Pluripotent Stem Cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of residual undifferentiated pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) in PSC-derived cell therapy products (CTPs) is a major safety issue for their clinical application, due to the potential risk of PSC-derived tumor formation. An international multidisciplinary multisite study to evaluate a droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) approach to detect residual undifferentiated PSCs in PSC-derived CTPs was conducted as part of the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute Cell Therapy-TRAcking, Circulation & Safety Technical Committee. To evaluate the use of ddPCR in quantifying residual iPSCs in a cell sample, different quantities of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) were spiked into a background of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (CMs) to mimic different concentrations of residual iPSCs. A one step reverse transcription ddPCR (RT-ddPCR) was performed to measure mRNA levels of several iPSC-specific markers and to evaluate the assay performance (precision, sensitivity, and specificity) between and within laboratories. The RT-ddPCR assay variability was initially assessed by measuring the same RNA samples across all participating facilities. Subsequently, each facility independently conducted the entire process, incorporating the spiking step, to discern the parameters influencing potential variability. Our results show that a RT-ddPCR assay targeting ESRG, LINC00678, and LIN28A genes offers a highly sensitive and robust detection of impurities of iPSC-derived CMs and that the main contribution to variability between laboratories is the iPSC-spiking procedure, and not the RT-ddPCR. The RT-ddPCR assay would be generally applicable for tumorigenicity evaluation of PSC-derived CTPs with appropriate marker genes suitable for each CTP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regenerative capacities and strategies vary dramatically across animals, as well as between cell types, organs, and with age. In recent years, high-throughput single-cell transcriptomics and other single-cell profiling technologies have been applied to many animal models to gain an understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying regeneration. Here, we review recent single-cell studies of regeneration in diverse contexts and summarize key concepts that have emerged. The immense regenerative capacity of some invertebrates, exemplified by planarians, is driven mainly by the differentiation of abundant adult pluripotent stem cells, whereas in many other cases, regeneration involves the reactivation of embryonic or developmental gene-regulatory networks in differentiated cell types. However, regeneration also differs from development in many ways, including the use of regeneration-specific cell types and gene regulatory networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human pluripotent stem (hPS) cells can, in theory, be differentiated into any cell type, making them a powerful in vitro model for human biology. Recent technological advances have facilitated large-scale hPS cell studies that allow investigation of the genetic regulation of molecular phenotypes and their contribution to high-order phenotypes such as human disease. Integrating hPS cells with single-cell sequencing makes identifying context-dependent genetic effects during cell development or upon experimental manipulation possible. Here we discuss how the intersection of stem cell biology, population genetics and cellular genomics can help resolve the functional consequences of human genetic variation. We examine the critical challenges of integrating these fields and approaches to scaling them cost-effectively and practically. We highlight two areas of human biology that can particularly benefit from population-scale hPS cell studies, elucidating mechanisms underlying complex disease risk loci and evaluating relationships between common genetic variation and pharmacotherapeutic phenotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macrophages play multiple roles in innate immunity including phagocytosing pathogens, modulating the inflammatory response, presenting antigens, and recruiting other immune cells. Tissue-resident macrophages (TRMs) adapt to the local microenvironment and can exhibit different immune responses upon encountering distinct pathogens. In this study, we generated induced macrophages (iMACs) derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) to investigate the interactions between the macrophages and various human pathogens, including the hepatitis C virus (HCV), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and Streptococcus pneumoniae. iMACs can engulf all three pathogens. A comparison of the RNA-seq data of the iMACs encountering these pathogens revealed that the pathogens activated distinct gene networks related to viral response and inflammation in iMACs. Interestingly, in the presence of both HCV and host cells, iMACs upregulated different sets of genes involved in immune cell migration and chemotaxis. Finally, we constructed an image-based high-content analysis system consisting of iMACs, recombinant GFP-HCV, and hepatic cells to evaluate the effect of a chemical inhibitor on HCV infection. In summary, we developed a human cell-based in vitro model to study the macrophage response to human viral and bacterial infections; the results of the transcriptome analysis indicated that the iMACs were a useful resource for modeling pathogen-macrophage-tissue microenvironment interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ameloblasts are the specialized dental epithelial cell type responsible for enamel formation. Following completion of enamel development in humans, ameloblasts are lost and biological repair or regeneration of enamel is not possible. In the past, in vitro models to study dental epithelium and ameloblast biology were limited to freshly isolated primary cells or immortalized cell lines, both with limited translational potential. In recent years, large strides have been made with the development of induced pluripotent stem cell and organoid models of this essential dental lineage - both enabling modeling of human dental epithelium. Upon induction with several different signaling factors (such as transforming growth factor and bone morphogenetic proteins) these models display elevated expression of ameloblast markers and enamel matrix proteins. The advent of 3D bioprinting, and its potential combination with these advanced cellular tools, is poised to revolutionize the field - and its potential for tissue engineering, regenerative and personalized medicine. As the advancements in these technologies are rapidly evolving, we evaluate the current state-of-the-art regarding in vitro cell culture models of dental epithelium and ameloblast lineage with a particular focus toward their applicability for translational tissue engineering and regenerative/personalized medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Antineoplastic agent-induced systolic dysfunction is a major reason for interruption of anticancer treatment. Although targeted anticancer agents infrequently cause systolic dysfunction, their combinations with chemotherapies remarkably increase the incidence. Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) provide a potent in vitro model to assess cardiovascular safety. However, quantitatively predicting the reduction of ejection fraction based on hiPSC-CMs is challenging due to the absence of the body\'s regulatory response to cardiomyocyte injury.
