
  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Resistance to dopamine agonists is not uncommonly seen in prolactinomas. However, development of resistance to dopamine agonists after an initial period of robust treatment response is rare, and only 39 cases have been reported in the past four decades. We describe a Chinese man with this rare condition and explored the postulated mechanisms that may explain this phenomenon. We compiled similar cases that were previously reported and compared their etiology, progress, and response to treatment. On the basis of these cases, we derived a list of differential diagnoses to consider in patients with secondary resistance to dopamine agonists.
    METHODS: A 63-year-old Chinese man presented with blurred vision and was subsequently diagnosed with a macroprolactinoma. He had initial response to cabergoline but developed secondary resistance to it after 5 years. The prolactinoma continued to grow, and his serum prolactin remained markedly elevated despite adherence to escalating dosages of cabergoline up to 6 mg/week. The patient finally underwent transsphenoidal surgery and was found to have a sparsely granulated lactotroph tumor with Ki-67 index of 5%. Postoperatively, there was improvement in his serum prolactin level, although he still required treatment with cabergoline at 6 mg/week.
    CONCLUSIONS: Surgery can facilitate disease control in patients with prolactinomas that develop secondary resistance to dopamine agonists. Malignant prolactinoma is an important differential diagnosis in this group of patients, especially when serum prolactin remains markedly elevated despite resolution or stability of the primary pituitary lesion, suggesting a metastatic source of prolactin secretion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pergolide, a dopamine agonist, is commonly administered to manage pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), a progressive neurodegenerative disease prevalent in aged horses. However, available evidence regarding pergolide\'s efficacy in improving clinical and endocrine parameters is limited. The aim of this systematic review was to assess published literature and evaluate evidence regarding whether pergolide treatment results in improvement of clinical signs and/or adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) concentration compared to no treatment or other unlicensed treatments. Systematic searches of electronic databases were undertaken in April 2019, repeated in August and October 2019, and updated in July 2020. English language publications published prior to these dates were included. Screening, data extraction and quality assessment of publications was undertaken individually by the authors using predefined criteria and subsequently cross-checked. Modified critically appraised topic data collection forms were used to extract data. Due to marked between-study variations, meta-analysis was not undertaken. After removal of duplicate records; 612 publications were identified, of which 129 abstracts were screened for eligibility and 28 publications met criteria for inclusion in the review. Most studies were descriptive case series, cohort studies or non-randomised, uncontrolled field trials. Despite marked variation in study populations, case selection, diagnostic protocols, pergolide dose, follow-up period and outcome measures, in the vast majority of the included studies, pergolide was reported to provide overall clinical improvement in >75% of cases. However, reported improvements in individual clinical signs varied widely. A reduction in plasma ACTH concentrations was reported in 44-74% of cases, while normalisation to within reported reference intervals occurred in 28-74% of cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A systematic literature review and meta-analyses (where appropriate) were performed to update the previous AASM practice parameters on the treatments, both dopaminergic and other, of RLS and PLMD. A considerable amount of literature has been published since these previous reviews were performed, necessitating an update of the corresponding practice parameters. Therapies with a STANDARD level of recommendation include pramipexole and ropinirole. Therapies with a GUIDELINE level of recommendation include levodopa with dopa decarboxylase inhibitor, opioids, gabapentin enacarbil, and cabergoline (which has additional caveats for use). Therapies with an OPTION level of recommendation include carbamazepine, gabapentin, pregabalin, clonidine, and for patients with low ferritin levels, iron supplementation. The committee recommends a STANDARD AGAINST the use of pergolide because of the risks of heart valve damage. Therapies for RLS secondary to ESRD, neuropathy, and superficial venous insufficiency are discussed. Lastly, therapies for PLMD are reviewed. However, it should be mentioned that because PLMD therapy typically mimics RLS therapy, the primary focus of this review is therapy for idiopathic RLS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Dopamine agonists (DAs), which can be categorized as ergot derived and non-ergot derived, are used in the treatment of Parkinson\'s disease.
    OBJECTIVE: This review describes the pharmacologic and pharmacokinetic properties of selected DAs and relates these characteristics to clinical outcomes, with an emphasis on adverse events.
    METHODS: Relevant articles were identified through a search of MEDLINE (to May 2006) using the terms dopamine agonists (or each individual drug name) and pbarmacokinetics, metabolism, drug-drug interaction, interactions, CYP450, fibrosis, valvular heart disease, tremor, clinical trials, reviews, and meta-analyses. Abstracts from recent sessions of the International Congress of Parkinson\'s Disease and Movement Disorders were also examined. Clinical studies with <20 patients overall or <10 patients per treatment group in the final analysis were excluded. All DAs that were graded at least possibly useful with respect to at least 3 of 4 items connected to the treatment/prevention of motor symptoms/complications in the most recent evidence-based medical review update were included. This resulted in a focus on the ergot-derived DAs bromocriptine, cabergoline, and pergolide, and the non-ergot-derived DAs pramipexole and ropinirole.
