Pituitary Diseases

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) is a prevalent, age-related chronic disorder in equids. Diagnosis of PPID can be challenging because of its broad spectrum of clinical presentations and disparate published diagnostic criteria, and there are limited available treatment options.
    OBJECTIVE: To develop evidence-based primary care guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of equine PPID based on the available literature.
    METHODS: Evidence-based clinical guideline using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) framework.
    METHODS: Research questions were proposed by a panel of veterinarians and developed into PICO or another structured format. VetSRev and Veterinary Evidence were searched for evidence summaries, and systematic searches of the NCBI PubMed and CAB Direct databases were conducted using keyword searches in July 2022 and updated in January 2023. The evidence was evaluated using the GRADE framework.
    CONCLUSIONS: The research questions were categorised into four areas: (A) Case selection for diagnostic testing, pre-test probability and diagnostic test accuracy, (B) interpretation of test results, (C) pharmacological treatments and other treatment/management options and (D) monitoring treated cases. Relevant veterinary publications were identified and assessed using the GRADE criteria. The results were developed into recommendations: (A) Case selection for diagnostic testing and diagnostic test accuracy: (i) The prevalence of PPID in equids aged ≥15 years is between 21% and 27%; (ii) hypertrichosis or delayed/incomplete hair coat shedding provides a high index of clinical suspicion for PPID; (iii) the combination of clinical signs and age informs the index of clinical suspicion prior to diagnostic testing; (iv) estimated pre-test probability of PPID should be considered in interpretation of diagnostic test results; (v) pre-test probability of PPID is low in equids aged <10 years; (vi) both pre-test probability of disease and season of testing have strong influence on the ability to diagnose PPID using basal adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or ACTH after thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation. The overall diagnostic accuracy of basal ACTH concentrations for diagnosing PPID ranged between 88% and 92% in the autumn and 70% and 86% in the non-autumn, depending on the pre-test probability. Based on a single study, the overall diagnostic accuracy of ACTH concentrations in response to TRH after 30 minutes for diagnosing PPID ranged between 92% and 98% in the autumn and 90% and 94% in the non-autumn, depending on the pre-test probability. Thus, it should be remembered that the risk of a false positive result increases in situations where there is a low pre-test probability, which could mean that treatment is initiated for PPID without checking for a more likely alternative diagnosis. This could compromise horse welfare due to the commencement of lifelong therapy and/or failing to identify and treat an alternative potentially life-threatening condition. (B) Interpretation of diagnostic tests: (i) There is a significant effect of breed on plasma ACTH concentration, particularly in the autumn with markedly higher ACTH concentrations in some but not all \'thrifty\' breeds; (ii) basal and/or post-TRH ACTH concentrations may also be affected by latitude/location, diet/feeding, coat colour, critical illness and trailer transport; (iii) mild pain is unlikely to have a large effect on basal ACTH, but caution may be required for more severe pain; (iv) determining diagnostic thresholds that allow for all possible contributory factors is not practical; therefore, the use of equivocal ranges is supported; (v) dynamic insulin testing and TRH stimulation testing may be combined, but TRH stimulation testing should not immediately follow an oral sugar test; (vi) equids with PPID and hyperinsulinaemia appear to be at higher risk of laminitis, but ACTH is not an independent predictor of laminitis risk. (C) Pharmacologic treatments and other treatment/management options: (i) Pergolide improves most clinical signs associated with PPID in the majority of affected animals; (ii) Pergolide treatment lowers basal ACTH concentrations and improves the ACTH response to TRH in many animals, but measures of insulin dysregulation (ID) are not altered in most cases; (iii) chasteberry has no effect on ACTH concentrations and there is no benefit to adding chasteberry to pergolide therapy; (iv) combination of cyproheptadine with pergolide is not superior to pergolide alone; (v) there is no evidence that pergolide has adverse cardiac effects in horses; (vi) Pergolide does not affect insulin sensitivity. (D) Monitoring pergolide-treated cases: (i) Hormone assays provide a crude indication of pituitary control in response to pergolide therapy, however it is unknown whether monitoring of ACTH concentrations and titrating of pergolide doses accordingly is associated with improved endocrinological or clinical outcome; (ii) it is unknown whether monitoring the ACTH response to TRH or clinical signs is associated with an improved outcome; (iii) there is very weak evidence to suggest that increasing pergolide dose in autumn months may be beneficial; (iv) there is little advantage in waiting for more than a month to perform follow-up endocrine testing following initiation of pergolide therapy; there may be merit in performing repeat tests sooner; (v) timing of sampling in relation to pergolide dosing does not confound measurement of ACTH concentration; (vi) there is no evidence that making changes after interpretation of ACTH concentrations measured at certain times of the year is associated with improved outcomes; (vii) evidence is very limited, however, compliance with PPID treatment appears to be poor and it is unclear whether this influences clinical outcome; (viii) evidence is very limited, but horses with clinical signs of PPID are likely to shed more nematode eggs than horses without clinical signs of PPID; it is unclear whether this results in an increased risk of parasitic disease or whether there is a need for more frequent assessment of faecal worm egg counts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Limited relevant publications in the veterinary scientific literature.