basis (expert opinion). In the event of fetal death occurring in a twin pregnancy, it is suggested that the surviving twin be evaluated as soon as the diagnosis of fetal death is made. In the case of dichorionic pregnancy, it is suggested to offer ultrasound monitoring on a monthly basis. It is suggested not to deliver prematurely following fetal death of a twin. If fetal death occurs in a monochorionic twin pregnancy, it is suggested to contact the referral competence center, in order to urgently look for signs of acute fetal anemia on ultrasound in the surviving twin, and to carry out weekly ultrasound monitoring for the first month. It is suggested not to induce birth immediately.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To provide recommendations for the prevention of Rh D alloimmunization in the first trimester of pregnancy.
    METHODS: The quality of evidence of the literature was assessed following the GRADE methodology with questions formulated in the PICO format (Patients, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) and outcomes defined a priori and classified according to their importance. An extensive bibliographic search was performed on Pubmed, Cochrane, EMBASE, and Google Scholar databases. The quality of evidence was assessed (high, moderate, low, very low) and a recommendation was formulated: (i) strong, (ii) weak, or (iii) no recommendation. The recommendations were reviewed in two rounds with reviewers from the scientific board of the French College of the OB/GYN (Delphi survey) to select the consensus recommendations.
    RESULTS: The three recommendations from PICO questions reached agreement using the Delphi method. It is recommended not to administer Rh D immunoglobulin before 12 weeks of gestation to reduce the risk of alloimmunization in case of abortion or miscarriage, in RhD negative patients when the genitor is RhD positive or unknown (Weak recommendation. Very low-quality evidence). It is recommended not to administer Rh D immunoglobulin before 12 weeks of gestation to reduce the risk of alloimmunization in cases of bleeding in an ongoing intrauterine pregnancy (Weak recommendation. Very low-quality evidence). The literature data are insufficient in quality and quantity to determine if the injection of Rh D immunoglobulin reduces the risk of alloimmunization in the case of an ectopic pregnancy (No recommendation. Very low-quality evidence).
    CONCLUSIONS: Even though the quality of evidence from the studies is very low, it is recommended not to administer Rh D immunoglobulin in case of abortion, miscarriage or bleeding before 12 weeks of amenorrhea. The quality of evidence was too low to issue a recommendation regarding ectopic pregnancy.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    To identify strategies to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity related to preeclampsia.
    The quality of evidence of the literature was assessed following the GRADE® method with questions formulated in the PICO format (Patients, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) and outcomes defined a priori and classified according to their importance. An extensive bibliographic search was performed on PubMed, Cochrane, EMBASE and Google Scholar databases. The quality of the evidence was assessed (high, moderate, low, very low) and recommendations were formulated as a (i) strong, (ii) weak or (iii) no recommendation. The recommendations were reviewed in two rounds with external reviewers (Delphi survey) to select the consensus recommendations.
    Preeclampsia is defined by the association of gestational hypertension (systolic blood pressure≥140mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure≥90mmHg) and proteinuria≥0.3g/24h or a Proteinuria/Creatininuria ratio≥30mg/mmol occurring after 20 weeks of gestation. Data from the literature do not show any benefit in terms of maternal or perinatal health from implementing a broader definition of preeclampsia. Of the 31 questions, there was agreement between the working group and the external reviewers on 31 (100%). In general population, physical activity during pregnancy should be encouraged to reduce the risk of preeclampsia (Strong recommendation, Quality of the evidence low) but an early screening based on algorithms (Weak recommendation, Quality of the evidence low) or aspirin administration (Weak recommendation, Quality of the evidence very low) is not recommended to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity related to preeclampsia. In women with preexisting diabetes or hypertension or renal disease, or multiple pregnancy, the level of evidence is insufficient to determine whether aspirin administration during pregnancy is useful to reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity (No recommendation, Quality of the evidence low). In women with a history of vasculo-placental disease, low dose of aspirin (Strong recommendation, Quality of the evidence moderate) at a dosage of 100-160mg per day (Weak recommendation, Quality of the evidence low), ideally before 16 weeks of gestation and not after 20 weeks of gestation (Strong recommendation, Quality of the evidence low) until 36 weeks of gestation (Weak recommendation, Quality of the evidence very low) is recommended. In a high-risk population, additional administration of low molecular weight heparin is not recommended (Weak recommendation, Quality of the evidence moderate). In case of preeclampsia (Weak recommendation, Quality of the evidence low) or suspicion of preeclampsia (Weak recommendation, Quality of the evidence moderate, the assessment of PlGF concentration or sFLT-1/PlGF ratio is not routinely recommended) in the only goal to reduce maternal or perinatal morbidity. In women with non-severe preeclampsia antihypertensive agent should be administered orally when the systolic blood pressure is measured between 140 and 159mmHg or diastolic blood pressure is measured between 90 and 109mmHg (Weak recommendation, Quality of the evidence low). In women with non-severe preeclampsia, delivery between 34 and 36+6 weeks of gestation reduces severe maternal hypertension but increases the incidence of moderate prematurity. Taking into account the benefit/risk balance for the mother and the child, it is recommended not to systematically induce birth in women with non-severe preeclampsia between 34 and 36+6 weeks of gestation (Strong recommendation, Quality of evidence high). In women with non-severe preeclampsia diagnosed between 37+0 and 41 weeks of gestation, it is recommended to induce birth to reduce maternal morbidity (Strong recommendation, Low quality of evidence), and to perform a trial of labor in the absence of contraindication (Strong recommendation, Very low quality of evidence). In women with a history of preeclampsia, screening maternal thrombophilia is not recommended (Strong recommendation, Quality of the evidence moderate). Because women with a history of a preeclampsia have an increased lifelong risk of chronic hypertension and cardiovascular complications, they should be informed of the need for medical follow-up to monitor blood pressure and to manage other possible cardiovascular risk factors (Strong recommendation, Quality of the evidence moderate).
