Postmortem Changes

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Only a few cases describing the activity of dermestids on human corpses have been reported in the literature. Dermestes maculatus is a cosmopolitan beetle associated with carcasses at different decomposition stages, usually colonizing skeletonized and mummified remains. In this study, we presented two forensic case reports of D. maculatus associated with human corpses in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. In the first case, a human corpse in an advanced stage of decomposition was found hanged in an outdoor urban area. In the other one, a mummified cadaver was found inside of a closed house. In this last case, larvae of D. maculatus were essential to estimate the minimum postmortem interval (PMI) for the first time in Scientific Police of Santa Catarina. Our records highlight the significance of necrophagous beetles in ecological succession and in estimating PMI in cases involving human remains and corpses in advanced stage of decomposition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Artifacts produced by postmortem animal scavenging are commonly encountered at autopsy. Knowledge of the pattern of artifacts produced by postmortem animal scavenging is essential for the correct interpretation of the autopsy finding. In household deaths, such artifacts are usually caused by domestic animals and by small insects such as flies, ants, beetles, etc. Ants are one of the early scavengers which feed on the dead bodies. The artifacts produced by the postmortem ant activity are usually superficial and non-bleeding type. Rarely, in the congested body regions and areas of marked hypostasis, postmortem bleeding artifacts due to ant bites are possible. In the reported case of hanging, such postmortem bleeding artifacts were present over both the legs, predominantly over the left leg. Typical ant bite lesions in the form of superficial excoriations were also present over the peri-ligature area, over and around both nipples and over the lower part of the abdomen. Morphologically, postmortem bleeding artifacts produced by ant bites exhibit four patterns: droplet pattern, stripe pattern, pool pattern, and mixed pattern. In this case, a mixed pattern (droplet pattern and stripe pattern) of postmortem bleeding artifacts was observed. The presence of postmortem bleeding artifacts over the lower limbs was attributed to the pooling of the blood due to suspension of the body, followed by passive escape of blood due to ant bites. The possibility of such artifacts produced by ant bites should be considered when the origin of the lesion is unclear.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Both hyper- and hypothermia are problematic in temperature based forensic time since death estimation. Hyperthermia may occur in infection, traumatic brain injury, and intoxication. Hypothermia is encountered predominantly in exposure. Sepsis may present itself clinically as hypothermic. Sepsis is not uncommon in the forensic setting and mostly occurs in the context of malpractice accusations. There is usually little overlap between sepsis and typical forensic time since death estimation scenarios of violent or otherwise suspicious deaths. In the presented case, hypothermia and time since death estimations did collide. An inmate was found dead in his jail cell. Wardens claimed they had visually approached him alive relatively shortly prior. Rectal temperature measurements, using two separate crime scene thermometers as well as temperature loggers, revealed low rectal temperature at relatively high ambient temperature. These findings suggested a much longer postmortem interval and consequently raised doubts about the stated timeline. The wardens\' claims were however confirmed by camera recordings, which also allowed a reasonable estimate of the true time of death. The cause of death was confirmed as septic organ failure at autopsy, which explained low rectal temperature. The presence of WISCHNEWSKI-spots was noted. When the PRISM-method was applied to the temperature recordings, low rectal temperature at the time of death was detected successfully. However, adaptation of the underlying equation for lower \"starting temperature\" did not produce satisfactory results. It is concluded that even though hypothermia at the time of death may possibly be detected from temperature data, attempts at time since death estimation for cases of hypothermia by adaptation of the equation should be avoided.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    某年5月7日,北京市某公安局接到群众电话报警,称一出租屋有异味传出,民警和法医到达现场后发现一名女性(62岁)在家中死亡。死者上身穿蓝色外套、红色毛衣,下身着黑色裤子和黑色袜子,呈仰卧位躺在卧室的床上。经现场勘验,未发现打斗痕迹,屋内所有设施及门窗完好。法医现场检查发现尸体上可见蟑螂成虫( 图1 A);尸体高度腐败,全身皮肤干燥,呈皮革样改变( 图1 B);右侧面颊部可见斑块样损伤及少量孔洞样皮肤缺损(中央部),双侧肩颈部及会阴部有大量蛹壳和部分蛹( 图1 C),背部可见大小不等的蝇类幼虫活动( 图1 D)。尸体检验未发现明显机械性损伤和机械性窒息征象,死亡原因不排除猝死。温湿度记录仪现场检测结果显示室内的环境温度为20.5 ℃,未供暖,未进行现场环境温度的连续监测。提取死亡现场尸体身上及周围的蛹壳、蛹及蟑螂,储存于75%乙醇溶液中,委托本系法医昆虫学实验室进行物种鉴定和死亡时间推断。.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluates a case of pseudopathology and the effects that postmortem taphonomic changes and environmental influences can have on bone.
    METHODS: A skeleton of a young male from the early medieval site Staré Město, dated to the 9th-10th century CE.
