
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the projected climate change scenarios, assisted migration might play an important role in the ex situ conservation of the threatened plant species, by translocate them to similar suitable habitats outside their native distributions. However, it is unclear if such habitats will be available for the Rare Endemic Plant Species (REPS), because of their very restricted habitats. The aims of this study were to perform a population size assessment for the REPS Picea martinezii Patterson and Picea mexicana Martínez, and to evaluate the potential species distributions and their possibilities for assisted migration inside México and worldwide.
    We performed demographic censuses, field surveys in search for new stands, and developed distribution models for Last Glacial Maximum (22,000 years ago), Middle Holocene (6,000 years ago), current (1961-1990) and future (2050 and 2070) periods, for the whole Mexican territory (considering climatic, soil, geologic and topographic variables) and for all global land areas (based only on climate).
    Our censuses showed populations of 89,266 and 39,059 individuals for P. martinezii and P. mexicana, respectively, including known populations and new stands. Projections for México indicated somewhat larger suitable areas in the past, now restricted to the known populations and new stands, where they will disappear by 2050 in a pessimistic climatic scenario, and scarce marginal areas (p = 0.5-0.79) remaining only for P. martinezii by 2070. Worldwide projections (based only on climate variables) revealed few marginal areas in 2050 only in México for P. martinezii, and several large areas (p ≥ 0.5) for P. mexicana around the world (all outside México), especially on the Himalayas in India and the Chungyang mountains in Taiwan with highly suitable (p ≥ 0.8) climate habitats in current and future (2050) conditions. However, those suitable areas are currently inhabited by other endemic spruces: Picea smithiana (Wall.) Boiss and Picea morrisonicola Hayata, respectively.
    Assisted migration would only be an option for P. martinezii on scarce marginal sites in México, and the possibilities for P. mexicana would be continental and transcontinental translocations. This rises two possible issues for future ex situ conservation programs: the first is related to whether or not consider assisted migration to marginal sites which do not cover the main habitat requirements for the species; the second is related to which species (the local or the foreign) should be prioritized for conservation when suitable habitat is found elsewhere but is inhabited by other endemic species. This highlights the necessity to discuss new policies, guidelines and mechanisms of international cooperation to deal with the expected high species extinction rates, linked to projected climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past few decades, many countries have attempted to carry out forest landscape restoration over millions of hectares of degraded land. Such efforts, however, have met with limited success because of several factors, including a lack of adequate emphasis on ectomycorrhization of the nursery seedlings. A similar scenario is seen in the Kashmir Himalaya, where the natural regeneration of degraded forests is poor despite ample restoration efforts by forest managers. To overcome this challenge, we identified two promising ectomycorrhizal species, namely Clitocybe nuda and Cortinarius distans, for their use in ectomycorrhization of seedlings of three common conifers, namely Abies pindrow, Cedrus deodara, and Picea smithiana. Laboratory studies were carried out to investigate the requirements for optimum mycelial growth of these ectomycorrhizal fungi. Best ECM mycelial growth was obtained in the basic MMN medium containing glucose as the source of carbon and nitrogen in ammonium form. C. distans showed higher growth than C. nuda across all the treatments and also proved significantly more effective in enhancing the survival and growth of the conifer host plant seedlings. The present study resulted in standardizing the requirements for mass inoculum production of the two mycobionts which could help in successful forest restoration programmes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Softwood bark is an important by-product of forest industry. Currently, bark is under-utilized and mainly directed for energy production, although it can be extracted with hot water to obtain compounds for value-added use. In Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) bark, condensed tannins and stilbene glycosides are among the compounds that comprise majority of the antioxidative extractives. For developing feasible production chain for softwood bark extractives, knowledge on raw material quality is critical. This study examined the fate of spruce bark tannins and stilbenes during storage treatment with two seasonal replications (i.e., during winter and summer). In the experiment, mature logs were harvested and stored outside. During six-month-storage periods, samples were periodically collected for chemical analysis from both inner and outer bark layers. Additionally, bark extractives were analyzed for antioxidative activities by FRAP, ORAC, and H2O2 scavenging assays. According to the results, stilbenes rapidly degraded during storage, whereas tannins were more stable: only 5-7% of the original stilbene amount and ca. 30-50% of the original amount of condensed tannins were found after 24-week-storage. Summer conditions led to the faster modification of bark chemistry than winter conditions. Changes in antioxidative activity were less pronounced than those of analyzed chemical compounds, indicating that the derivatives of the compounds contribute to the antioxidative activity. The results of the assays showed that, on average, ca. 27% of the original antioxidative capacity remained 24 weeks after the onset of the storage treatment, while a large variation (2-95% of the original capacity remaining) was found between assays, seasons, and bark layers. Inner bark preserved its activities longer than