
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For years, researchers have been tirelessly searching for efficient postharvest preservatives to ensure a sustainable and healthy supply chain of fresh fruits and vegetables. However, the effectiveness of preservatives is significantly influenced by delivery methods employed for preservatives. This work centers on delivery methods of diverse preservatives. It delves into the mechanisms of penetration and internalization that facilitate preservatives diffusion into fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, the study comprehensively reviews various delivery methods and their impact on postharvest quality of these fresh food. Methods include liquid surface impregnation (soaking, vacuum infiltration, spraying) and gaseous fumigation. Additionally, unconventional delivery measures, such as fruit stem delivery, microbubble, and edible coating, are discussed in detail for the first time. It is expected that our work will provide inspiration for future development in academia, industry, and supervision.Through a comprehensive review on preservative delivery methods in fruits and vegetables preservation, it becomes evident that majority of existing studies concentrate on the development and mechanisms of preservatives. However, a notable gap lies in comparative analysis of different delivery methods, despite the direct impact of delivery methods on preservation outcomes. Additionally, emerging delivery techniques have displayed promising potential in enhancing delivery efficiency and likewise preservation effectiveness.
    Preservative delivery methods (soaking, vacuum infiltration, spraying, fumigation) directly impact their effectiveness.Delivery efficiency is linked to fruit epidermis, including cuticle, intercellular spaces, and stomata.Research uses varied delivery methods, concentrations, and times for preserving different fruits.Promising preservative delivery methods: microbubble, fruit stem delivery, and edible coating.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proctor and colleagues\' 2011 paper proposed a taxonomy of eight implementation outcomes and challenged the field to address a research agenda focused on conceptualization, measurement, and theory building. Ten years later, this paper maps the field\'s progress in implementation outcomes research. This scoping review describes how each implementation outcome has been studied, research designs and methods used, and the contexts and settings represented in the current literature. We also describe the role of implementation outcomes in relation to implementation strategies and other outcomes.
    Arksey and O\'Malley\'s framework for conducting scoping reviews guided our methods. Using forward citation tracing, we identified all literature citing the 2011 paper. We conducted our search in the Web of Science (WOS) database and added citation alerts sent to the first author from the publisher for a 6-month period coinciding with the WOS citation search. This produced 1346 titles and abstracts. Initial abstract screening yielded 480 manuscripts, and full-text review yielded 400 manuscripts that met inclusion criteria (empirical assessment of at least one implementation outcome).
    Slightly more than half (52.1%) of included manuscripts examined acceptability. Fidelity (39.3%), feasibility (38.6%), adoption (26.5%), and appropriateness (21.8%) were also commonly examined. Penetration (16.0%), sustainability (15.8%), and cost (7.8%) were less frequently examined. Thirty-two manuscripts examined implementation outcomes not included in the original taxonomy. Most studies took place in healthcare (45.8%) or behavioral health (22.5%) organizations. Two-thirds used observational designs. We found little evidence of progress in testing the relationships between implementation strategies and implementation outcomes, leaving us ill-prepared to know how to achieve implementation success. Moreover, few studies tested the impact of implementation outcomes on other important outcome types, such as service systems and improved individual or population health.
    Our review presents a comprehensive snapshot of the research questions being addressed by existing implementation outcomes literature and reveals the need for rigorous, analytic research and tests of strategies for attaining implementation outcomes in the next 10 years of outcomes research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infrared (IR) radiation has been used in food processing applications for its unique high heating efficiency. There is a great need to address the radiation absorption and heating effect during the application of IR in the processing of foods. The radiation wavelength determines the nature of the processing, and it is mainly affected by the type of emitter, operating temperature, and the power supplied. The penetration depth of the IR on food material plays a critical role in the heating level along with the optical characteristics of the IR and food product. The IR radiations cause a significant change in the food components like starch, protein, fats and enzymes. The facility to generate wavelength-specific radiation output can hold the potential of momentously increasing the efficiency of IR heating operations. IR heating is gaining importance in 3D and 4D printing systems, and the application of artificial intelligence in IR processing is being explored. This state-of-art review gives a detailed view of the different emitters of IR and mainly emphasizes the behavior and changes of major food components during IR treatment. The penetration depth of IR, optical characteristics and selective spectral heating based on the target product are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this systematic review was to perform a qualitative synthesis of in vitro studies which evaluate and compare the penetration of calcium silicate-based sealers into dentinal tubules. A systematic advanced search was performed in Scopus, Embase, Medline (via PubMed), Web of Science, and Cochrane databases on the 1 December 2022. In vitro studies that compared the tubular penetration of at least two calcium silicate-based sealers in extracted human teeth were eligible. PRILE 2021 guidelines were used for the assessment of the risk of bias included studies. The search identified a total of 680 preliminary records, among which 12 studies were eligible for review. The most used methodology to evaluate sealer penetration was the use of a fluorochrome together with the tested sealers and the analysis of their penetration under confocal laser microscopy. Regarding the results of the included studies, calcium silicate-based sealers exhibit a favorable dentinal tubule penetration. Tubular penetration, however, can be affected by factors such as the irrigation protocol, sealer activation, the filling method used, and root canal morphology. EndoSequence BC Sealer showed the highest sealer penetration among the tested sealers. The influence of different fluorochromes on the results of dentinal tubule penetration studies should also be further explored. The in vitro nature of the included studies limits the applicability of the results into the clinical setting. Prospero registration: CRD42022383896.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Iontophoresis is defined as the use of electric current to drive molecules across cell membranes through an electrolyte solution. In therapeutic context, it is used to facilitate the administration of bioactive substances, either systemically or locally. The technique presents various advantages and that is why it has been successfully used by a plethora of medical sciences. The constantly developing field of dermato-cosmetic science has also taken advantage of the possibilities offered by iontophoresis, aiming to enhance the delivery of the applied active ingredients and, thus, induce the desired cosmetic effects.
