
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To summarize the literature on pharmacotherapy for managing paediatric obesity.
    METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with <18-year-olds of pharmacotherapeutic agents published up to November 2022. Estimates of effect for outcomes were presented relative to minimal important differences and GRADE certainty of evidence. We examined data on patient/proxy-reported outcome measures (PROMs), cardiometabolic risk factors, anthropometry and adverse events (AEs).
    RESULTS: Overall, 35 RCTs were included. Trials examined metformin (n = 26), glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP1RAs) (n = 7) and a lipase inhibitor (orlistat; n = 2). Intervention duration varied (3-24 months). Metformin had little to no benefit on PROMs (e.g., health-related quality of life [HRQoL]; 6 RCTs), moderate reductions in triglycerides, a moderate decline in insulin resistance, a small to moderate decline in BMI z-score (BMIz) and a moderate increase in mild to moderate gastrointestinal AEs. Response to GLP1RAs was heterogeneous and results of subgroup analysis demonstrated variability of impact. Liraglutide (2 RCTs) resulted in a small reduction in HOMA-IR and BMIz, but little to no benefit on other outcomes. Exenatide (4 RCTs) had a moderate reduction on blood pressure and a small decrease in BMIz with little to no benefit on other outcomes. Semaglutide (1 RCT) had a small benefit on HRQoL, a small reduction on SBP, a moderate reduction on total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, a large reduction on triglyceride, and a very large decline in BMIz accompanied by a small increase in mild to moderate gastrointestinal AEs. Orlistat had a moderate reduction in DBP and little to no benefit in other outcomes measured, but had a very large increased risk of mild to moderate gastrointestinal AEs. Serious AEs were rare and for interventions with sufficent AE reporting, were considered not likely attributable to the interventions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Few studies examined the impact of pharmacotherapy on PROMs. There is evidence that metformin and GLP1RAs lead to important improvements in cardiometabolic and anthropometric outcomes while accompanied by mild to moderate AEs. Long-term effectiveness and safety of GLP1RAs remain to be evaluated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: There are multiple pharmacological treatment options for motor symptoms of Parkinson\'s disease (PD). These comprise multiple drug classes which are approved for the condition, including levodopa, dopamine agonists, COMT inhibitors, MAO-B inhibitors, NMDA-receptor antagonists, anticholinergics, and others. Some of the drugs are approved for monotherapy and combination therapy while others are only approved as adjunctive therapy to levodopa. Furthermore, treatment for special treatment situations, e.g., rescue medication for off-phases, for tremor, treatment during pregnancy and breast feeding is discussed and recommendations are given with further details.
    METHODS: The recommendations were based on systematic literature reviews, drafted by expert teams, consented in online polls followed by online consensus meetings of the whole German Parkinson\'s Guideline Group, and publicly released in November 2023.
    RESULTS: In the new S2k (i.e., consensus-based) guidelines, the pharmacotherapy of the motor symptoms of PD is discussed in five chapters. These comprise \"Parkinson medication\", \"Initial monotherapy\", \"Early combination therapy\", \"Fluctuations and dyskinesia\", and \"Parkinsonian tremor\". Furthermore, there is a chapter for special treatment situations, including perioperative management, freezing of gait, and pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    CONCLUSIONS: The recommendations for the pharmacotherapy of motor symptoms of PD have been updated. Newly available drugs have been added, while other drugs (e.g., ergoline dopamine agonists, anticholinergics, budipine) have been removed from the recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Japanese Society of Mood Disorders (JSMD) published treatment guidelines of bipolar disorder in 2011. The present guidelines incorporating new findings were developed to comply to the guidelines of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) by utilizing systematic reviews and meta-analysis and taking patient and family opinions as well as insights from multiple professional fields into account. They support combination therapy using mood stabilizers and second-generation antipsychotics in many aspects. They also have limitations, including the grouping of mood stabilizers and second-generation antipsychotics when meta-analysis was performed despite their distinct properties, due to the scarcity of drug-specific evidence. Despite the limitations, these guidelines provide clinical decision support for psychiatrists in Japan.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The Japan Diabetes Society (JDS) adopted a sweeping decision to release consensus statements on relevant issues in diabetes management that require updating from time to time and launched a \"JDS Committee on Consensus Statement Development.\" In March 2020, the committee\'s first consensus statement on \"Medical Nutrition Therapy and Dietary Counseling for People with Diabetes\" was published. In September 2022, a second consensus \"algorithm for pharmacotherapy in people with type 2 diabetes\" was proposed. In developing an algorithm for diabetes pharmacotherapy in people with type 2 diabetes, the working concept was that priority should be given to selecting such medications as would appropriately address the diabetes pathology in each patient while simultaneously weighing the available evidence for these medications and the prescribing patterns in clinical practice in Japan. These consensus statements are intended to present the committee\'s take on diabetes management in Japan, based on the evidence currently available for each of the issues addressed. It is thus hoped that practicing diabetologists will not fail to consult these statements to provide the best available practice in their respective clinical settings. Given that the persistent dual GIP/GLP-1 receptor agonist tirzepatide was approved in April 2023, these consensus statements have been revised1). In this revision, specifically, tirzepatide was added to the end of [likely involving insulin resistance] of \"Obese patients\" in Step 1: \"Select medications to address the diabetes pathology involved\" in Fig. 2. While the sentence, \"Insulin insufficiency and resistance can be assessed by referring to the various indices listed in the JDS \'Guide to Diabetes Management.