outer bark, and intact bark attached to timber is expected to maintain its activities longer than a debarked one. Thus, to ensure prolonged quality, no debarking before storage is suggested: outer bark protects the inner bark, and debarking enhances the degradation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although plants are often exposed to atmospheric nanoparticles (NPs), the mechanism of NP deposition and their effects on physiology and metabolism, and particularly in combination with other stressors, are not yet understood. Exploring interactions between stressors is particularly important for understanding plant responses in urban environments where elevated temperatures can be associated with air pollution. Accordingly, 3-year-old spruce seedlings were exposed for 2 weeks to aerial cadmium oxide (CdO) NPs of environmentally relevant size (8-62 nm) and concentration (2 × 105 cm-3). While half the seedlings were initially acclimated to high temperature (35 °C) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD; 2.81 kPa), the second half of the plants were left under non-stressed conditions (20 °C, 0.58 kPa). Atomic absorption spectrometry was used to determine Cd content in needles, while gas and liquid chromatography was used to determine changes in primary and secondary metabolites. Photosynthesis-related processes were explored with gas-exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence systems. Our work supports the hypothesis that atmospheric CdO NPs penetrate into leaves but high temperature and VPD reduce such penetration due to stomatal closure. The hypothesis that atmospheric CdO NPs influences physiological and metabolic processes in plants was also confirmed. This impact strengthens with increasing time of exposure. Finally, we found evidence that plants acclimated to stress conditions have different sensitivity to CdO NPs compared to plants not so acclimated. These findings have important consequences for understanding impacts of global warming on plants and indicates that although the effects of elevated temperatures can be deleterious, this may limit other forms of plant stress associated with air pollution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Local timber is still one of the main sources of work and income for mountain communities. However, illegal logging is a major cause of deforestation in many countries and has significant impacts on local communities and biodiversity. Techniques for tracing timber would provide a useful tool to protect local timber industries and contribute to the fight against illegal logging. Although considerable progress has been made in food traceability, timber provenance is still a somewhat neglected research area. Stable isotope ratios in plants are known to reflect geographical variations. This study reports accurate spatial distribution of δ18O and δ2H in timber from north-eastern Italy (Trentino) in order to trace geographical origin.
    We tested the accuracy of four kriging methods using an annual resolution of δ18O and δ2H measured in Picea abies. Pearson\'s correlation coefficients revealed altitude to be the most appropriate covariate for the cokriging model, which has ultimately proved to be the best method due to its low estimation error.
    We present regional maps of interpolated δ18O and δ2H in Picea abies wood together with the 95% confidence intervals. The strong spatial structure of the data demonstrates the potential of multivariate spatial interpolation, even in a highly heterogeneous area such as the Alps. We believe that this geospatial approach can be successfully applied on a wider scale in order to combat illegal logging.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybridization and introgression are believed to play important roles in plant evolution. However, few empirical studies have been designed to clarify the ways in which these processes complicate taxonomic delimitation. Recent phylogenetic studies based on a number of different DNA fragments have indicated that Picea brachytyla in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is polyphyletic, a finding that contrasts with traditional taxonomy based on morphological traits. We aimed to test this conflict using transcriptomic data from 26 trees collected from multiple localities for this and related species. Our phylogenomic analyses suggest that the sampled trees of P. brachytyla cluster into two distinct lineages corresponding to the two taxonomically recognized intraspecific varieties: var. brachytyla and var. complanata. However, var. complanata nested within Picea likiangensis and was sister to one of its three varieties, while var. brachytyla comprised an isolated lineage. The polyphyletic origin hypothesis was further supported by likelihood tree comparisons using Akaike\'s information criterion (AIC) and by coalescent analyses under the snapp model. However, our abba-baba and ∂a∂i analyses suggest that gene flow between these two independently evolved lineages has been extensive and bidirectional. Introgression, as well as parallel evolution in the arid habitats common to both lineages, may have given rise to their morphological similarity. Our study highlights the importance of genomic evidence and the use of newly developed coalescent analysis methods for clarifying the evolutionary complexity of certain plant taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Simultaneous and accurate measurements of whole-plant instantaneous carbon-use efficiency (ICUE) and annual total carbon-use efficiency (TCUE) are difficult to make, especially for trees. One usually estimates ICUE based on the net photosynthetic rate or the assumed proportional relationship between growth efficiency and ICUE. However, thus far, protocols for easily estimating annual TCUE remain problematic. Here, we present a theoretical framework (based on the metabolic scaling theory) to predict whole-plant annual TCUE by directly measuring instantaneous net photosynthetic and respiratory rates. This framework makes four predictions, which were evaluated empirically using seedlings of nine Picea taxa: (i) the flux