
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The East Palaearctic species of the adeliine genus Paradelius De Saeger, 1942 are reviewed. The genus Sculptomyriola Belokobylskij, 1988 is synonymised with Paradelius and treated as its subgenus. The following species are transferred to subgenus Paradelius (Sculptomyriola): P. (Sc.) extremiorientalis (Belokobylskij, 1988), comb. nov.; P. (Sc.) ghilarovi (Belokobylskij, 1988), comb. nov.; P. (Sc.) neotropicalis Shimbori & Shaw, 2019; P. (Sc.) nigrus Whitfield, 1988; P. (Sc.) rubrus Whitfield, 1988; P. (Sc.) sinevi (Belokobylskij, 1998), comb. nov. A new species Paradelius (Sculptomyriola) koreanussp. nov. from Korean Peninsula is described. The genus Sinadelius He & Chen, 2000 is synonymised with Paradelius De Saeger and also treated as its subgenus. The species Sinadeliusguangxiensis He & Chen, 2000 and S.nigricans He & Chen, 2000 are transferred to Paradelius (Sinadelius) (comb. nov.). A key for determination of the World known Paradelius species from three its subgenera, Paradelius s.str., Sculptomyriola Belokobylskij and Sinadelius He & Chen, and illustrated redescriptions of the type of genus and its Asian species are provided.






  • 文章类型: Review
    In many parts of the world, chemical pesticides are the primary method of pest control in maize (Zea mays L.) crops. Concerns about the negative consequences of chemical pesticide use on people\'s health and the environment, as well as the emergence of insecticide resistance, have accelerated attempts to discover alternatives that are effective, low-risk, and cost-effective. Maize-legume intercropping systems are known to have multiple benefits to agroecosystem functioning, including pest regulation. This review focuses on the influence of maize-legume intercropping systems on insect diversity and abundance as a mechanism for insect pest regulation in maize crops. First, this review combines knowledge of maize-legume intercrops, with a particular emphasis on the mechanism by which this practice attracts beneficial insects (e.g., predators, parasitoids) to reduce pest damage in intercropping systems. In addition, the pairings of specific legume species with the greatest potential to attract more beneficial insects and therefore reduce maize pests are also discussed. Finally, future research needs are also recommended. Findings are reviewed in the context of looking for long-term management strategies that can increase the adoption of integrated pest management programs in maize-based production systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Dipteran parasitoids of Embioptera (webspinners) are few and extremely rare but known from all biogeographical regions except Australasia/Oceania. All belong to the fly family Tachinidae, a hyperdiverse and widespread clade of parasitoids attacking a variety of arthropod orders.
    RESULTS: The webspinner-parasitizing Diptera are reviewed based mostly on records from the collecting and rearing by Edward S. Ross. A new genus is erected to accommodate a new Afrotropical species, Embiophoneus rossi gen. et sp. nov. The genus Perumyia Arnaud is reviewed and a new species, Perumyia arnaudi sp. nov., is described from Central America while P. embiaphaga Arnaud is redescribed and new host records are given. A new species of Phytomyptera Rondani, P. woodi sp. nov., is described from Myanmar, representing the first report of a member of this genus obtained from webspinners. The genus Rossimyiops Mesnil is reviewed, R. longicornis (Kugler) is redescribed and R. aeratus sp. nov., R. fuscus sp. nov. and R. rutilans sp. nov. are newly described from the Oriental Region, and an updated key to species is given.