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings should be used to inform decision-making in equine primary care practice.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    The term hypophysitis is used to designate a heterogeneous group of pituitary conditions characterized by the presence of inflammatory infiltration of the adenohypophysis, neurohypophysis, or both. Although hypophysitis are rare disorders, the most common in clinical practice is lymphocytic hypophysitis, a primary hypophysitis characterized by lymphocytic infiltration, which predominantly affects women. Other forms of primary hypophysitis are associated with different autoimmune diseases. Hypophysitis can also be secondary to other disorders such as sellar and parasellar diseases, systemic diseases, paraneoplastic syndromes, infections, and drugs, including immune checkpoint inhibitors. The diagnostic evaluation should always include pituitary function tests and other analytical tests based on the suspected diagnosis. Pituitary magnetic resonance imaging is the investigation of choice for the morphological assessment of hypophysitis. Glucocorticoids are the mainstay of treatment for most symptomatic hypophysitis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An Endo-European Reference Network guideline initiative was launched including 16 clinicians experienced in endocrinology, pediatric and adult and 2 patient representatives. The guideline was endorsed by the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, the European Society for Endocrinology and the European Academy of Andrology. The aim was to create practice guidelines for clinical assessment and puberty induction in individuals with congenital pituitary or gonadal hormone deficiency. A systematic literature search was conducted, and the evidence was graded according to the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation system. If the evidence was insufficient or lacking, then the conclusions were based on expert opinion. The guideline includes recommendations for puberty induction with oestrogen or testosterone. Publications on the induction of puberty with follicle-stimulation hormone and human chorionic gonadotrophin in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism are reviewed. Specific issues in individuals with Klinefelter syndrome or androgen insensitivity syndrome are considered. The expert panel recommends that pubertal induction or sex hormone replacement to sustain puberty should be cared for by a multidisciplinary team. Children with a known condition should be followed from the age of 8 years for girls and 9 years for boys. Puberty induction should be individualised but considered at 11 years in girls and 12 years in boys. Psychological aspects of puberty and fertility issues are especially important to address in individuals with sex development disorders or congenital pituitary deficiencies. The transition of these young adults highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, to discuss both medical issues and social and psychological issues that arise in the context of these chronic conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adult growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a syndrome characterized by adverse phenotypic, metabolic, and quality-of-life features. Over the past 2 decades, there is accumulating evidence demonstrating improvement of most of these parameters when GH is optimally replaced. Appropriate selection of patients at risk of GHD is crucial when considering and performing testing to establish the diagnosis. While generally safe, GH replacement requires careful dose initiation and monitoring to assure effectiveness and tolerance in treated patients. Several consensus clinical practice guidelines recommend evaluation of adults presenting with hypothalamic-pituitary disorders for GHD. However, the clinical practice of managing such patients varies among countries largely due to lack of recognition of the condition, lack of GH availability, and lack of reimbursement of the drug, as demonstrated from a large online survey prepared by the European Society of Endocrinology involving 2148 patients from Europe and Australia. These data reinforce the notion of the large variability of disease recognition, clinical practice and education of adult GHD amongst healthcare professionals, and the lack of availability and reimbursement of the drug contributing to the under-utilization of GH replacement therapy in several countries. This commentary article highlights the fact that despite the publication of several guideline recommendations and positive long-term safety and efficacy data of GH replacement, there is still a need for increased education to enhance the awareness in the general population and improve the knowledge of healthcare professionals and administrators of adult GHD as a disease state to allow for early identification and treatment optimization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To formulate clinical practice guidelines for the endocrine treatment of hypothalamic-pituitary and growth disorders in survivors of childhood cancer.