    RESULTS: Bromocriptine, cabergoline, pergolide, and ropinirole, but not pramipexole, have the potential for drug-drug interactions mediated by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme system. The occurrence of dyskinesia may be linked to stimulation of the dopamine D(1) receptor, for which cabergoline and pergolide have a similar and relatively high affinity; bromocriptine, pramipexole, and ropinirole have been associated with a lower risk of dyskinesias. The valvular heart disease (VHD) and pulmonary and retroperitoneal fibrosis seen with long-term use appear to represent a class effect of the ergot-derived DAs that may be related to stimulation of serotonin 5-HT(2B) (and possibly 5-HT(2A)) receptors. The incidence of valvular regurgitation was 31% to 47% with ergot-derived DAs, 10% with non-ergot-derived DAs, and 13% with controls.
    CONCLUSIONS: As reflected in the results of the clinical trials included in this review, dyskinesia associated with DA therapy may be linked to stimulation of the D(1) receptor. Fibrosis (including VHD) seemed to be a class effect of the ergot-derived DAs. Each of the DAs except pramipexole has the potential to interact with other drugs via the CYP enzyme system.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Parkinson\'s disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive neurological disorder characterized by selective degeneration of dopaminergic neurons (DAergic) in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and subsequent decrease in dopamine (DA) levels in the striatum. Although levodopa replacement therapy is initially effective in symptomatic treatment of parkinsonian patients, its effectiveness often declines and various levodopa-related side effects appear after long-term treatment. The disabling side effects of levodopa therapy include motor fluctuations such as the wearing-off or on-off phenomena, dyskinesias and psychiatric symptoms. Nowadays, DA receptor agonists are often regarded as first choice in de novo and young parkinsonian patients to delay the onset of levodopa therapy. In advanced stages of the disease, they are also used as adjunct therapy together with levodopa to retard the development of motor complications. DA receptor agonists mimic the endogenous neurotransmitter, dopamine, and act by direct stimulation of presynaptic (autoreceptors) and postsynaptic DA receptors. Next to their clinical role in treating parkinsonian patients, laboratory studies reported antioxidative and neuron-rescuing effects of DA receptor agonists either in vivo or in vitro. This may involve reduced DA turnover following autoreceptor stimulation and direct free radical scavenging activity. In this review, we focus on and summarize the recently reported effects of the most commonly used DA agonists either in clinical or in research studies relevant to PD treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study is to update a previous evidence-based medicine (EBM) review on Parkinson\'s disease (PD) treatments, adding January 2001 to January 2004 information. The Movement Disorder Society (MDS) Task Force prepared an EBM review of PD treatments covering data up to January 2001. The authors reviewed Level I (randomized clinical trials) reports of pharmacological and surgical interventions for PD, published as full articles in English (January 2001-January 2004). Inclusion criteria and ranking followed the original program and adhered to EBM methodology. For Efficacy Conclusions, treatments were designated Efficacious, Likely Efficacious, Non-Efficacious, or Insufficient Data. Four clinical indications were considered for each intervention: prevention of disease progression; treatment of Parkinsonism, as monotherapy and as adjuncts to levodopa where indicated; prevention of motor complications; treatment of motor complications. Twenty-seven new studies qualified for efficacy review, and others covered new safety issues. Apomorphine, piribedil, unilateral pallidotomy, and subthalamic nucleus stimulation moved upward in efficacy ratings. Rasagiline, was newly rated as Efficacious monotherapy for control of Parkinsonism. New Level I data moved human fetal nigral transplants, as performed to date, from Insufficient Data to Non- efficacious for the treatment of Parkinsonism, motor fluctuations, and dyskinesias. Selegiline was reassigned as Non-efficacious for the prevention of dyskinesias. Other designations did not change. In a field as active in clinical trials as PD, frequent updating of therapy-based reviews is essential. We consider a 3-year period a reasonable time frame for published updates and are working to establish a Web-based mechanism to update the report in an ongoing manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When used to treat patients with Parkinson\'s disease pergolide acts at dopamine receptors in the corpus striatum to improve locomotor activity, reducing the tremor, gait disturbances, bradykinesia or akinesia and rigidity experienced by such patients. Treatment with pergolide often allows substantial reductions in concomitant levodopa dosage, and occasionally levodopa can be completely replaced by pergolide therapy in short term use. Pergolide has a long duration of action, thus reducing the wearing-off and end-of-dose phenomena frequently seen with long term levodopa therapy, suppressing fluctuations in levodopa response, and increasing total \'on\' time. Despite a lack of well controlled studies comparing this drug with other dopamine agonist agents, pergolide appears to result in adverse effects and anti-Parkinson responses similar to those of bromocriptine and lisuride. Thus, pergolide would appear to be at least as useful as other dopamine agonists such as bromocriptine or lisuride for the management of patients with Parkinson\'s disease when administered in combination with levodopa. Future research should be directed towards establishing which patients are most likely to benefit from pergolide therapy, and clarifying the relative efficacy and safety of the anti-Parkinsonian drugs available to the clinician. If pergolide does provide clinical benefit when substituted for levodopa-adjunct drugs that are producing less than optimal control, this will be an advantage in a disease area which at present has few therapeutic options.





