Pathology Department, Hospital

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In intraoperative frozen tissue section laboratories (FS laboratories) conventional practice for mounting coverslips on tissue slides involves the use of xylene-based mounting agents, such as Pertex. However, toxic vapours pose a risk to biomedical laboratory scientists (BLS) and pathologists who handle the wet slides to provide fast and urgent diagnostic results to surgeons during operations. Our study aims to evaluate non-toxic mounting agents to substitute Pertex, preferably with a fast curing time suitable for the demands of the new digital era in pathology.
    METHODS: Five non-toxic mounting agents were purchased and tested through six different protocols and compared to xylene-based Pertex as our gold standard. With light microscopy, tissue slides were quality assessed by BLS. Mounting agents, which were evaluated comparable to Pertex, were also evaluated by a pathologist, hence scanned digitally and re-evaluated.
    RESULTS: The protocols for Eukitt UV, Eukitt UV R-1 and Eukitt UV R-2 had significantly more artefacts (bubbles) compared to gold standard Pertex (p<0.0001, p=0.004 and p<0.0001, respectively) and assessed inadequate as replacements. Neo-Mount and Tissue Mount were assessed applicable regarding quality, but curing times were long. Tek Select UV showed promising results in both quality and fast curing time (protocol was <2 min).
    CONCLUSIONS: Toxic mounting agents need replacement to health guard professionals, and also digital pathology is revolutionising laboratories. A digitalized FS laboratory requires fast dry/cured slides for digital scanning. Therefore, a substitute for the FS laboratory should have the qualities of being non-toxic to handle and having a fast curing time, and a UV-based mounting agent may solve both requirements.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    With the continuous development of informatization, digitalization and artificial intelligence technology, the working mode of the pathology department has gradually changed from the traditional manual check, paper circulation and physical carrier storage to the informatization process and digital storage. The traditional pathology discipline has ushered in unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Digital pathology department also emerge as the times require. Simultaneously, with the full integration of artificial intelligence technology in pathology department, the concept of \"department of digital and intelligentialized pathology\" was proposed. Based on information and digital technology, the digital intelligent pathology department integrates intelligent management system, optimizes the previous cumbersome management and workflow of the pathology department, develops advanced technologies such as intelligent material extraction, unmanned organization processing, artificial intelligence quality control, artificial intelligence diagnosis, and promotes the intelligent construction of the pathology department.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: In a pathological anatomy service, the workload in medical time is analyzed based on the complexity of the samples received and its distribution among pathologists is assessed, presenting a new computer algorithm that favors an equitable distribution.
    METHODS: Following the second edition of the Spanish guidelines for the estimation of workload in cytopathology and histopathology (medical time) according to the Spanish Pathology Society-International Academy of Pathology (SEAP-IAP) catalog of samples and procedures, we determined the workload units (UCL) per pathologist and the overall UCL of the service, the average workload of the service (MU factor), the time dedicated by each pathologist to healthcare activity and the optimal number of pathologists according to the workload of the service.
    RESULTS: We determined 12 197 total annual UCL for the chief pathologist, as well as 14 702 and 13 842 UCL for associate pathologists, with an overall of 40 742 UCL for the whole service. The calculated MU factor is 4.97. The chief pathologist devoted 72.25% of his working day to healthcare activity while associate pathologists dedicated 87.09% and 82.01% of their working hours. The optimal number of pathologists for the service is found to be 3.55.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate medical work overload and a non-equitable distribution of UCLs among pathologists. We propose a computer algorithm capable of distributing the workload in an equitable manner. It would be associated with the laboratory information system and take into account the type of specimen, its complexity and the dedication of each pathologist to healthcare activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Identifying and reducing low-value care is a vital issue in Australia, with pathology test ordering a common focus in this field. This study builds on previous research and aimed to quantify the impact of the implementation of an electronic ordering (e-ordering) system on the volume of pathology testing, compared with manual (paper based) ordering.
    METHODS: An audit and analysis of pathology test data were conducted, using an interrupted time series design to investigate the impact of the e-ordering system on pathology ordering patterns. All medical and surgical adult inpatients at a tertiary referral hospital in Newcastle, Australia, were included over a 3-year period.