    The purpose of these recommendations was to reassess the definition of preeclampsia, and to determine the strategies to reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity related to preeclampsia, during pregnancy but also after childbirth. They aim to help health professionals in their daily clinical practice to inform or care for patients who have had or have preeclampsia. Synthetic information documents are also offered for professionals and patients.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Acute GVHD is a potentially severe complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, responsible for morbidity and mortality that can affect the prognosis after transplantation. Within the framework of the 12th workshop of practice harmonization of the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC), diagnostic modalities of acute GVHD are updated. The conventional prevention (depending on donor, conditioning, and stem cell source) and treatment schemes (depending on affected organ and intensity) of aGVHD are clarified, and new therapeutic options are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    OBJECTIVE: Based on an updated review of the international literature covering the different surgical techniques and complications of risk reducing mastectomies (RRM) in non-genetic context, the Commission of Senology (CS) of the College National des Gynécologues Obstétriciens Français (CNGOF) aimed to establish recommendations on the techniques to be chosen and their implementation.
    METHODS: The CNGOF CS, composed of 24 experts, developed these recommendations. A policy of declaration and monitoring of links of interest was applied throughout the process of making the recommendations. Similarly, the development of these recommendations did not benefit from any funding from a company marketing a health product. The CS adhered to and followed the AGREE II (Advancing guideline development, reporting and evaluation in healthcare) criteria and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) method to assess the quality of the evidence on which the recommendations were based. The potential drawbacks of making recommendations in the presence of poor quality or insufficient evidence were highlighted.
    METHODS: The CS considered 6 questions in 4 thematic areas, focusing on oncologic safety, risk of complications, aesthetic satisfaction and psychological impact, and preoperative modalities.
    RESULTS: The application of the GRADE method resulted in 7 recommendations, 6 with a high level of evidence (GRADE 1±) and 1 with a low level of evidence (GRADE 2±).
    CONCLUSIONS: There was significant agreement among the CS members on recommendations for preferred surgical techniques and practical implementation.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the value of performing a risk-reducting mastectomy (RRM) in the absence of a deleterious variant of a breast cancer susceptibility gene, in 4 clinical situations at risk of breast cancer.
    METHODS: The CNGOF Commission of Senology, composed of 26 experts, developed these recommendations. A policy of declaration and monitoring of links of interest was applied throughout the process of making the recommendations. Similarly, the development of these recommendations did not benefit from any funding from a company marketing a health product. The Commission of Senology adhered to the AGREE II (Advancing guideline development, reporting and evaluation in healthcare) criteria and followed the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) method to assess the quality of the evidence on which the recommendations were based. The potential drawbacks of making recommendations in the presence of poor quality or insufficient evidence were highlighted.
    METHODS: The Commission of Senology considered 8 questions on 4 topics, focusing on histological, familial (no identified genetic abnormality), radiological (of unrecognized cancer), and radiation (history of Hodgkin\'s disease) risk. For each situation, it was determined whether performing RRM compared with surveillance would decrease the risk of developing breast cancer and/or increase survival.
    RESULTS: The Commission of Senology synthesis and application of the GRADE method resulted in 11 recommendations, 6 with a high level of evidence (GRADE 1±) and 5 with a low level of evidence (GRADE 2±).
