Parasitic Diseases, Animal

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents a checklist of metazoan parasites of snakes from Argentina, along with a comprehensive review of the relevant literature published between 1922 and June 2023, covering various aspects of interest. We compiled 34 species of metazoan endoparasites from 28 studies. The subclass Digenea showed the highest number of species (n = 22 species), followed by the phylum Nematoda (n = 8 species), and the subclass Pentastomida (n = 3 species and 1 taxa inquirenda). Dipsadidae was the family of snakes with the most species examined for metazoan endoparasites (n = 20 species). In contrast, Viperidae had the largest number of specimens surveyed (n = 343). Of 23 provinces, 15 (65.2%) presented at least one report of metazoan endoparasites in snakes. The northeastern provinces showed the highest richness of metazoan endoparasites and host diversity. Many articles focused on taxonomy, but studies on parasite ecology were not found. Although taxonomic accuracy was high in most reports, some records were correctly deposited in zoological collections or geo-referenced. This is the first attempt to include all groups of metazoan endoparasites of snakes from Argentina in a single checklist in the last century.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salmonids are affected by the economically significant whirling disease (WD) caused by the myxozoan parasite Myxobolus cerebralis. In the past, it was endemic to Eurasia, but it has now spread to different regions of North America, Europe, New Zealand, and South Africa. Among salmonids, rainbow trout is considered the most highly susceptible host. Upon entering to the host\'s body, the parasite invades the spine and cranium, resulting in whirling behaviour, a blackened tail, and destruction of cartilage. The disease is characterized by the infiltration of numerous inflammatory cells, primarily lymphocytes and macrophages, with the onset of fibrous tissue infiltration. Several efforts have been undertaken to investigate the role of various immune modulatory molecules and immune regulatory genes using advanced molecular methods including flow cytometry and transcriptional techniques. Investigation of the molecular and cellular responses, the role of STAT3 in Th17 cell differentiation, and the inhibitory actions of suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) on interferons and interleukins, as well as the role of natural resistance-associated macrophage proteins (Nramp) in WD have significantly contributed to our understanding of the immune regulation mechanism in salmonids against M. cerebralis. This review thoroughly highlights previous research and discusses potential future directions for understanding the molecular immune response of salmonids and the possible development of prophylactic approaches against WD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mesocestoides spp. are zoonotic cestodes found as adults in carnivorous domestic and wild definitive hosts and as metacestodes in several taxa of intermediate hosts. Although several regional studies record its occurrence in different host populations, the global prevalence and patterns of occurrence of Mesocestoides spp. are not fully understood. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of published literature to estimate the global prevalence of Mesocestoides spp. in major definitive and intermediate host taxa. Records published in English were collected from NCBI PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Science and Google Scholar databases, with 364 papers being included in the meta-analysis. The overall pooled prevalence estimates show that 21.72 % (95 % CI: 18.49-25.14) of terrestrial carnivore definitive hosts and 7.09 % (95 % CI: 5.79-8.51) of intermediate hosts are infected. Among definitive hosts, opossums and foxes were most commonly infected with pooled global prevalence of 48.16 % (95 % CI: 14.62 - 82.69) and 35.97 % (295 % CI: 9.54 - 42.66) respectively. Pooled global prevalence in domestic dogs and cats were 7.97 % (95 % CI: 5.67 - 10.63) and 8.32 % (95 % CI: 3.78 - 14.41) respectively. Among intermediate hosts, birds and snakes were most commonly infected with pooled global prevalence of 16.19 % (95 %CI: 5.9 - 30.31) and 15.74 % (95 % CI: 10.59 - 21.69) respectively. Our analysis demonstrates that prevalence of Mesocestoides spp. is variable across the world. The sylvatic cycle in wild hosts is likely to be more important than the domestic cycle for the maintenance of Mesocestoides spp. globally. Currently available genetic data at the mitochondrial COI locus was also phylogenetically analyzed. The genetic data supports the taxonomic distinctiveness of only a few of the numerous morphologically described Mesocestoides spp.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasites, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protists, helminths, and arthropods, are ubiquitous in the animal kingdom. Consequently, hosts are frequently infected with more than one parasite species simultaneously. The assessment of such co-infections is of fundamental importance for disease ecology, but relevant studies involving non-domesticated animals have remained scarce. Many amphibians are in decline, and they generally have a highly diverse parasitic fauna. Here we review the literature reporting on field surveys, veterinary case studies, and laboratory experiments on co-infections in amphibians, and we summarize what is known about within-host interactions among parasites, which environmental and intrinsic factors influence the outcomes of these interactions, and what effects co-infections have on hosts. The available literature is piecemeal, and patterns are highly diverse, so that identifying general trends that would fit most host-multiparasite systems in amphibians is difficult. Several examples of additive, antagonistic, neutral, and synergistic effects among different parasites are known, but whether members of some higher taxa usually outcompete and override the effects of others remains unclear. The arrival order of different parasites and the time lag between exposures appear in many cases to fundamentally shape competition and disease progression. The first parasite to arrive can gain a marked reproductive advantage or induce cross-reaction immunity, but by disrupting the skin and associated defences (i.e., skin secretions, skin microbiome) and by immunosuppression, it can also pave the way for subsequent infections. Although there are exceptions, detrimental effects to the host are generally aggravated with increasing numbers of co-infecting parasite species. Finally, because amphibians are ectothermic animals, temperature appears to be the most critical environmental factor that affects co-infections, partly via its influence on amphibian immune function, partly due to its direct effect on the survival and growth of parasites. Besides their importance for our understanding of ecological patterns and processes, detailed knowledge about co-infections is also crucial for the design and implementation of effective wildlife disease management, so that studies concentrating on the identified gaps in our understanding represent rewarding research avenues.