\' was mentioned in the previous edition as well, \"While insulin resistance is analogized based on BMI, abdominal obesity, and visceral fat accumulation, an assessment of indicators (e.g., HOMA-IR) is desirable\" was added as information in order to more accurately recognize the pathology. Regarding Step 2: \"Give due consideration to safety,\" \"For renal excretion\" was added to the \"Rule of thumb 2: Avoid glinides in patients with renal impairment.\" The order of the medications in \"rule of thumb 3: Avoid thiazolidinediones and biguanides in patients with heart failure (in whom they are contraindicated).\" to thiazolidinediones then biguanides. In the description of the lowest part of Fig. 2, for each patient failing to achieve his/her HbA1c control goal, \"while reverting to step 1\" was changed to \"while reverting to the opening\" and \"including reassessment if the patient is indicated for insulin therapy\" was added. In the separate table, the column for tirzepatides was added, while the two items, \"Characteristic side effects\" and \"Persistence of effect\" were added to the area of interest. The revision also carried additional descriptions of the figure and table such as tirzepatides and \"Characteristic side effects\" in the statement, and while not mentioned in the proposed algorithm figure, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is covered from this revision for patients with comorbidities calling for medical attention. Moreover, detailed information was added to the relative/absolute indication for insulin therapy, the Kumamoto Declaration 2013 for glycemic targets, and glycemic targets for older people with diabetes. Again, in this revision, it is hoped that the algorithm presented here will not only contribute to improved diabetes management in Japan, but will continue to evolve into a better algorithm over time, reflecting new evidence as it becomes available.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) is a chronic condition that affects the heart\'s functional capacity, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, edema, and dyspnea. It affects millions of adults in the United States and presents challenges in optimizing treatment and coordinating care among clinicians. Additionally, the various classifications for HF and limited research on treatment outcomes in heart failure with midrange ejection fraction (HFmrEF) and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) further complicate the pharmacological management of patients with this disease.
    OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this article are to review the pharmacotherapy guidelines for HF provided by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and offer an update on the current trials conducted on these agents.
    METHODS: The paper includes a post hoc analysis of established randomized controlled trials (RCTs), current RCTs, analysis of HF registries, and the guidelines published by the ACC. The gathering of research began in June 2023 and completed in August 2023. PubMed was utilized with the following search items: \"treatment for HFrEF\" (heart failure with reduced ejection fraction), \"treatment for HFmrEF,\" and \"treatment for HFpEF.\" The screening process was completed by one author. The automation tools utilized were \"clinical trials,\" \"randomized control trials,\" and \"five years\". Meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and case reports were excluded from the screening process. This review does not include research regarding medical devices, interventional therapies, and lifestyle modifications. Finally, research regarding additional comorbidities, nonpharmacological focused research, and agents not recommended by the ACC are not included in this paper.
    RESULTS: The search began with 6,561 records identified from PubMed, with 407 records screened after automation tools were utilized to filter for \"clinical trials,\" \"randomized control trials,\" \"one year,\" and \"five years\". A total of 22 duplicates were reviewed, 318 were sought for screening after trials from 2019 were removed, and 31 studies were ultimately included in the review. A detailed summary of the most recent recommendations by the ACC are provided. The discussion includes indications, mechanisms of action, side effects, and contraindications for the selected agents. Additionally, recent clinical trials are included to provide evidence on the efficacy of the recommended classes of drugs.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current guidelines for managing HFrEF have been consistent, but there is limited consensus on treating HFmrEF and HFpEF. Large RCTs have provided compelling evidence supporting the use of the recommended pharmacological agents. However, despite the new effective treatment protocols, slow clinical inertia and underoptimization of HF management persist. Thus, it is crucial to synchronize care among clinicians involved in managing patients with this disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Pharmacotherapy of bipolar depression (BPD) is confronted with major clinical challenges, like limited evidence-based treatment options, regular cases of treatment resistance, and risk of treatment-emergent affective switches. Medical guidelines can support practitioners to make decisions based on current scientific evidence. The objective of this study is to evaluate to what extent recommendations of the 2019 German S3 guidelines \"Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorders\" are reflected in clinical practice in inpatient treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: We conducted a descriptive analysis of prescription numbers in 2,627 patients with BPD in a naturalistic inpatient setting analyzing data from the ongoing Bavarian multicenter drug safety project Pharmaco-Epidemiology and Vigilance (Pharmako-EpiVig) from the years 2014-2022.