    CONCLUSIONS: There was significant agreement among the Commission of Senology members on recommendations to improve practice for performing or not performing RRM in the clinical setting.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    Menopause is a key period for health due to physiological changes, particularly of body composition (with decrease of lean mass and increase of fat mass) and of body fat distribution, leading to a higher risk for bone and muscular health and cardiometabolic health. Nutritional advices, associated to physical activity advices, may partially prevent these effects. The energy balance will be moderately negative if there is a weight gain, while the protein intake will be preserved and a regular physical activity will be increased. A Mediterranean style diet will be beneficial on cardiovascular health. Dairy products will be preserved, but restrictive and dietary exclusion will be avoided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Unlike previous randomized clinical trials (RCTs), recent trials and meta-analyses have shown that transcatheter closure of patent foramen ovale (PFO) reduces stroke recurrence risk in young and middle-aged adults with an otherwise unexplained PFO-associated ischaemic stroke.
    OBJECTIVE: To produce an expert consensus on the role of transcatheter PFO closure and antithrombotic drugs for secondary stroke prevention in patients with PFO-associated ischaemic stroke.
    METHODS: Five neurologists and five cardiologists with extensive experience in the relevant field were nominated by the French Neurovascular Society and the French Society of Cardiology to make recommendations based on evidence from RCTs and meta-analyses.
    RESULTS: The experts recommend that any decision concerning treatment of patients with PFO-associated ischaemic stroke should be taken after neurological and cardiological evaluation, bringing together the necessary neurovascular, echocardiography and interventional cardiology expertise. Transcatheter PFO closure is recommended in patients fulfilling all the following criteria: age 16-60 years; recent (≤6 months) ischaemic stroke; PFO associated with atrial septal aneurysm (>10mm) or with a right-to-left shunt>20 microbubbles or with a diameter≥2mm; PFO felt to be the most likely cause of stroke after thorough aetiological evaluation by a stroke specialist. Long-term oral anticoagulation may be considered in the event of contraindication to or patient refusal of PFO closure, in the absence of a high bleeding risk. After PFO closure, dual anti-platelet therapy with aspirin (75mg/day) and clopidogrel (75mg/day) is recommended for 3 months, followed by monotherapy with aspirin or clopidogrel for≥5 years.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although a big step forward that will benefit many patients has been taken with recent trials, many questions remain unanswered. Pending results from further studies, decision-making regarding management of patients with PFO-associated ischaemic stroke should be based on a close coordination between neurologists/stroke specialists and cardiologists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lyme borreliosis is transmitted en France by the tick Ixodes ricinus, endemic in metropolitan France. In the absence of vaccine licensed for use in humans, primary prevention mostly relies on mechanical protection (clothes covering most parts of the body) that may be completed by chemical protection (repulsives). Secondary prevention relies on early detection of ticks after exposure, and mechanical extraction. There is currently no situation in France when prophylactic antibiotics would be recommended. The incidence of Lyme borreliosis in France, estimated through a network of general practitioners (réseau Sentinelles), and nationwide coding system for hospital stays, has not significantly changed between 2009 and 2017, with a mean incidence estimated at 53 cases/100,000 inhabitants/year, leading to 1.3 hospital admission/100,000 inhabitants/year. Other tick-borne diseases are much more seldom in France: tick-borne encephalitis (around 20 cases/year), spotted-fever rickettsiosis (primarily mediterranean spotted fever, around 10 cases/year), tularemia (50-100 cases/year, of which 20% are transmitted by ticks), human granulocytic anaplasmosis (<10 cases/year), and babesiosis (<5 cases/year). The main circumstances of diagnosis for Lyme borreliosis are cutaneous manifestations (primarily erythema migrans, much more rarely borrelial lymphocytoma and atrophic chronic acrodermatitis), neurological (<15% of cases, mostly meningoradiculitis and cranial nerve palsy, especially facial nerve) and rheumatologic (mostly knee monoarthritis, with recurrences). Cardiac and ophtalmologic manifestations are very rarely encountered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the 2007 French guidelines on imported Falciparum malaria, the epidemiology, treatment, and prevention of malaria have changed considerably requiring guidelines for all Plasmodium species to be updated. Over the past decade, the incidence of imported malaria has decreased in all age groups, reflecting the decrease in the incidence of malaria in endemic areas. The rates of severe pediatric cases have increased as in adults, but fatalities are rare. The parasitological diagnosis requires a thick blood smear (or a rapid immunochromatographic test) and a thin blood film. Alternatively, a rapid antigen detection test can be paired with a thin blood film. Thrombocytopenia in children presenting with fever is highly predictive of malaria following travel to a malaria-endemic area and, when detected, malaria should be strongly considered. The first-line treatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria is now an artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), either artemether-lumefantrine or artenimol-piperaquine, as recommended by the World Health Organization in endemic areas. Uncomplicated presentations of non-falciparum malaria should be treated either with chloroquine or ACT. The first-line treatment of severe malaria is now intravenous artesunate which is more effective than quinine in endemic areas. Quinine is restricted to cases where artesunate is contraindicated or unavailable. Prevention of malaria in pediatric travelers consists of nocturnal personal protection against mosquitoes (especially insecticide-treated nets) combined with chemoprophylaxis according to the risk level.