  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Parasitism is inherent to life and observed in all species. Extinct animals have been studied to understand what they looked like, where and how they lived, what they fed on, and the reasons they became extinct. Paleoparasitology helps to clarify these questions based on the study of the parasites and microorganisms that infected those animals, using as a source material coprolites, fossils in rock, tissue, bone, mummy, and amber, analyses of ancient DNA, immunodiagnosis, and microscopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Moxidectin (MOX) is a macrocyclic lactone approved worldwide for the treatment of both endo- and ecto-parasites in many mammalian species. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of MOX as a treatment against parasites in a range of mammalian species. An electronic literature search was performed for publications to the 1st September 2020. A total of 205 papers were retrieved and screened against all required criteria; hence, 35 were papers were reviewed in this study. The level of evidence and methodological quality was analysed, where a total of 13 publications were categorised as a \'randomised control trial\', seven were categorised as a \'non-randomised control trial\' and 15 as an \'experimental control trial\'. The overall methodological quality of the publications was considered low, low to moderate, moderate, moderate to high and high in ten, four, twelve, five and a further four, respectively. We assessed the treatment and possible toxicity of MOX in 13 mammalian species, six investigations reported adverse effects to MOX in a small percentage of individuals. The authors reported observed reactions that were typically mild symptoms that did not require additional therapies, and/or resolved themselves. Further studies are needed to assess the efficacy of MOX treatment in a larger number of species, particularly in wildlife.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two- and three-toed sloths (Choloepus spp. and Bradypus spp.) have become popular animals in American culture and in American zoos, where they are frequently used as animal ambassadors. Despite the increased focus on sloth species, the prevalence of infectious diseases in sloth populations and the associated clinical consequences are relatively unknown. This study reviewed all published literature from 1809 to 2019 that examined infectious agents in both captive and wild populations of either two- or three-toed sloths. Online databases were electronically searched for relevant manuscripts using strings of inclusion and exclusion terms, resulting in an initial identification of 5,364 articles. After removing duplications and conducting two relevance screenings, 57 manuscripts were included in the full review. A total of 1,769 individual two-toed sloths and 879 individual three-toed sloths were accounted for in the included studies, with evidence of infection or exposure to infectious agents in 647 (36.6%) and 222 (25.3%) individual two- and three-toed sloths, respectively. Approximately 74% of documented infections were cryptic fungal, parasitic, and viral infections. The remaining 26% of infections represent those that were associated with clinical signs of disease. The infectious agents reported were bacterial (84), parasitic (20), viral (9), and fungal (4). Significant knowledge gaps remain regarding clinical and subclinical infectious disease prevalence and impact in both free-ranging and captive sloths.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasitic infections can cause many respiratory, digestive and other diseases and contribute to some performance conditions in equids. However, knowledge on the biodiversity of parasites of equids in Iran is still limited. The present review covers all the information about parasitic diseases of horses, donkeys, mules and wild asses in Iran published as articles in Iranian and international journals, dissertations and congress papers from 1931 to July 2020. Parasites so far described in Iranian equids include species of 9 genera of the Protozoa (Trypanosoma, Giardia, Eimeria, Klossiella, Cryptosporidium, Toxoplasma, Neospora, Theileria and Babesia), 50 helminth species from the digestive system (i.e., 2 trematodes, 3 cestodes and 37 nematodes) and from other organs (i.e., Schistosoma turkestanica, Echinococcus granulosus, Dictyocaulus arnfieldi, Parafilaria multipapillosa, Setaria equina and 3 Onchocerca spp.). Furthermore, 16 species of hard ticks, 3 mite species causing mange, 2 lice species, and larvae of 4 Gastrophilus species and Hippobosca equina have been reported from equids in Iran. Archeoparasitological findings in coprolites of equids include Fasciola hepatica, Oxyuris equi, Anoplocephala spp. and intestinal strongyles. Parasitic diseases are important issues in terms of animal welfare, economics and public health; however, parasites and parasitic diseases of equines have not received adequate attention compared with ruminants and camels in Iran. The present review highlights the knowledge gaps related to equines about the presence, species, genotypes and subtypes of Neospora hughesi, Sarcocystis spp., Trichinella spp., Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia duodenalis, Blastocystis and microsporidia. Identification of ticks vectoring pathogenic parasites, bacteria and viruses has received little attention, too. The efficacy of common horse wormers also needs to be evaluated systematically.