Parapharyngeal Space

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A case of pleomorphic adenoma of deep lobe of parotid in parapharyngeal space presented as intra oral swelling. FNAC showed features of pleomorphic adenoma. Surgery done through transcervical route. HPE of excised mass confirmed pleomorphic adenoma.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case study presents a 66-year-old man referred to the Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery department due to a one-history of persistent pain in the left posterior cervical region. No abnormalities were detected in the oral and pharyngeal regions during clinical and endoscopic examinations. Subsequently, a magnetic resonance imaging revealed a lesion (14 × 12 × 14 mm) into the left parapharyngeal space, with high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, enhancement after contrast medium, restricted signal on diffusion weighted imaging and high vascularization on perfusion MRI. The histological examination of the lesion led to a diagnosis of myopericitoma. Post-surgery, no adjuvant therapy was administered. Myopericytomas are rare soft-tissue benign neoplasms, predominantly reported in extremities, with a limited number of cases in the head and neck region and almost never described in the literature with elective localization in the parapharyngeal space.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The parapharyngeal space has been described as an inverted pyramid shape with the base of the skull and the great cornu of the hyoid bone at the top. Tumors of the parapharyngeal space account for 0.5% of head and neck tumors and a wide range of tumor types can occur in this area, 80% of which are benign, the most common being pleomorphic adenomas of the salivary glands and neurogenic tumors. We present a 39-year-old woman who was hospitalized due to left-sided neck pain with a feeling of blockage in the left ear and hearing loss for 10 months. Imaging showed that the mass was not connected to the cranium and the patient underwent surgical resection via a transoral approach, where the contents of the mass were found to be cerebrospinal fluid, and meningocele in the parapharyngeal space is a rare occurrence. The patient presented mainly with painful symptoms, which were eventually relieved by nerve block therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Venous malformations are low flow endothelial malformations with aberrant and ectatic venous channels. They are defects in vascular growth which causes functional and cosmetic impairment. Gradual growth in size of the lesion occurs due to venous congestion or thrombosis. Venous malformations in parapharyngeal space are a rare entity and are difficult to diagnose. Case Report. 13 year old boy presented with a history of hyposmia and progressive difficulty in breathing for a duration of 2.5 years. MRI face and neck with contrast showed a 4.5 × 4.3x3.6 cm lesion in the left parapharyngeal space. CT angiogram of brain and neck demonstrated a heterogeneously enhancing mass in the left parapharyngeal region. PET scan illustrated an ill-defined mass in the left pre styloid parapharyngeal space. Biopsy from the lesion showed features consistent with venolymphatic malformation. Flexible laryngoscopy showed a bulge over the left soft palate region with narrowing of nasopharyngeal lumen. Patient underwent transoral robotic surgery for complete excision of the mass. Post-operative period was uneventful. He has been on follow up for the past 1 year with no evidence of any residual or recurrent disease. Venolymphatic malformation is a rare lesion in the parapharyngeal space which is difficult to diagnose pre operatively. Surgical excision is the preferred modality of treatment for deep seated lesions in the parapharyngeal space. The advent of transoral robotic surgery have reduced the morbidity and improved clearance for such cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    parapharyngeal space can have a mass of thyroid origin following metastasis from the thyroid or ectopic thyroid tissue. The extension of multinodular goiter into the parapharyngeal space is rare. A 54-year-old female presented with a 5-month history of neck mass and dyspnea. On examination, a large mass was seen on the right side of the neck which was bulging into the right parapharngeal. In the sonography, a large 50 × 57 mm cyst seen at the upper end of the right lobe of the thyroid. Computed tomography (CT) identified a 46 × 56 mm lesion medial to the right carotid sheath with a mass effect on the parapharyngeal space from the posterolateral aspect and appeared to be an exophytic cystic nodule arising from the upper pole of the right thyroidal lobe. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy, and the final pathology of multinodular goiter was reported. The spread of masses of the thyroid origin to the parapharyngeal space should be considered one of the differential diagnoses of these space masses.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are often faced with the clinical challenge of foreign body displacement into the perioral tissues and soft tissues of the head and neck. This mainly occurs either because of trauma or inadvertently during dental treatment. In addition to the maxillary sinus, iatrogenic foreign body displacement during dental treatment could happen into one of the 16 distinct fascial spaces of the head and neck region. Commonly displaced foreign bodies related to dental treatment include tooth roots or fragments, local anesthetic needles, implants and restorations. The clinical sequelae of a displaced foreign body depend on its size, shape, anatomic location and proximity to vital structures. Although patients may remain asymptomatic for a considerable amount of time, retained foreign bodies result in persistent pain, recurrent infection and scarring of soft tissue due to inflammation, all of