    METHODS: The available literature was examined for evidence-based reports of safe and successful iontophoresis of pharmaceutical and cosmetic substances, in order to explore different iontophoretic applications in the field of dermato-cosmetic and dermato-aesthetic sciences.
    CONCLUSIONS: Iontophoresis can be safely and successfully used in the treatment of ageing, photoageing, hyperpigmentation, oxidative stress, hair loss, hair removal, acne, acne sequelae and cellulite, providing many possibilities for enhanced treatment results.
    OBJECTIVE: L\'iontophorèse est définie comme l\'utilization d\'un courant électrique pour faire traverser les membranes cellulaires avec une solution électrolytique. Dans un contexte thérapeutique, elle est utilisée pour faciliter l\'administration de substances bioactives, que ce soit par voie systémique ou locale. Cette technique présente divers avantages et c\'est pourquoi elle a été utilisée avec succès par une pléthore de sciences médicales. Le domaine en constante évolution de la science dermato-cosmétique a également tiré parti des possibilités offertes par l\'iontophorèse, dans le but d\'améliorer l\'administration des principes actifs appliqués et, ainsi, d\'induire les effets cosmétiques souhaités. MÉTHODES: La littérature disponible a été examinée à la recherche de rapports fondés sur des preuves concernant l\'iontophorèse sûre et réussie de substances pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques, afin d\'explorer différentes applications iontophorétiques dans le domaine des sciences dermato-cosmétiques et dermato-esthétiques.
    CONCLUSIONS: L\'iontophorèse peut être utilisée avec succès et en toute sécurité dans le traitement du vieillissement, du photovieillissement, de l\'hyperpigmentation, du stress oxydatif, de la chute des cheveux, de l\'épilation, de l\'acné, des séquelles de l\'acné et de la cellulite, offrant ainsi de nombreuses possibilités d\'amélioration des résultats du traitement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In patients that are admitted to intensive care units (ICUs), the clinical outcome of severe infections depends on several factors, as well as the early administration of chemotherapies and comorbidities. Antimicrobials may be used in off-label regimens to maximize the probability of therapeutic concentrations within infected tissues and to prevent the selection of resistant clones. Interestingly, the literature clearly shows that the rate of tissue penetration is variable among antibacterial drugs, and the correlation between plasma and tissue concentrations may be inconstant. The present review harvests data about tissue penetration of antibacterial drugs in ICU patients, limiting the search to those drugs that mainly act as protein synthesis inhibitors and disrupting DNA structure and function. As expected, fluoroquinolones, macrolides, linezolid, and tigecycline have an excellent diffusion into epithelial lining fluid. That high penetration is fundamental for the therapy of ventilator and healthcare-associated pneumonia. Some drugs also display a high penetration rate within cerebrospinal fluid, while other agents diffuse into the skin and soft tissues. Further studies are needed to improve our knowledge about drug tissue penetration, especially in the presence of factors that may affect drug pharmacokinetics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The challenging severity of some infections, especially in critically ill patients, makes the diffusion of antimicrobial drugs within tissues one of the cornerstones of chemotherapy. The knowledge of how antibacterial agents penetrate tissues may come from different sources: preclinical studies in animal models, phase I-III clinical trials and post-registration studies. However, the particular physiopathology of critically ill patients may significantly alter drug pharmacokinetics. Indeed, changes in interstitial volumes (the third space) and/or in glomerular filtration ratio may influence the achievement of bactericidal concentrations in peripheral compartments, while inflammation can alter the systemic distribution of some drugs. On the contrary, other antibacterial agents may reach high and effective concentrations thanks to the increased tissue accumulation of macrophages and neutrophils. Therefore, the present review explores the tissue distribution of beta-lactams and other antimicrobials acting on the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria in critically ill patients. A systematic search of articles was performed according to PRISMA guidelines, and tissue/plasma penetration ratios were collected. Results showed a highly variable passage of drugs within tissues, while large interindividual variability may represent a hurdle which must be overcome to achieve therapeutic concentrations in some compartments. To solve that issue, off-label dosing regimens could represent an effective