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cases of thelaziosis by Thelazia callipaeda have been increasing considerably in Europe throughout the 21st century, with recent emphasis on Eastern Europe. A systematic review was conducted using defined search terms across three major databases and, additionally, with the examination of the references of the 56 articles selected. Available information about epidemiological and clinical features of all cases of thelaziosis by T. callipaeda in companion animals, wildlife and humans was extracted, evaluated and subjected to qualitative and quantitative analysis. In all cross-sectional studies about dogs, cats and red foxes, males were more frequently infected than females (dogs: p = 0.0365; cats: p = 0.0164; red foxes: p = 0.0082). Adult dogs seem to be more prone to infection (p < 0.0001), as well as large-sized dogs (p < 0.0001), and companion animals that live exclusively outdoors (p < 0.0001). Dogs and red foxes involved in these cross-sectional studies harboured significantly more female than male nematodes (p < 0.0001). Thelaziosis by T. callipaeda is far from controlled in Europe. Only through updated epidemiological data, knowledge improvement and awareness can correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment and prevention be ensured to tackle this zoonosis.
    BACKGROUND: Revue systématique de l’infection et de la maladie provoquées par Thelazia callipaeda en Europe (2001–2020).
    UNASSIGNED: Les cas de thélaziose par Thelazia callipaeda ont considérablement augmenté en Europe tout au long du 21e siècle, l’accent étant récemment mis sur l’Europe de l’Est. Une revue systématique a été menée en utilisant des termes de recherche définis dans trois grandes bases de données, et aussi en examinant les références des 56 articles sélectionnés. Les informations disponibles sur les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques de tous les cas de thélaziose par T. callipaeda chez les animaux de compagnie, la faune et les humains ont été extraites, évaluées et soumises à une analyse qualitative et quantitative. Dans toutes les études transversales sur les chiens, les chats et les renards roux, les mâles étaient plus fréquemment infectés que les femelles (chiens : p = 0,0365; chats : p = 0,0164; renards roux : p = 0,0082). Les chiens adultes semblent être plus sujets aux infections (p < 0,0001), ainsi que les chiens de grande taille (p < 0,0001) et les animaux de compagnie vivant exclusivement à l’extérieur (p < 0,0001). Les chiens et les renards roux impliqués dans ces études transversales abritaient significativement plus de nématodes femelles que de mâles (p < 0,0001). La thélaziose par T. callipaeda est loin d’être contrôlée en Europe. Ce n’est que grâce à des données épidémiologiques mises à jour, à l’amélioration des connaissances et à la sensibilisation que l’on pourra corriger le diagnostic et assurer un traitement et une prévention appropriés pour lutter contre cette zoonose.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pigeons (Columba livia) have been associated with humans for a long time now. They are raised for sport (pigeon race), exhibition (display of fancy breeds), food, and research. Most of the pigeons kept are Racing Homers, trained to compete in the pigeon race. Other breeds, such as Rollers, Nose Divers, Doneks are bred for their aerial abilities. Incorporation of a good preventive medicine program is one of the most critical factors in averting infectious diseases in pigeon flocks. This review summarizes the common bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections in pigeons. The different clinical signs, symptoms, diagnostic strategies, prevention, and treatments were described in this review. Current researches, molecular diagnostic assays, and treatment strategies such as vaccines and drug candidates were included. The information found in this review can provide insights for veterinarians and researchers studying pigeons to develop effective and efficient immunoprophylactic and diagnostic tools for pigeon diagnosis and therapeutics.





