
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Portomesenteric and portosystemic venous occlusive disease may lead to portomesenteric hypertension, variceal bleeding, ascites and hypersplenism. Data regarding endovascular reconstructive strategies in children, however, are limited.
    OBJECTIVE: To report technical success, outcome and patency of portomesenteric and portosystemic venous reconstruction using VIABAHN VBX balloon-expandable endoprostheses in pediatric patients.
    METHODS: Five pediatric patients (median age: 15 years, range: 4-18 years), including 3 (60%) boys and 2 (40%) girls, with portomesenteric or portosystemic venous occlusion or recurrent stenosis, underwent balloon-expandable stent graft reconstruction. Presenting symptoms included acute variceal bleeding, without (n = 2, 40%) or with (n = 1, 20%) splenomegaly, and transfusion-dependent chronic melena (n = 1, 20%). One patient was asymptomatic (n = 1, 20%). Preprocedural imaging included Doppler ultrasound and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) in all patients. Initial imaging showed 4 (80%) occlusions and 1 (20%) recurrent stenosis greater than 50%. Technical aspects of the reconstructions, technical successes, clinical outcomes and adverse events were recorded. Technical success was defined as completion of stent graft reconstruction. Adverse events were categorized according to Society of Interventional Radiology criteria. Clinical success was defined as resolution of the presenting symptoms and/or prevention of portal hypertensive sequela.
    RESULTS: Venous reconstruction was technically successful in all five patients. Stent graft locations included the main portal vein in 2 (40%), the superior mesenteric vein in 1 (20%), autologous Meso-Rex shunt in 1 (20%) and splenocaval shunt in 1 (20%). Six stent grafts were placed (two stent grafts placed in a single patient). Stent grafts had a median diameter of 7 mm (range: 6-10 mm) and a median length of 59 mm (range: 19-79 mm). Median fluoroscopy time was 36.6 min (range: 13.4-95.8 min) and median air kerma was 301.0 mGy (range: 218.0-1,148.2 mGy). No adverse events occurred. Median clinical follow-up was 18 months (range: 6-29 months). Median imaging follow-up was 17 months (range: 2-29 months). Clinical success was achieved in all patients and maintained during the follow-up period. One patient required follow-up intervention with superior mesenteric vein side extension with a self-expanding bare metal stent due to perigraft stenosis detected on CT 3 months after stent placement. There were no stent graft occlusions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Portomesenteric and portosystemic venous reconstruction using balloon-expandable stent grafts in pediatric patients was feasible and clinically successful in this preliminary experience. Additional studies are warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although it is known that portomesenteric venous thrombosis (PMVT) is associated with total colectomy and proctocolectomy in young patients with inflammatory bowel disease, little is known about incidence and risk factors of PMVT among the elderly population undergoing colorectal surgery for cancer.
    METHODS: Data of elderly patients (> 70 years) undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer were retrospectively registered. The occurrence of PMVT was correlated with the patients\' characteristics and operative variables. Data collected included age, sex, obesity, ASA score, tumor degree, type of surgical resection, surgical approach (laparoscopic or open), and duration of surgery (from skin incision to the application of dressings).
    RESULTS: A total of 137 patients > 70 years who underwent surgery for colorectal cancer and developed an acute intraabdominal process with suggestive symptoms, needing a CT scan, were included. Three of these patients (2.1%) had portomesenteric venous thrombosis during the study period, which was proved with CT scan. There were no significant patients\' characteristics or operative variables between patients with or without the occurrence of PMVT after surgery. Of interest, only operative time was significantly higher in patients with PMVT after surgery (256 ± 40 vs 140 ± 41, p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: PMVT as a cause of abdominal pain after colorectal surgery for cancer in the elderly population is uncommon. An index of suspicion for PMVT in an elderly postoperative colorectal cancer patient with sudden onset of abdominal pain must be maintained.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Portomesenteric vein thrombosis is a rare but documented complication of laparoscopic surgery. This rare complication is currently being encountered more frequently with the increase in the rates of laparoscopic bariatric surgery procedures being performed worldwide.
    METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed on all bariatric procedures performed in our center between July 2012 & December 2017 to identify cases complicated by portomesenteric venous thrombosis. The cases were compared in terms of operative details, patient presentation, diagnosis, patient risk factors for developing thrombosis, demographics and thrombophilia analysis & subsequent treatment and prognosis.
    RESULTS: A total of 1030 bariatric procedures were performed between July 2012 & December 2017. Portomesenteric venous thrombosis complicated 3 of these cases (0.29%). Two of these cases had underwent a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy while the third had underwent a gastric band removal and a conversion to a single anastomosis gastric bypass. Amongst these patients, 2 were female while 1 was male with an average BMI 38.9 kg/m2. Only one of these patients was a smoker while none of them tested positive for thrombophilias. The diagnosis of portomesenteric venous thrombosis was confirmed with a contrast CT of the abdomen as all patients were re-admitted between 4-20 days post operatively after being discharged on postoperative day 2. All three cases were managed with systemic anticoagulants and none underwent invasive procedures or were re-explored surgically. All were subsequently discharged in good condition.
    CONCLUSIONS: Portomesenteric venous thrombosis is an uncommon yet potentially fatal complication of bariatric surgery. A high index of suspicion, early diagnosis and subsequent adequate management is required. Based on this case series and the potential risk of portomesenteric venous thrombosis, we altered our clinical practice to include a 1 week course of low molecular weight heparin to be administered to all patients after discharge.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The pneumatosis intestinalis is an entity with multiple aetiologies and may be associated with a fatal outcome when present on plain radiographs. When associated with the presence of portomesenteric venous gas (PMVG) it is typically the result of bowel ischaemia.
    RESULTS: We are presenting a case of a 43 year old male who presented with a two days history of haematemesis, generalised abdominal pain and distension. Computed tomography (CT) scan revealed a gross amount of air within the portal venous system and small bowel dilatation to the level of distal ileum was also seen with associated pneumatosis intestinalis. Emergency laparotomy was conducted which demonstrated a simple band adhesion resulting in bowel ischaemia. The patient was making a good post-operative recovery complicated only by sub-therapeutic treatment of schizophrenia.
    CONCLUSIONS: The presence of gas within the portal venous system and PI in adults can indicate severe life-threatening disease. This requires early surgical intervention in those patients with a clinical suspicion of bowel ischaemia, and with radiological signs. This may avoid significant mortality.