rates of CO(2) and energy will scale isometrically as a function of plant size, (ii) whole-plant net and gross photosynthetic rates and the net primary productivity will scale isometrically with respect to total leaf mass, (iii) these scaling relationships will be independent of ambient temperature and humidity fluctuations (as measured within an experimental chamber) regardless of the instantaneous net photosynthetic rate or dark respiratory rate, or overall growth rate and (iv) TCUE will scale isometrically with respect to instantaneous efficiency of carbon use (i.e., the latter can be used to predict the former) across diverse species. These predictions were experimentally verified. We also found that the ranking of the nine taxa based on net photosynthetic rates differed from ranking based on either ICUE or TCUE. In addition, the absolute values of ICUE and TCUE significantly differed among the nine taxa, with both ICUE and temperature-corrected ICUE being highest for Picea abies and lowest for Picea schrenkiana. Nevertheless, the data are consistent with the predictions of our general theoretical framework, which can be used to access annual carbon-use efficiency of different species at the level of an individual plant based on simple, direct measurements. Moreover, we believe that our approach provides a way to cope with the complexities of different ecosystems, provided that sufficient measurements are taken to calibrate our approach to that of the system being studied.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We study climate uncertainty and how managers\' beliefs about climate change develop and influence their decisions. We develop an approach for updating knowledge and beliefs based on the observation of forest and climate variables and illustrate its application for the adaptive management of an even-aged Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) forest in the Black Forest, Germany. We simulated forest development under a range of climate change scenarios and forest management alternatives. Our analysis used Bayesian updating and Dempster\'s rule of combination to simulate how observations of climate and forest variables may influence a decision maker\'s beliefs about climate development and thereby management decisions. While forest managers may be inclined to rely on observed forest variables to infer climate change and impacts, we found that observation of climate state, e.g. temperature or precipitation is superior for updating beliefs and supporting decision-making. However, with little conflict among information sources, the strongest evidence would be offered by a combination of at least two informative variables, e.g., temperature and precipitation. The success of adaptive forest management depends on when managers switch to forward-looking management schemes. Thus, robust climate adaptation policies may depend crucially on a better understanding of what factors influence managers\' belief in climate change.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Empirical testing of protocols and fundamental investigations are the approaches usually applied to study germplasm storage recalcitrance in temperate plants. However, they can fall short of practicable solutions, even after exhaustive experimentation, and the generation of negative survival data makes it difficult to plan further investigations. Picea sitchensis somatic embryos are amenable to cryopreservation whereas in vitro shoot meristems, although able to survive, are incapable of sustained recovery. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) revealed that these disparate responses could not be attributed to biophysical factors. A model is presented hypothesising that in some cases life cycle adaptations (cold hardening, dormancy) may have opposing influences on survival causing delayed-onset, cryogenically-induced loss of viability in temperate tree species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent decades we have seen rapid and co-occurring changes in landscape structure, species distributions and even climate as consequences of human activity. Such changes affect the dynamics of the interaction between major forest pest species, such as bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae), and their host trees. Normally breeding mostly in broken or severely stressed spruce; at high population densities some bark beetle species can colonise and kill healthy trees on scales ranging from single trees in a stand to multi-annual landscape-wide outbreaks. In Eurasia, the largest outbreaks are caused by the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (Linnaeus), which is common and shares a wide distribution with its main host, Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.). A large literature is now available, from which this review aims to synthesize research relevant for the population dynamics of I. typographus and co-occurring species under changing conditions. We find that spruce bark beetle population dynamics tend to be metastable, but that mixed-species and age-heterogeneous forests with good site-matching tend to be less susceptible to large-scale outbreaks. While large accumulations of logs should be removed and/or debarked before the next swarming period, intensive removal of all coarse dead wood may be counterproductive, as it reduces the diversity of predators that in some areas may play a role in keeping I. typographus populations below the outbreak threshold, and sanitary logging frequently causes edge effects and root damage, reducing the resistance of remaining trees. It is very hard to predict the outcome of interspecific interactions due to invading beetle species or I. typographus establishing outside its current range, as they can be of varying sign and strength and may fluctuate depending on environmental factors and population phase. Most research indicates that beetle outbreaks will increase in frequency and magnitude as temperature, wind speed and precipitation variability increases, and that mitigating forestry practices should be adopted as soon as possible considering the time lags involved.