    RESULTS: Overall, there were no statistically significant differences in the volume of orders due to the implementation of the e-ordering system. There was a slight increase in the aggregated volume (tests per admission and tests per bed day) of tests ordered across the entire study period, reflecting a secular trend.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite providing greater visibility and tracking of orders, we conclude that the implementation of an e-ordering system does not, in and of itself, reduce ordering volume. Efforts to identify and reduce low-value care will require intentional effort and specifically designed educational programmes or hard-wired algorithms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This retrospective non-randomised study aims to identify new and rare fusion partners with USP6 in the setting of nodular fasciitis. It has been proven, that nodular fasciitis can harbour different variants of USP6 fusions, which can be used in routine diagnostics and even determine the biological behaviour of the process.
    METHODS: A total of 19 cases of nodular fasciitis examined between 2011 and 2022 at Motol University Hospital in Prague were included into this study. Next to the histopathological evaluation, all cases were assessed using immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR and Anchored multiplex RNA methods. Patient\'s main demographic characteristics and corresponding clinical data were also analysed.
    RESULTS: This study presents one novel (KIF1A) and five rare examples (TMP4, SPARC, EIF5A, MIR22HG, COL1A2) of fusion partners with USP6 among 19 cases of nodular fasciitis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Identification of USP6 fusion partners in nodular fasciitis helps to understand the biology of such lesions. Moreover, it can be useful in routine histopathological practice of soft-tissues diagnostics, especially in preventing possible misdiagnosis of malignancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To stratify the risk of cervical precancers (high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) and adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS)) and cancers (squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and adenocarcinoma) based on distinct high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) genotypes as well as age groups among women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) and hrHPV+results.
    METHODS: In total, 2292 cases of ASC-US/hrHPV+ with immediate follow-up biopsy results were included in the study for prevalence analysis.
    RESULTS: Overall, 12.2% women with ASC-US /hrHPV+ had HSIL+ while 0.22% had AIS+ lesions. The HPV-16+ group (31.6%) showed significantly higher prevalence of HSIL+ squamous lesions than other genotype groups (p<0.0001). The prevalence of SCC is significantly higher in HPV-16+ (1.8%) or HPV-18/45+ (1.1%) group than women in other genotype groups (0.1%) (p<0.0001). The HPV-18/45+ group (1.7%) showed significantly higher prevalence of AIS+ glandular lesions than other genotype groups (p=0.003). In addition, SCC prevalence was significantly higher in age over 50 group than that in age under 50 group (1.2% vs 0.2%, p=0.012).
    CONCLUSIONS: Women with ASC-US/hrHPV+ are at significant risk of cervical precancers and cancers; notably, HPV-16+ group has a higher risk of HSIL squamous lesions and SCC while HPV-18/45+ group has a higher risk of AIS+ glandular lesions. In addition, the older patient group (>50 years) has a significantly higher risk of SCC. Therefore, HPV genotyping as well as patient age need to be considered in the clinical management of patient.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate whether agreement with autopsy-determined cause of death (COD) increases by use of postmortem CT (PMCT) or PMCT in combination with postmortem sampling (PMS), when compared with clinical assessment only.
    METHODS: This prospective observational study included deceased patients from the intensive care unit and internal medicine wards between October 2013 and August 2017. The primary outcome was percentage agreement on COD between the reference standard (autopsy) and the alternative postmortem examinations (clinical assessment vs PMCT or PMCT+PMS). In addition, the COD of patient groups with and without conventional autopsy were compared with respect to involved organ systems and pathologies.
    RESULTS: Of 730 eligible cases, 144 could be included for analysis: 63 underwent PCMT without autopsy and 81 underwent both PMCT and autopsy. Agreement with autopsy-determined COD was significantly higher for both PMCT with PMS (42/57, 74%), and PMCT alone (53/81, 65%) than for clinical assessment (40/81, 51%; p=0.007 and p=0.03, respectively). The difference in agreement between PMCT with PMS and PMCT alone was not significant (p=0.13). The group with autopsy had a significantly higher prevalence of circulatory system involvement and perfusion disorders, and a lower prevalence of pulmonary system involvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: PMCT and PMS confer additional diagnostic value in establishing the COD. Shortcomings in detecting vascular occlusions and perfusion disorders and susceptibility to pulmonary postmortem changes could in future be improved by additional techniques. Both PMCT and PMS are feasible in clinical practice and an alternative when autopsy cannot be performed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between oncogenic alterations and programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression in lung adenocarcinomas, as well as the prognostic value of KRAS and/or TP53 mutations in patients treated with immunotherapy.