    An Endocrine Society-appointed guideline writing committee of six medical experts and a methodologist.
    Due to remarkable improvements in childhood cancer treatment and supportive care during the past several decades, 5-year survival rates for childhood cancer currently are >80%. However, by virtue of their disease and its treatments, childhood cancer survivors are at increased risk for a wide range of serious health conditions, including disorders of the endocrine system. Recent data indicate that 40% to 50% of survivors will develop an endocrine disorder during their lifetime. Risk factors for endocrine complications include both host (e.g., age, sex) and treatment factors (e.g., radiation). Radiation exposure to key endocrine organs (e.g., hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, and gonads) places cancer survivors at the highest risk of developing an endocrine abnormality over time; these endocrinopathies can develop decades following cancer treatment, underscoring the importance of lifelong surveillance. The following guideline addresses the diagnosis and treatment of hypothalamic-pituitary and growth disorders commonly encountered in childhood cancer survivors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in water metabolism and regulation of vasopressin (AVP) or antidiuretic hormone (ADH) are common complications of pituitary surgery. The scarcity of studies comparing different treatment and monitoring strategies for these disorders and the lack of prior clinical guidelines makes it difficult to provide recommendations following a methodology based on grades of evidence. This study reviews the pathophysiology of diabetes insipidus and inappropriate ADH secretion after pituitary surgery, and is intended to serve as a guide for their diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: A surgical and anatomic approach to the skull base using the transmaxillary route is presented. This route is well-known and used for a long time for sinus conditions.
    METHODS: This study was performed on injected cadavers. This study describes step by step this approach in microsurgical conditions following a vital lead: the infraorbital nerve.
    RESULTS: Anatomical landmarks are located in order to avoid complications. These complications are on one hand, hemorrhages by vascular lesions and on the other, definitive nerve palsy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Several skull base approaches exist, transfacial routes produce cosmetic damages. This route preserves the functional anatomy of the nose because it preserves the integrity of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity.






  • 文章类型: Guideline
    OBJECTIVE: The objective is to provide guidelines for the evaluation and treatment of adults with GH deficiency (GHD).
    METHODS: The chair of the Task Force was selected by the Clinical Guidelines Subcommittee of The Endocrine Society (TES). The chair selected five other endocrinologists and a medical writer, who were approved by the Council. One closed meeting of the group was held. There was no corporate funding, and members of the group received no remuneration.
    METHODS: Only fully published, peer-reviewed literature was reviewed. The Grades of Evidence used are outlined in the Appendix.
    METHODS: Consensus was achieved through one group meeting and e-mailing of drafts that were written by the group with grammatical/style help from the medical writer. Drafts were reviewed successively by the Clinical Guidelines Subcommittee, the Clinical Affairs Committee, and TES Council, and a version was placed on the TES web site for comments. At each level, the writing group incorporated needed changes.
    CONCLUSIONS: GHD can persist from childhood or be newly acquired. Confirmation through stimulation testing is usually required unless there is a proven genetic/structural lesion persistent from childhood. GH therapy offers benefits in body composition, exercise capacity, skeletal integrity, and quality of life measures and is most likely to benefit those patients who have more severe GHD. The risks of GH treatment are low. GH dosing regimens should be individualized. The final decision to treat adults with GHD requires thoughtful clinical judgment with a careful evaluation of the benefits and risks specific to the individual.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: English Abstract
    The 6th draft for the guidelines for the diagnosis of thyroid disease has been published from the working group of Japan Endocrine Society in 2002. However, there are still controversial about guidelines for diagnosis of Graves disease. Serum-based tests for measuring the concentration of the TRAb and TSAb are available. We should use these tests rather than measuring of radioisotope uptake recommended in the 6th draft.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article