    UNASSIGNED: Of the patients, 38% were not administered any drug explicitly recommended for treatment of BPD, that is, quetiapine, lamotrigine, carbamazepine, or olanzapine. Only 6% of the patients received monotherapy with one of those drugs. Of the patients, 34% were administered ≥4 psychotropic drugs simultaneously. Patients received 912 different therapy regimens of mono or combination therapy with mood stabilizers (MS), atypical antipsychotics (AAP), and antidepressants. Of the patients, 72% received an antidepressant and 6% without concomitant prescription of an AAP or MS. Prescription rates of venlafaxine (21% to 14%) and tricyclic antidepressants (9% to 6%) decreased significantly from the first (2014-2016) to the last (2020-2022) observed time period. Of the patients, 60% received an MS. Prescription rate of valproate (22% to 14%) decreased significantly, while lithium prescription increased significantly (29% to 35%). Of the patients, 71% were administered an AAP. Quetiapine was the most prescribed drug overall (43%). Only two patients were administered a combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results demonstrate a substantial gap between guideline recommendations and current clinical practice. The remarkable heterogeneity in treatment regimens, with no discernible dominant treatment approach, is in part a reflection of the complexity of bipolar disorder but also substantiates the need of comprehensive recommendations regarding combination therapies. Increase in lithium prescription is an encouraging development due to its unique efficacy in maintenance treatment. To improve the quality of clinical practice guideline implementation, more randomized controlled trials should be conducted in the future to prospectively investigate different implementation strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The Surgical Infection Society (SIS) published evidence-based guidelines for the management of intra-abdominal infection (IAI) in 1992, 2002, 2010, and 2017. Here, we present the most recent guideline update based on a systematic review of current literature. Methods: The writing group, including current and former members of the SIS Therapeutics and Guidelines Committee and other individuals with content or guideline expertise within the SIS, working with a professional librarian, performed a systematic review using PubMed/Medline, the Cochrane Library, Embase, and Web of Science from 2016 until February 2024. Keyword descriptors combined \"surgical site infections\" or \"intra-abdominal infections\" in adults limited to randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Additional relevant publications not in the initial search but identified during literature review were included. The Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations (GRADE) system was utilized to evaluate the evidence. The strength of each recommendation was rated strong (1) or weak (2). The quality of the evidence was rated high (A), moderate (B), or weak (C). The guideline contains new recommendations and updates to recommendations from previous IAI guideline versions. Final recommendations were developed by an iterative process. All writing group members voted to accept or reject each recommendation. Results: This updated evidence-based guideline contains recommendations from the SIS for the treatment of adult patients with IAI. Evidence-based recommendations were developed for antimicrobial agent selection, timing, route of administration, duration, and de-escalation; timing of source control; treatment of specific pathogens; treatment of specific intra-abdominal disease processes; and implementation of hospital-based antimicrobial agent stewardship programs. Summary: This document contains the most up-to-date recommendations from the SIS on the prevention and management of IAI in adult patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This algorithm was issued for the appropriate use of drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Japan. The revisions include safety considerations, fatty liver disease as a comorbidity to be taken into account and the position of tirzepatide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death among women and its incidence has been increasing recently, particularly among younger women. Across major professional society guidelines, dyslipidemia management remains a central tenet for atherosclerotic CVD prevention for both women and men. Despite this, women, particularly young women, who are candidates for statin therapy are less likely to be treated and less likely to achieve their recommended therapeutic objectives for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels. Elevated LDL-C and triglycerides are the two most common dyslipidemias that should be addressed during pregnancy due to the increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, and pre-term delivery, as well as pancreatitis in the presence of severe hypertriglyceridemia. In this National Lipid Association Expert Clinical Consensus, we review the roles of nutrition, physical activity, and pharmacotherapy as strategies to address elevated levels of LDL-C and/or triglycerides among women of reproductive age. We include a special focus on points to consider during the shared decision-making discussion regarding pharmacotherapy for dyslipidemia during preconception planning, pregnancy, and lactation.