solution in particular conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding that cancer is one of the most important health problems, especially in advanced societies, is not difficult. The term of targeted cancer therapy has also been well known as an ideal treatment strategy in the recent years. Peptides with ability to specifically recognize the cancer cells with suitable penetration properties have been used as the targeting motif in this regard. In the present review article, we focus on an individual RGD-derived peptide with ability to recognize the integrin receptor on the cancer cell surface like its ancestor with an additional outstanding feature to penetrate to extravascular space of tumor and ability to penetrate to cancer cells unlike the original peptide. This peptide which has been named \"internalizing RGD\" or \"iRGD\" has been the focus of researches as a new targeting motif since it was discovered. To date, many types of molecules have been associated with this peptide for their targeted delivery to cancer cells. In this review article, we have discussed a summary of penetration mechanisms of iRGD and all introduced peptides and proteins attached to this attractive cell-penetrating peptide and have expressed the results of the studies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Introduction: Extreme obese (BMI: 50.1) 70 year old male patient after LAGB procedure in 2005, with abdominal wall and port infection underwent subcutaneous incision drainage of the area in December 2020. CT and Gastroscopy confirmed gastric penetration and intramural position of the Band. Using laparoscopic approach with incision of 2 cm of the stomach at the gastric greater curvature the band had been removed. Patient had been discharged without any complications. Discussion: LAGB was a very popular bariatric approach at the first decade of laparoscopic bariatric surgery. The increased incidence of short and long term complications reduced worldwide the number of LAGB procedures. Band penetration is a rare but dangerous complication. Laparoscopic removal is recommended. Usually, the intervention is followed by significant weight gain which can be treated with conversion of LAGB to Sleeve Gastrectomy or LGBP procedure.
    Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: 70 éves férfi beteg kóros kövérség (BMI: 50,1) miatt 2005-ben gyomorgyűrű beültetésben részesült. 2020 decemberében hasfali phlegmone hátterében igazolt port infekció miatt más intézetben subcutan incisió, lavage történt. CT-vizsgálattal, majd gasztroszkóppal a gyomorgyűrű arrosióját, intramurális elhelyezkedését igazoltuk. A műtét során laparoszkópos technikával a gyomor corpus nagygörbületén ejtett, kb. 2 cm nagyságú nyíláson keresztül távolítottuk el a gyűrűt. A beteg szövődménymentesen került emisszióra. Megbeszélés: Mintegy 20 évvel ezelőtt a laparoszkópos állítható gyomorgyűrű (LAGB) rendkívül népszerű volt. A LAGB azonban számtalan rövid és hosszú távú szövődménnyel jár, ezért egyre inkább kikerül a bariátriai sebészet tárházából. A gyűrű arrosiója ritka, súlyos szövődmény. Eltávolításának többféle módja lehet. A gyomorgyűrű eltávolítása általában a testsúly jelentős növekedésével jár. A betegeknél konverziós bariátriai műtétet, laparoszkópos gyomor sleeve reszekciót, vagy gyomor bypass műtétet lehet végezni.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The major requirement for a dosage form to be successful is its ability to penetrate the site of application and the bioavailability of the drug released from the dosage form. The buccal drug delivery is an influential route to deliver the drug into the body. Here in this context, various novel approaches that include lipoidal carriers like ethosomes, transferosomes, niosomes, etc. and electrospun nanofibers are discussed with respect to buccal drug delivery. These carriers can be easily incorporated into buccal dosage forms like patches and gels which are responsible for increased permeation across the buccal epithelium. The in vivo methods of evaluation on animal models are conscribed here. The novel biocarriers of lipoidal and non-lipoidal nature can be utilised by loading the drug into them, which are helpful in preventing drug degradation and other drawbacks as compared to conventional formulations. The globally patented buccal formulations give us a wide context in literature about the patents filed and granted in recent years. When it comes to patient compliance, age is an issue, which is also solved by the buccal route. The paediatric buccal formulations are researched for the customisation to be delivered to children. Diseases like mouth ulcers, oral cancer, Parkinson\'s disease, aphthous stomatitis, etc. have been successfully treated through the buccal route, which infers that the buccal drug delivery system is an effective and emerging area for formulation and development in the field of Pharmaceutics.