    METHODS: The skeletal remains were subjected to detailed macroscopic and X-ray examination, and then a CT scan and XRF analysis were performed.
    RESULTS: X-ray examination of the mandible revealed unusually dense structures, whose appearance was not consistent with any known pathology. Based on the results of CT scanning, it was hypothesized that these were cavities filled with alluvial sediment. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), focusing on the determination of the silica content, revealed a high intensity of silica in the samples of the affected area of the bone.
    CONCLUSIONS: The hypothesis that the inclusions were composed of waterborne sediment was supported.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although it is well known that soil can infiltrate bones buried in the ground, its appearance on plain radiographs is not that commonly known. The case illustrates the usefulness of differentiating true pathologies from postmortem alterations to avoid inappropriate interpretations.
    CONCLUSIONS: No similar cases have been described.
    UNASSIGNED: In palaeopathological evaluation, the use of multiple imaging and evaluative techniques should be implemented to differentiate pathological lesions from pseudopathology.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Heat hematoma is generally recognized as a postmortem heat-induced artifact in extradural spaces found in burned bodies. Conversely, subdural hematoma in charred bodies is more indicative of antemortem trauma. Here, we present a rare case of a subdural heat hematoma in forensic practice. The subdural hematoma was found in a charred body that was determined to be dead before the fire without findings of antemortem head injury. Furthermore, the detailed determination and formation mechanism of this subdural heat hematoma are discussed. With this rare case, we propose a reconsideration of the canonical definition of heat hematoma. This report envisions benefitting forensic pathologists facing similar cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Entomotoxicological analysis is not part of routine toxicological analysis. This work aims to present two cases to illustrate the potential of entomological samples as complementary matrices to identify substances in cases of advanced putrefaction. (Case#1) A woman wasexhumed after 14 months to ascertain the exact cause of death. She died after six weeks of hospitalization because of intestinal ischemia followed by multiorgan failure. (Case#2) The corpse of a woman, known to have a psychiatric disorder, was discovered in her apartment. The state of decomposition of the body was consistent with a post-mortem period of several weeks (approximately 6 weeks). Toxicological investigations were performed in the biological and entomological samples of case#1 (hair, adipocere, brain, and pupae) and of case#2 (hair, bone, flies, and pupae) using liquid chromatography with high-resolution mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry detection methods. In case#1, several drugs and metabolites were detected. In particular, the pupae analyses allowed the objectification of morphine administration, whereas morphine was only found in adipocere, but not in hair nor in brain. In case#2, the pupae analyses allowed the detection of three metabolites of quetiapine, and the flies analyses allowed the detection of valpromide, which was only detected in hair. In conclusion, the pupae and flies analyses in these two cases complemented the results obtained in the other alternative biological samples, which may guide hypotheses about the possible causes of death. Nevertheless, additional data and case reports would be of benefit to assess the value of entomotoxicology in routine forensic investigations.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This paper introduces two indoor cases in China, characterized by bodies lying on a mattress, covered with thick quilts and wearing clothes. There were obvious deviation in the estimated minimum postmortem interval (PMImin) of the corpses using entomological methods. Based on the forensic entomology evidence from the scene, the PMImin estimated using temperature data from the nearest weather station was longer than the actual postmortem interval (PMI) based on the police investigation and the security camera footage. The most probable cause of the errors in PMImin estimation was the hindrance in heat dissipation since the corpses were covered with thick quilts while lying on the mattress. Therefore, the heat generated by the decomposition process and larval activity was hard to lose, resulting in the rapid development of insects. These case reports emphasize the importance of temperature collection in forensic entomological investigations. Our findings call for standardized temperature acquisition procedures, including which temperature measurements (body, microenvironment or ambient temperature) should be used in forensic entomological investigations when handling similar cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Homicide, particularly where a body has been concealed, is uniquely challenging for investigators to estimate the time of occurrence due to the methods employed by perpetrators to hide the body or its constituent parts from detection. The regularity of necrophagous insect lifecycles to determine minimum post-mortem interval (minPMI) is widely employed but remains an unreliable technique if used without a clear understanding of the factors that affect insect access and oviposition behaviour to concealed remains. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of wrapping body parts on fly colonisation and implications for minPMI calculations. Field studies were carried out using four treatments of pork (as surrogate body parts), in five replicates, one unwrapped, the other three wrapped in either a black plastic sack, a small-zipped wash bag (to simulate a suitcase), or a plastic sack further placed in a wash bag. Over a 48-h period all the methods of wrapping significantly disrupted the host-finding process of blowflies to dismembered carcasses, with a delay of initial contact and oviposition of 30+h (dependant on wrapping) and even more in wet conditions (48+ h). Egg numbers were also reduced by as much as 99.1% on wrapped samples compared to unwrapped. These new findings highlight the importance of applying adjustments to minPMI calculations when encountering wrapped remains. Advances in the accuracy of minPMI calculations will prevent the waste of valuable police time and resources and better focus the search for witnesses and suspects in homicide investigations.





