
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Trigeminal trophic syndrome is a rare cranial and facial condition caused by damage to the central or peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve. This syndrome consists of a triad of anesthesia, paresthesia, and crescent-shaped facial ulcer involving the ala nasi and sometimes extending to the upper lip. Although previous screening for human immunodeficiency virus in some patients with trigeminal trophic syndrome was negative, we present a unique case of trigeminal trophic syndrome who tested positive for human immunodeficiency virus with eye complications.
    METHODS: We present a rare case of trigeminal trophic syndrome in a 44-year-old Black African woman who tested positive for human immunodeficiency virus. She presented with a 6-week history of progressive, persistent, and painless left sided facial and scalp ulcerations that started as small skin erosion. Diagnosis of trigeminal trophic syndrome was made on clinical grounds based on the triad of anesthesia, paresthesia, and unilateral crescent-shaped ulcer in the trigeminal dermatome and her past medical history. The ulcer healed completely after counseling and pharmacological therapy, but she later developed left periorbital cellulitis and left upper eyelid full-thickness defect.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is by far the first documented case of trigeminal trophic syndrome with a positive human immunodeficiency virus test. Testing for human immunodeficiency virus in patients with trigeminal trophic syndrome is necessary as this can help improve clinical management and treatment outcomes. Seeking the services of specialists remotely in resource constraint settings is beneficial for managing complications associated with trigeminal trophic syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 53-year-old woman underwent a thoracic epidural placement for a scheduled laparotomy. Postoperatively the patient had no appreciable epidural level after multiple epidural boluses and was noted to be severely hypotensive with right upper extremity weakness and numbness. She subsequently developed right-sided Horner\'s syndrome with worsening right upper extremity weakness and decreased sensation from C6 to T1. She regained full motor and sensory function in her right upper extremity with epidural removal. This unusual case raises awareness of the variability in the presentation of subdural spread and provides an example of an epidural complication that can mimic a cerebrovascular accident (CVA).






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bilateral facial palsy with paresthesia (FDP) is a rare variant of GBS, characterized by simultaneous bilateral facial palsy and paresthesia of the distal limbs. Mounting evidence indicates that the presence of anti-GT1a IgG has a pathogenic role as an effector molecule in the development of cranial nerve palsies in certain patients with GBS, whereas anti-GT1a antibody is rarely presented positive in FDP. Here, we report the case of a 33-year-old male diagnosed with FDP presented with acute onset of bilateral facial palsy and slight paresthesias at the feet as the only neurological manifestation. An antecedent infection with no identifiable reason for the fever or skin eruptions was noted in the patient. He also exhibited cerebrospinal fluid albuminocytologic dissociation and abnormal nerve conduction studies. Notably, the testing of specific serum anti-gangliosides showed positive anti-GT1a IgG/IgM Ab. The patient responded well to intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. This case brings awareness to a rare variant of GBS, and provides the first indication that anti-GT1a antibodies play a causative role in the development of FDP. The case also suggests that prompt management with IVIG should be implemented if FDP is diagnosed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Genioplasty is a common procedure in plastic surgery, with various alloplastic biomaterials utilized for chin augmentation. Despite their advantages, complications such as neuropraxia of the mental nerve can occur, leading to temporary or persistent sensory disturbances. This case report describes a 35-year-old female who sought correction of a small chin. Preoperative evaluation revealed a retrognathic profile, and the patient underwent genioplasty with high-density porous polyethylene implantation. Postoperatively, she experienced mild paresthesia, which improved over time. Neurosensory assessments, including mechanical and light touch tests, showed no abnormalities in A-beta and C fibers but decreased sensitivity in A-delta fibers. This case report emphasizes the importance of evaluating larger nerve fibers during postoperative assessments and the need for standardized testing methodologies to comprehensively assess nerve damage after genioplasty. Further research should explore strategies to standardize neurosensory assessment and optimize therapeutic interventions for nerve damage after genioplasty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nasopalatine duct cyst, which is also known as incisive canal cyst, is the most common developmental cyst of the maxilla. It arises from the proliferation of the remnants of the nasopalatine duct stimulated by trauma or infection. In this article, the authors report a rare case of an extensive nasopalatine duct cyst in a 57-year-old Male associated with non-vital tooth. Clinical examination revealed facial asymmetry associated with swelling that is painful and tender. Correlating clinical and radiological findings, a diagnosis of nasopalatine duct cyst was formed, and the histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of nasopalatine duct cyst. This case highlights the importance of knowing that nasopalatine duct cyst can be associated with non-vital teeth, challenging the assumption that they are exclusively associated with vital teeth.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12070-024-04513-1.