    METHODS: This study is a retrospective cohort study of 519 patients with lung adenocarcinomas analysed for mutations and PD-L1 expression. Data were collected from electronic pathology record system, next-generation sequencing system, and clinical databases. Association between mutations and PD-L1 expression was investigated, as well as survival statistics of the 65 patients treated with immunotherapy.
    RESULTS: 41% of the samples contained a KRAS mutation, predominantly together with mutations in TP53 (41%) or STK11 (10%). Higher expression of PD-L1 was seen among patients with KRAS mutations (p=0.002) and EGFR wild type (p=0.006). For patients treated with immunotherapy, there was no statistically significant difference for overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) according to KRAS mutation status, TP53 mutation status or PD-L1 expression. The HR for concomitant mutations in TP53 and KRAS was 0.78 (95% CI 0.62 to 0.99) for OS and 0.43 (0.21 to 0.88) for PFS. Furthermore, concomitant TP53 and KRAS mutations predicted a better PFS (p=0.015) and OS (p=0.029) compared with no mutations or a single mutation in either TP53 or KRAS.
    CONCLUSIONS: Mutations in TP53 together with KRAS may serve as a potential biomarker for survival benefits with immunotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Workload measurement is important to help determine optimal staffing and workload distribution for pathology laboratories. The Level 4 Equivalent (L4E) System is the most widely used Anatomical Pathology (AP) workload measurement tool in Canada. However, it was initially not developed with subspecialties in mind.
    METHODS: In 2016, a Pan-Canadian Pediatric-Perinatal Pathology Workload Committee (PCPPPWC) was organized to adapt the L4E System to assess Pediatric-Perinatal Pathology workload. Four working groups were formed. The Placental Pathology Working Group was tasked to develop a scheme for fair valuation of placental specimens signed out by subspecialists in the context of the L4E System. Previous experience, informal time and motion studies, a survey of Canadian Pediatric-Perinatal Pathologists, and interviews of Pathologists\' Assistants (PA) informed the development of such scheme.
    RESULTS: A workload measurement scheme with average L4E workload values for examination and reporting of singleton and multiple gestation placentas was proposed. The proposal was approved by the Canadian Association of Pathologist - Association canadienne des pathologistes Workload and Human Resources Committee for adoption into the L4E System.
    CONCLUSIONS: The development of a workload measurement model for placental specimens provides an average and fair valuation of these specimen types, enabling its use for resource planning and workload distribution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: With increasing utility of digital pathology (DP), it is important to consider the experiences of histopathologists in training, particularly in view of the varied access to DP across a training region and the consequent need to remain competent in reporting on glass slides (GS), which is also relevant for the Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists part 2 examination. Understanding the impact of DP on training is limited but could aid development of guidance to support the transition. We sought to investigate the perceptions of histopathologists in training around the introduction of DP for clinical diagnosis within a training region, and the potential training benefits and challenges.
    METHODS: An anonymous online survey was circulated to 24 histopathologists in training within a UK training region, including a hospital which has been fully digitised since summer 2020.
    RESULTS: 19 of 24 histopathologists in training responded (79%). The results indicate that DP offers many benefits to training, including ease of access to cases to enhance individual learning and teaching in general. Utilisation of DP for diagnosis appears variable; almost half of the (10 of 19) respondents with DP experience using it only for ancillary purposes such as measurements, reporting varying levels of confidence in using DP clinically. For those yet to undergo the transition, there was a perceived anxiety regarding digital reporting despite experience with DP in other contexts.
    CONCLUSIONS: The survey evidences the need for provision of training and support for histopathologists in training during the transition to DP, and for consideration of their need to maintain competence and confidence with GS reporting.





