
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this work we reported injuries caused by the spider mite Oligonychus yothersi on Vitis vinifera leaves and we also investigate the sex ratio of this species under laboratory conditions. To access the aspects regarding reproduction, females were placed individually in arenas made of V. vinifera leaves to oviposit and all progeny were mounted on slides when they reached adulthood to confirm the offspring sex. Our study showed that O. yothersi reproduces by thelytokous /arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, generating low number of males. Additionally, we found vine plants with leaf browning, particularly on the adaxial surface, where mites were usually found.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultrasonography is widely used to monitor pregnancy in viviparous species, but it is underutilized as a tool to characterize embryonic development in oviparous species. Currently, a multi-institutional effort is underway to re-wild the endangered zebra shark (Stegostoma tigrinum) to locations where this species was previously extirpated by leveraging the reproductive efforts of aquarium sharks as a source of brood stock. Zebra sharks are oviparous and fecund, but a large percentage of their yolked eggs do not result in hatchlings. Therefore, ultrasonography represents a potential tool for distinguishing fertile eggs with developing embryos from degrading eggs, and to diagnose changes in early embryonic development predictive of poor outcomes. The objectives of the current study were to use ultrasonography to assess egg fertility, monitor early embryonic development, and identify morphological indicators that may be predictive of early embryonic mortality. Freshly laid eggs from four female zebra sharks were collected and inventoried daily at Aquarium of the Pacific. Eggs were incubated undisturbed for 2 to 4 weeks and subsequently examined weekly via ultrasound to assess fertility and monitor embryo development. Among 120 fertile eggs, embryos were identified as early as 8 days post-oviposition, with average (±SD) time to first observation at 30 ± 7 days. Morphological and behavioral abnormalities were observed for most embryos (n = 84, 70%) as early as 16 days and up to 95 days post-oviposition. Common abnormalities included: bent or curled tails, vesicle(s) at the base of the yolk stalk, and slow or weak movement. Only one embryo survived to hatch during the study and was genetically-confirmed parthenogenetic, suggesting hatching success for parthenotes is low (<1%). Ultrasonography was demonstrated to be an effective and non-invasive method to determine egg fertility, identify embryos with developmental abnormalities, and monitor embryo growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social insects have developed a broad diversity of nesting and foraging strategies. One of these, inquilinism, occurs when one species (the inquiline) inhabits the nest built and occupied by another species (the host). Obligatory inquilines must overcome strong constraints upon colony foundation and development, due to limited availability of host colonies. To reveal how inquilinism shapes reproductive strategies in a termite host-inquiline dyad, we carried out a microsatellite marker study on Inquilinitermes inquilinus and its host Constrictotermes cavifrons. The proportion of simple, extended and mixed families was recorded in both species, as well as the presence of neotenics, parthenogenesis and multiple foundations. Most host colonies (95%) were simple families and all were monodomous. By contrast, the inquiline showed a higher proportion of extended (30%) and mixed (5%) families, and frequent neotenics (in 25% of the nests). This results from the simultaneous foundation in host nests of numerous incipient colonies, which, as they grow, may compete, fight, or merge. We also documented the use of parthenogenesis by female-female pairs. In conclusion, the classical monogamous colony pattern of the host species suggests uneventful development of simple foundations dispersed in the environment, in accordance with the wide distribution of their resources. By contrast, the multiple reproductive patterns displayed by the inquiline species reveal strong constraints on foundation sites: founders first concentrate into host nests, then must attempt to outcompete or absorb the neighbouring foundations to gain full control of the resources provided by the host nest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \"paradox of sex\" refers to the question of why sexual reproduction is maintained in the wild, despite how costly it is compared to asexual reproduction. Because of these costs, one might expect nature to select for asexual reproduction, yet sex seems to be continually selected for. Multiple hypotheses have been proposed to explain this incongruence, including the niche differentiation hypothesis, the Red Queen hypothesis, and accumulation of harmful mutations in asexual species due to inefficient purifying selection. This study focuses on the accumulation of mutations in two terrestrial isopods, Trichoniscus pusillus, which has sexual diploid and parthenogenic triploid forms, and Hyloniscus riparius, an obligately sexual relative. We surveyed sex ratios of both species in an upstate New York population and obtained RNA-seq data from wild-caught individuals of both species to examine within- and between-species patterns of molecular evolution in protein-coding genes. The sex ratio and RNA-seq data together provide strong evidence that this T. pusillus population is entirely asexual and triploid, while the H. riparius population is sexual and diploid. Although all the wild T. pusillus individuals used for sequencing shared identical