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Peripheral nerve entrapment is an underdiagnosed pathology when it is not the most common syndromes such as carpal tunnel syndrome or cubital tunnel syndrome. The symptomatic lesion of the superficial peroneal nerve (SPN) has a low incidence, being its diagnosis sometimes complex. It is based on a exhaustive physical examination and imaging tests such as ultrasound (US) or magnetic resonance imaging (RMI). Conservative treatment may sometimes not be sufficient, requiring surgical techniques in refractory cases. We present a patient diagnosed with superficial peroneal nerve entrapment by ultrasound and diagnostic nerve block that was subsequently resolved by hydrodissection technique at the level of the deep crural fascia tunnel. The results were satisfactory with a complete resolution of the clinical process since the application of this technique.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Components derived from an infected lesion within the bone can spread through various passages in the mandible, particularly via the mental foramen. Radiologically, the spread of infection is typically nonspecific and challenging to characterize; however, multislice computed tomography (MSCT) can effectively detect pathological changes in soft tissues and the bone marrow space. This report describes the case of a 55-year-old woman who experienced mental nerve paresthesia due to a periapical infection of the right mandibular second premolar. MSCT imaging revealed increased attenuation around the periapical lesion extending into the mandibular canal and loss of the juxtamental foraminal fat pad. Following endodontic treatment of the tooth suspected to be the source of the infection, the patient\'s symptoms resolved, and the previous MSCT imaging findings were no longer present. Increased bone marrow attenuation and obliteration of the fat plane in the buccal aspect of the mental foramen may serve as radiologic indicators of inflammation spreading from the bone marrow space.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Although stroke and acute limb ischemia seem easily distinguishable by anamnesis and physical examination, symptoms may overlap and sometimes mislead the examiner. Such a situation can arise in the occurrence of unilateral neurological symptoms affecting the upper and lower limbs at the same time. As timely diagnosis and a correct therapeutic intervention are crucial to prevent irreversible damage in both diseases, knowledge of the possibility of one disease mimicking the other is essential. We present a unique case of acute unilateral upper and lower limb ischemia mimicking an acute stroke.
    METHODS: A 69-year-old Caucasian patient with known atherosclerotic risk factors was admitted to the emergency department with a suspected stroke with unilateral paresthesia. After a comprehensive examination of the patient with the need for repeated reevaluation and a negative brain computed tomography scan, acute left-sided upper and lower limb ischemia was eventually diagnosed. The patient underwent surgical revascularization of the upper and lower limbs with a satisfactory result and was discharged from the hospital after a few days.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is of utmost importance to always stay alert for stroke mimics, as overlooking can lead to severe complications and delay adequate therapy. Our case shows that persistent diagnostic effort leads to successful treatment of the patient even on rare occasions, as is the acute unilateral upper and lower limb ischemia.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune disease leading to impaired absorption of dietary cobalamin. Patients with pernicious anemia can present with multiple hematological, neurological and gastrointestinal complaints. Herein, we have a case of pernicious anemia presenting with alternating bowel habit. This was challenging and unique as the patient didn\'t have any usual condition responsible for alternating bowel habit and it is not reported in cases of pernicious anemia either. The case is a 46-year-old male who was admitted with alternating bowel habit, paresthesia and fever for the last 6 months. Patient was found to be severely anemic. After full workup, he was diagnosed with pernicious anemia. The patient was treated with IM Injections of Vitamin B12. After 3 months of discharge, the patient was free of all the symptoms. This case emphasizes the importance of investigating anemic patients with alternating bowel habit for pernicious anemia and also the need to exclude other causes of this symptom before labeling it as pernicious anemia only.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: We report a case of a clinical challenge lasting for 12 months, with severe and unresolved clinical features involving several medical disciplines.
    METHODS: A 53-year-old Caucasian male, who had been previously healthy apart from a moderate renal impairment, was hospitalized 12 times during a 1-year period for a recurrent complex of neurological, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal symptoms and signs, without any apparent etiology. On two occasions, he suffered a cardiac arrest and was successfully resuscitated. Following the first cardiac arrest, a cardiac defibrillator was inserted. During the 12th admission to our hospital, aconitine poisoning was suspected after a comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation and confirmed by serum and urine analyses. Later, aconitine was also detected in a hair segment, indicating exposure within the symptomatic period. After the diagnosis was made, no further episodes occurred. His cardiac defibrillator was later removed, and he returned to work. A former diagnosis of epilepsy was also abandoned. Criminal intent was suspected, and his wife was sentenced to 11 years in prison for attempted murder. To make standardized assessments of the probability for aconitine poisoning as the cause of the eleven prior admissions, an \"aconitine score\" was established. The score is based on neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and other clinical features reported in the literature. We also make a case for the use of hair analysis to confirm suspected poisoning cases evaluated after the resolution of clinical features.
    CONCLUSIONS: This report illustrates the medical challenge raised by cases of covert poisoning. In patients presenting with symptoms and signs from several organ systems without apparent cause, poisoning should always be suspected. To solve such cases, insight into the effects of specific toxic agents is needed. We present an \"aconitine score\" that may be useful in cases of suspected aconitine poisoning.