    METHODS: Here, we developed and validated an in vitro-in vivo translational platform to assess the reduction of ejection fraction induced by antineoplastic drugs based on hiPSC-CMs. The translational platform integrates drug exposure, drug-cardiomyocyte interaction, and systemic response. The drug-cardiomyocyte interaction was implemented as a mechanism-based toxicodynamic (TD) model, which was then integrated into a quantitative system pharmacology-physiological-based pharmacokinetics (QSP-PBPK) model to form a complete translational platform. The platform was validated by comparing the model-predicted and clinically observed incidence of doxorubicin and trastuzumab-induced systolic dysfunction.
    RESULTS: A total of 33,418 virtual patients were incorporated to receive doxorubicin and trastuzumab alone or in combination. For doxorubicin, the QSP-PBPK-TD model successfully captured the overall trend of systolic dysfunction incidences against the cumulative doses. For trastuzumab, the predicted incidence interval was 0.31-2.7% for single-agent treatment and 0.15-10% for trastuzumab-doxorubicin sequential treatment, covering the observations in clinical reports (0.50-1.0% and 1.5-8.3%, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the in vitro-in vivo translational platform is capable of predicting systolic dysfunction incidence almost merely depend on hiPSC-CMs, which could facilitate optimizing the treatment protocol of antineoplastic agents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although human pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-derived brain organoids have enabled researchers to gain insight into human brain development and disease, these organoids contain solely ectodermal cells and are not vascularized as occurs during brain development. Here it is created less complex and more homogenous large neural constructs starting from PSC-derived neuroprogenitor cells (NPC), by fusing small NPC spheroids into so-called concentroids. Such concentroids consisted of a pro-angiogenic core, containing neuronal and outer radial glia cells, surrounded by an astroglia-dense outer layer. Incorporating PSC-derived endothelial cells (EC) around and/or in the concentroids promoted vascularization, accompanied by differential outgrowth and differentiation of neuronal and astroglia cells, as well as the development of ectodermal-derived pericyte-like mural cells co-localizing with EC networks. Single nucleus transcriptomic analysis revealed an enhanced neural cell subtype maturation and diversity in EC-containing concentroids, which better resemble the fetal human brain compared to classical organoids or NPC-only concentroids. This PSC-derived \"vascularized\" concentroid brain model will facilitate the study of neurovascular/blood-brain barrier development, neural cell migration, and the development of effective in vitro vascularization strategies of brain mimics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human heart tissues grown as three-dimensional spheroids and consisting of different cardiac cell types derived from pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) recapitulate aspects of human physiology better than standard two-dimensional models in vitro. They typically consist of less than 5000 cells and are used to measure contraction kinetics although not contraction force. By contrast, engineered heart tissues (EHTs) formed around two flexible pillars, can measure contraction force but conventional EHTs often require between 0.5 and 2 million cells. This makes large-scale screening of many EHTs costly. Our goals here were (i) to create a physiologically relevant model that required fewer cells than standard EHTs making them less expensive, and (ii) to ensure that this miniaturized model retained correct functionality. We demonstrated that fully functional EHTs could be generated from physiologically relevant combinations of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (70%), cardiac fibroblasts (15%) and cardiac endothelial cells (15%), using as few as 1.6 × 104 cells. Our results showed that these EHTs were viable and functional up to 14 days after formation. The EHTs could be electrically paced in the frequency range between 0.6 and 3 Hz, with the optimum between 0.6 and 2 Hz. This was consistent across three downscaled EHT sizes tested. These findings suggest that miniaturized EHTs could represent a cost-effective microphysiological system for disease modelling and examining drug responses particularly in secondary screens for drug discovery.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The unprecedented rise in life expectancy observed in the last decades is leading to a global increase in the ageing population, and age-associated diseases became an increasing societal, economic, and medical burden. This has boosted major efforts in the scientific and medical research communities to develop and improve therapies to delay ageing and age-associated functional decline and diseases, and to expand health span. The establishment of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by reprogramming human somatic cells has revolutionised the modelling and understanding of human diseases. iPSCs have a major advantage relative to other human pluripotent stem cells as their obtention does not require the destruction of embryos like embryonic stem cells do, and do not have a limited proliferation or differentiation potential as adult stem cells. Besides, iPSCs can be generated from somatic cells from healthy individuals or patients, which makes iPSC technology a promising approach to model and decipher the mechanisms underlying the ageing process and age-associated diseases, study drug effects, and develop new therapeutic approaches. This review discusses the advances made in the last decade using iPSC technology to study the most common age-associated diseases, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases, brain stroke, cancer, diabetes, and osteoarthritis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organoids have been an exciting advancement in stem cell research. Here we describe a strategy for directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into distal lung organoids. This protocol recapitulates lung development by sequentially specifying human pluripotent stem cells to definitive endoderm, anterior foregut endoderm, ventral anterior foregut endoderm, lung bud organoids and finally lung organoids. The organoids take ~40 d to generate and can be maintained more than 180 d, while progressively maturing up to a stage consistent with the second trimester of human gestation. They are unique because of their branching morphology, the near absence of non-lung endodermal lineages, presence of mesenchyme and capacity to recapitulate interstitial lung diseases. This protocol can be performed by anyone familiar with cell culture techniques, is conducted in serum-free conditions and does not require lineage-specific reporters or enrichment steps. We also provide a protocol for the generation of single-cell suspensions for single-cell RNA sequencing.