genotypes at nearly all SNPs, supporting a clonal origin, heterozygosity and SNP density were much higher in T. pusillus than in the sexually reproducing H. riparius. This observation suggests this parthenogenic lineage may have arisen via mating between two divergent diploid lineages. Between-species sequence comparisons showed no evidence of ineffective purifying selection in the asexual T. pusillus lineage, as measured by the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions (dN/dS ratios). Likewise, there was no difference between T. pusillus and H. riparius in the ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous SNPs overall (pN/pS). However, pN/pS ratios in T. pusillus were significantly higher when considering only SNPs that may have arisen via recent mutation after the transition to parthenogenesis. Thus, these recent SNPs are consistent with the hypothesis that purifying selection is less effective against new mutations in asexual lineages, but only over long time scales. This system provides a useful model for future studies on the evolutionary tradeoffs between sexual and asexual reproduction in nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cytoplasm of Aegilops kotschyi is known for the induction of male sterility and haploidy in wheat. Both systems originally appeared rather simple, but manipulation of the standard chromosome constitution of the nuclear genome revealed additional interactions. This study shows that while there is little or no allelic variation at the main fertility restorer locus Rfmulti on chromosome arm 1BS, additional genes may also be involved in the nuclear-mitochondrial genome interactions, affecting not only male fertility but also the growth rate, from pollen competition for fertilization and early endosperm divisions all the way to seed size and plant maturity. Some of these effects appear to be of a sporophytic nature; others are gametophytic. Induction of parthenogenesis by a rye inducer in conjunction with the Ae. kotschyi cytoplasm is well known. However, here we show that the cytoplasmic-nuclear interactions affect all aspects of double fertilization: producing maternal haploids from unfertilized eggs, diploids from fertilized eggs or synergids, embryo-less kernels, and fertilized eggs without fertilization of the double nucleus in the embryo sack. It is unclear how frequent the inducers of parthenogenesis are, as variation, if any, is obscured by suppressors present in the wheat genome. Genetic dissection of a single wheat accession revealed five distinct loci affecting the rate of maternal haploid production: four acting as suppressors and one as an enhancer. Only when the suppressing haplotypes are confirmed may it be possible to the identify genetic variation of haploidy inducers, map their position(s), and determine their nature and the mode of action.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parthenogenesis, or virgin birth, describes a mode of reproduction where an egg develops into an offspring without fertilization, and is observed across various vertebrate taxa, excluding mammals. Obligate parthenogenesis, found in around 100 vertebrate species and 1000 invertebrate species, is relatively rare. Conversely, facultative parthenogenesis, where females can reproduce both sexually and parthenogenetically, is observed in some vertebrates, including elasmobranchs. Notably, this phenomenon in elasmobranchs is mainly documented in captivity, allowing for detailed long-term observation. Specifically, this study reports the first case of facultative parthenogenesis in the common smooth-hound shark Mustelus mustelus, a species classified by IUCN as endangered. Here we show that the juvenile M. mustelus were born through parthenogenesis, exhibiting homozygosity at each genetic marker, consistent with terminal fusion automixis. Remarkably, this finding reveals that parthenogenesis can occur annually in these sharks, alternating between two females, and conclusively excludes long-term sperm storage as a cause. Consequently, this enhances our understanding of parthenogenesis in elasmobranchs and highlights the reproductive flexibility of M. mustelus. Overall, these results contribute to our broader understanding of reproductive strategies in elasmobranchs, which could inform conservation efforts for endangered species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Centrioles are the core constituent of centrosomes, microtubule-organizing centers involved in directing mitotic spindle assembly and chromosome segregation in animal cells. In sexually reproducing species, centrioles degenerate during oogenesis and female meiosis is usually acentrosomal. Centrioles are retained during male meiosis and, in most species, are reintroduced with the sperm during fertilization, restoring centriole numbers in embryos. In contrast, the presence, origin, and function of centrioles in parthenogenetic species is unknown. We found that centrioles are maternally inherited in two species of asexual parthenogenetic nematodes and identified two different strategies for maternal inheritance evolved in the two species. In Rhabditophanes diutinus, centrioles organize the poles of the meiotic spindle and are inherited by both the polar body and embryo. In Disploscapter pachys, the two pairs of centrioles remain close together and are inherited by the embryo only. Our results suggest that maternally-inherited centrioles organize the embryonic spindle poles and act as a symmetry-breaking cue to induce embryo polarization. Thus, in these parthenogenetic nematodes, centrioles are maternally-inherited and functionally replace their sperm-inherited counterparts in sexually reproducing species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene flow between