which may complicate delayed retrieval. In addition to the history, imaging modalities such as plain radiographs and computed tomography (CT) help in locating the displaced foreign body and its subsequent retrieval. Surgical retrieval may be attempted through intraoral, transcervical and endoscopic approaches. Additionally, surgery may be aided by real-time imaging such as fluoroscopy. The present report aims to detail a case of inadvertent displacement of an orthodontic mini-screw, commonly used as a temporary anchorage device (TAD), into the lateral pharyngeal space, while attempting placement in the mandibular retromolar area. The case report also describes the surgical retrieval procedure of the TAD screw using an intraoral approach and with fluoroscopy guidance using C-Arm radiographic imaging. This case is reported along with the pertinent review of literature, as it not only explains a rare complication of orthodontic mini-screw placement but also details a modality to remove displaced foreign bodies from fascial spaces of the head and neck, which are otherwise directly inaccessible.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Pseudoaneurysms of the neck are seldom, and those caused by neck infections especially parapharyngeal abscess are even rarer. However, it is life-threatening and may bring sudden death due to the obstruction of airway and the pseudoaneurysms rupture. We analyzed the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of the disease through a case summary and literature review in order to guide clinical diagnosis and treatment of pseudoaneurysms. The patient, whom we presented was an 87-year-old male and admitted in emergency of our hospital with the chief complaint of neck swelling for 7 days and shortness of breath for 2 days. Cervical ultrasound examination showed that there was an liquid dark area next to the left common carotid artery which was approximately 8.0 cm × 5.0 cm, consideration of formation of left carotid artery pseudoaneurysm, and the liquid dark area which was visible on the right considered of pseudoaneurysm or infection. Angiography of neck showed a clustered high-density shadow around the bifurcation of the left carotid artery, with an overall range of approximately 65 mm × 52 mm × 72 mm, the pseudoaneurysms for sure, while on the right side of the lesion, mixed low density shadows with air could be seen, the parapharyngeal abscess for sure.Then he was diagnosed as the pseudoaneurysm of left internal carotid artery which was caused by parapharyngeal abscess. After tracheal intubation and anti-infection treatment, the patient died due to hemorrhagic shock of the ruptured of the pseudoaneurysm. Morever we performed literature search on PubMed, Wanfang database and CNKI with keywords of \"neck pseudoaneurysm, neck infection, parapharyngeal abscess\" and enrolled 10 cases. Then we summarized the clinical characteristics and treatment. We analyzed and summarized the 10 case reports, in which the number of male was 7. Among them, there were 4 pediatric, and 6 adults were enrolled overall. Most of the symptoms were neck swelling, and the diseased blood vessel was mainly the right internal carotid artery which accounted for half overall. All the patients underwent surgical intervention, and recovered well. So we draw the conclusion that the clinical incidence of cervical pseudoaneurysms is low and can be caused by a variety of factors, especially caused by infectious factors. When a patient has a progressive pulsating mass in the neck, the preliminary diagnosis should be made by ultrasound as soon as possible, and the aortic enhancement CT should be used to further confirm.For a patient with cervical pseudo-aneurysms caused by parapharyngeal infections, he should take operation timely combined with antibiotic treatment in time.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Most toothbrush-induced oral injuries occur in children and are relatively shallow, involving the oral mucous membranes and musculature, but rarely deeper layers. Here, the management of an adult case of pharyngeal injury caused by a toothbrush is discussed. A man fell while brushing his teeth, and his toothbrush stuck in his throat. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed a toothbrush stuck in the left parapharyngeal space, reaching the subcutaneous tissue of the posterior neck. The toothbrush was surgically removed because blind removal could damage major cervical arterioles and nerves. In intraoral injuries caused by deep penetrating toothbrushes, there is a risk that the injury extends to the major arterioles and nerves of the neck. The need for imaging studies, methods of removal, and possible complications should all be considered before taking an appropriate removal action.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cavernous hemangioma is a noncancerous vascular growth that arises from different parts of the head and neck region. However, parapharyngeal space contributes a very small percentage for its occurrence. We present a case of right parapharyngeal cavernous hemangioma, a very rare clinical presentation. This is a 57-year-old female presented with throat discomfort for 3 months. Examination finding showed a soft, diffuse, and non-pulsating mass over the right upper jugulodigastric region. A contrasted computed topographic scan revealed multiple calcifications in right parapharyngeal space. T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging showed right parapharyngeal space mass with high signal and multiple phleboliths and dynamic angiogram unremarkable. Surgical resection done via transcervical approach and histopathological report revealed cavernous hemangioma with calcified thrombi. In conclusion, surgical intervention is the mainstay treatment and transcervical approach which is adopted in this case is the commonest approach used in surgical resection of cavernous hemangioma.