    CONCLUSIONS: Webspinners were probably colonized independently at least four times by tachinids shifting from other hosts, most likely Lepidoptera.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Although most past studies are based on static analyses of the pest regulation drivers, evidence shows that a greater focus on the temporal dynamics of these interactions is urgently required to develop more efficient strategies. (2) Focusing on aphids, we systematically reviewed (i) empirical knowledge on the drivers influencing the dynamics of aphid-natural enemy interactions and (ii) models developed to simulate temporal or spatio-temporal aphid dynamics. (3) Reviewed studies mainly focus on the abundance dynamics of aphids and their natural enemies, and on aphid population growth rates. The dynamics of parasitism and predation are rarely measured empirically, although it is often represented in models. Temperature is mostly positively correlated with aphid population growth rates. Plant phenology and landscape effects are poorly represented in models. (4) We propose a research agenda to progress towards models and empirical knowledge usable to design effective CBC strategies. We claim that crossover works between empirical and modeling community will help design new empirical settings based on simulation results and build more accurate and robust models integrating more key drivers of aphid dynamics. Such models, turned into decision support systems, are urgently needed by farmers and advisors in order to design effective integrated pest management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Indonesian species of the family Signiphoridae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) are revised. Three species of Chartocerus are described as new (Chartocerus kartiniae Polaszek & Schmidt, sp. nov., C. sumatrensis Schmidt & Polaszek, sp. nov., and C. javensis Schmidt & Ubaidillah, sp. nov.) and four species of Signiphora, viz., S. bennetti Woolley & Dal Molin, S. flavella Girault, S. perpauca Girault and S. bifasciata Ashmead, are diagnosed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological control agents and semiochemicals have become essential parts of the integrated pest management of insect pests over recent years, as the incorporation of semiochemicals with natural enemies and entomopathogenic microbials has gained significance. The potential of insect pheromones to attract natural enemies has mainly been established under laboratory conditions, while semiochemicals from plants have been used to attract and retain natural enemies in field conditions using strategies such as trap crops and the push-pull mechanism. The best-known semiochemicals are those used for parasitoids-insect pest-plant host systems. Semiochemicals can also aid in the successful dispersal of entomopathogenic microbials. The use of semiochemicals to disseminate microbial pathogens is still at the initial stage, especially for bacterial and viral entomopathogens. Future studies should focus on the integration of semiochemicals into management strategies for insects, for which several semiochemical compounds have already been studied. More effective formulations of microbial agents, such as granular formulations of entomopathogenic fungi (EPFs), along with bio-degradable trap materials, could improve this strategy. Furthermore, more studies to evaluate species-specific tactics may be needed, especially where more than one key pest is present.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Leptocybe Fisher & La Salle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and its type species L. invasa were first described in 2004. Leptocybe spp. are global pests of eucalyptus plantations, and parasitoids play an important role in their control. In this review, we describe the species, distribution, biology, ecology and parasitism levels of Leptocybe spp. parasitoids and the problems associated with biological control programmes against Leptocybe spp. Additionally, prospects for the use of conservation or augmentative biological control programmes against Leptocybe spp. are discussed. Worldwide, approximately 23 species of parasitoids of Leptocybe spp. in 7 families and 10 genera have been found to date. Comparing the parasitism levels of the parasitoids showed that Quadrastichus mendeli, Selitrichodes neseri and several (approximately 4) native Megastigmus spp. could be exploited to manage Leptocybe spp. Available information on the Leptocybe spp. parasitoids is expected to improve our understanding related to ongoing studies of biological control programmes against Leptocybe spp.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Argentina there are two tephritid fruit fly species of major economic and quarantine importance: the exotic Ceratitis capitata that originated from Southeast Africa and the native Anastrepha fraterculus. In recent years, the use of fruit fly parasitoids as biocontrol agents has received renewed attention. This increasing interest has recently led to the establishment of a program for the mass rearing of five million Diachasmimorpha longicaudata parasitoids per week in the BioPlanta San Juan facility, San Juan, Argentina. The first augmentative releases of D. longicaudata in Argentina are currently occurring on commercial fig crops in rural areas of San Juan as part of an integrated fruit fly management program on an area-wide basis. In this context, research is ongoing to assess the suitability of indigenous parasitoid species for successful mass rearing on larvae of either C. capitata or A. fraterculus. The purpose of this article is to provide a historical overview of the biological control of the fruit fly in Argentina, report on the strategies currently used in Argentina, present information on native parasitoids as potential biocontrol agents, and discuss the establishment of a long-term fruit fly biological control program, including augmentative and conservation modalities, in Argentina\'s various fruit growing regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ichneumonid wasps of the subfamily Acaenitinae Förster, 1869 are reviewed for the first time from the Ukrainian Carpathians. Two species, Coleocentrusexareolatus Kriechbaumer, 1894 and Coleocentrusheteropus Thomson, 1894 are new records for Ukraine. Arotesannulicornis Kriechbaumer, 1894 is considered to be a junior synonym of Arotesalbicinctus Gravenhorst, 1829 (syn. nov.). A key to species of Coleocentrus of the Carpathians is provided.