diverging lineages challenges the resolution of species boundaries and the understanding of evolutionary history in recent radiations. Here, we integrate phylogenetic and coalescent tools to resolve reticulate patterns of diversification and use a perspective focused on evolutionary mechanisms to distinguish interspecific and intraspecific taxonomic variation. We use this approach to resolve the systematics for one of the most intensively studied but difficult to understand groups of reptiles: the spotted whiptail lizards of the genus Aspidoscelis (A. gularis complex). Whiptails contain the largest number of unisexual species known within any vertebrate group and the spotted whiptail complex has played a key role in the generation of this diversity through hybrid speciation. Understanding lineage boundaries and the evolutionary history of divergence and reticulation within this group is therefore key to understanding the generation of unisexual diversity in whiptails. Despite this importance, long-standing confusion about their systematics has impeded understanding of which gonochoristic species have contributed to the formation of unisexual lineages. Using reduced representation genomic data, we resolve patterns of divergence and gene flow within the spotted whiptails and clarify patterns of hybrid speciation. We find evidence that biogeographically structured ecological and environmental variation has been important in morphological and genetic diversification, as well as the maintenance of species boundaries in this system. Our study elucidates how gene flow among lineages and the continuous nature of speciation can bias the practice of species delimitation and lead taxonomists operating under different frameworks to different conclusions (here we propose that a two species arrangement best reflects our current understanding). In doing so, this study provides conceptual and methodological insights into approaches to resolving diversification patterns and species boundaries in rapid radiations with complex histories, as well as long-standing taxonomic challenges in the field of systematic biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    According to Mendel\'s second law, chromosomes segregate randomly in meiosis. Non-random segregation is primarily known for cases of selfish meiotic drive in females, in which particular alleles bias their own transmission into the oocyte. Here we report a rare example of unselfish meiotic drive for crossover inheritance in the clonal raider ant, Ooceraea biroi, in which both alleles are co-inherited at all loci across the entire genome. This species produces diploid offspring parthenogenetically via fusion of two haploid nuclei from the same meiosis. This process should cause rapid genotypic degeneration due to loss of heterozygosity, which results if crossover recombination is followed by random (Mendelian) segregation of chromosomes. However, by comparing whole genomes of mothers and daughters, we show that loss of heterozygosity is exceedingly rare, raising the possibility that crossovers are infrequent or absent in O. biroi meiosis. Using a combination of cytology and whole-genome sequencing, we show that crossover recombination is, in fact, common but that loss of heterozygosity is avoided because crossover products are faithfully co-inherited. This results from a programmed violation of Mendel\'s law of segregation, such that crossover products segregate together rather than randomly. This discovery highlights an extreme example of cellular \'memory\' of crossovers, which could be a common yet cryptic feature of chromosomal segregation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The concept of a standardized reference diet (SRD) is used in laboratory model organisms to ensure nutritional control between studies and laboratories. Although models using the genetically identical, all female parthenogenetic marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis) are growing in popularity, research into nutrition in this species still has many knowledge gaps. To fast track the development of a SRD in terms of protein and amino acids (SRDprotein) for this species, we first analyzed the composition of its body amino acids to determine the ideal protein concept (IPC) of indispensable amino acids in wild-caught P. virginalis (which had an unusually high preponderance of leucine and arginine). Then, we strategically evaluated three common clusters of types of fish feed: (1) ornamental fish feed (SER) fortified with a naturally occurring alga (Spirulina). This type of feed was protein-high in arginine and leucine (SER + SPI) that fulfils the species\' IPC for iso-protein (~ 40%), iso-phosphorus (~ 0.8%) and near iso-energetic (~ 475 kcal 100 g-1); (2) freeze-dried live feed consisting of chironomid larvae (CHI) fortified with Spirulina (CHI + SPI) that fulfils the IPC for iso-protein (~ 46%), iso-phosphorus (~ 0.7%) and near iso-energetic (~ 405 kcal 100 g-1); and (3) a commercially standardized \'starter diet\' for carnivorous fish larvae (FISH) and post-larval shrimps (SHRIMP) with iso-protein (~ 56%) and iso-phosphorus (~ 1.6%). A total of six diets, embracing a diverse range of proteinaceous feeds, were used in a 100-day ad libitum feeding and growth trial. The FISH group outperformed all the other groups (p < 0.05) and our exploratory multivariate analysis revealed an ideal demand of > 44% protein (tailored to deliver high arginine 3% and leucine 4%, followed by the usual lysine > 3.5% and methionine 1.2%) but also the lowest carbohydrate level (21%). For SRDprotein, our findings show that the FISH diet is ideal and suggest the possibilities of using a CHI + SPI diet for further optimization (more economic use of protein and phosphorus).





